Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/lib/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/lib/kunena.announcement.class.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: kunena.announcement.class.php 4336 2011-01-31 06:05:12Z severdia $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die (); class CKunenaAnnouncement { public $id = null; public $title = null; public $description = null; public $sdescription = null; public $created = null; public $published = 1; public $showdate = 1; public $announcement = null; public $canEdit = false; function __construct() { $this->my = JFactory::getUser (); $this->db = JFactory::getDBO (); $this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig (); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication (); $annmods = @explode ( ',', $this->config->annmodid ); if (in_array ( $this->my->id, $annmods ) || CKunenaTools::isAdmin ()) { $this->canEdit = true; } else { $this->canEdit = false; } $this->announcement = new stdClass(); $this->announcement->id = 0; $this->announcement->title = ''; $this->announcement->description = ''; $this->announcement->sdescription = ''; $this->announcement->created = ''; $this->announcement->published = 1; $this->announcement->showdate = 1; } public function &getInstance() { static $instance = NULL; if (! $instance) { $instance = new CKunenaAnnouncement (); } return $instance; } function edit($id) { if (! $this->canEdit) { $this->app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetKunenaURL ( false ), JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NOT_MODERATOR' ) ); } if ($this->tokenProtection ()) return false; $now = new JDate(); $title = JRequest::getVar ( "title", "" ); $description = JRequest::getVar ( 'description', '', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW ); $sdescription = JRequest::getVar ( 'sdescription', '', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW ); $created = JRequest::getVar ( "created", $now->toMysql() ); if (!$created) $created = $now->toMysql(); $published = JRequest::getInt ( "published", 1 ); $showdate = JRequest::getInt ( "showdate", 1 ); if (!$id) { $query = "INSERT INTO #__kunena_announcement VALUES ('', {$this->db->Quote ( $title )}, {$this->db->Quote ( $sdescription )}, {$this->db->Quote ( $description )}, {$this->db->Quote ( $created )}, {$this->db->Quote ( $published )}, 0, {$this->db->Quote ( $showdate )})"; $msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_ANN_SUCCESS_ADD' ); } else { $query = "UPDATE #__kunena_announcement SET title={$this->db->Quote ( $title )}, description={$this->db->Quote ( $description )}, sdescription={$this->db->Quote ( $sdescription )}, created={$this->db->Quote ( $created )}, published={$this->db->Quote ( $published )}, showdate={$this->db->Quote ( $showdate )} WHERE id=$id"; $msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_ANN_SUCCESS_EDIT' ); } $this->db->setQuery ( $query ); if ($this->db->query ()) { $this->app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetAnnouncementURL ( 'show', null, false ), $msg ); } if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; } function delete($id) { if (! $this->canEdit) { $this->app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetKunenaURL ( false ), JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NOT_MODERATOR' ) ); } $query = "DELETE FROM #__kunena_announcement WHERE id={$this->db->Quote ($id)} "; $this->db->setQuery ( $query ); $this->db->query (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; $this->app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetAnnouncementURL ( 'show', null, false ), JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_ANN_DELETED' ) ); } function getAnnouncement($id = 0, $mode=0) { if ($mode) $published = "AND published='1'"; else $published = ""; if (! $id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__kunena_announcement WHERE published='1' ORDER BY created DESC"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__kunena_announcement WHERE id={$this->db->Quote($id)} $published"; } $this->db->setQuery ( $query, 0, 1 ); $announcement = $this->db->loadObject (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; if (! $announcement) { return; } // TODO: deprecated $this->id = $announcement->id; $this->title = KunenaParser::parseText ( $announcement->title ); $this->sdescription = KunenaParser::parseBBCode ( $announcement->sdescription ); $this->description = KunenaParser::parseBBCode ( $announcement->description ); $this->created = $announcement->created; $this->published = $announcement->published; $this->showdate = $announcement->showdate; // end deprecated $this->announcement = $announcement; } function getAnnouncements($start, $limit) { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__kunena_announcement ORDER BY created DESC"; $this->db->setQuery ( $query, $start, $limit ); $this->announcements = $this->db->loadObjectList (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; if (empty ( $this->announcement )) { return; } } function displayBox() { if ($this->config->showannouncement && $this->id) { CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/announcement/box.php' ); } } function display() { if (! $this->config->showannouncement) { return; } $do = JRequest::getVar ( "do", "" ); $id = intval ( JRequest::getVar ( "id", "" ) ); switch ($do) { case 'read' : $this->getAnnouncement ( $id, 1 ); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/announcement/read.php' ); break; case 'show' : $this->getAnnouncements ( 0, 5 ); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/announcement/show.php' ); break; case 'edit' : if (!$this->canEdit) { $this->app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetKunenaURL( false ), JText::_( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NOT_MODERATOR' )); return; } $this->getAnnouncement ( $id, 0 ); // Continue case 'add' : if (!$this->canEdit) { $this->app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetKunenaURL(false), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_NOT_MODERATOR')); return; } CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/announcement/edit.php' ); break; case 'delete' : $this->delete ( $id ); break; case 'doedit' : $this->edit ( $id ); break; default : $this->getAnnouncements(0, 5); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/announcement/show.php' ); } } function escape($var) { return htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } function tokenProtection() { // get the token put in the message form to check that the form has been valided successfully if (JRequest::checkToken () == false) { $this->app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN' ), 'error' ); return true; } return false; } }