Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/event/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/event/cpanel.php |
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2005-2012 WebxSolution Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # @license - GPLv2.0 # Author: WebxSolution Ltd # Websites: http://www.webxsolution.com # Terms of Use: An extension that is derived from the JoomlaCK editor will only be allowed under the following conditions: http://joomlackeditor.com/terms-of-use # ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die; defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); jimport( 'joomla.event.event' ); class JCKCpanelControllerListener extends JEvent { protected $canDo = false; protected $app = false; function __construct( &$subject ) { parent::__construct( $subject ); $this->canDo = JCKHelper::getActions(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); } /** * A JParameter object holding the parameters for the plugin * * @var A JParameter object * @access public * @since 1.5 */ public function onCheck() { //Check System requirements for the editor define('JCK_BASE',JPATH_CONFIGURATION .DS.'plugins'.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'); if(!JFolder::exists(JCK_BASE)) return; $perms = fileperms(JPATH_CONFIGURATION.DS.'index.php'); $perms = (decoct($perms & 0777)); $default_fperms = '0644'; $default_dperms = '0755'; if($perms == 777 || $perms == 666) { $default_fperms = '0666'; $default_dperms = '0777'; } $fperms = JCK_BASE.DS.'config.js'; if(!stristr(PHP_OS,'WIN') && JPath::canChmod(JCK_BASE) && $perms != decoct(fileperms($fperms) & 0777)) { $path = JCK_BASE.DS.'plugins'; if(!JPath::setPermissions($path,$default_fperms,$default_dperms)) { $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_AUTO_CORRECTION_FAILED_INCORRECT_FILE_PERMISSION'),'error' ); } } $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_SYSTEM_CHECKED_AND_UPDATED')); }//end function public function onSync() { if( !$this->canDo->get('jckman.sync') ) { $this->app->redirect( JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=cpanel', false ), JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_PLUGIN_PERM_NO_SYNC' ), 'error' ); return false; } jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor' .DS. 'pluginoverrides.php'; $dest = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'includes'.DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'plugins'.DS.'editor'.DS. 'pluginoverrides.php'; if( !JFile::copy( $src, $dest) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_MOVE_PLUGINOVERRIDES_PLUGIN') ); } $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor' .DS. 'acl.php'; $dest = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'includes'.DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'plugins'.DS.'editor'.DS. 'acl.php'; if( !JFile::copy( $src, $dest) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_MOVE_ACL_PLUGIN') ); } $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor' .DS. 'components.php'; $dest = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'includes'.DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'plugins'.DS.'toolbar'.DS. 'components.php'; if( !JFile::copy( $src, $dest) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_MOVE_COMPONENTS_PLUGIN') ); } $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS .'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor'.DS.'plugins.php'; $dest = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'includes'.DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'plugins.php'; if( !JFile::copy( $src, $dest) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_MOVE_BASE_PLUGIN') ); } $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor' .DS. 'scayt.xml'; $dest = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'plugins'.DS.'scayt'.DS. 'scayt.xml'; if( !JFile::copy( $src, $dest) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_MOVE_SCAYT_PLUGIN') ); } //Lets try and restore broken or removed plugins from backup require_once( JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'helpers' .DS.'restorer.php' ); $restorer = JCKRestorer::getInstance(); $srcBase = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor' .DS.'plugins'.DS; $destBase = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'plugins'.DS; $folders = JFolder::folders($srcBase); foreach($folders as $folder) { $src = $srcBase.$folder; if (!