Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_kunena/install/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_kunena/install/schema.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: install.php 1244 2009-12-02 04:10:31Z mahagr$ * @package Kunena * @subpackage com_kunena * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Kunena Team. All rights reserved.. * @license GNU General Public License <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html> * @link http://www.kunena.org */ // // Dont allow direct linking defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die('Restricted access'); DEFINE('KUNENA_SCHEMA_FILE', KPATH_ADMIN.'/install/install.xml'); DEFINE('KUNENA_UPGRADE_SCHEMA_FILE', KPATH_ADMIN.'/install/upgrade/upgrade.xml'); DEFINE('KUNENA_INSTALL_SCHEMA_EMPTY', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE schema><schema></schema>'); jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); /** * Install Model for Kunena * * @package Kunena * @subpackage com_kunena * @since 1.6 */ class KunenaModelSchema extends JModel { /** * Flag to indicate model state initialization. * * @var boolean * @since 1.6 */ protected $__state_set = false; protected $schema = null; protected $xmlschema = null; protected $upgradeschema = null; protected $diffschema = null; protected $db = null; protected $sql = null; protected $version = null; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->db = JFactory::getDBO(); } /** * Installer object destructor * * @access public * @since 1.6 */ public function __destruct() { } /** * Overridden method to get model state variables. * * @param string Optional parameter name. * @param mixed The default value to use if no state property exists by name. * @return object The property where specified, the state object where omitted. * @since 1.6 */ public function getState($property = null, $default = null) { // if the model state is uninitialized lets set some values we will need from the request. if ($this->__state_set === false) { $this->__state_set = true; } $value = parent::getState($property); return (is_null($value) ? $default : $value); } public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $version; } public function getSchema() { if ($this->schema == null) $this->schema = $this->getSchemaFromDatabase(); return $this->schema; } public function getXmlSchema($input=KUNENA_SCHEMA_FILE) { if ($this->xmlschema == null) $this->xmlschema = $this->getSchemaFromFile($input); return $this->xmlschema; } public function getUpgradeSchema($input=KUNENA_UPGRADE_SCHEMA_FILE) { if ($this->upgradeschema == null) $this->upgradeschema = $this->getSchemaFromFile($input); return $this->upgradeschema; } public function getDiffSchema($from=null, $to=null, $using=null) { if ($this->diffschema == null) { if (!$from) $from = $this->getSchema(); if (!$to) $to = $this->getXmlSchema(); if (!$using) $using = $this->getUpgradeSchema(); $this->fromschema = $from; $this->toschema = $to; $this->usingschema = $using; $this->upgradeSchema($from, $using); $this->diffschema = $this->getSchemaDiff($from, $to); //echo "<pre>",htmlentities($this->fromschema->saveXML()),"</pre>"; //echo "<pre>",htmlentities($this->toschema->saveXML()),"</pre>"; $this->sql = null; } return $this->diffschema; } protected function getSQL() { if ($this->sql == null) { $diff = $this->getDiffSchema(); $this->sql = $this->getSchemaSQL($diff); } return $this->sql; } public function getCreateSQL() { if ($this->sql == null) { $from = $this->createSchema(); $diff = $this->getDiffSchema($from); $this->sql = $this->getSchemaSQL($diff); } return $this->sql; } // helper function to update table schema public function updateSchemaTable($table) { $sql = $this->getSQL(); if (!isset($sql[$table])) return; $this->db->setQuery($sql[$table]['sql']); $this->db->query(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) throw new KunenaSchemaException($this->db->getErrorMsg(), $this->db->getErrorNum()); $result = $sql[$table]; $result['success'] = true; return $result; } // helper function to update schema public function updateSchema() { $sqls = $this->getSQL(); $results = array(); foreach ($sqls as $sql) { if (!isset($sql['sql'])) continue; $this->db->setQuery($sql['sql']); $this->db->query(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) throw new KunenaSchemaException($this->db->getErrorMsg(), $this->db->getErrorNum()); $results[] = $sql; } return $results; } protected function listTables($prefix, $reload = false) { if (isset($this->tables[$prefix]) && !$reload) { return $this->tables[$prefix]; } $this->db->setQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE ".$this->db->quote($this->db->getPrefix().$prefix.'