? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_kunena/lib/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_kunena/lib/kunena.search.class.php

* @version $Id: kunena.search.class.php 2059 2010-03-14 03:42:18Z mahagr $
* Kunena Component
* @package Kunena
* @Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Kunena Team All rights reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @link http://www.kunena.com
* Based on FireBoard Component
* @Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Best Of Joomla All rights reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @link http://www.bestofjoomla.com
* Based on Joomlaboard Component
* @copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 TSMF / Jan de Graaff / All Rights Reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
* @author TSMF & Jan de Graaff
// Dont allow direct linking
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die('Restricted access');


class CKunenaSearch
    /** search results **/
    var $arr_kunena_results = array();
    /** function **/
    var $func;
    /** search words **/
    var $searchword;
    /** search strings **/
    var $arr_kunena_searchstrings;
    /** search username **/
    var $str_kunena_username;
    /** error number **/
    var $int_kunena_errornr;
    /** error msg **/
    var $str_kunena_errormsg;
    /** params **/
    var $params = array();
    /** total **/
    var $total = 0;
    /** limitstart **/
    var $limitstart;
    /** limit **/
    var $limit;
    /** defaults **/
    var $defaults = array(
	'titleonly' => 0,
	'searchuser' => '',
	'starteronly' => 0,
	'replyless' => 0,
	'replylimit' => 0,
	'searchdate' => '365',
	'beforeafter' => 'after',
	'sortby' => 'lastpost',
	'order' => 'dec',
	'catids' => '0');
     * Search constructor
     * @param limitstart First shown item
     * @param limit Limit
    function CKunenaSearch()
        global $kunena_my;

	$app =& JFactory::getApplication();
        $kunena_db = &JFactory::getDBO();
        $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance();

        // TODO: started_by
        // TODO: active_in

	// Default values for checkboxes depends on function
	$this->func = strtolower(JRequest::getCmd('func'));
	if($this->func == 'search') {
		$this->defaults['exactname'] = $this->defaults['childforums'] = 1;
	} else {
		$this->defaults['exactname'] = $this->defaults['childforums'] = 0;

	$q = JRequest::getVar('q', ''); // Search words
	// Backwards compability for old templates
	if (empty($q) && isset($_REQUEST['searchword'])) {
		$q = JRequest::getVar('searchword', '');
	$q = stripslashes($q);
	$this->params['titleonly'] = JRequest::getInt('titleonly', $this->defaults['titleonly']);
	$this->params['searchuser'] = stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('searchuser', $this->defaults['searchuser']));
	$this->params['starteronly'] = JRequest::getInt('starteronly', $this->defaults['starteronly']);
	$this->params['exactname'] = JRequest::getInt('exactname', $this->defaults['exactname']);
	$this->params['replyless'] = JRequest::getInt('replyless', $this->defaults['replyless']);
	$this->params['replylimit'] = JRequest::getInt('replylimit', $this->defaults['replylimit']);
	$this->params['searchdate'] = JRequest::getVar('searchdate', $this->defaults['searchdate']);
	$this->params['beforeafter'] = JRequest::getVar('beforeafter', $this->defaults['beforeafter']);
	$this->params['sortby'] = JRequest::getVar('sortby', $this->defaults['sortby']);
	$this->params['order'] = JRequest::getVar('order', $this->defaults['order']);
	$this->params['childforums'] = JRequest::getInt('childforums', $this->defaults['childforums']);
	$this->params['catids'] = strtr(JRequest::getVar('catids', '0', 'get'), KUNENA_URL_LIST_SEPARATOR, ',');
	$limitstart = $this->limitstart = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0);
	$limit = $this->limit = JRequest::getInt('limit', $fbConfig->messages_per_page_search);

	if ($limit<1 || $limit>40) $limit = $this->limit = $fbConfig->messages_per_page_search;

	if (isset($_POST['q']) || isset($_POST['searchword'])) {
		$this->params['catids'] = implode(',', JRequest::getVar('catids', array(0), 'post', 'array'));
		$url = CKunenaLink::GetSearchURL($fbConfig, $this->func, $q, $limitstart, $limit, $this->getUrlParams());
        	header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
        	header("Location: " . htmlspecialchars_decode($url));

	if ($q == _GEN_SEARCH_BOX) $q = '';
	$this->searchword = $q;
    $arr_searchwords = explode(' ', $q);
	$do_search = FALSE;
	$this->arr_kunena_searchstrings = array();
	foreach ($arr_searchwords as $q)
		$q = trim($q);
		if (strlen($q)>2) $do_search = TRUE;
		$this->arr_kunena_searchstrings[] = $q;
	if (strlen($searchuser)>0) $do_search = TRUE;
        $arr_searchwords = $this->arr_kunena_searchstrings;
	$this->str_kunena_username = $searchuser;

        if ($do_search != TRUE)
            $this->int_kunena_errornr = 1;
            $this->str_kunena_errormsg = _KUNENA_SEARCH_ERR_SHORTKEYWORD;

