? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/template/default_ex/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/template/default_ex/showcat.php

* @version $Id: showcat.php 2059 2010-03-14 03:42:18Z mahagr $
* Kunena Component
* @package Kunena
* @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Kunena Team All rights reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @link http://www.kunena.com
* Based on FireBoard Component
* @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com
* Based on Joomlaboard Component
* @copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 TSMF / Jan de Graaff / All Rights Reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @author TSMF & Jan de Graaff
// Dont allow direct linking
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die('Restricted access');

$app =& JFactory::getApplication();
$fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance();
$fbSession =& CKunenaSession::getInstance();
global $is_Moderator;

function KunenaShowcatPagination($catid, $page, $totalpages, $maxpages) {
    $startpage = ($page - floor($maxpages/2) < 1) ? 1 : $page - floor($maxpages/2);
    $endpage = $startpage + $maxpages;
    if ($endpage > $totalpages) {
	$startpage = ($totalpages-$maxpages) < 1 ? 1 : $totalpages-$maxpages;
	$endpage = $totalpages;

    $output = '<span class="fb_pagination">'._PAGE;

    if (($startpage) > 1)
	if ($endpage < $totalpages) $endpage--;
        $output .= CKunenaLink::GetCategoryPageLink('showcat', $catid, 1, 1, $rel='follow');
	if (($startpage) > 2)
	    $output .= "...";

    for ($i = $startpage; $i <= $endpage && $i <= $totalpages; $i++)
        if ($page == $i) {
            $output .= "<strong>$i</strong>";
        else {
            $output .= CKunenaLink::GetCategoryPageLink('showcat', $catid, $i, $i, $rel='follow');

    if ($endpage < $totalpages)
	if ($endpage < $totalpages-1)
	    $output .= "...";

        $output .= CKunenaLink::GetCategoryPageLink('showcat', $catid, $totalpages, $totalpages, $rel='follow');

    $output .= '</span>';
    return $output;

require_once(KUNENA_PATH_LIB .DS. 'kunena.authentication.php');

//Security basics begin
//Securing passed form elements:
$catid = (int)$catid;

//resetting some things:
$moderatedForum = 0;
$forumLocked = 0;
$topicLocked = 0;
$topicSticky = 0;


//get the allowed forums and turn it into an array
$allow_forum = ($fbSession->allowed <> '')?explode(',', $fbSession->allowed):array();

if (in_array($catid, $allow_forum))
    $threads_per_page = $fbConfig->threads_per_page;

    if ($catid <= 0) {
        //make sure we got a valid category id
        $catid = 1;

    $view = $view == "" ? $settings[current_view] : $view;
    setcookie("fboard_settings[current_view]", $view, time() + 31536000, '/');
    /*//////////////// Start selecting messages, prepare them for threading, etc... /////////////////*/
    $page = (int)$page;
    $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $threads_per_page;
    $row_count = $page * $threads_per_page;
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__fb_messages WHERE parent='0' AND catid='{$catid}' AND hold='0'");
    $total = (int)$kunena_db->loadResult();
    	check_dberror('Unable to get message count.');
    $totalpages = ceil($total / $threads_per_page);

$query = "SELECT t.id, MAX(m.id) AS lastid FROM #__fb_messages AS t
	INNER JOIN #__fb_messages AS m ON t.id = m.thread
	WHERE t.parent='0' AND t.hold='0' AND t.catid='{$catid}' AND m.hold='0' AND m.catid='{$catid}'
	GROUP BY m.thread ORDER BY t.ordering DESC, lastid DESC";
$kunena_db->setQuery($query, $offset, $threads_per_page);
$threadids = $kunena_db->loadResultArray();
	check_dberror("Unable to load thread list.");
$idstr = @join(",", $threadids);

$favthread = array();
$thread_counts = array();
$messages = array();
$messages[0] = array();
if (count($threadids) > 0)
$query = "SELECT a.*, j.id AS userid, t.message AS messagetext, l.myfavorite, l.favcount, l.attachmesid, l.msgcount, l.lastid, u.avatar, c.id AS catid, c.name AS catname
		SELECT m.thread, (f.userid='{$kunena_my->id}') AS myfavorite, COUNT(DISTINCT f.userid) AS favcount, COUNT(a.mesid) AS attachmesid,
			COUNT(DISTINCT m.id) AS msgcount, MAX(m.id) AS lastid, MAX(m.time) AS lasttime
		FROM #__fb_messages AS m
		LEFT JOIN #__fb_favorites AS f ON f.thread = m.thread
		LEFT JOIN #__fb_attachments AS a ON a.mesid = m.thread
		WHERE m.hold='0' AND m.thread IN ({$idstr})
		GROUP BY thread
	) AS l
	INNER JOIN #__fb_messages AS a ON a.thread = l.thread
	INNER JOIN #__fb_messages_text AS t ON a.thread = t.mesid
	LEFT JOIN #__users AS j ON j.id = a.userid
	LEFT JOIN #__fb_users AS u ON u.userid = j.id
	LEFT JOIN #__fb_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid
	WHERE (a.parent='0' OR a.id=l.lastid)
	ORDER BY ordering DESC, lastid DESC";