$restorer->install($src)) { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_RESTORE_FOLDER',$folder), 'error' ); } else { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_SUCESSFULLY_RESTORE_FOLDER',$folder)); } } //check whether plugin is not a core plugin //if its not iterate through and see if there are files missing //then delete the plugin if there are $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = 'SELECT p.id, p.name FROM `#__jckplugins` p WHERE p.iscore = 0'; $results = $db->setQuery( $query )->loadObjectList(); if(!empty($results)) { for($i = 0; $i < count($results);$i++) { if(!JFolder::exists(JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'plugins'.DS.$results[$i]->name)) { $query = 'DELETE FROM #__jcktoolbarplugins WHERE pluginid ='. $results[$i]->id; $db->setQuery( $query )->query(); $query = 'DELETE FROM #__jckplugins WHERE id ='. $results[$i]->id; $db->setQuery( $query )->query(); } }//end for loop } //check for plugins that have not been added to layout -- legacy check $query = 'SELECT id,name FROM `#__jcktoolbars`'; $toolbars = $db->setQuery( $query )->loadObjectList(); $JCKfolder = CKEDITOR_LIBRARY.DS . 'toolbar'; $values = array(); if(!empty($toolbars)) { require_once(CKEDITOR_LIBRARY.DS . 'toolbar.php'); //update core plugins layout if needed foreach($toolbars as $row) { // get the total number of core plugin records $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'COUNT(*)' ) ->from( '#__jcktoolbarplugins tp' ) ->join( 'INNER', '#__jckplugins p ON tp.pluginid = p.id' ) ->where( 'tp.toolbarid ='.(int) $row->id ) ->where( 'p.iscore = 1' ); $totalRows = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadResult(); if(!$totalRows) //lets get plugins from class file { $filename = $JCKfolder.DS.$row->name.'.php'; require_once($filename); $classname = 'JCK'. ucfirst($row->name); $toolbar = new $classname(); $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'p.id, p.title' ) ->from( '#__jckplugins p' ) ->join( 'LEFT', '#__jckplugins parent ON parent.id = p.parentid AND parent.published = 1' ) ->where( 'p.title != ""' ) ->where( 'p.published = 1' ) ->where( 'p.iscore = 1' ) ->where( '(p.parentid IS NULL OR parent.published = 1)' ); $allplugins = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadObjectList(); $values = array(); //fix toolbar values or they will get wiped out $l = 1; $n = 1; $j = 1; foreach (get_object_vars( $toolbar ) as $k => $v) { if($v) { $n = ($n > $v ? $n : $v); } if($l < $n) { $l = $n; $j = 1; } for($m = 0; $m< count($allplugins); $m++) { if($k == $allplugins[$m]->title) { $values[] = '('.(int)$row->id.','.(int)$allplugins[$m]->id.','.$n.','.$j.',1)'; break; } if(strpos($k,'brk_') !== false) { $id = preg_match('/[0-9]+$/',$k); $id = $id * -1; $values[] = '('.(int)$row->id.','.$id.','.$n.','.$j.',1)'; $n++; break; } } $j++; } if(!empty($values)) { $query = 'INSERT INTO #__jcktoolbarplugins(toolbarid,pluginid,row,ordering,state) VALUES ' . implode(',',$values); $db->setQuery( $query ); if(!$db->query()) { JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } } } } //update non core plugins layout $values = array(); foreach($toolbars as $row) { $query = 'SELECT id,title FROM `#__jckplugins` p WHERE p.title != "" AND p.iscore = 0 AND p.published = 1' .' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #__jcktoolbarplugins tp WHERE tp.pluginid = p.id AND tp.toolbarid = ' .$row->id. ')'; $plugins = $db->setQuery( $query )->loadObjectList(); $tmpfilename = $JCKfolder.DS.$row->name.'.php'; if(!file_exists($tmpfilename)) continue; //skip require_once($tmpfilename); $classname = 'JCK'. ucfirst($row->name); $toolbar = new $classname(); $rowDetail = JCKHelper::getNextLayoutRow($row->id); foreach (get_object_vars( $toolbar ) as $k => $v) { foreach($plugins as $plugin) { if($plugin->title == $k) { $values[] = '('.$row->id.','. $plugin->id.','.$rowDetail->rowid.','.$rowDetail->rowordering.',1)'; $rowDetail->rowordering++; } } } } } //Now add plugins to layouts if(!empty($values)) { $query = 'INSERT INTO #__jcktoolbarplugins(toolbarid,pluginid,row,ordering,state) VALUES ' . implode(',',$values) .' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE toolbarid = VALUES(toolbarid),pluginid = VALUES(pluginid)'; $db->setQuery( $query ); if(!$db->query()) { JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } } //Reload Toolbar if editor is re-installed jckimport( 'event.observable.editor' ); $obs = new JCKEditorObservable( 'toolbars' ); $handle = $obs->getEventHandler(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__jcktoolbars` t WHERE exists(SELECT 1 FROM #__jcktoolbarplugins tp WHERE tp.toolbarid = t.id)'; $rowresults = $db->setQuery( $query )->loadObjectList(); foreach($rowresults as $row) { $id = $row->id; $name = $row->name; $title = $row->title; switch( $name ) { case 'publisher' : case 'full': case 'basic' : case 'blog' : case 'image' : case 'mobile': $isNew = false; break; default : $isNew = true; break; }//end switch $handle->onSave( $id, $name, $name, $title, $isNew ); } //restore state of published/unpublished plugins $obs = new JCKEditorObservable( 'list' ); $handle = $obs->getEventHandler(); $where = array(); $where[] = ' WHERE p.published = 1'; $where[] = ' WHERE p.published = 0'; $state = array(1,0); $count = count($where); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { $query = 'SELECT id FROM `#__jckplugins` p' . $where[$i] . ' AND p.iscore = 1 AND type="plugin"'; $results = $db->setQuery( $query )->loadColumn(); $handle->onPublish($results, $state[$i]); } //restore language overrides $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor'.DS.'overrides'; $dest = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'language'.DS.'overrides'; $files = JFolder::files($src); foreach($files as $file) { if($file == 'index.html') continue; $source = $src .'/'. $file; $path = $dest.'/'.$file; if(JFile::exists($file)) { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_LANGUAGE_EXISTS',$file), 'warning' ); } elseif(!JFile::copy($source,$path)) { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_RESTORE_LANGUAGE',$file), 'error' ); } else { $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_SUCESSFULLY_RESTORE_LANGUAGE',$file)); } } $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_EDITOR_SYNCHRONIZED')); }//end function public function onImport() { }//end function public function onExport() { ini_set('max_execution_time', 5000); //require(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/helpers/archive.php'); require(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/helpers/archivefactory.php'); //copy XML file jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $src = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'jckeditor.xml'; $dest = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor'.DS.'plugins'.DS.'jckeditor.xml'; if( !JFile::copy( $src, $dest) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_TO_COPY_MANIFEST') ); } $src = JPATH_PLUGINS.DS.'editors'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'jckeditor'.DS.'includes'.DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'toolbar'; $dest = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor'.DS.'toolbar'; if( !JFolder::copy( $src, $dest,'',true) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_TO_COPY_TOOLBARS') ); } $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'language'.DS.'overrides'; $dest = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components' .DS. 'com_jckman' .DS. 'editor'.DS.'overrides'; if( !JFolder::copy( $src, $dest,'',true) ){ $this->app->enqueueMessage( JText::_('COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_UNABLE_TO_COPY_TOOLBARS') ); } //process SQL if($this->_createSQL()) { // Create a new gzip file test.tgz in htdocs/test $backup_file_name = 'bak_jckeditor'.date('dmyHis'); /* $tgz = new gzip_file($backup_file_name); $tgz->set_options(array('basedir' => JPATH_COMPONENT."/editor", 'overwrite' =>1,'inmemory'=>1,level=>5)); $tgz->add_files('import.xml'); $tgz->add_files('toolbar'); $tgz->add_files('plugins'); $tgz->create_archive(); $tgz->download_file(); exit; */ $tgz = new ArchiveFactory(JPATH_COMPONENT."/editor",$backup_file_name); $tgz->downloadFile(); } else { JCKHelper::error( JText::_("COM_JCKMAN_CPANEL_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SQL")); } }//end function private function _createSQL() { $tables = array('#__jckplugins','#__jcktoolbars','#__jcktoolbarplugins','#__jcklanguages'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $sql = array(); foreach($tables as $table) { $sql[] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '. $table.';'.chr(13); $query = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE '. $table; $db->setQuery($query); $row = $db->loadRow(); $struct = str_replace($db->getPrefix(),'#__',$row[1]); $sql[] = $struct.';'.chr(13); $query = 'SELECT * FROM '. $table; $db->setQuery($query); $rows = $db-> loadRowList(); if(!empty($rows)) { $sql[] = 'INSERT INTO '. $table. ' VALUES '; $fieldcount = count($rows[0]); $rowcount = count($rows); $fieldcount--; $rowcount--; foreach($rows as $k=>$row) { if(!$row[$fieldcount]) $row[$fieldcount] = 'NULL'; if(!$row[$fieldcount-2]) $row[$fieldcount-2] = 'NULL'; if($k < $rowcount) $tupples = "('".implode("','",$row)."'),"; else $tupples = "('".implode("','",$row)."');"; $tupples = str_replace("'NULL'","NULL",$tupples); $sql[] = $tupples; } $sql[] = chr(13); } } $query = "SELECT params FROM #__extensions WHERE folder='editors' AND element = 'jckeditor'"; $db->setQuery($query); $result = $db-> loadResult(); $sql[] = "UPDATE #__extensions"; $sql[] = "SET params = '".$db->escape($result)."'"; $sql[] = "WHERE folder='editors' AND element = 'jckeditor'"; $sql[] = chr(13); $buffer = implode(chr(13),$sql); $file = JPATH_COMPONENT.'/editor/plugins/sql.sql'; return JFile::write($file, $buffer); }//end function }//end class