Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/views/cpanel/tmpl/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/views/cpanel/tmpl/default.php |
<?php /** * jUpgrade * * @version $Id$ * @package MatWare * @subpackage com_jupgrade * @copyright Copyright 2006 - 2011 Matias Aguire. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later. * @author Matias Aguirre <maguirre@matware.com.ar> * @link http://www.matware.com.ar */ // No direct access. defined('_JEXEC') or die; $version = "v{$this->version}"; JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); // Check if "System - Mootools Upgrade" is enabled $mtupgrade = JPluginHelper::isEnabled( 'system', 'mtupgrade' ); // get params $params = $this->params; // Determine which package is being downloaded $mode = $params->get("mode"); // Set the correct package name if ($mode == 1) { $package = 'Joomla 2.5'; } else if ($mode == 2) { $package = 'Molajo'; } // get document to add scripts $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript('components/com_jupgrade/js/dwProgressBar.js'); $document->addScript('components/com_jupgrade/js/migrate.js'); $document->addStyleSheet("components/com_jupgrade/css/jupgrade.css"); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function() { /* Init jUpgrade */ var jupgrade = new jUpgrade({ mode: <?php echo $params->get("mode") ? $params->get("mode") : 1; ?>, directory: '<?php echo $params->get("directory") ?>', prefix_old: '<?php echo $params->get("prefix_old") ?>', prefix_new: '<?php echo $params->get("prefix_new") ?>', skip_checks: <?php echo $params->get("skip_checks") ? $params->get("skip_checks") : 0; ?>, skip_download: <?php echo $params->get("skip_download") ? $params->get("skip_download") : 0; ?>, skip_decompress: <?php echo $params->get("skip_decompress") ? $params->get("skip_decompress") : 0; ?>, skip_templates: <?php echo $params->get("skip_templates") ? $params->get("skip_templates") : 0; ?>, skip_extensions: <?php echo $params->get("skip_extensions") ? $params->get("skip_extensions") : 0; ?>, positions: <?php echo $params->get("positions") ? $params->get("positions") : 0; ?>, debug_php: <?php echo $params->get("debug_php") ? $params->get("debug_php") : 0; ?>, debug_js: <?php echo $params->get("debug_js") ? $params->get("debug_js") : 0; ?> }); /* Debug */ var debug_js = <?php echo $params->get("debug_js") ? $params->get("debug_js") : 0; ?>; var version = MooTools.version; if (debug_js > 0) { alert('Mootools version: '+version); } }); </script> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="100%" valign="top" align="center"> <?php if ($mtupgrade == false) { ?> <div id="error"> <a href="index.php?option=com_plugins"><?php echo JText::_('Mootools 1.2 not loaded. Please enable "System - Mootools Upgrade" plugin.'); ?></a> </div> <?php }else { ?> <div id="update"> <br /><img src="components/com_jupgrade/images/update.png" align="middle" border="0"/><br /> <h2><?php echo JText::_('START UPGRADE'); ?></h2><br /> </div> <div id="checks"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Checking and cleaning...'); ?></p> <div id="pb0"></div> <div><small><i><span id="checkstatus"><?php echo JText::_('Preparing for check...'); ?></span></i></small></div> </div> <div id="download"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Downloading '.$package.'...'); ?></p> <div id="pb1"></div> <div id="downloadtext"> <i><small><b><span id="currBytes">0</span></b> bytes / <b><span id="totalBytes">0</span></b> bytes</small></i> </div> <span id="downloadstatus"></span> </div> <div id="decompress"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Decompressing package...'); ?></p> <div id="pb2"></div> <span id="decompressstatus"></span> </div> <div id="install"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Installing '.$package.'...'); ?></p> <div id="pb3"></div> </div> <div id="migration"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Upgrading progress...'); ?></p> <div id="pb4"></div> <div><small><i><span id="status"><?php echo JText::_('Preparing for migration'); ?></span></i></small></div> </div> <div id="templates"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Copying templates...'); ?></p> <div id="pb5"></div> </div> <div id="files"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Copying images/media files...'); ?></p> <div id="pb6"></div> </div> <div id="extensions"> <p class="text"><?php echo JText::_('Upgrading 3rd extensions...'); ?></p> <div id="pb7"></div> <div><small><i><span id="status_ext"><?php echo JText::_('Preparing for 3rd extensions migration'); ?></span></i></small></div> </div> <div id="done"> <h2><?php echo JText::_($package.' Upgrade Finished!'); ?></h2> <p class="text"> <?php echo JText::_('You can check your new site here'); ?>:<br /> <a href="<?php echo JURI::root().$params->get('directory'); ?>/" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_('Site'); ?></a> and <a href="<?php echo JURI::root().$params->get('directory'); ?>/administrator/" target="_blank"><?php echo JText::_('Administrator'); ?></a> </p> </div> <div id="info"> <div id="info_version"><?php echo JText::_('jUpgrade'); ?> <?php echo JText::_('Version').' <b>'.$this->version.'</b>'; ?></div> <div id="info_thanks"> <p> <?php echo JText::_('Developed by'); ?> <i><a href="http://www.matware.com.ar/">Matware ©</a></i> Copyleft 2006-2012<br /> Licensed as <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html"><i>GNU General Public License v2</i></a><br /> </p> <p> <a href="http://redcomponent.com/jupgrade">Project Site</a> / <a href="http://redcomponent.com/forum/92-jupgrade">Project Community</a> / <a href="http://redcomponent.com/forum/92-jupgrade/102880-jupgrade-faq">FAQ</a><br /> </p> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div> <div id="debug"></div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <form action="index.php?option=com_jupgrade" method="post" name="adminForm"> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_jupgrade" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> </form>