Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/css/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/css/header.css |
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2005-2012 WebxSolution Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # @license - GPLv2.0 # Author: WebxSolution Ltd # Websites: http://www.webxsolution.com # Terms of Use: An extension that is derived from the JoomlaCK editor will only be allowed under the following conditions: http://joomlackeditor.com/terms-of-use # ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*===============> */ /*==========> J3.0 */ /*===============> */ /* TOOLBAR BUTTONS */ .icon-cpanel:before { content : "7"; color : #333333; } .icon-export:before { content : "R"; color : #51A351; } /* SUBMENU BUTTONS */ #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=cpanel']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "7 "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=list']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "4 "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=install']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "3 "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=extension']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "L "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=cpanel&taskbtn=system']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "j "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=toolbars']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "1 "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=import']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "l "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=cpanel&taskbtn=export']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "R "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=cpanel&taskbtn=sync']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "f "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_jckman&view=cpanel&taskbtn=editor']:before { font-family : 'IcoMoon'; content : "2 "; } #sidebar #submenu a[href*='com_installer'] { display : none; } /* J3.0 STYLE FIXES */ .nav-tabs a:focus { outline : 0px none; } .sidebar-nav .nav-list a.nolink, .sidebar-nav .nav-list a.nolink:hover, .sidebar-nav .nav-list li.active a.nolink, .sidebar-nav .nav-list li.active a.nolink:hover { color : #888888; background-color : transparent; text-shadow : none; } /* MOBILE STYLE FIXES */ #filter-bar .btn-group > .btn { max-width : 50%; } .jckbreak { word-break : break-word; } /* ACCESSIBILITY TMPL FIXES */ /* installer */ body#minwidth-body .nav-tabs > li { float : left; list-style : none outside none; } body#minwidth-body #main-container > div { padding : 20px; clear : both; } body#minwidth-body #jform_selections_chzn { min-width : 200px; } /* installer tabs fix */ body#minwidth-body #main-container .nav li { margin : 3px 5px; padding : 5px; border : 1px solid #C7C8B2; background-color : #F9FADE; } /* root tabs fix */ body#minwidth-body #submenu { padding-bottom : 31px; } body#minwidth-body #submenu li { margin-top : 5px; } body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(1), body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(2), body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(3), body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(4), body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(5), body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(6), body#minwidth-body .jckman_install #submenu li:nth-child(7) { display : none; } /*==========> END J3.0! */ .icon-48-cpanel { background-image:url("../icons/icon-48-cpanel.png") !important; } .icon-32-cpanel { background-image:url("../icons/icon-32-cpanel.png") !important; } .pane-sliders .content { background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF !important; } .icon-48-plugin { background-image:url("../icons/icon-48-plugin.png") !important; } .icon-48-layout { background-image:url("../icons/icon-48-layout.png") !important; } .icon-48-installer { background-image:url("../icons/icon-48-installer.png") !important; } .icon-48-import { background-image:url("../icons/icon-48-import.png") !important; } .message small { font-size:inherit !important; } /*J!1.6 StyleFixes - PF*/ fieldset.adminform input, fieldset.adminform textarea, fieldset.adminform select, fieldset.adminform img, fieldset.adminform button { float: none !important; } fieldset.adminform label, fieldset.adminform span.faux-label { float: none !important; display: inline !important; } div.width-60 { float: left; } div.width-40 { float: right; } div#element-box div.m { padding: 0 10px !important; } table.adminform td { padding: 15px !important; font-size: 11px !important; } #content-pane {margin: 0 !important; } input.button { margin-top: 2px; }