Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/controllers/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jckman/controllers/toolbars.php |
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2005-2012 WebxSolution Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # @license - GPLv2.0 # Author: WebxSolution Ltd # Websites: http://www.webxsolution.com # Terms of Use: An extension that is derived from the JoomlaCK editor will only be allowed under the following conditions: http://joomlackeditor.com/terms-of-use # ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die(); class JCKManControllerToolbars extends JCKController { protected $canDo = false; function __construct( $default = array()) { parent::__construct( $default ); $this->canDo = JCKHelper::getActions(); $this->registerTask( 'apply', 'save'); $this->registerTask( 'edit', 'display' ); $this->registerTask( 'add', 'display' ); $this->registerTask( 'trash', 'remove' ); // drop-down menu $this->registerTask( 'remove', 'remove' ); } function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false ) { switch($this->getTask()) { case 'add' : case 'edit' : { JRequest::setVar( 'hidemainmenu', 1 ); JRequest::setVar( 'layout', 'form' ); JRequest::setVar( 'view', 'toolbar' ); } break; case 'preview' : { JRequest::setVar( 'view', 'toolbar' ); JRequest::setVar( 'layout', 'popup' ); } } parent::display($cachable, $urlparams); } /** * Compiles information to add or edit a toolbar * @param string The current GET/POST option * @param integer The unique id of the record to edit */ function copy() { // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or die( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) ); if( !$this->canDo->get('core.create') ) { $this->setRedirect( JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars', false ), JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_PLUGIN_PERM_NO_COPY' ), 'error' ); return false; } // Initialize some variables $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $cid = $app->input->get( 'cid', array(), 'array' ); $n = count( $cid ); if ($n == 0) { return JCKHelper::error( JText::_( 'JERROR_NO_ITEMS_SELECTED' ) ); } $row =& JCKHelper::getTable('toolbar'); $toolbarpugins = array(); $i = 1; $ncid = array(); foreach ($cid as $id) { // load the row from the db table $row->load( (int) $id ); $row->title = 'Copy of ' . $row->title; $row->id = 0; $row->iscore = 0; $row->published = 1; $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'count(1)' ) ->from( '#__jcktoolbars' ) ->where( 'title = "'. $row->title . '"' ); //get offset for name of copy $offset = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadResult(); $row->name = $row->name . ($offset +1); if (!$row->check()) { return JCKHelper::error( $row->getError() ); } if (!$row->store()) { return JCKHelper::error( $row->getError() ); } $row->checkin(); $ncid[] = $row->id; $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'pluginid,row,ordering,state' ) ->from( '#__jcktoolbarplugins' ) ->where( 'toolbarid = '. (int) $id ); $rows = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $toolbar_plugin_row) { $toolbarpugins[] = '('.(int) $row->id. ',' .(int) $toolbar_plugin_row->pluginid. ',' .(int) $toolbar_plugin_row->row. ',' .(int) $toolbar_plugin_row->ordering. ','.(int) $toolbar_plugin_row->state.')'; } } $this->event_args = array('cid' => $ncid); if (!empty( $toolbarpugins )) { // Toolbar-Plugin Mapping: Do it in one query $query = 'INSERT INTO #__jcktoolbarplugins (toolbarid,pluginid,row,ordering,state) VALUES '.implode( ',', $toolbarpugins ); $db->setQuery( $query ); if (!$db->query()) { return JCKHelper::error( $row->getError() ); } } $msg = JText::sprintf( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_COPY', $n ); $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars', $msg ); } function save() { // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or die( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) ); if( !$this->canDo->get('core.edit') ) { $this->setRedirect( JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars', false ), JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_PLUGIN_PERM_NO_SAVE' ), 'error' ); return false; } $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $row =& JCKHelper::getTable('toolbar'); $task = $this->getTask(); $form = $app->input->get( 'jform', array(), 'array' ); $form['rows'] = $app->input->get( 'rows', array(), 'array' ); $components = $app->input->get( 'components', array(), 'array' ); $params = array(); $params['components'] = $components; $form['params'] = $params; $id = $form['id']; $oldname = ''; $isNew = false; if(!