Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/template/default/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/template/default/listcat.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: listcat.php 827 2009-06-09 19:53:37Z mahagr $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Kunena Team All rights reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.com * * Based on FireBoard Component * @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com * * Based on Joomlaboard Component * @copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 TSMF / Jan de Graaff / All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @author TSMF & Jan de Graaff **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die('Restricted access'); $kunena_my = &JFactory::getUser(); $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance(); //securing passed form elements $catid = (int)$catid; //resetting some things: $moderatedForum = 0; $lockedForum = 0; // Start getting the categories $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_categories WHERE parent='0' and published='1' ORDER BY ordering"); $allCat = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load categories."); $threadids = array (); $categories = array (); $smileyList = smile::getEmoticons(0); // set page title $document=& JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle(_GEN_FORUMLIST . ' - ' . stripslashes($fbConfig->board_title)); if (count($allCat) > 0) { foreach ($allCat as $category) { $threadids[] = $category->id; $categories[$category->parent][] = $category; } } //Let's check if the only thing we need to show is 1 category if (in_array($catid, $threadids)) { //Yes, so now $threadids should contain only the current $catid: unset ($threadids); $threadids[] = $catid; //get new categories list for this category only: unset ($categories); $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_categories WHERE parent='0' AND published='1' and id='{$catid}' ORDER BY ordering"); $categories[$category->parent] = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load category."); } //get the allowed forums and turn it into an array $allow_forum = ($fbSession->allowed <> '')?explode(',', $fbSession->allowed):array(); // (JJ) BEGIN: ANNOUNCEMENT BOX if ($fbConfig->showannouncement > 0) { ?> <!-- B: announcementBox --> <?php if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/announcement/announcementbox.php')) { require_once (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/announcement/announcementbox.php'); } else { require_once (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/announcement/announcementbox.php'); } ?> <!-- F: announcementBox --> <?php } // (JJ) FINISH: ANNOUNCEMENT BOX // load module if (JDocumentHTML::countModules('kunena_announcement')) { ?> <div class = "fb-fb_2"> <?php $document = &JFactory::getDocument(); $renderer = $document->loadRenderer('modules'); $options = array('style' => 'xhtml'); $position = 'kunena_announcement'; echo $renderer->render($position, $options, null); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- B: Pathway --> <?php if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_pathway.php')) { require_once (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_pathway.php'); } else { require_once (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'fb_pathway.php'); } ?> <!-- F: Pathway --> <?php if (count($categories[0]) > 0) { foreach ($categories[0] as $cat) { $obj_fb_cat = new jbCategory($kunena_db, $cat->id); $is_Mod = fb_has_moderator_permission($kunena_db, $obj_fb_cat, $kunena_my->id, $is_admin); if (in_array($cat->id, $allow_forum)) { ?> <!-- B: List Cat --> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr1" id="fb_block<?php echo $cat->id ; ?>"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr2"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr3"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr4"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr5"> <table class = "fb_blocktable<?php echo $cat->class_sfx; ?>" width="100%" id = "fb_cat<?php echo $cat->id ; ?>" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan = "5"> <div class = "fb_title_cover fbm" > <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetCategoryLink('listcat', $cat->id, kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($cat->name)), 'follow', $class='fb_title fbl'); if ($cat->description != "") { $tmpforumdesc = stripslashes(smile::smileReplace($cat->description, 0, $fbConfig->disemoticons, $smileyList)); $tmpforumdesc = nl2br($tmpforumdesc); $tmpforumdesc = smile::htmlwrap($tmpforumdesc, $fbConfig->wrap); echo $tmpforumdesc; } ?> </div> <img id = "BoxSwitch_<?php echo $cat->id ; ?>__catid_<?php echo $cat->id ; ?>" class = "hideshow" src = "<?php echo KUNENA_URLIMAGESPATH . 'shrink.gif' ; ?>" alt = ""/> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id = "catid_<?php echo $cat->id ; ?>"> <tr class = "fb_sth fbs "> <th class = "th-1 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader" width="1%"> </th> <th class = "th-2 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader" align="left"><?php echo _GEN_FORUM; ?></th> <th class = "th-3 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader" align="center" width="5%"><?php echo _GEN_TOPICS; ?