Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/funcs/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/components/com_kunena/funcs/listcat.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: listcat.php 4336 2011-01-31 06:05:12Z severdia $ * Kunena Component * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 Kunena Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org * **/ defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die (); class CKunenaListcat { public $allow = 0; private $_loaded = false; function __construct($catid) { kimport('html.parser'); $this->catid = $catid; $this->db = JFactory::getDBO (); $this->my = JFactory::getUser (); $this->session = KunenaFactory::getSession (); $this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig (); if ($this->catid && ! $this->session->canRead ( $this->catid )) return; $this->allow = 1; $this->prevCheck = $this->session->lasttime; $kunena_app = JFactory::getApplication (); // Start getting the categories if ($this->catid) { $catlist = $this->catid; $where = ""; } else { $catlist = $this->session->allowed; $where = "parent='0' AND"; } $this->categories = array (); $this->db->setQuery ( "SELECT * FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE {$where} published='1' AND id IN ({$catlist}) ORDER BY ordering, name" ); $this->categories [0] = $this->db->loadObjectList (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; //meta description and keywords $metaDesc = (JText::_('COM_KUNENA_CATEGORIES') . ' - ' . $this->config->board_title ); $metaKeys = (JText::_('COM_KUNENA_CATEGORIES') . ', ' . $this->config->board_title . ', ' . $kunena_app->getCfg ( 'sitename' )); $document = JFactory::getDocument (); $cur = $document->get ( 'description' ); $metaDesc = $cur . '. ' . $metaDesc; $document = JFactory::getDocument (); $document->setMetadata ( 'keywords', $metaKeys ); $document->setDescription ( $metaDesc ); $template = KunenaFactory::getTemplate(); $this->params = $template->params; } /** * Escapes a value for output in a view script. * * If escaping mechanism is one of htmlspecialchars or htmlentities, uses * {@link $_encoding} setting. * * @param mixed $var The output to escape. * @return mixed The escaped value. */ function escape($var) { return htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } function loadCategories() { if ($this->_loaded) return; $this->_loaded = true; $catids = array (); foreach ( $this->categories [0] as $cat ) $catids [] = $cat->id; if (empty ( $catids )) return; $catlist = implode ( ',', $catids ); $readlist = $this->session->readtopics; if ($this->config->shownew && $this->my->id) $subquery = " (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT thread) FROM #__kunena_messages AS mmm WHERE c.id=mmm.catid AND mmm.hold='0' AND mmm.time>{$this->db->Quote($this->prevCheck)} AND mmm.thread NOT IN ({$readlist})) AS new"; else $subquery = " 0 AS new"; // TODO: optimize this query (just combined many queries into one) $query = "SELECT c.*, m.id AS mesid, m.thread, m.catid, t.subject AS topicsubject, m.subject, m.name AS mname, u.id AS userid, u.username, u.name AS uname, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__kunena_messages AS mm WHERE m.thread=mm.thread) AS msgcount, {$subquery} FROM #__kunena_categories AS c LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS m ON c.id_last_msg=m.id LEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages AS t ON m.thread=t.id LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id=m.userid WHERE c.parent IN ({$catlist}) AND c.published='1' AND c.id IN({$this->session->allowed}) ORDER BY ordering, name"; $this->db->setQuery ( $query ); $allsubcats = $this->db->loadObjectList (); if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return; $this->tabclass = array ("row1", "row2" ); $subcats = array (); $routerlist = array (); $userlist = array(); $myprofile = KunenaFactory::getUser (); if ($myprofile->ordering != '0') { $topic_ordering = $myprofile->ordering == '1' ? true : false; } else { $topic_ordering = $this->config->default_sort == 'asc' ? false : true; } foreach ( $allsubcats as $i => $subcat ) { if ($subcat->mesid) $routerlist [$subcat->thread] = $subcat->subject; if($topic_ordering) $subcat->page = 1; else $subcat->page = ceil ( $subcat->msgcount / $this->config->messages_per_page ); if ($this->config->shownew && $this->my->id != 0) { if ($subcat->new) { // Check Unread Cat Images if (is_file ( KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $subcat->id . "_on.gif" )) { $allsubcats [$i]->htmlCategoryIcon = "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $subcat->id . "_on.gif\" border=\"0\" class='kforum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { $allsubcats [$i]->htmlCategoryIcon = CKunenaTools::showIcon ( 'kunreadforum', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM_NEWPOST') ); } } else { // Check Read Cat Images if (is_file ( KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $subcat->id . "_off.gif" )) { $allsubcats [$i]->htmlCategoryIcon = "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $subcat->id . "_off.gif\" border=\"0\" class='kforum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { $allsubcats [$i]->htmlCategoryIcon = CKunenaTools::showIcon ( 'kreadforum', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW') ); } } } else { if (is_file ( KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $subcat->id . "_notlogin.gif" )) { $allsubcats [$i]->htmlCategoryIcon = "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $subcat->id . "_notlogin.gif\" border=\"0\" class='kforum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { $allsubcats [$i]->htmlCategoryIcon = CKunenaTools::showIcon ( 'knotloginforum', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW') ); } } // collect user ids for avatar prefetch when integrated $userlist[intval($subcat->userid)] = intval($subcat->userid); } require_once (KUNENA_PATH . DS . 'router.php'); KunenaRouter::loadMessages ( $routerlist ); $modcats = array (); foreach ( $allsubcats as $subcat ) { $this->categories [$subcat->parent] [] = $subcat; $subcats [] = $subcat->id; if ($subcat->moderated) $modcats [] = $subcat->id; } // Get the childforums $this->childforums = array (); if (count ( $subcats )) { $subcatlist = implode ( ',', $subcats ); if ($this->config->shownew && $this->my->id) $subquery = " (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT thread) FROM #__kunena_messages AS m WHERE c.id=m.catid AND m.hold='0' AND m.time>{$this->db->Quote($this->prevCheck)} AND m.thread NOT IN ({$readlist})) AS new"; else $subquery = "0 AS new"; $query = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.description, c.parent, c.numTopics, c.numPosts, {$subquery} FROM #__kunena_categories AS c WHERE c.parent IN ({$subcatlist}) AND c.published='1' AND c.id IN({$this->session->allowed}) ORDER BY c.ordering, c.name"; $this->db->setQuery ($query); $childforums = $this->db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); foreach ( $childforums as $i => $childforum ) { //Begin: parent read unread iconset if ($this->config->showchildcaticon) { if ($this->config->shownew && $this->my->id != 0) { if ($childforum->new) { // Check Unread Cat Images if (is_file ( KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $childforum->id . "_on_childsmall.gif" )) { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $childforum->id . "_on_childsmall.gif\" border=\"0\" class='kforum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = CKunenaTools::showIcon ( 'kunreadforum-sm', JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM_NEWPOST' ) ); } } else { // Check Read Cat Images if (is_file ( KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $childforum->id . "_off_childsmall.gif" )) { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $childforum->id . "_off_childsmall.gif\" border=\"0\" class='kforum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = CKunenaTools::showIcon ( 'kreadforum-sm', JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW' ) ); } } } else { // Not Login Cat Images if (is_file ( KUNENA_ABSCATIMAGESPATH . $childforum->id . "_notlogin_childsmall.gif" )) { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = "<img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLCATIMAGES . $childforum->id . "_notlogin_childsmall.gif\" border=\"0\" class='kforum-cat-image' alt=\" \" />"; } else { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = CKunenaTools::showIcon ( 'knotloginforum-sm', JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM_NOTNEW' ) ); } } } else { $childforum->htmlCategoryIcon = ''; } $this->childforums [$childforum->parent] [] = $childforum; } } $this->modlist = array (); $this->pending = array (); if (count ( $modcats )) { if ($this->config->listcat_show_moderators) { $modcatlist = implode ( ',', $modcats ); $this->db->setQuery ( "SELECT * FROM #__kunena_moderation AS m INNER JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id=m.userid WHERE m.catid IN ({$modcatlist}) AND u.block=0" ); $modlist = $this->db->loadObjectList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); foreach ( $modlist as $mod ) { $this->modlist [$mod->catid] [] = $mod; $userlist[intval($mod->userid)] = intval($mod->userid); } } if (CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id )) { foreach ( $modcats as $i => $catid ) { if (! CKunenaTools::isModerator ( $this->my->id, $catid )) unset ( $modcats [$i] ); } if (count ( $modcats )) { $modcatlist = implode ( ',', $modcats ); $this->db->setQuery ( "SELECT catid, COUNT(*) AS count FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE catid IN ($modcatlist) AND hold='1' GROUP BY catid" ); $pending = $this->db->loadAssocList (); KunenaError::checkDatabaseError(); foreach ( $pending as $i ) { if ($i ['count']) $this->pending [$i ['catid']] = $i ['count']; } } } } // Prefetch all users/avatars to avoid user by user queries during template iterations kimport('user'); KunenaUser::loadUsers($userlist); } function displayPathway() { CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/pathway.php'); } function displayAnnouncement() { if ($this->config->showannouncement > 0) { require_once(KUNENA_PATH_LIB .DS. 'kunena.announcement.class.php'); $ann = new CKunenaAnnouncement(); $ann->getAnnouncement(); $ann->displayBox(); } } function displayForumJump() { if ($this->config->enableforumjump) { CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/forumjump.php'); } } function displayCategories() { $this->loadCategories(); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/categories/categories.php'); } function displayStats() { if ($this->config->showstats > 0) { require_once(KUNENA_PATH_LIB .DS. 'kunena.stats.class.php'); $kunena_stats = CKunenaStats::getInstance ( ); $kunena_stats->showFrontStats (); } } function displayWhoIsOnline() { if ($this->config->showwhoisonline > 0) { require_once (KUNENA_PATH_LIB .DS. 'kunena.who.class.php'); $online =& CKunenaWhoIsOnline::getInstance(); $online->displayWhoIsOnline(); } } function getPagination($catid, $page, $totalpages, $maxpages) { $startpage = ($page - floor ( $maxpages / 2 ) < 1) ? 1 : $page - floor ( $maxpages / 2 ); $endpage = $startpage + $maxpages; if ($endpage > $totalpages) { $startpage = ($totalpages - $maxpages) < 1 ? 1 : $totalpages - $maxpages; $endpage = $totalpages; } $output = '<ul class="kpagination">'; $output .= '<li class="page">' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_PAGE') . '</li>'; if (($startpage) > 1) { if ($endpage < $totalpages) $endpage --; $output .= '<li>' . CKunenaLink::GetCategoryPageLink ( 'showcat', $catid, 1, 1, $rel = 'follow' ) . '</li>'; if (($startpage) > 2) { $output .= '<li class="more">...</li>'; } } for($i = $startpage; $i <= $endpage && $i <= $totalpages; $i ++) { if ($page == $i) { $output .= '<li class="active">' . $i . '</li>'; } else { $output .= '<li>' . CKunenaLink::GetCategoryPageLink ( 'showcat', $catid, $i, $i, $rel = 'follow' ) . '</li>'; } } if ($endpage < $totalpages) { if ($endpage < $totalpages - 1) { $output .= '<li class="more">...</li>'; } $output .= '<li>' . CKunenaLink::GetCategoryPageLink ( 'showcat', $catid, $totalpages, $totalpages, $rel = 'follow' ) . '</li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; } function displayInfoMessage($header, $contents) { $header = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FORUM_INFORMATION'); $contents = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_LISTCAT_NO_CATS'); CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/categories/infomessage.php'); } function display() { if (! $this->allow) { echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_NO_ACCESS'); return; } if (empty ( $this->categories [0] )) { echo '' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_NOFORUMS') . ''; return; } CKunenaTools::loadTemplate('/categories/listcat.php'); } }