Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/lib/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/lib/kunena.stats.class.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: kunena.stats.class.php 4336 2011-01-31 06:05:12Z severdia $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org * * Based on FireBoard Component * @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com * * Based on Joomlaboard Component * @copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 TSMF / Jan de Graaff / All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @author TSMF & Jan de Graaff **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die(); class CKunenaStats { protected $_db = null; protected $_config = null; public $totalmembers = null; public $totaltitles = null; public $totalmsgs = null; public $totalsections = null; public $totalcats = null; public $lastestmember = null; public $lastestmemberid = null; public $todayopen = null; public $yesterdayopen = null; public $todayanswer = null; public $yesterdayanswer = null; public $topposters = null; public $topmessage = null; public $topprofiles = null; public $topprofilehits = null; public $toptitles = null; public $toptitlehits = null; public $toppolls = null; public $topthanks = null; public $topuserthanks = null; public $showgenstats = false; public $showpopuserstats = false; public $showpopsubjectstats = false; public $showpoppollstats = false; public $showpopthankyoustats = false; function __construct() { $this->_db = &JFactory::getDBO (); $this->_config = KunenaFactory::getConfig (); $show = $this->_config->showstats; $this->showgenstats = $show ? $this->_config->showgenstats : 0; $this->showpopuserstats = $show ? $this->_config->showpopuserstats : 0; $this->showpopsubjectstats = $show ? $this->_config->showpopsubjectstats : 0; $this->showpoppollstats = $show ? $this->_config->showpoppollstats : 0; $this->showpopthankyoustats = $show ? $this->_config->showpopthankyoustats : 0; } public function &getInstance() { static $instance = NULL; if (!isset($instance)) { $instance = new CKunenaStats(); } return $instance; } /** * Escapes a value for output in a view script. * * If escaping mechanism is one of htmlspecialchars or htmlentities, uses * {@link $_encoding} setting. * * @param mixed $var The output to escape. * @return mixed The escaped value. */ function escape($var) { return htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } public function loadTotalMembers() { if ($this->totalmembers === null) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND activation=''" ); $this->totalmembers = $this->_db->loadResult (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } } public function loadLastDays() { if ($this->todayopen === null) { $todaystart = strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d' ) ); $yesterdaystart = $todaystart - (1 * 24 * 60 * 60); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT SUM(time >= '{$todaystart}' AND parent='0') AS todayopen, SUM(time >= '{$yesterdaystart}' AND time < '{$todaystart}' AND parent='0') AS yesterdayopen, SUM(time >= '{$todaystart}' AND parent>'0') AS todayanswer, SUM(time >= '{$yesterdaystart}' AND time < '{$todaystart}' AND parent>'0') AS yesterdayanswer FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE time >= '{$yesterdaystart}' AND hold='0'" ); $totaltmp = $this->_db->loadObject (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $ret['todayopen'] = $this->todayopen = ! empty ( $totaltmp->todayopen ) ? $totaltmp->todayopen : 0; $ret['yesterdayopen'] = $this->yesterdayopen = ! empty ( $totaltmp->yesterdayopen ) ? $totaltmp->yesterdayopen : 0; $ret['todayanswer'] = $this->todayanswer = ! empty ( $totaltmp->todayanswer ) ? $totaltmp->todayanswer : 0; $ret['yesterdayanswer'] = $this->yesterdayanswer = ! empty ( $totaltmp->yesterdayanswer ) ? $totaltmp->yesterdayanswer : 0; } } public function loadTotalTopics() { if ($this->totaltitles === null) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT SUM(numTopics) AS titles, SUM(numPosts) AS msgs FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE parent='0' AND published=1" ); $totaltmp = $this->_db->loadObject (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->totaltitles = ! empty ( $totaltmp->titles ) ? $totaltmp->titles : 0; $this->totalmsgs = ! empty ( $totaltmp->msgs ) ? $totaltmp->msgs + $this->totaltitles : $this->totaltitles; } } public function loadTotalCategories() { if ($this->totalsections === null) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT SUM(parent='0') AS