%')); $list = $this->db->loadResultArray(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) throw new KunenaSchemaException($this->db->getErrorMsg(), $this->db->getErrorNum()); $this->tables[$prefix] = array(); foreach ($list as $table) { $table = preg_replace('/^'.$this->db->getPrefix().'/', '', $table); $this->tables[$prefix][] = $table; } return $this->tables[$prefix]; } public function createSchema() { $schema = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $schema->formatOutput = true; $schema->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $schema->loadXML(KUNENA_INSTALL_SCHEMA_EMPTY); return $schema; } public function getSchemaFromFile($filename, $reload = false) { static $schema = array(); if (isset($schema[$filename]) && !$reload) { return $schema[$filename]; } $schema[$filename] = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $schema[$filename]->formatOutput = true; $schema[$filename]->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->validateOnParse = false; $schema[$filename]->load($filename); return $schema[$filename]; } public function getSchemaFromDatabase($reload = false) { static $schema = false; if ($schema !== false && !$reload) { return $schema; } $tables = $this->listTables('kunena_'); $schema = $this->createSchema(); $schemaNode = $schema->documentElement; foreach ($tables as $table) { if (preg_match('/_(bak|backup)$/', $table)) continue; $tableNode = $schema->createElement("table"); $schemaNode->appendChild($tableNode); $tableNode->setAttribute("name", $table); $this->db->setQuery( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$this->db->nameQuote($this->db->getPrefix().$table)); $fields = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) throw new KunenaSchemaException($this->db->getErrorMsg(), $this->db->getErrorNum()); foreach ($fields as $row) { $fieldNode = $schema->createElement("field"); $tableNode->appendChild($fieldNode); if ($row->Key == "PRI") $fieldNode->setAttribute("primary_key", "yes"); $fieldNode->setAttribute("name", $row->Field); $fieldNode->setAttribute("type", $row->Type); $fieldNode->setAttribute("null", (strtolower($row->Null)=='yes') ? '1' : '0'); if ($row->Default !== null) $fieldNode->setAttribute("default", $row->Default); if ($row->Extra != '') $fieldNode->setAttribute("extra", $row->Extra); } $this->db->setQuery( "SHOW KEYS FROM ".$this->db->nameQuote($this->db->getPrefix().$table)); $keys = $this->db->loadObjectList(); if ($this->db->getErrorNum()) throw new KunenaSchemaException($this->db->getErrorMsg(), $this->db->getErrorNum()); $keyNode = null; foreach ($keys as $row) { if (!isset($keyNode) || $keyNode->getAttribute('name') != $row->Key_name) { $keyNode = $schema->createElement("key"); $tableNode->appendChild($keyNode); $keyNode->setAttribute("name", $row->Key_name); if (!$row->Non_unique) $keyNode->setAttribute("unique", (bool)!$row->Non_unique); //if ($row->Comment != '') $keyNode->setAttribute("comment", $row->Comment); } $columns = $keyNode->getAttribute('columns'); if (!empty($columns)) $columns .= ','; $columns .= $row->Column_name; $columns .= ($row->Sub_part) ? '('.$row->Sub_part.')' : ''; $keyNode->setAttribute('columns', $columns); } } return $schema; } public function getSchemaDiff($old, $new) { $old = $this->getDOMDocument($old); $new = $this->getDOMDocument($new); if (!$old || !$new) return; //$old->validate(); //$new->validate(); $schema = $this->createSchema(); $schemaNode = $schema->documentElement; $schemaNode->setAttribute('type', 'diff'); $nodes = $this->listAllNodes(array('new'=>$new->documentElement->childNodes, 'old'=>$old->documentElement->childNodes)); foreach ($nodes as $nodeTag => $nodeList) { foreach ($nodeList as $nodeName => $nodeLoc) { $newNode = $this->getSchemaNodeDiff($schema, $nodeTag, $nodeName, $nodeLoc); if ($newNode) $schemaNode->appendChild($newNode); } } return $schema; } protected function listAllNodes($nodeLists) { $list = array(); foreach ($nodeLists as $k=>$nl) foreach ($nl as $n) { if (is_a($n, 'DOMAttr')) $list[$n->name][$k] = $n; else if (is_a($n, 'DOMElement')) $list[$n->tagName][$n->getAttribute('name')][$k] = $n; } return $list; } public function getSchemaNodeDiff($schema, $tag, $name, $loc) { $node = null; // Add if (!isset($loc['old'])) { $node = $schema->importNode($loc['new'], true); $action = $loc['new']->getAttribute('action'); if (!$action) $node->setAttribute('action', 'create'); $prev = $loc['new']->previousSibling; while ($prev && !is_a($prev, 'DOMElement')) { $prev = $prev->previousSibling; } if ($prev && $tag == 'field' && $prev->tagName == 'field') $node->setAttribute('after', $prev->getAttribute('name')); return $node; } // Delete if (!isset($loc['new'])) { if($loc['old']->getAttribute('extra') == 'auto_increment') { // Only one field can have auto_increment, so give enough info to fix it! $node = $schema->importNode($loc['old'], false); } else { $node = $schema->createElement($tag); $node->setAttribute('name', $name); } $action = $loc['old']->getAttribute('action'); if (!