Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/template/default/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/template/default/flat.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: flat.php 2615 2010-06-02 20:43:01Z mahagr $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Kunena Team All rights reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.com * * Based on FireBoard Component * @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com * * Based on Joomlaboard Component * @copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 TSMF / Jan de Graaff / All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @author TSMF & Jan de Graaff **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die('Restricted access'); $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance(); // url of current page that user will be returned to after bulk operation $kuri = JURI::getInstance (); $Breturn = $kuri->toString ( array('path', 'query', 'fragment') ); $app->setUserState( "com_kunena.ActionBulk", JRoute::_( $Breturn ) ); global $is_Moderator; // topic emoticons $topic_emoticons = array (); $topic_emoticons[0] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'default.gif'; $topic_emoticons[1] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'exclam.gif'; $topic_emoticons[2] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'question.gif'; $topic_emoticons[3] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'arrow.gif'; $topic_emoticons[4] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'love.gif'; $topic_emoticons[5] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'grin.gif'; $topic_emoticons[6] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'shock.gif'; $topic_emoticons[7] = KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'smile.gif'; $tabclass = array ( "sectiontableentry1", "sectiontableentry2" ); $st_count = 0; if (count($messages[0]) > 0) { foreach ($messages[0] as $leafa) { if ($leafa->ordering > 0) { $st_count++; } } } if (count($messages[0]) > 0) { ?> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr1"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr2"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr3"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr4"> <div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr5"> <form action = "index.php" method = "post" name = "fbBulkActionForm"> <table class = "fb_blocktable<?php echo $objCatInfo->class_sfx; ?>" id = "fb_flattable" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan = "<?php echo ($is_Moderator?"7":"6");?>"> <div class = "fb_title_cover fbm"> <span class = "fb_title fbl"><b><?php echo _KUNENA_THREADS_IN_FORUM; ?>:</b> <?php echo '' . kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($objCatInfo->name)) . ''; ?></span> </div> <!-- FORUM TOOLS --> <?php //(JJ) BEGIN: RECENT POSTS if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/forumtools/forumtools.php')) { include (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/forumtools/forumtools.php'); } else { include (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/forumtools/forumtools.php'); } //(JJ) FINISH: RECENT POSTS ?> <!-- /FORUM TOOLS --> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class = "fb_sth fbs "> <th class = "th-1 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" width="1%"> </th> <th class = "th-2 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" width="1%"> </th> <th class = "th-3 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" align="left"><?php echo _GEN_TOPICS; ?></th> <th class = "th-4 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" width="5%" align="center"><?php echo _GEN_REPLIES; ?></th> <th class = "th-5 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" width="5%" align="center"><?php echo _GEN_HITS; ?></th> <th class = "th-6 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" width="20%" align="left"><?php echo _GEN_LAST_POST; ?></th> <?php if ($is_Moderator) { ?> <th class = "th-7 <?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableheader" width="1%" align="center">[x]</th> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $k = 0; $st_c = 0; $st_occured = 0; foreach ($messages[0] as $leaf) { $k = 1 - $k; //used for alternating colours //$leaf->subject = kunena_htmlspecialchars($leaf->subject); $leaf->name = kunena_htmlspecialchars($leaf->name); $leaf->email = kunena_htmlspecialchars($leaf->email); $bof_avatar = ""; ?> <?php //(JJ) ATTACHMENTS $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT mesid FROM #__fb_attachments WHERE mesid='{$leaf->id}'"); $attachmentsicon = $kunena_db->loadResult(); //(JJ) AVATAR if ($fbConfig->avataroncat) { if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "jomsocial" && $leaf->userid) { // Get CUser object $user =& CFactory::getUser($last_reply[$leaf->id]->userid); $bof_avatar = '<img class="catavatar" src="' . $user->getThumbAvatar() . '" alt=" " />'; } else if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "cb") { $bof_avatar = $kunenaProfile->showAvatar($last_reply[$leaf->id]->userid, 'catavatar'); } else { //first we gather some information about this person unset($CatUser); $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_users AS su LEFT JOIN #__users AS u on u.id=su.userid WHERE su.userid='{$leaf->userid}'"); $CatUser = $kunena_db->loadObject(); if (is_object($CatUser)) $javatar = $CatUser->avatar; if (isset($javatar)) { $bof_avatar = '<img class="catavatar" src="'.