Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_kunena/libraries/route.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: route.php 4338 2011-01-31 07:28:46Z fxstein $ * Kunena Component - KunenaRoute * @package Kunena * * @Copyright (C) 2008-2011 www.kunena.org All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @link http://www.kunena.org **/ // Dont allow direct linking defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( '' ); abstract class KunenaRoute { static $kunenaroot = false; static $active = false; static $childlist = array(); static $subtree = array(); static $parent = array(); static $menu = null; public static function current($class = false) { $link = JURI::getInstance('index.php?'.http_build_query(JRequest::get( 'get' ))); if ($class) return $link; return $link->getQuery (); } public static function getItemID($uri = null) { jimport ( 'joomla.environment.uri' ); if (!$uri) { $link = self::current(true); $link->delVar ( 'Itemid' ); } else if (is_numeric($uri)) { return intval($uri); } else { $link = new JURI ( (string)$uri ); } $query = $link->getQuery ( true ); $itemid = self::_getItemID ( $query ); return $itemid; } public static function _($uri = null, $xhtml = true, $ssl=0) { jimport ( 'joomla.environment.uri' ); if (!$uri) { $link = self::current(true); $link->delVar ( 'Itemid' ); } else if (is_numeric($uri)) { $item = self::$menu[intval($uri)]; return JRoute::_($item->link."&Itemid={$item->id}"); } else { $link = new JURI ( (string)$uri ); } $query = $link->getQuery ( true ); $Itemid = self::_getItemID ( $query ); $link->setVar ( 'Itemid', $Itemid ); return JRoute::_ ( 'index.php?' . $link->getQuery (), $xhtml, $ssl ); } public static function getDefault() { self::buildMenuTree(); $menus = JSite::getMenu (); $default = $menus->getDefault(); $active = $menus->getActive(); // By default keep active itemid $current = $active; if ($default && $active && $active->menutype == 'kunenamenu') { // Get all Kunena items from default menu $items = self::getMenuItems($default->menutype); foreach ($items as $link=>$id) { $item = self::$menu[$id]; if ($link != $id) { if ($item->menutype == 'kunenamenu') { // If we have link to Kunena Menu, keep using active itemid return $active; } else { // We ignore links to other menus continue; } } $current = $item; } } //if(JDEBUG == 1){ // if(defined('JFIREPHP')){ // FB::log(self::$menu, 'Route - Menu'); // FB::log($Itemid, 'Route - Itemid'); // } //} return $current; } public static function getCurrentMenu() { self::buildMenuTree(); $Itemid = 0; if (self::$active) { // Find Kunena entry page from current menu $root = self::getKunenaRoot(self::$active); $list = self::getSubMenus($root); if (count($list) > 1) { // Current root contains Kunena menu $Itemid = $root; } } if ($Itemid) return self::$menu[$Itemid]; return null; } public function getKunenaMenu() { self::buildMenuTree(); $Itemid = 0; if (isset(self::$childlist['kunenamenu'][0])) { // Use first item in kunenamenu $Itemid = reset(self::$childlist['kunenamenu'][0]); } if ($Itemid) return self::$menu[$Itemid]; return null; } public function getMenu() { $menu = self::getCurrentMenu(); if (!$menu) { $menu = self::getKunenaMenu(); } return $menu; } protected static function buildMenuTree() { $menus = JSite::getMenu (); $active = $menus->getActive (); self::$active = is_object($active) ? $active->id : 0; if (self::$menu === null) { self::$menu = $menus->getMenu (); $my = JFactory::getUser (); foreach ( self::$menu as $item ) { if (! is_object ( $item )) continue; // Support both J1.6 and J1.5 $authorise = isset($item->parent_id) ? $menus->authorise($item->id) : !empty($item->published) && (!isset ( $item->access ) || $item->access <= $my->aid); $parent = isset($item->parent_id) ? $item->parent_id : $item->parent; if ($authorise) { self::$childlist[$item->menutype][$parent][$item->id] = $item->id; } } } } protected static function getMenuItems($menutype) { if (!isset(self::$subtree[$menutype])) { self::$subtree[$menutype] = array(); $todo = isset(self::$childlist[$menutype][0]) ? self::$childlist[$menutype][0] : array(); while (($id = array_shift($todo)) !