$messagelist = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
	check_dberror("Unable to load messages.");

foreach ($messagelist as $message)
	$messages[$message->parent][] = $message;
	$messagetext[$message->id] = substr(smile::purify($message->messagetext), 0, 500);
	if ($message->parent==0)
		$hits[$message->id] = $message->hits;
		$thread_counts[$message->id] = $message->msgcount-1;
		$last_read[$message->id]->unread = 0;
		if ($message->favcount) $favthread[$message->id] = $message->favcount;
		if ($message->id == $message->lastid) $last_read[$message->id]->lastread = $last_reply[$message->id] = $message;
		$last_read[$message->thread]->lastread = $last_reply[$message->thread] = $message;

    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT thread, MIN(id) AS lastread, SUM(1) AS unread FROM #__fb_messages "
                       ."WHERE hold='0' AND moved='0' AND thread IN ({$idstr}) AND time>'{$prevCheck}' GROUP BY thread");
    $msgidlist = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
    check_dberror("Unable to get unread messages count and first id.");

    foreach ($msgidlist as $msgid)
        if (!in_array($msgid->thread, $read_topics)) $last_read[$msgid->thread] = $msgid;

    //get number of pending messages
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__fb_messages WHERE catid='{$catid}' AND hold='1'");
    $numPending = $kunena_db->loadResult();
    	check_dberror('Unable to get number of pending messages.');
    //Get the category name for breadcrumb
    unset($objCatInfo, $objCatParentInfo);
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_categories WHERE id='{$catid}'");
    $objCatInfo = $kunena_db->loadObject();
    	check_dberror('Unable to get categories.');
    //Get the Category's parent category name for breadcrumb
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT name, id FROM #__fb_categories WHERE id='{$objCatInfo->parent}'");
    $objCatParentInfo = $kunena_db->loadObject();
    	check_dberror('Unable to get parent category.');;
    //check if this forum is locked
    $forumLocked = $objCatInfo->locked;
    //check if this forum is subject to review
    $forumReviewed = $objCatInfo->review;

	//meta description and keywords
	$metaKeys=kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(_KUNENA_CATEGORIES . ", {$objCatParentInfo->name}, {$objCatInfo->name}, {$fbConfig->board_title}, " . $app->getCfg('sitename')));
	$metaDesc=kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes("{$objCatParentInfo->name} ({$page}/{$totalpages}) - {$objCatInfo->name} - {$fbConfig->board_title}"));

	$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
	$cur = $document->get( 'description' );
	$metaDesc = $cur .'. ' . $metaDesc;
	$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
	$document->setMetadata( 'keywords', $metaKeys );
<!-- Pathway -->
    if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_pathway.php')) {
        require_once(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_pathway.php');
    else {
        require_once(KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'fb_pathway.php');
<!-- / Pathway -->
<?php if($objCatInfo->headerdesc) { ?>
<table class="fb_forum-headerdesc" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
		$smileyList = smile::getEmoticons(0);
		$headerdesc = stripslashes(smile::smileReplace($objCatInfo->headerdesc, 0, $fbConfig->disemoticons, $smileyList));
        $headerdesc = nl2br($headerdesc);
        $headerdesc = smile::htmlwrap($headerdesc, $fbConfig->wrap);
		echo $headerdesc;
<?php } ?>

<!-- B: List Actions -->

	<table class="fb_list_actions" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
			<td class="fb_list_actions_goto">
                //go to bottom
                echo '<a name="forumtop" /> ';
                echo CKunenaLink::GetSamePageAnkerLink('forumbottom', isset($fbIcons['bottomarrow']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['bottomarrow'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_GOTOBOTTOM . '" title="' . _GEN_GOTOBOTTOM . '"/>' : _GEN_GOTOBOTTOM);

