Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/models/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/models/extension.php |
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2005-2012 WebxSolution Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # @license - GPLv2.0 # Author: WebxSolution Ltd # Websites: http://www.webxsolution.com # Terms of Use: An extension that is derived from the JoomlaCK editor will only be allowed under the following conditions: http://joomlackeditor.com/terms-of-use # ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die(); define( 'JCK_PATH', JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor' ); define( 'JCK_PLUGINS', JCK_PATH.DS.'plugins' ); class JCKManModelInstaller extends JModelList { /** @var array Array of installed components */ var $_items = array(); /** @var object JPagination object */ var $_pagination = null; var $_type = null; /** * Overridden constructor * @access protected */ function __construct() { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); // Call the parent constructor parent::__construct(); // Set state variables from the request $this->setState('pagination.limit', $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int')); $this->setState('pagination.offset',$mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('com_installer.limitstart.'.$this->_type, 'limitstart', 0, 'int')); $this->setState('pagination.total', 0); } function &getItems() { if (empty($this->_items)) { // Load the items $this->_loadItems(); } return $this->_items; } function &getPagination() { if (empty($this->_pagination)) { // Make sure items are loaded for a proper total if (empty($this->_items)) { // Load the items $this->_loadItems(); } // Load the pagination object jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); $this->_pagination = new JPagination($this->state->get('pagination.total'), $this->state->get('pagination.offset'), $this->state->get('pagination.limit')); } return $this->_pagination; } /** * Remove (uninstall) an extension * * @static * @param array An array of identifiers * @return boolean True on success * @since 1.0 */ function remove($eid=array()) { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication(); // Initialize variables $failed = array (); /* * Ensure eid is an array of extension ids in the form id => client_id * TODO: If it isn't an array do we want to set an error and fail? */ if (!is_array($eid)) { $eid = array($eid => 0); } // Get a database connector $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // Get an installer object for the extension type //jimport('joomla.installer.installer'); //$installer = & JInstaller::getInstance(); require_once( JPATH_COMPONENT .DS. 'installer.php' ); $installer = JCKInstaller::getInstance(); // Uninstall the chosen extensions foreach ($eid as $id => $clientId) { $id = trim( $id ); $result = $installer->uninstall($this->_type, $id, $clientId ); // Build an array of extensions that failed to uninstall if ($result === false) { $failed[] = $id; } } if (count($failed)) { // There was an error in uninstalling the package $msg = JText::sprintf('UNINSTALLEXT', JText::_($this->_type), JText::_('Error')); $result = false; } else { // Package uninstalled sucessfully $msg = JText::sprintf('UNINSTALLEXT', JText::_($this->_type), JText::_('Success')); $result = true; } $mainframe->enqueueMessage($msg); $this->setState('action', 'remove'); $this->setState('name', $installer->get('name')); $this->setState('message', $installer->message); $this->setState('extension.message', $installer->get('extension.message')); return $result; } function _loadItems() { return JCKHelper::error( JText::_('Method Not Implemented')); } } class JCKManModelExtension extends JCKManModelInstaller { }