	$search_forums = $this->get_search_forums($catids, $childforums);
        /* if there are no forums to search in, set error and return */
        if (empty($search_forums))
            $this->int_kunena_errornr = 2;
            $this->str_kunena_errormsg = _KUNENA_SEARCH_NOFORUM;

        for ($x = 0; $x < count($arr_searchwords); $x++)
            $searchword = $arr_searchwords[$x];
            $searchword = $kunena_db->getEscaped(addslashes(trim($searchword)));
            if (empty($searchword)) continue;
            $matches = array ();
            $not = '';
            $operator = ' OR ';

            if (strstr($searchword, '-') == $searchword)
                $not = 'NOT';
                $operator = 'AND';
                $searchword = substr($searchword, 1);

                $querystrings[] = "(t.message {$not} LIKE '%{$searchword}%' {$operator} m.subject {$not} LIKE '%{$searchword}%')";
            } else {
                $querystrings[] = "(m.subject {$not} LIKE '%{$searchword}%')";

	//User searching
            if($exactname=='1') {
                $querystrings[] = "m.name LIKE '" . $kunena_db->getEscaped(addslashes($searchuser)) . "'";
            } else {
                $querystrings[] = "m.name LIKE '%" . $kunena_db->getEscaped(addslashes($searchuser)) . "%'";

	$time = 0;
	switch($searchdate) {
		case 'lastvisit':
			$kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT lasttime FROM #__fb_sessions WHERE userid='{$kunena_my->id}'");
			$time = $kunena_db->loadResult();
		case 'all':
		case '1':
		case '7':
		case '14':
		case '30':
		case '90':
		case '180':
		case '365':
			$time = time() - 86400*intval($searchdate); //24*3600
			$time = time() - 86400*365;
			$searchdate = '365';

	if ($time) {
		if($beforeafter == 'after') {
			$querystrings[] = "m.time > '{$time}'";
		} else {
			$querystrings[] = "m.time <= '{$time}'";

        /* build query */
        $querystrings[] = "m.moved='0'";
        $querystrings[] = "m.hold='0'";
        $querystrings[] = "m.catid IN ({$search_forums})";
        $where = implode(' AND ', $querystrings);

	$groupby = array();
        if($order =='dec') $order1 = 'DESC';
        else $order1 = 'ASC';
        switch ($sortby) {
        case 'title':
		$orderby = "m.subject {$order1}, m.time {$order1}";
        case 'views':
		$orderby = "m.hits {$order1}, m.time {$order1}";
        case 'threadstart':
		$orderby = "m.time {$order1}, m.ordering {$order1}, m.hits {$order1}";
        case 'forum':
		$orderby = "m.catid {$order1}, m.time {$order1}, m.ordering {$order1}";
        case 'replycount':
        case 'postusername':
        case 'lastpost':
		$orderby = "m.time {$order1}, m.ordering {$order1}, m.catid {$order1}";

        if (count($groupby) > 0)
            $groupby = ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $groupby);
            $groupby = '';

        /* get total */
        $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__fb_messages AS m JOIN #__fb_messages_text AS t ON m.id=t.mesid WHERE {$where} {$groupby}");
        $this->total = $kunena_db->loadResult();
        check_dberror("Unable to count messages.");

        /* if there are no forums to search in, set error and return */
        if ($this->total == 0)
            $this->int_kunena_errornr = 3;
            $this->str_kunena_errormsg = _KUNENA_SEARCH_ERR_NOPOSTS;
	if ($this->total < $this->limitstart) $this->limitstart = $limitstart = (int)($this->total / $this->limit);

        /* get results */
        $sql = "SELECT m.id, m.subject, m.catid, m.thread, m.name, m.time, t.mesid, t.message FROM #__fb_messages_text AS t JOIN #__fb_messages AS m ON m.id=t.mesid WHERE {$where} {$groupby} ORDER BY {$orderby}";
        $kunena_db->setQuery($sql, $limitstart, $limit);
        $rows = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
        check_dberror("Unable to load messages.");