totalcats, SUM(parent>'0') AS totalsections FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE published=1" ); $totaltmp = $this->_db->loadObject (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->totalsections = ! empty ( $totaltmp->totalsections ) ? $totaltmp->totalsections : 0; $this->totalcats = ! empty ( $totaltmp->totalcats ) ? $totaltmp->totalcats : 0; } } public function loadLastUser() { if ($this->lastestmember === null) { $queryName = $this->_config->username ? "username" : "name"; $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT id, {$queryName} AS username FROM #__users WHERE block='0' OR activation='' ORDER BY id DESC", 0, 1 ); $_lastestmember = $this->_db->loadObject (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->lastestmember = $_lastestmember->username; $this->lastestmemberid = $_lastestmember->id; } } function loadTopPosters($PopUserCount=0) { if (!$PopUserCount) $PopUserCount = $this->_config->popusercount; if (count($this->topposters) < $PopUserCount) { $queryName = $this->_config->username ? "username" : "name"; $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT p.userid, p.posts, u.id, u.{$queryName} AS username FROM #__kunena_users AS p INNER JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id = p.userid WHERE p.posts > '0' AND u.block=0 ORDER BY p.posts DESC", 0, $PopUserCount ); $this->topposters = $this->_db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->topmessage = ! empty ( $this->topposters [0]->posts ) ? $this->topposters [0]->posts : 0; } } function loadTopProfiles($PopUserCount=0) { if (!$PopUserCount) $PopUserCount = $this->_config->popusercount; if (count($this->topprofiles) < $PopUserCount) { $profile = KunenaFactory::getProfile(); $this->topprofiles = $profile->getProfileView($PopUserCount); $this->topprofilehits = ! empty ( $this->topprofiles [0]->hits ) ? $this->topprofiles [0]->hits : 0; } } function loadGenStats($override=false) { if (! $this->showgenstats && ! $override) return; $this->loadTotalMembers(); $this->loadLastDays(); $this->loadTotalTopics(); $this->loadTotalCategories(); $this->loadLastUser(); } function loadUserStats($override=false) { if (! $this->showpopuserstats && ! $override) return; $this->loadTopPosters(); $this->loadTopProfiles(); } function loadTopicStats($override=false) { if (! $this->showpopsubjectstats && ! $override) return; if (!$override) $PopSubjectCount = $this->_config->popsubjectcount; else $PopSubjectCount = $override; if (count($this->toptitles) < $PopSubjectCount) { $kunena_session = & KunenaFactory::getSession (); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT * FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE moved='0' AND hold='0' AND parent='0' AND catid IN ($kunena_session->allowed) ORDER BY hits DESC", 0, $PopSubjectCount ); $this->toptitles = $this->_db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->toptitlehits = ! empty ( $this->toptitles [0]->hits ) ? $this->toptitles [0]->hits : 0; } } function loadPollStats($override=false) { if (! $this->showpoppollstats && ! $override) return; if (!$override) $PopPollsCount = $this->_config->poppollscount; else $PopPollsCount = $override; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB .DS. 'kunena.poll.class.php'); $kunena_polls =& CKunenaPolls::getInstance(); if (count($this->toppolls) < $PopPollsCount) { $this->toppolls = $kunena_polls->get_top_five_polls ( $PopPollsCount ); $this->toppollvotes = $kunena_polls->get_top_five_votes ( $PopPollsCount ); } } function loadThanksStats($override=false) { if (! $this->showpopthankyoustats && ! $override) return; if (!$override) $thanksCount = $this->_config->popthankscount; else $thanksCount = $override; if (count($this->topthanks) < $thanksCount) { $queryName = $this->_config->username ? "username" : "name"; $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT a.*,b.id,b.{$queryName} AS username,COUNT(a.targetuserid) AS receivedthanks FROM `#__kunena_thankyou` AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS b ON a.targetuserid=b.id GROUP BY a.targetuserid ASC ORDER BY COUNT(a.targetuserid) DESC", 0, $thanksCount ); $this->topuserthanks = $this->_db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $this->topthanks = ! empty ( $this->topuserthanks [0]->receivedthanks ) ? $this->topuserthanks [0]->receivedthanks : 0; } } public function showStats() { CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/plugin/stats/stats.php'); } public function showFrontStats() { CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/plugin/stats/frontstats.php'); } }