(!file_exists(KUNENA_PATH_UPLOADED .DS. 'avatars/s_' . $javatar)?KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH.'/avatars/'.$javatar:KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH.'/avatars/s_'.$javatar) .'" alt="" />'; } } } ?> <?php if ($st_c == 0 && $st_occured != 1 && $st_count != 0) { //$st_occured = 1; ?> <tr> <td class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>contentheading fbm" id = "fb_spot" colspan = "<?php echo ($is_Moderator?"7":"6");?>" align="left"> <span><?php echo _KUNENA_SPOTS; ?></span> </td> </tr> <?php } if ($st_c == $st_count && $st_occured != 1 && $st_count != 0) { $st_occured = 1; $k = 0; ?> <tr> <td class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>contentheading fbm" id = "fb_fspot" colspan = "<?php echo ($is_Moderator?"7":"6");?>" align="left"> <span><?php echo _KUNENA_FORUM; ?></span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?><?php echo $tabclass[$k];?><?php if ($leaf->ordering==0) { } else {echo '_stickymsg'; $topicSticky=1; }?>"> <?php if ($leaf->locked == 0) { if ($fbConfig->shownew && $kunena_my->id != 0 && !$leaf->moved) { if (($prevCheck < $last_reply[$leaf->id]->time) && !in_array($last_reply[$leaf->id]->thread, $read_topics)) { //new post(s) in topic echo '<td class="td-1" align="center">'; echo isset($fbIcons['unreadmessage']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['unreadmessage'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_UNREAD . '" title="' . _GEN_UNREAD . '"/>' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); echo '</td>'; } else { //no new posts in topic echo '<td class="td-1" align="center">'; echo isset($fbIcons['readmessage']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['readmessage'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_NOUNREAD . '" title="' . _GEN_NOUNREAD . '"/>' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); echo '</td>'; } } else { //not Login echo '<td class="td-1" align="center">'; echo isset($fbIcons['notloginmessage']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['notloginmessage'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_NOUNREAD . '" title="' . _GEN_NOUNREAD . '"/>' : stripslashes($fbConfig->newchar); echo '</td>'; } } else { echo isset($fbIcons['topiclocked']) ? '<td class="td-1" align="center"><img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['topiclocked'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC . '" />' : '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'lock.gif" alt="' . _GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC . '" title="' . _GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC . '" /></td>'; $topicLocked = 1; } ?> <?php if ($leaf->moved == 0) { ?> <td class = "td-2" align="center"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetSimpleLink($id); echo $leaf->topic_emoticon == 0 ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'default.gif" border="0" alt="" />' : "<img src=\"" . $topic_emoticons[$leaf->topic_emoticon] . "\" alt=\"emo\" border=\"0\" />"; ?> </td> <?php if ($leaf->ordering == 0) { echo "<td class=\"td-3\">"; } else { echo "<td class=\"td-3\">"; echo isset($fbIcons['topicsticky']) ? '<img class="stickyicon" src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['topicsticky'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _GEN_ISSTICKY . '" />' : '<img class="stickyicon" src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'pushpin.gif" alt="' . _GEN_ISSTICKY . '" title="' . _GEN_ISSTICKY . '" />'; $topicSticky = 1; } ?> <?php //(JJ) ATTACHMENTS ICON if ($attachmentsicon > 0) { echo isset($fbIcons['topicattach']) ? '<img class="attachicon" src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['topicattach'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_ATTACH . '" />' : '<img class="attachicon" src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'attachment.gif" alt="' . _KUNENA_ATTACH . '" title="' . _KUNENA_ATTACH . '" />'; } ?> <div class = "fb-topic-title-cover"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadLink('view', $leaf->catid, $leaf->id, kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($leaf->subject)), '', 'follow', 'fb-topic-title fbm');?> <!-- Favourite --> <?php if ($fbConfig->allowfavorites) { $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__fb_favorites WHERE thread='{$leaf->id}' && userid='{$kunena_my->id}'"); if (intval($kunena_db->loadResult()) > 0) { echo isset($fbIcons['favoritestar']) ? '<img class="favoritestar" src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['favoritestar'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _KUNENA_FAVORITE . '" />' : '<img class="favoritestar" src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'favoritestar.gif" alt="' . _KUNENA_FAVORITE . '" title="' . _KUNENA_FAVORITE . '" />'; } } ?