        $this->str_kunena_errormsg = $sql . '<br />' . $kunena_db->getErrorMsg();

        if (count($rows) > 0)
            $this->arr_kunena_results = $rows;
            $this->arr_kunena_results = array ();

    /** get searchstrings (array) **/
    function get_searchstrings() {
        return $this->arr_kunena_searchstrings;
    function get_searchusername() {
        return $this->str_kunena_username;
    /** get limit (int) **/
    function get_limit() {
        return $this->limit;
    /** get start (int) **/
    function get_limitstart() {
        return $this->limitstart;
    /** get results (array) **/
    function get_results() {
        return $this->arr_kunena_results;
    function getUrlParams() {
	$url_params = '';
	foreach ($this->params as $param => $value) {
		if ($param == 'catids') $value = strtr($value, ',', KUNENA_URL_LIST_SEPARATOR);
		if ($value != $this->defaults[$param]) $url_params .= "&amp;$param=".urlencode($value);
	return $url_params;
    function get_search_forums(&$catids, $childforums = 1) {
		$fbSession =& CKunenaSession::getInstance();
        $kunena_db = &JFactory::getDBO();
		$kunena_my = &JFactory::getUser();

        /* get allowed forums */
		$allowed_string = '';
		if ($fbSession->allowed && $fbSession->allowed != 'na')
			$allowed_string = "id IN ({$fbSession->allowed})";
		} else {
			$allowed_string = "published='1' AND pub_access='0'";
		$kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT id, parent FROM #__fb_categories WHERE {$allowed_string}");
        $allowed_forums = $kunena_db->loadAssocList('id');
        check_dberror("Unable to get public categories.");

		$allow_list = array();
	foreach ($allowed_forums as $forum)
		// Children list: parent => array(child1, child2, ...)
		$allow_list[$forum['parent']][] = $forum['id'];

	$catids = explode(',', $catids);
	$result = array();
	if (count($catids) > 0 && !in_array(0, $catids)) {
		// Algorithm:
		// Start with selected categories and pop them from the catlist one by one
		// Every popped item in the catlist will be added into result list
		// For every category: push all its children into the catlist
		while ($cur = array_pop($catids))
			$result[$cur] = $cur;
			if (array_key_exists($cur, $allow_list))
				foreach ($allow_list[$cur] as $forum)
					if (!in_array($forum, $catids))
						array_push($catids, $forum);
		$search_forums = implode(",", $result);
	} else {
		$search_forums = implode(",", array_keys($allowed_forums));
	return $search_forums;
     * Display results
     * @param string actionstring
    function show()
	$fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance();

        $q = implode(" ", $this->get_searchstrings());
        $searchuser = $this->get_searchusername();
	$limitstart = $this->get_limitstart();
	$limit = $this->get_limit();

	$selected = ' selected="selected"';
	$checked = ' checked="checked"';
	$fb_advsearch_hide = 1;
	if ($this->int_kunena_errornr) {
	        $q = $this->searchword;
		$fb_advsearch_hide = 0;
        if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/advancedsearch/advsearch.php')) {
        	include (KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/advancedsearch/advsearch.php');
        else {
                include (KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT .DS. 'plugin/advancedsearch/advsearch.php');

        $results = $this->get_results();
        $totalRows = $this->total;

	$pagination = KunenaSearchPagination($this->func, $q, $this->getUrlParams(), floor($limitstart/$limit)+1, $limit, floor($totalRows/$limit)+1, 7);

        if (defined('KUNENA_DEBUG'))
            echo '<p style="background-color:#FFFFCC;border:1px solid red;">' . $this->str_kunena_errormsg . '</p>';


	if (empty($q) && empty($searchuser)) {

        $boardclass = 'fb_';
<div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr1">
<div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr2">
<div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr3">
<div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr4">
<div class="<?php echo $boardclass; ?>_bt_cvr5">
        <table  class = "fb_blocktable" id ="fb_forumsearch"  border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width="100%">
                    <th colspan = "3">
                        <div class = "fb_title_cover">
                            <span class="fb_title fbl"><?php echo _KUNENA_SEARCH_RESULTS; ?></span>
                            <b><?php printf(_FORUM_SEARCH, $q); ?></b>

                <tr class = "fb_sth">
                    <th class = "th-1 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader">
<?php echo _GEN_SUBJECT; ?>

                    <th class = "th-2 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader">
<?php echo _GEN_AUTHOR; ?>

                    <th class = "th-3 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader">
<?php echo _GEN_DATE; ?>