$action) $action = 'unknown'; $node->setAttribute('action', $action); return $node; } $action = $loc['old']->getAttribute('action'); $childNodes = array(); $childAll = $this->listAllNodes(array('new'=>$loc['new']->childNodes, 'old'=>$loc['old']->childNodes)); foreach ($childAll as $childTag => $childList) { foreach ($childList as $childName => $childLoc) { $childNode = $this->getSchemaNodeDiff($schema, $childTag, $childName, $childLoc); if ($childNode) $childNodes[] = $childNode; } if (!$action && count($childNodes)) $action = 'alter'; } // Primary key is always unique if ($loc['new']->tagName == 'key' && $loc['new']->getAttribute('name') == 'PRIMARY') $loc['new']->setAttribute('unique','1'); // Remove default='' from a field if ($loc['new']->tagName == 'field' && $loc['new']->getAttribute('default') === null) $loc['new']->removeAttribute('default'); $attributes = array(); $attrAll = $this->listAllNodes(array('new'=>$loc['new']->attributes, 'old'=>$loc['old']->attributes)); if (!$action) foreach ($attrAll as $attrName => $attrLoc) { if ($attrName == 'primary_key') continue; if ($attrName == 'action') continue; if (!isset($attrLoc['old']->value) || !isset($attrLoc['new']->value) || str_replace(' ', '', $attrLoc['old']->value) != str_replace(' ', '', $attrLoc['new']->value)) $action = 'alter'; } if (count($childNodes) || $action) { $node = $schema->importNode($loc['new'], false); foreach ($loc['new']->attributes as $attribute) $node->setAttribute($attribute->name, $attribute->value); if ($loc['old']->hasAttribute('from')) $node->setAttribute('from', $loc['old']->getAttribute('from')); $node->setAttribute('action', $action); $prev = $loc['new']->previousSibling; while ($prev && !is_a($prev, 'DOMElement')) { $prev = $prev->previousSibling; } if ($prev && $tag == 'field' && $prev->tagName == 'field') $node->setAttribute('after', $prev->getAttribute('name')); foreach ($childNodes as $newNode) { $node->appendChild($newNode); } } return $node; } protected function getDOMDocument($input) { if (is_a($input, 'DOMNode')) $schema = $input; else if ($input === KUNENA_INPUT_DATABASE) $schema = $this->getSchemaFromDatabase(); else if (is_string($input) && file_exists($input)) $schema = $this->getSchemaFromFile($input); else if (is_string($input)) { $schema = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $schema->loadXML($input); } if (!isset($schema) || $schema == false) return; $schema->formatOutput = true; $schema->preserveWhiteSpace = false; return $schema; } public function getSchemaSQL($schema, $drop=false) { $tables = array(); foreach ($schema->getElementsByTagName('table') as $table) { $str = ''; $tablename = $this->db->getPrefix() . $table->getAttribute('name'); $fields = array(); switch ($action = $table->getAttribute('action')) { case 'unknown': if (!$drop) break; case 'drop': $str .= 'DROP TABLE '.$this->db->nameQuote($tablename).';'; break; // case 'rename': case 'alter': if ($action == 'alter') $str .= 'ALTER TABLE '.$this->db->nameQuote($tablename).' '."\n"; // else $str .= 'ALTER TABLE '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('from')).' RENAME '.$this->db->nameQuote($tablename).' '."\n"; foreach ($table->childNodes as $field) { if ($field->hasAttribute('after')) $after = ' AFTER '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('after')); else $after = ' FIRST'; switch ($action2 = $field->getAttribute('action')) { case 'unknown': case 'drop': if ($action2 == 'unknown' && !$drop) { if($field->getAttribute('extra') == 'auto_increment') { // Only one field can have auto_increment, so fix the old field! $field->removeAttribute('extra'); $field->setAttribute('action', 'alter'); } else break; } else { $fields[] = ' DROP '.$this->getSchemaSQLField($field); break; } case 'rename': if ($field->tagName == 'key') { $fields[] = ' DROP KEY '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('from')); $fields[] = ' ADD '.$this->getSchemaSQLField($field); } else { $fields[] = ' CHANGE '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('from')).' '.$this->getSchemaSQLField($field, $after); } break; case 'alter': if ($field->tagName == 'key') { $fields[] = ' DROP KEY '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('name')); $fields[] = ' ADD '.$this->getSchemaSQLField($field); } else { $fields[] = ' MODIFY '.$this->getSchemaSQLField($field, $after); } break; case 'create': $fields[] = ' ADD '.$this->getSchemaSQLField($field, $after); case '': break; default: echo("Kunena Installer: Unknown action $tablename.