> <!-- /Favourite --> <span class = "fb-topic-by fbs"> <?php echo _GEN_BY.' '.CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $leaf->userid, kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($leaf->name)));?></span> <?php if ($fbConfig->shownew && $kunena_my->id != 0) { if (($prevCheck < $last_reply[$leaf->id]->time) && !in_array($last_reply[$leaf->id]->thread, $read_topics)) { //new post(s) in topic echo '<sup><span class="newchar"> (' . $fbConfig->newchar . ")</span></sup>"; } } ?> <?php // (JJ) AVATAR if ($fbConfig->avataroncat) { echo $bof_avatar; } ?> <?php $totalMessages = $thread_counts[$leaf->id]; $threadPages = 1; if ($totalMessages > $fbConfig->messages_per_page) { $threadPages = ceil($totalMessages / $fbConfig->messages_per_page); echo ("<span class=\"jr-showcat-perpage\">["); echo _PAGE.' '.CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $leaf->catid, $leaf->id, 1, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, 1); if ($threadPages > 3) { echo ("..."); $startPage = $threadPages - 2; } else { echo (","); $startPage = 2; } $noComma = true; for ($hopPage = $startPage; $hopPage <= $threadPages; $hopPage++) { if ($noComma) { $noComma = false; } else { echo (","); } echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $leaf->catid, $leaf->id, $hopPage, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, $hopPage); } echo ("]</span>"); } ?> </div> <?php } else { //this thread has been moved, get the new location $newURL = ""; //init $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT message, mesid FROM #__fb_messages_text WHERE mesid='{$leaf->id}'"); $newURL = $kunena_db->loadResult(); // split the string and separate catid and id for proper link assembly parse_str($newURL, $newURLParams); ?> <td class = "td-2"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetSimpleLink($id);?> <img src = "<?php echo KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH ;?>arrow.gif" alt = "emo"/> </td> <td class = "td-3"> <div class = "fb-topic-title-cover"> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadLink('view', $newURLParams['catid'], $newURLParams['id'], kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($leaf->subject)), kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($leaf->subject)), 'follow', 'fb-topic-title-cover');?> </div> <?php } ?> </td> <td class = "td-4 fbm" align="center"> <?php echo $leaf->moved ? _KUNENA_TOPIC_MOVED : (int)$thread_counts[$leaf->id]; ?> </td> <td class = "td-5 fbm" align="center"> <?php echo $leaf->moved ? _KUNENA_TOPIC_MOVED : (int)$hits[$leaf->id]; ?> </td> <td class = "td-6"> <div class = "fb-latest-subject-date fbs"> <?php echo $leaf->moved ? _KUNENA_TOPIC_MOVED_LONG : date(_DATETIME, $last_reply[$leaf->id]->time); ?> <?php if ($leaf->moved) { } else { ?> <?php echo _GEN_BY; ?> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($fbConfig, $last_reply[$leaf->id]->userid, kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($last_reply[$leaf->id]->name)));?> <?php } ?> <?php $tmpicon = ''; if (!$leaf->moved) { $tmpicon = isset($fbIcons['latestpost']) ? '<img src="' .KUNENA_URLICONSPATH.$fbIcons['latestpost'].'" border="0" alt="'._SHOW_LAST.'" />':' <img src="'.KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH.'icon_newest_reply.gif" border="0" alt="'._SHOW_LAST.'" title="'._SHOW_LAST.'" />'; } echo CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageLink($fbConfig, 'view', $leaf->catid, $leaf->id, $threadPages, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, $tmpicon, $last_reply[$leaf->id]->id); ?> </div> </td> <?php if ($is_Moderator) { ?> <td class = "td-7" align="center"> <input type = "checkbox" name = "fbDelete[<?php echo $leaf->id?>]" value = "1"/> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $st_c++; } ?> <?php if ($is_Moderator) { ?> <tr class = "<?php echo $boardclass ?>sectiontableentry1"> <td colspan = "7" align = "right" class = "td-1 fbs"> <script type = "text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#fbBulkActions').change(function() { var myList = jQuery(this); if (jQuery(myList).val() == "bulkMove") { jQuery("#KUNENA_AvailableForums").removeAttr('disabled'); } else { jQuery("#KUNENA_AvailableForums").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); }); </script> <select name = "do" id = "fbBulkActions" class = "inputbox fbs"> <option value = ""> </option> <option value = "bulkDel"><?php echo _KUNENA_DELETE_SELECTED ; ?></option> <option value = "bulkMove"><?php echo _KUNENA_MOVE_SELECTED ; ?></option> </select> <?php CKunenaTools::showBulkActionCats(); ?> <input type = "submit" name = "fbBulkActionsGo" class = "fbs" value = "<?php echo _KUNENA_GO ; ?>"/> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <input type = "hidden" name = "Itemid" value = "<?php echo KUNENA_COMPONENT_ITEMID;?>"/> <input type = "hidden" name = "option" value = "com_kunena"/> <input type = "hidden" name = "func" value = "bulkactions" /> <input type = "hidden" name = "return" value = "<?php echo JRoute::_( $Breturn ); ?>" /> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { echo "<p align=\"center\">" . _VIEW_NO_POSTS . "</p>"; } ?>