></th> <th class = "th-4 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader" align="center" width="5%"> <?php echo _GEN_REPLIES; ?> </th> <th class = "th-5 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader" align="left" width="25%"> <?php echo _GEN_LAST_POST; ?> </th> </tr> <?php // show forums within the categories $kunena_db->setQuery( "SELECT c.*, m.id AS mesid, m.subject, m.catid, m.name AS mname, m.userid, u.id AS uid, u.username, u.name AS uname FROM #__fb_categories AS c LEFT JOIN #__fb_messages AS m ON c.id_last_msg = m.id LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = m.userid WHERE c.parent='{$cat->id}' AND c.published='1' ORDER BY ordering"); $rows = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load categories."); $tabclass = array ( "sectiontableentry1", "sectiontableentry2" ); $k = 0; if (sizeof($rows) == 0) { echo '' . _GEN_NOFORUMS . ''; } else { foreach ($rows as $singlerow) { $obj_fb_cat = new jbCategory($kunena_db, $singlerow->id); $is_Mod = fb_has_moderator_permission($kunena_db, $obj_fb_cat, $kunena_my->id, $is_admin); if (in_array($singlerow->id, $allow_forum)) { // $k=for alternating row colors: $k = 1 - $k; $numtopics = $singlerow->numTopics; $numreplies = $singlerow->numPosts; $lastPosttime = $singlerow->time_last_msg; $lastptime = KUNENA_timeformat(CKunenaTools::fbGetShowTime($singlerow->time_last_msg)); $forumDesc = stripslashes(smile::smileReplace($singlerow->description, 0, $fbConfig->disemoticons, $smileyList)); $forumDesc = nl2br($forumDesc); $forumDesc = smile::htmlwrap($forumDesc, $fbConfig->wrap); // Get the forumsubparent categories :: get the subcategories here $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT id, name, numTopics, numPosts FROM #__fb_categories WHERE parent='{$singlerow->id}' AND published='1' ORDER BY ordering"); $forumparents = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load categories."); foreach ($forumparents as $childnum=>$childforum) { if (!in_array($childforum->id, $allow_forum)) unset ($forumparents[$childnum]); } $forumparents = array_values($forumparents); if ($kunena_my->id) { // get all threads with posts after the users last visit; don't bother for guests $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT thread FROM #__fb_messages WHERE catid='{$singlerow->id}' AND hold='0' AND time>'{$prevCheck}' GROUP BY thread"); $newThreadsAll = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load message threads."); if (count($newThreadsAll) == 0) { $newThreadsAll = array (); } } // get pending messages if user is a Moderator for that forum $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT userid FROM #__fb_moderation WHERE catid='{$singlerow->id}'"); $moderatorList = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load moderators."); $modIDs[] = array (); array_splice($modIDs, 0); if (count($moderatorList) > 0) { foreach ($moderatorList as $ml) { $modIDs[] = $ml->userid; } } $nummodIDs = count($modIDs); $numPending = 0; if ((in_array($kunena_my->id, $modIDs)) || $is_admin == 1) { $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__fb_messages WHERE catid='{$singlerow->id}' AND hold='1'"); $numPending = $kunena_db->loadResult(); $is_Mod = 1; } $numPending = (int)$numPending; // get latest post info unset($thisThread); $kunena_db->setQuery( "SELECT m.thread, COUNT(*) AS totalmessages FROM #__fb_messages AS m LEFT JOIN #__fb_messages AS mm ON m.thread=mm.thread WHERE m.id='{$singlerow->id_last_msg}' GROUP BY m.thread"); $thisThread = $kunena_db->loadObject(); if (!is_object($thisThread)) { $thisThread = new stdClass(); $thisThread->totalmessages = 0; $thisThread->thread = 0; } $latestthreadpages = ceil($thisThread->totalmessages / $fbConfig->messages_per_page); $latestthread = $thisThread->thread; $latestname = $singlerow->mname; $latestcatid = stripslashes($singlerow->catid); $latestid = $singlerow->id_last_msg; $latestsubject = html_entity_decode_utf8(stripslashes($singlerow->subject)); $latestuserid = $singlerow->userid; ?> <tr class = "<?php echo ''.$boardclass.'' . $tabclass[$k] . ''; ?>" id="fb_cat<?php echo $singlerow->id ?>"> <td class = "td-1" align="center"> <?php $tmpIcon = ''; $cxThereisNewInForum = 0; if ($fbConfig->shownew && $kunena_my->id != 0) { //Check if unread threads are in any of the forums topics $newPostsAvailable = 0; foreach ($newThreadsAll as $nta) { if (!in_array($nta->thread, $read_topics)) { $newPostsAvailable++; } } if ($newPostsAvailable > 0 && count($newThreadsAll) != 0) { $cxThereisNewInForum = 1; // Check Unread Cat Images if (is_file(KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $singlerow->id . "_on.gif")) { $tmpIcon = '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES.$singlerow->id.'_on.gif" border="0" class="forum-cat-image"alt=" " />'; } else { $tmpIcon = isset($fbIcons['unreadforum']) ? '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLICONSPATH.$fbIcons['unreadforum'].'" border="0" alt="'._GEN_FORUM_NEWPOST.'" title="'._GEN_FORUM_NEWPOST.'" />' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); } } else { // Check Read Cat Images if (is_file(KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $singlerow->id . "_off.gif")) { $tmpIcon = '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES.$singlerow->id.'_off.gif" border="0" class="forum-cat-image" alt=" " />'; } else { $tmpIcon = isset($fbIcons['readforum']) ? '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLICONSPATH.$fbIcons['readforum'].'" border="0" alt="'._GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW.'" title="'._GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW.'" />' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); } } } // Not Login Cat Images else { if (is_file(KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $singlerow->id . "_notlogin.gif")) { $tmpIcon = '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES.$singlerow->id.'_notlogin.gif" border="0" class="forum-cat-image" alt=" " />'; } else { $tmpIcon = isset($fbIcons['notloginforum']) ? '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLICONSPATH.$fbIcons['notloginforum'].'" border="0" alt="'._GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW.'" title="'._GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW.'" />' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); } } echo CKunenaLink::GetCategoryLink('showcat', $singlerow->id, $tmpIcon); ?> </td> <td class = "td-2" align="left"> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>thead-title fbl"> <?php //new posts available echo CKunenaLink::GetCategoryLink('showcat', $singlerow->id, kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($singlerow->name))); if ($cxThereisNewInForum == 1 && $kunena_my->id > 0) { echo '<sup><span class="newchar"> (' . $newPostsAvailable . ' ' . $fbConfig->newchar . ")</span></sup>"; } $cxThereisNewInForum = 0; ?> <?php if ($singlerow->locked) { echo isset($fbIcons['forumlocked']) ? ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['forumlocked'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_LOCKED_FORUM . '" title="' . _GEN_LOCKED_FORUM . '"/>' : ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'lock.gif" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_LOCKED_FORUM . '">'; $lockedForum = 1; } if ($singlerow->review) { echo isset($fbIcons['forummoderated']) ? ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['forummoderated'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_MODERATED . '" title="' . _GEN_MODERATED . '"/>' : ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'review.gif" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_MODERATED . '">'; $moderatedForum = 1; } ?> </div> <?php if ($forumDesc != "") { ?> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>thead-desc fbm"> <?php echo $forumDesc ?> </div> <?php } // loop over subcategories to show them under if (count($forumparents) > 0) { ?> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass?>thead-child"> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass?>cc-childcat-title fbs"> <b><?php if(count($forumparents)==1) { echo _KUNENA_CHILD_BOARD; } else { echo _KUNENA_CHILD_BOARDS; } ?>:</b> </div> <table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" border = "0" class = "<?php echo $boardclass?>cc-table"> <?php //row index $ir9 = 0; $cfg_numforums = $fbConfig->numchildcolumn>0 ? $fbConfig->numchildcolumn : 2; $num_rows = ceil(count($forumparents) / $cfg_numforums); // foreach ($forumparents as $forumparent) for ($row_count = 0; $row_count < $num_rows; $row_count++) { echo '<tr>'; for ($col_count = 0; $col_count < $cfg_numforums; $col_count++) { echo '<td width="' . floor(100 / $cfg_numforums) . '%" class="' . $boardclass . 'cc-sectiontableentry1 fbm">'; $forumparent = @$forumparents[$ir9]; if ($forumparent) { //Begin: parent read unread iconset if ($fbConfig->showchildcaticon) { // if ($fbConfig->shownew && $kunena_my->id != 0) { // get all threads with posts after the users last visit; don't bother for guests $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT thread FROM #__fb_messages WHERE catid='{$forumparent->id}' AND hold='0' AND time>'{$prevCheck}' GROUP BY thread"); $newPThreadsAll = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load messages."); if (count($newPThreadsAll) == 0) { $newPThreadsAll = array (); } ?> <?php //Check if unread threads are in any of the forums topics $newPPostsAvailable = 0; foreach ($newPThreadsAll as $npta) { if (!in_array($npta->thread, $read_topics)) { $newPPostsAvailable++; } } if ($newPPostsAvailable > 0 && count($newPThreadsAll) != 0) { // Check Unread Cat Images if (is_file(KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $forumparent->id . "_on_childsmall.gif")) { echo "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $forumparent->id . "_on_childsmall.gif\" border=\"0\" class='forum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { echo isset($fbIcons['unreadforum']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['unreadforum_childsmall'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_FORUM_NEWPOST . '" title="' . _GEN_FORUM_NEWPOST . '" />' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); } } else { // Check Read Cat Images if (is_file(KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $forumparent->id . "_off_childsmall.gif")) { echo "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $forumparent->id . "_off_childsmall.gif\" border=\"0\" class='forum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { echo isset($fbIcons['readforum']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['readforum_childsmall'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW . '" title="' . _GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW . '" />' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); } } } // Not Login Cat Images else { if (is_file(KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $forumparent->id . "_notlogin_childsmall.gif")) { echo "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $forumparent->id . "_notlogin_childsmall.gif\" border=\"0\" class='forum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { echo isset($fbIcons['notloginforum']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['notloginforum_childsmall'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW . '" title="' . _GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW . '" />' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); } ?