Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_installer/views/modules/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/administrator/components/com_installer/views/modules/view.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: view.php 14401 2010-01-26 14:10:00Z louis $ * @package Joomla * @subpackage Menus * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); jimport('joomla.application.component.view'); /** * Extension Manager Modules View * * @package Joomla * @subpackage Installer * @since 1.5 */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__).DS.'..'.DS.'default'.DS.'view.php'); class InstallerViewModules extends InstallerViewDefault { function display($tpl=null) { /* * Set toolbar items for the page */ JToolBarHelper::deleteList( '', 'remove', 'Uninstall' ); JToolBarHelper::help( 'screen.installer' ); // Get data from the model $state = &$this->get('State'); $items = &$this->get('Items'); $pagination = &$this->get('Pagination'); $lists = new stdClass(); $select[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('All')); $select[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('Site Modules')); $select[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('Admin Modules')); $lists->client = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $select, 'client', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'value', 'text', $state->get('filter.client')); $this->assignRef('items', $items); $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination); $this->assignRef('lists', $lists); JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); parent::display($tpl); } function loadItem($index=0) { $item =& $this->items[$index]; $item->index = $index; if ($item->iscore) { $item->cbd = 'disabled'; $item->style = 'style="color:#999999;"'; } else { $item->cbd = null; $item->style = null; } $item->author_info = @$item->authorEmail .'<br />'. @$item->authorUrl; $this->assignRef('item', $item); } }