Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/models/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/models/comments.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-1.5/JG/trunk/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/models/comments.php $ // $Id: comments.php 3092 2011-05-20 09:56:58Z aha $ /****************************************************************************************\ ** JoomGallery 1.5.7 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \****************************************************************************************/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); /** * Comments model * * Saves, removes, publishes, unpublishes, approves, * rejects and loads comments. * * @package JoomGallery * @since 1.5.5 */ class JoomGalleryModelComments extends JoomGalleryModel { /** * Comments data array * * @access protected * @var array */ var $_comments; /** * Comments number * * @access protected * @var int */ var $_total = null; /** * Returns the query for loading all comments * * @access protected * @return string The query to be used to retrieve the rows from the database * @since 1.5.5 */ function _buildQuery() { $query = "SELECT c.*, a.id, a.imgtitle, a.imgthumbname, a.catid FROM "._JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS." AS c LEFT JOIN "._JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES." AS a ON a.id = c.cmtpic ".$this->_buildWhere()." ".$this->_buildOrderby(); return $query; } /** * Returns the 'where' part of the query for loading all comments * * @access protected * @return string The 'where' part of the query for loading all comments * @since 1.5.5 */ function _buildWhere() { $where = ''; if($filter = JRequest::getString('search')) { $filter = $this->_db->Quote('%'.$this->_db->getEscaped($filter, true).'%', false); $where .= 'WHERE cmttext LIKE '.$filter; } return $where; } /** * Returns the 'order by' part of the query for loading all comments * * @access protected * @return string The 'order by' part of the query for loading all comments * @since 1.5.5 */ function _buildOrderBy() { #$sort = JRequest::getInt('sort'); $sortorder = 'cmtdate DESC'; /*switch($sort) { case 0: $sortorder = 'c.ordering ASC'; break; case 1: $sortorder = 'c.ordering DESC'; break; case 2: $sortorder = 'c.catpath ASC'; break; case 3: $sortorder = 'c.catpath DESC'; break; case 4: $sortorder = 'c.cid ASC'; break; case 5: $sortorder = 'c.cid DESC'; break; case 6: $sortorder = 'c.name ASC'; break; case 7: $sortorder = 'c.name DESC'; break; case 8: $sortorder = 'c.owner ASC'; break; case 9: $sortorder = 'c.owner DESC'; break; default: break; }*/ if($sortorder != '') { $orderby = 'ORDER BY '.$sortorder; } return $orderby; } /** * Retrieves the comments data * * @access public * @return array Array of objects containing the comments data from the database * @since 1.5.5 */ function getComments() { // Lets load the data if it doesn't already exist if(empty($this->_comments)) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // Get the pagination request variables $limit = JRequest::getVar('limit', 0, '', 'int'); $limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int'); $query = $this->_buildQuery(); $this->_comments = $this->_getList($query, $limitstart, $limit); foreach($this->_comments as $key => $comment) { if($comment->userid > 0) { $this->_comments[$key]->cmtname = JHTML::_('joomgallery.displayname', $comment->userid); } $this->_comments[$key]->cmttext = JoomHelper::processText($comment->cmttext); } } return $this->_comments; } /** * Method to get the total number of comments * * @access public * @return int The total number of comments in the gallery * @since 1.5.5 */ function getTotal() { // Lets load the comments number if it doesn't already exist if (empty($this->_total)) { $query = $this->_buildQuery(); $this->_total = $this->_getListCount($query); } return $this->_total; } /** * Method to delete one or more comments * * @access public * @return int The number of successfully deleted comments, boolean false if an error occured * @since 1.5.5 */ function delete() { $cids = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), 'post', 'array'); $row = & $this->getTable('joomgallerycomments'); if(count($cids)) { foreach($cids as $cid) { if (!$row->delete($cid)) { $this->setError($row->getErrorMsg()); return false; } } return count($cids); } return false; } /** * Method to publish, unpublish, approve or reject one or more comments * * @access public * @param array $cid Array of comment IDs to perform the task on * @param int $publish 1 for publishing or approving, 0 for unpublishing or rejecting * @param string $task The task to perform ('publish' or 'approve') * @return int The number of successfully processed comments, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ function publish($cid, $publish = 1, $task = 'publish') { JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid); $cids = implode(',', $cid); $column = 'approved'; if($task == 'publish') { $column = 'published'; } $query = "UPDATE "._JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS." SET ".$column." = ".(int) $publish." WHERE cmtid IN (".$cids." )"; $this->_db->setQuery($query); if(!$this->_db->query()) { return false; } // Message about new comment to image owner if($column == 'approved' && $publish && $this->_config->get('jg_msg_comment_toowner')) { require_once(JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE.DS.'helpers'.DS.'messenger.php'); $messenger = new JoomMessenger(); foreach($cid as $id) { // Load comment data $comment = &$this->getTable('joomgallerycomments'); $comment->load($id); if(!$name = $comment->cmtname) { $user = & JFactory::getUser($comment->userid); $name = $user->get('name'); } // Load image data $image = &$this->getTable('joomgalleryimages'); $image->load($comment->cmtpic); if($image->owner && $image->owner != $comment->userid) { $mode = $messenger->getModeData('comment'); $message = array( 'from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'subject' => JText::_('JGA_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_TO_OWNER_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('JGA_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_TO_OWNER_BODY', $name, $image->imgtitle, $image->id), 'type' => $mode['type'] ); $message['recipient'] = $image->owner; $messenger->send($message); } } } return count($cid); } }