> <?php } // } // end: parent read unread iconset ?> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetCategoryLink('showcat', $forumparent->id, kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($forumparent->name))); echo '<span class="fb_childcount fbs">('.$forumparent->numTopics."/".$forumparent->numPosts.')</span>'; } echo "</td>"; $ir9++; } // inner column loop echo "</tr>"; } ?> </table> </div> <?php } //get the Moderator list for display $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_moderation AS m LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id=m.userid WHERE m.catid='{$singlerow->id}'"); $modslist = $kunena_db->loadObjectList(); check_dberror("Unable to load moderators."); // moderator list if (count($modslist) > 0) { ?> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass ;?>thead-moderators fbs"> <?php echo _GEN_MODERATORS; ?>: <?php $mod_cnt = 0; foreach ($modslist as $mod) { if ($mod_cnt) echo ', '; $mod_cnt++; echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $mod->userid, ($fbConfig->username ? $mod->username : $mod->name)); } ?> </div> <?php } if ($is_Mod) { if ($numPending > 0) { echo '<div class="fbs"><font color="red"> '; echo CKunenaLink::GetPendingMessagesLink($singlerow->id, $numPending.' '._SHOWCAT_PENDING); echo '</font></div>'; } } ?> </td> <td class = "td-3 fbm" align="center" ><?php echo $numtopics; ?></td> <td class = "td-4 fbm" align="center" > <?php echo $numreplies; ?> </td> <?php if ($numtopics != 0) { ?> <td class = "td-5" align="left"> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>latest-subject fbm"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $singlerow->catid, $latestthread, $latestthreadpages, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, $latestsubject, $latestid); ?> </div> <div class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>latest-subject-by fbs"> <?php echo _GEN_BY.' '; echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $latestuserid, $latestname); echo ' | '.$lastptime.' '; echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $singlerow->catid, $latestthread, $latestthreadpages, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, isset($fbIcons['latestpost']) ? '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLICONSPATH.$fbIcons['latestpost'].'" border="0" alt="'._SHOW_LAST.'" title="'. _SHOW_LAST.'"/>' : '<img src="'.KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH.'icon_newest_reply.gif" border="0" alt="'._SHOW_LAST.'"/>', $latestid); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <td class = "td-5" align="left"> <?php echo _NO_POSTS; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } } } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- F: List Cat --> <?php } } ?> <?php //(JJ) BEGIN: RECENT POSTS if ($fbConfig->showlatest) { if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/recentposts/recentposts.php')) { include (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/recentposts/recentposts.php'); } else { include (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/recentposts/recentposts.php'); } } //(JJ) FINISH: RECENT POSTS if ($fbConfig->showstats) { //(JJ) BEGIN: STATS if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/stats/stats.class.php')) { include_once (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/stats/stats.class.php'); } else { include_once (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/stats/stats.class.php'); } if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/stats/frontstats.php')) { include (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/stats/frontstats.php'); } else { include (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/stats/frontstats.php'); } } //(JJ) FINISH: STATS if ($fbConfig->showwhoisonline) { //(JJ) BEGIN: WHOISONLINE if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/whoisonline.php')) { include (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/who/whoisonline.php'); } else { include (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/who/whoisonline.php'); } //(JJ) FINISH: WHOISONLINE } //(JJ) FINISH: CAT LIST BOTTOM if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_category_list_bottom.php')) { include (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/fb_category_list_bottom.php'); } else { include (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'fb_category_list_bottom.php'); } ?> <?php } else { ?> <div> <?php echo _LISTCAT_NO_CATS . '<br />'; echo _LISTCAT_ADMIN . '<br />'; echo _LISTCAT_PANEL . '<br /><br />'; echo _LISTCAT_INFORM . '<br /><br />'; echo _LISTCAT_DO . ' <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'wink.png" alt="" border="0" />'; ?> </div> <?php } ?>