$action2 on xml file<br />"); } } if (count($fields)) $str .= implode(",\n", $fields) . ';'; else $str = ''; break; case 'create': case '': $action = 'create'; $str .= 'CREATE TABLE '.$this->db->nameQuote($tablename).' ('."\n"; foreach ($table->childNodes as $field) { $sqlpart = $this->getSchemaSQLField($field); if (!empty($sqlpart)) $fields[] = ' '.$sqlpart; } $collation = $this->db->getCollation (); if (!strstr($collation, 'utf8')) $collation = 'utf8_general_ci'; $str .= implode(",\n", $fields) . " ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE {$collation};"; break; default: echo("Kunena Installer: Unknown action $tablename.$action on xml file<br />"); } if (!empty($str)) $tables[$table->getAttribute('name')] = array('name'=>$table->getAttribute('name'), 'action'=>$action, 'sql'=>$str); } return $tables; } protected function getSchemaSQLField($field, $after='') { if (!is_a($field, 'DOMElement')) return ''; $str = ''; if ($field->tagName == 'field') { $str .= $this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('name')); if ($field->getAttribute('action') != 'drop') { $str .= ' '.$field->getAttribute('type'); $str .= ($field->getAttribute('null') == 1) ? ' NULL' : ' NOT NULL'; $str .= ($field->hasAttribute('default')) ? ' default '.$this->db->quote($field->getAttribute('default')) : ''; $str .= ($field->hasAttribute('extra')) ? ' '.$field->getAttribute('extra') : ''; $str .= $after; } } else if ($field->tagName == 'key') { if ($field->getAttribute('name') == 'PRIMARY') $str .= 'PRIMARY KEY'; else if ($field->getAttribute('unique') == 1) $str .= 'UNIQUE KEY '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('name')); else $str .= 'KEY '.$this->db->nameQuote($field->getAttribute('name')); if ($field->getAttribute('action') != 'drop') { $str .= ($field->hasAttribute('type')) ? ' USING '.$field->getAttribute('type') : ''; $str .= ' ('.$field->getAttribute('columns').')'; } } return $str; } public function upgradeSchema($dbschema, $upgrade) { $dbschema = $this->getDOMDocument($dbschema); $upgrade = $this->getDOMDocument($upgrade); if (!$dbschema || !$upgrade) return; //$dbschema->validate(); //$upgrade->validate(); $this->upgradeNewAction($dbschema, $upgrade->documentElement); } protected function upgradeNewAction($dbschema, $node, $table='') { foreach ($node->childNodes as $action) { if (!is_a($action, 'DOMElement')) continue; switch ($action->tagName) { case 'table': $this->upgradeNewAction($dbschema, $action, $action->getAttribute('name')); break; case 'version': if (!$this->version) break; $version = $action->getAttribute('version'); $build = $action->getAttribute('build'); $date = $action->getAttribute('date'); $this->upgradeNewAction($dbschema, $action, $table); case 'if': $table = $action->getAttribute('table'); $field = $action->getAttribute('field'); $key = $action->getAttribute('key'); if (!$field && !$key && !$this->findNode($dbschema, 'table', $table)) break; if ($field && !$this->findNode($dbschema, 'field', $table, $field)) break; if ($key && !$this->findNode($dbschema, 'key', $table, $key)) break; $this->upgradeNewAction($dbschema, $action, $table); break; default: $this->upgradeAction($dbschema, $action, $table); } } } protected function findNode($schema, $type, $table, $field='') { $rootNode = $schema->documentElement; foreach ($rootNode->childNodes as $tableNode) { if (!is_a($tableNode, 'DOMElement')) continue; if ($tableNode->tagName == 'table' && $table == $tableNode->getAttribute('name')) { if ($type == 'table') return $tableNode; foreach ($tableNode->childNodes as $fieldNode) { if (!is_a($fieldNode, 'DOMElement')) continue; if ($fieldNode->tagName == $type && $field == $fieldNode->getAttribute('name')) { return $fieldNode; } } } } return null; } protected function upgradeAction($dbschema, $node, $table='') { if (!$table) $table = $node->getAttribute('table'); if (!$table) return; $tag = $node->tagName; // Allow both formats: <drop key="id"/> and <key name="id" action="drop"/> if ($tag != 'table' && $tag != 'field' && $tag != 'key') { $action = $tag; $attributes = array('field', 'key', 'table'); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ($node->hasAttribute($attribute)) { $tag = $attribute; $name = $node->getAttribute($attribute); break; } } if (!isset($name)) return; } else { $action = $node->getAttribute('action'); $name = $node->getAttribute('name'); } $to = $node->getAttribute('to'); $dbnode = $this->findNode($dbschema, $tag, $table, $name); if (!$dbnode) return; if ($action) $dbnode->setAttribute('action', $action); if ($to) { if (!$dbnode->hasAttribute('from')) $dbnode->setAttribute('from', $dbnode->getAttribute('name')); $dbnode->setAttribute('name', $to); } } } class KunenaSchemaException extends Exception {}