                $tabclass = array

                $k = 0;

                if ($totalRows == 0 && $this->int_kunena_errornr) {
                    echo '<tr class="' . $boardclass . '' . $tabclass[$k] . '" ><td colspan="3"  style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold">' . $this->str_kunena_errormsg . '</td></tr>';

				// Cleanup incoming searchword; international chars can cause garbage at the end
				// real problem might lie with search box form and how we post and receive the data
				// However, this works for now
				$q = trim($q);

                // JJ Add different color
                $searchlist = $this->get_searchstrings();
                foreach ($results as $result)
                    $k = 1 - $k;
                    $ressubject = $result->subject;
                    // Clean up subject
                    $ressubject = stripslashes(smile::purify($ressubject));
                    $ressubject = smile::htmlwrap($ressubject, $fbConfig->wrap);
                    $resmessage = stripslashes($result->message);
                    // Strip smiles and bbcode out of search results; they look ugly
                    $resmessage = CKunenaTools::prepareContent($resmessage);
                    $resmessage = smile::purify($resmessage);
                    $resmessage = kn_mb_substr(kunena_htmlspecialchars($resmessage), 0, 300);
                    $resmessage = smile::htmlwrap($resmessage, $fbConfig->wrap);
                    $utf8 = (KUNENA_CHARSET == 'UTF-8') ? "u" : "";

                    foreach ($searchlist as $searchword)
                        if (empty($searchword)) continue;
                        $ressubject = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($searchword, '/')."/i".$utf8, '<span  class="searchword" >' . $searchword . '</span>', $ressubject);
                        $resmessage = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($searchword, '/')."/i".$utf8, '<span  class="searchword" >' . $searchword . '</span>', $resmessage);
                    echo '<tr class="' . $boardclass . '' . $tabclass[$k] . '">';
                    echo '<td  class = "td-1" ><a href="'
                             . JRoute::_(KUNENA_LIVEURLREL . '&amp;func=view&amp;id=' . $result->id . '&amp;catid=' . $result->catid) . '#' . $result->id . '" >' . $ressubject . '</a><br />' . $resmessage . '<br /><br /></td>';
                    echo '<td class = "td-2" >' . kunena_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($result->name)) . '</td>';
                    echo '<td class = "td-3" >' . date(_DATETIME, $result->time) . '</td></tr>';
                    echo "\n";

                if ($totalRows > $limit)

                    <tr  class = "fb_sth" >
                        <th colspan = "3" style = "text-align:center" class = "th-1 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader">
                            echo $pagination;


                <tr  class = "fb_sth" >
                   <th colspan = "3" style = "text-align:center" class = "th-1 <?php echo $boardclass; ?>sectiontableheader">
			$resStart = $limitstart+1;
			$resStop = $limitstart+count($results);
			if ($resStart<$resStop) $resStartStop = (string)($resStart).' - '.(string)($resStop);
			else $resStartStop = '0';
                        printf(_FORUM_SEARCHRESULTS, $resStartStop, $totalRows);

function KunenaSearchPagination($function, $q, $urlparams, $page, $limit, $totalpages, $maxpages) {
    $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance();
    if ($page==0) $page++;
    $startpage = ($page - floor($maxpages/2) < 1) ? 1 : $page - floor($maxpages/2);
    $endpage = $startpage + $maxpages;
    if ($endpage > $totalpages) {
	$startpage = ($totalpages-$maxpages) < 1 ? 1 : $totalpages-$maxpages;
	$endpage = $totalpages;

    $output = '<div class="fb_pagination">'._PAGE;
    if ($startpage > 1)
	if ($endpage < $totalpages) $endpage--;
	$output .= CKunenaLink::GetSearchLink($fbConfig, $function, $q, 0, $limit, 1, $urlparams, $rel='nofollow');

	if ($startpage > 2)
	    $output .= "...";

    for ($i = $startpage; $i <= $endpage && $i <= $totalpages; $i++)
        if ($page == $i) {
            $output .= "<strong>$i</strong>";
        else {
	    $output .= CKunenaLink::GetSearchLink($fbConfig, $function, $q, ($i-1)*$limit, $limit, $i, $urlparams, $rel='nofollow');

    if ($endpage < $totalpages)
	if ($endpage < $totalpages-1)
	    $output .= "...";

	$output .= CKunenaLink::GetSearchLink($fbConfig, $function, $q, ($totalpages-1)*$limit, $limit, $totalpages, $urlparams, $rel='nofollow');

    $output .= '</div>';
    return $output;

