Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/template.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: template.php 4338 2011-01-31 07:28:46Z fxstein $ * Kunena Component - KunenaTemplate class * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008-2011 www.kunena.org All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die(); jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); class KunenaParameter extends JParameter { public function getXml() { return $this->_xml; } } /** * Kunena Users Table Class * Provides access to the #__kunena_users table */ class KunenaTemplate extends JObject { // Global for every instance protected static $_instances = array(); public $name = null; public $params = null; protected $smileyPath = array(); protected $rankPath = array(); public $topicIcons = array(); /** * Constructor * * @access protected */ public function __construct($name=null) { if (!$name) { $config = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); $name = $config->template; } $xml = KPATH_SITE . "/template/{$name}/template.xml"; if (!is_readable ( $xml )) { $name = 'default'; $xml = KPATH_SITE . "/template/{$name}/template.xml"; } $this->xml_path = $xml; $ini = KPATH_SITE . "/template/{$name}/params.ini"; $content = ''; if (is_readable( $ini ) ) { $content = file_get_contents($ini); } $this->name = $name; $this->params = new KunenaParameter($content, $xml); $xml = $this->params->getXml(); foreach ($xml['_default']->children() as $param) { if ($param->attributes('type') != 'spacer') $this->params->def($param->attributes('name'), $param->attributes('default')); } $this->getTopicIconPath(0); } public function loadMootools() { $me = KunenaFactory::getUser(); $jversion = new JVersion (); if ($jversion->RELEASE == 1.5) { jimport ( 'joomla.plugin.helper' ); $mootools12 = JPluginHelper::isEnabled ( 'system', 'mtupgrade' ) || JPluginHelper::isEnabled ( 'system', 'mootools12' ); if (! $mootools12) { $app = JFactory::getApplication (); if (!class_exists ( 'JHTMLBehavior' )) { if (is_dir ( JPATH_PLUGINS . DS . 'system' . DS . 'mtupgrade' )) { JHTML::addIncludePath ( JPATH_PLUGINS . DS . 'system' . DS . 'mtupgrade' ); } elseif ($me->isAdmin()) { // TODO: translate $app->enqueueMessage ( 'Kunena: You do not have the <em>System - MooTools Upgrade</em> plug-in.', 'notice' ); $app->enqueueMessage ( 'Many features, including Quick Reply and the BBCode editor, may be broken.', 'notice' ); } } elseif ($me->isAdmin()) { // TODO: translate $app->enqueueMessage ( 'Kunena: You have a plug-in that uses MooTools 1.1 or a custom version of JHTMLBehavior.', 'notice' ); $app->enqueueMessage ( 'Many features, including Quick Reply and the BBCode editor, may be broken.', 'notice' ); $app->enqueueMessage ( 'Please enable the <em>System - MooTools Upgrade</em> plug-in.', 'notice' ); } } } JHTML::_ ( 'behavior.mootools' ); } public function getPath($default = false) { if ($default) return "template/default"; return "template/{$this->name}"; } public function getSmileyPath($filename='') { if (!isset($this->smileyPath[$filename])) { $path = "{$this->getPath()}/images/emoticons/{$filename}"; if (($filename && !is_file(KPATH_SITE .DS. $path)) || !is_dir(KPATH_SITE .DS. $path)) { $path = "{$this->getPath(true)}/images/emoticons/{$filename}"; } $this->smileyPath[$filename] = $path; } return $this->smileyPath[$filename]; } public function getRankPath($filename='') { if (!isset($this->rankPath[$filename])) { $path = "{$this->getPath()}/images/ranks/{$filename}"; if (($filename && !is_file(KPATH_SITE .DS. $path)) || !is_dir(KPATH_SITE .DS. $path)) { $path = "{$this->getPath(true)}/images/ranks/{$filename}"; } $this->rankPath[$filename] = $path; } return $this->rankPath[$filename]; } public function getImagePath($image, $url = true) { $path = $this->getPath(); if (!is_file(KPATH_SITE . "/{$path}/images/{$image}")) { $path = $this->getPath(true); } $base = ''; if ($url) $base = KURL_SITE; return "{$base}{$path}/images/{$image}"; } public function getTopicIconPath($index, $url = false) { if (empty($this->topicIcons)) { $curpath = $this->getPath(); $defpath = $this->getPath(true); $path = $curpath; if (!is_file ( KPATH_SITE . "/{$path}/icons.php" )) { $path = $defpath; } $topic_emoticons = array(); $this->topicIcons[0] = "/{$defpath}/images/icons/topic-default.gif"; include KPATH_SITE . "/{$path}/icons.php"; foreach ($topic_emoticons as $id=>$icon) { if (is_file( KPATH_SITE . "/{$curpath}/images/icons/{$icon}" )) { $this->topicIcons[$id] = "{$curpath}/images/icons/{$icon}"; } elseif (is_file( KPATH_SITE . "/{$defpath}/images/icons/{$icon}" )) { $this->topicIcons[$id] = "{$defpath}/images/icons/{$icon}"; } } } $base = ''; if ($url) $base = KURL_SITE; return $base.(isset($this->topicIcons[$index]) ? $this->topicIcons[$index] : $this->topicIcons[0]); } public function getMovedIconPath($url = false) { static $moved = false; if ($moved === false) { $path = $this->getPath(); if (!is_file(KPATH_SITE . "/{$path}/images/icons/topic-arrow.png")) { $path = $this->getPath(true); } $moved = "/{$path}/images/icons/topic-arrow.png"; } $base = ''; if ($url) $base = KURL_SITE; return $base.$moved; } public function getTopicIcon($topic ) { $config = KunenaFactory::getConfig (); if ($config->topicicons) { if ( $topic->moved == 0 ) $iconurl = $this->getTopicIconPath($topic->topic_emoticon, true); else $iconurl = $this->getMovedIconPath(true); } else { $icon = 'normal'; if ($topic->msgcount < 2) $icon = 'unanswered'; if ($topic->ordering) $icon = 'sticky'; //if ($topic->myfavorite) $icon = 'favorite'; if ($topic->locked) $icon = 'locked'; if ($topic->moved) $icon = 'moved'; if ($topic->hold == 1) $icon = 'unapproved'; if ($topic->hold == 2) $icon = 'deleted'; if ($topic->unread) $icon .= '_new'; $iconurl = $this->getImagePath("topicicons/icon_{$icon}.png"); } $html = '<img src="'.$iconurl.'" alt="emo" />'; return $html; } public function getTemplateDetails() { $templatedetails = new stdClass(); $xml_tmpl = JFactory::getXMLparser('Simple'); $xml_tmpl->loadFile($this->xml_path); $templatedetails->creationDate = $xml_tmpl->document->creationDate[0]->data(); $templatedetails->author = $xml_tmpl->document->author[0]->data(); $templatedetails->version = $xml_tmpl->document->version[0]->data(); $templatedetails->name = $xml_tmpl->document->name[0]->data(); return $templatedetails; } /** * Returns the global KunenaTemplate object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. * * @access public * @param int $name Template name or null for default/selected template in your configuration * @return KunenaTemplate The template object. * @since 1.6 */ static public function getInstance($name=null) { if (!$name) { $config = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); $name = $config->template; } if (empty(self::$_instances[$name])) { self::$_instances[$name] = new KunenaTemplate($name); } return self::$_instances[$name]; } }