? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

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Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/installation2/template/js/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/installation2/template/js/validation.js

* @version		$Id: validation.js 14401 2010-01-26 14:10:00Z louis $
* @package		Joomla
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license		http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

 * Unobtrusive Form Validation library
 * Inspired by: Chris Campbell <www.particletree.com>
 * @package		Joomla
 * @subpackage	Installation
 * @since		1.5

// JFormValidator prototype
JFormValidator = function() { this.constructor.apply(this, arguments);}
JFormValidator.prototype = {

	constructor: function()
		var self = this;

		this.valid		= true;
		this.vContinue	= true;
		this.handlers	= Object();

		// Default regexes
		this.handlers['date']		= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										return regex.test(value);
		this.handlers['phone']		= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										return regex.test(value);
		this.handlers['zipcode']	= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										return regex.test(value);
		this.handlers['sitename']	= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										return regex.test(value);
		this.handlers['password']	= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										regex=/^\S[\S ]{2,98}\S$/;
										return regex.test(value);
		this.handlers['numeric']	= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										return regex.test(value);
		this.handlers['email']		= { enabled : true,
									exec : function (value) {
										return regex.test(value);

	registerEvent: function(target,type,args)
		//use a closure to keep scope
		var self = this;

		if (target.addEventListener)   {
		} else if (target.attachEvent) {

		function onEvent(e)	{
			e = e||window.event;
			e.element = target;
			return self["on"+type](e, args);

	attachToForm: function(form)
		// Iterate through the form object and attach the validate
		// method to all input fields.
		for (var i=0;i < form.elements.length; i++) {
			form.elements[i].onchange = function(){return document.formvalidator.validate(this);}
		// Attach the validate method to the onsubmit event for the given form
		form.onsubmit = function(){return validate(this);}

	validate: function(target)
		// Get the value of the target tag.
		switch (target.tagName) {
			case 'INPUT':
			case 'TEXTAREA':
				var value = target.value;
			case 'SELECT':
				var value = target.options[target.selectedIndex].value;
		// Check to see if the tag is to be validated
		var pivot = target.className.indexOf('validate');

		// Make sure we are set to go...
		this.vContinue = true;

		// get all the rules from the input box classname
		if (pivot != -1) {
			var rules = target.className.substring(pivot);
		} else {
		rules = rules.split(' ');

		 * Validation rules are as follows
		 * [0] 'validate'	-- to validate the field this should always be 'validate'
		 * [1] 'required'	-- this means the field is required and should be populated
		 * [2] 'type'		-- this represents an additional validation type (ie. email, phone, date)
		 * [3] 'feedbackID'	-- this is the id of the element where feedback is sent to.
		var validate	= rules[0];
		var required	= rules[1];
		var type		= rules[2];
		var feedbackID	= rules[3];

		// Check for derived feedbackID
		if (feedbackID) {
			if (feedbackID.charAt(0) == '@') {
				feedbackID = target.id + '-' + feedbackID.substring(1);

		// The validation state for the target
		var state;

		//validateRequired() checks if it is required and then sends back feedback
		state = this.validateRequired (required, value, type);

		 * If the field is required and blank the fvContinue field will be false
		 * and we shouldn't bother validating the specific type... it will just
		 * cause potential errors.
		if (this.vContinue)
			// Check the additional validation types
			if ((type) && (type != 'none') && (this.handlers[type])) {
				// Execute the validation handler and return result
				if (this.handlers[type].exec(value)) {
			      state = true;
				} else {
			      state = false;

		this.handleResponse(state, target, feedbackID);

		// Return validation state
		return state;

	validateRequired: function(required, value, type)
		//check if required if not, continue validation script
		if (required == "required") {
			//if it is rquired and blank then it is an error and continues to be required
	   		if (value == "") {
				this.vContinue = false;
				return  false;
			//if its not blank and has no other validation requirements the field passes
			else if (type == "none") {
				return true;

	isValid: function(form, element)
		var valid = true;
		for (var i=0;i < form.elements.length; i++) {
			if ((element == '') || ((element != '') && (form.elements[i].name==element))) {
				if (this.validate(form.elements[i]) == false) {
					valid = false;
		return valid;

	handleResponse: function(state, target, feedback)
		// Set the default values for the target and extra objects
		if (target.origBorder != '') {
			target.origBorder = target.style.borderColor;
		// Set color to red if the object doesn't validate
		if (state == false) {
			target.style.borderColor = '#f00';
		} else {
			target.style.borderColor = target.origBorder;

		// Get the extra object
		var	extra = document.getElementById(feedback);
		// Set extra color to red if the object doesn't validate
		if (extra) {
			if (extra.origColor != '') {
				extra.origColor = extra.style.color;
			if (state == false) {
				extra.style.color = '#f00';
			} else {
				extra.style.color = extra.origColor;

document.formvalidator = null;
	document.formvalidator = new JFormValidator();