== null) { $item = self::$menu[$id]; if ($item->type == 'component' && $item->component == 'com_kunena') { self::$subtree[$menutype][$id] = $id; } else if ($item->type == 'menulink' && !empty($item->query['Itemid'])) { // Jump to link $link_id = $item->query['Itemid']; if (!empty(self::$menu[$link_id]) && self::$menu[$link_id]->type == 'component' && self::$menu[$link_id]->component == 'com_kunena') { self::$subtree[$menutype][$id] = $link_id; } } if (!empty(self::$childlist[$menutype][$id])) { $todo = $todo + self::$childlist[$menutype][$id]; } } } return self::$subtree[$menutype]; } protected static function getKunenaRoot($Itemid) { if (!$Itemid) return 0; if (!isset(self::$parent[$Itemid])) { self::$parent[$Itemid] = 0; $current = $Itemid; while (isset(self::$menu[$current])) { $item = self::$menu[$current]; if ($item->type == 'component' && $item->component == 'com_kunena') { self::$parent[$Itemid] = $current; if (isset($item->query['view']) && $item->query['view'] == 'entrypage') break; } // Support both J1.6 and J1.5 $current = isset($item->parent_id) ? $item->parent_id : $item->parent; } } return self::$parent[$Itemid]; } protected static function getSubMenus($Itemid) { if (!isset(self::$subtree[$Itemid])) { self::$subtree[$Itemid] = array(); $menutype = ''; if ( isset(self::$menu[$Itemid]->menutype) ) $menutype = self::$menu[$Itemid]->menutype; $todo = array(intval($Itemid)); while (($id = array_shift($todo)) !== null) { if ( isset( self::$menu[$id] ) ) { $item = self::$menu[$id]; if ($item->type == 'component' && $item->component == 'com_kunena') { self::$subtree[$Itemid][$id] = $id; } else if ($item->type == 'menulink' && !empty($item->query['Itemid'])) { // Jump to link $link_id = $item->query['Itemid']; if (!empty(self::$menu[$link_id]) && self::$menu[$link_id]->type == 'component' && self::$menu[$link_id]->component == 'com_kunena') { self::$subtree[$Itemid][$id] = $link_id; } } } if (!empty(self::$childlist[$menutype][$id])) { $todo = $todo + self::$childlist[$menutype][$id]; } } } return self::$subtree[$Itemid]; } protected static function checkEntryPage($item, $query) { jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); $params = new JParameter($item->params); $catids = $params->get('catids'); if (empty ( $query ['catid'] )) return 0; if (!is_array($catids)) { $catids = explode(',', $params->get('catids')); } if (empty ( $catids ) || in_array(0, $catids)) return 0; if (in_array($query ['catid'], $catids)) return 0; return; } protected static function isMatch($item, $query) { $hits = 0; $catid = false; if (!empty($item->query['catid'])) { $catid = true; } if (isset($item->query['view']) && $item->query['view'] == 'entrypage') return self::checkEntryPage($item, $query); foreach ( $item->query as $var => $value ) { if (!isset ( $query [$var] ) || $value != $query [$var]) { if ($catid && $var=='view') continue; if ($var=='catid' && empty($value)) continue; return false; } else { $hits++; } } return $hits; } protected static function findItemID($list, $query) { $bestmatch = -1; $Itemid = 0; foreach ($list as $id) { $current = self::$menu[$id]; $matchcount = self::isMatch ( $current, $query ); if ($matchcount !== false && $matchcount > $bestmatch) { // Match! This is our best candidate this far $Itemid = $current->id; if ($matchcount == count ( $query )) { // Perfect match! We just found our Itemid! //echo "PERFECT {$Itemid} "; return $Itemid; } $bestmatch = $matchcount; } } //echo "ITEMID {$Itemid} "; return $Itemid; } protected static function _getItemID($query) { // If someone really wants to pass itemid to KunenaRoute, let him do that if (isset ( $query ['Itemid'] )) { //echo "FIXED {$query['Itemid']} "; return $query ['Itemid']; } if (isset ($query ['func']) ) { $query['view'] = $query ['func']; unset($query ['func']); } self::buildMenuTree(); $Itemid = 0; // Search current tree if (self::$active) { $root = self::getKunenaRoot(self::$active); $list = self::getSubMenus($root); if (count($list) > 1) { $Itemid = self::findItemID($list, $query); } } if (!$Itemid) { $menutype = 'kunenamenu'; $list = self::getMenuItems($menutype); $Itemid = self::findItemID($list, $query); } return $Itemid; } }