		</td><td class="fb_list_actions_forum" width="100%">

                if ($is_Moderator || ($forumLocked == 0 && ($kunena_my->id > 0 || $fbConfig->pubwrite)))
                    //this user is allowed to post a new topic:
                    $forum_new = CKunenaLink::GetPostNewTopicLink($catid, isset($fbIcons['new_topic']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['new_topic'] . '" alt="' . _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC . '" title="' . _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC . '" border="0" />' : _GEN_POST_NEW_TOPIC);
                if ($kunena_my->id != 0)
                    $forum_markread = CKunenaLink::GetCategoryLink('markThisRead', $catid, isset($fbIcons['markThisForumRead']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['markThisForumRead'] . '" alt="' . _GEN_MARK_THIS_FORUM_READ . '" title="' . _GEN_MARK_THIS_FORUM_READ . '" border="0" />' : _GEN_MARK_THIS_FORUM_READ, $rel='nofollow');

		if (isset($forum_new) || isset($forum_markread))
	        echo '<div class="fb_message_buttons_row" style="text-align: left;">';
	        if (isset($forum_new)) echo $forum_new;
	        if (isset($forum_markread)) echo ' '.$forum_markread;
	        echo '</div>';

		</td><td class="fb_list_pages_all" nowrap="nowrap">

                //pagination 1
		if (count($messages[0]) > 0)
			$maxpages = 9 - 2; // odd number here (show - 2)
			$totalpages = ceil($total / $threads_per_page);
			echo $pagination = KunenaShowcatPagination($catid, $page, $totalpages, $maxpages);

<!-- F: List Actions -->

    if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_sub_category_list.php')) {
        include(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_sub_category_list.php');
    else {
        include(KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'fb_sub_category_list.php');

    //get all readTopics in an array
    $readTopics = "";
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT readtopics FROM #__fb_sessions WHERE userid='{$kunena_my->id}'");
    $readTopics = $kunena_db->loadResult();
    	check_dberror('Unable to get read topics.');

    if (count($readTopics) == 0) {
        $readTopics = "0";
    } //make sure at least something is in there..
    //make it into an array
    $read_topics = explode(',', $readTopics);

    if (count($messages) > 0)
        if ($view == "flat")
            if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/flat.php')) {
                include(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/flat.php');
            else {
                include(KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'flat.php');
        else if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/thread.php')) {
            include(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/thread.php');
        else {
            include(KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'thread.php');
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo '<br /><br />' . _SHOWCAT_NO_TOPICS;
        echo "</p>";

<!-- B: List Actions Bottom -->

	<table class="fb_list_actions_bottom" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
		<td class="fb_list_actions_goto">
                //go to top
                echo '<a name="forumbottom" />';
                echo CKunenaLink::GetSamePageAnkerLink('forumtop', isset($fbIcons['toparrow']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['toparrow'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_GOTOTOP . '" title="' . _GEN_GOTOTOP . '"/>' : _GEN_GOTOTOP);

		</td><td class="fb_list_actions_forum" width="100%">

		if (isset($forum_new) || isset($forum_markread))
	        echo '<div class="fb_message_buttons_row" style="text-align: left;">';
	        if (isset($forum_new)) echo $forum_new;
	        if (isset($forum_markread)) echo ' '.$forum_markread;
	        echo '</div>';

		</td><td class="fb_list_pages_all" nowrap="nowrap">

		//pagination 2
                if (count($messages[0]) > 0)
			echo $pagination;
	echo '<div class = "'. $boardclass .'forum-pathway-bottom">';
	echo $pathway1;
	echo '</div>';

<!-- F: List Actions Bottom -->

<!-- B: Category List Bottom -->

<table class="fb_list_bottom" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width="100%">
		<td class="fb_list_moderators">

			<!-- Mod List -->

			//get the Moderator list for display
			$kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_moderation AS m LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id=m.userid WHERE m.catid='{$catid}'");
			$modslist = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
			check_dberror("Unable to load moderators.");

			if (count($modslist) > 0):

			<div class = "fbbox-bottomarea-modlist">

				echo '' . _GEN_MODERATORS . ": ";
				foreach ($modslist as $mod) {
					echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $mod->userid, ($fbConfig->username ? $mod->username : $mod->name)).'&nbsp; ';
				} ?>
	<?php endif; ?>
	<!-- /Mod List -->
      <td class="fb_list_categories"> <?php

                    //(JJ) FINISH: CAT LIST BOTTOM

                    if ($fbConfig->enableforumjump)
                        require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB .DS. 'kunena.forumjump.php');


<!-- F: Category List Bottom -->


function showChildren($category, $prefix = "", &$allow_forum)
    $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT id, name, parent FROM #__fb_categories WHERE parent='{$category}' AND published='1' ORDER BY ordering");
    $forums = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
    	check_dberror("Unable to load categories.");

    foreach ($forums as $forum)
        if (in_array($forum->id, $allow_forum)) {
            echo("<option value=\"{$forum->id}\">$prefix ".kunena_htmlspecialchars($forum->name)."</option>");

        showChildren($forum->id, $prefix . "---", $allow_forum);