$id) { $isNew = true; $name = $form['name']; $form['name'] = str_replace(array(' ','-'),array('','_'),$name); } else { $row->load((int)$id); $oldname = $row->name; } if (!$row->bind($form)) { JCKHelper::error( $row->getError() ); } if (!$row->check()) { JCKHelper::error( $row->getError() ); } if (!$row->store()) { JCKHelper::error( $row->getError() ); } $row->checkin(); //code to add plugins from layout $rows = JRequest::getVar( 'rows', '', 'post'); $rows = str_replace( ',/,,/,', ',/,', $rows ); $rows = explode('/',$rows); if($rows[count($rows) -1] == ',') array_pop($rows); for($i = 0;$i < count($rows); $i++) $rows[$i] = explode(',',$rows[$i]); $values = array(); $k = 1; $j = 1; $l = 1; $rowcount = count($rows ); foreach($rows as $toolbar) { if(empty($toolbar)) continue; foreach($toolbar as $icon) { if($icon =='') continue; if($icon ==';') { $k++; $j = 1; } else { $pluginid = str_replace('icon','',$icon); $values[] = '('.(int)$row->id.','.(int)$pluginid.','.$k.','.$j.',1)'; $j++; } } $breakid = $l * -1; if($l < $rowcount) $values[] = '('.(int)$row->id.','.$breakid.','.$k.','.$j.',1)'; $l++; } //first delete dependencies $query = 'DELETE FROM #__jcktoolbarplugins' . ' WHERE toolbarid = '.$row->id; $db->setQuery( $query ); if (!$db->query()) { JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } if(!empty($values)) { $query = 'INSERT INTO `#__jcktoolbarplugins` (toolbarid,pluginid,row,ordering,state) VALUES ' . implode(',',$values); $db->setQuery( $query ); if(!$db->query()) { JCKHelper::error( $db->ErrorMsg() ); } } //arguments for onSave Event $this->event_args = array('id' => $row->id,'name'=>$row->name,'oldname'=>$oldname,'title'=>$row->title,'isNew'=>$isNew); switch ( $task ) { case 'apply': $msg = JText::sprintf( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_APPLY', $row->title ); $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&task=toolbars.edit&cid[]='. $row->id, $msg ); break; case 'save': default: $msg = JText::sprintf( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_SAVE', $row->title ); $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars', $msg ); break; } } function cancel() { // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or die( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) ); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $row = JCKHelper::getTable('toolbar'); $form = $app->input->get( 'jform', array(), 'array' ); $row->bind($form); $row->checkin(); $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars'); } function remove() { // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or die( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) ); if( !$this->canDo->get('core.delete') ) { $this->setRedirect( JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars', false ), JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_PLUGIN_PERM_NO_SAVE' ), 'error' ); return false; } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $cid = $app->input->get( 'cid', array(0), 'array' ); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0)); if (count( $cid ) < 1) { JCKHelper::error( JText::_( 'JWARNING_DELETE_MUST_SELECT' ) ); } if (empty( $cid )) { return JCKHelper::error( JText::_( 'JGLOBAL_NO_ITEM_SELECTED' ) ); } $cids = implode( ',', $cid ); $editor = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors','jckeditor'); $params = new JRegistry($editor->params); $defaults = array(strtolower($params->get('toolbar','full')),strtolower($params->get('toolbar_ft','full')) ); $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'count(1)' ) ->from( '#__jcktoolbars' ) ->where( 'id IN ('.$cids.')' ) ->where( 'LOWER(name) IN ("' . implode('","',$defaults) .'")' ); $total = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadResult(); if($msg = $db->getErrorMsg()) { return JCKHelper::error( $msg); } if($total > 0){ $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars'); return JCKHelper::error( JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_NO_DEL_DEFAULT' ) ); } $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'count(1)' ) ->from( '#__jcktoolbars' ) ->where( 'id IN ('.$cids.')' ) ->where( 'iscore = 1' ); $total = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadResult(); if($msg = $db->getErrorMsg()) { return JCKHelper::error( $msg); } if($total > 0){ $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars'); return JCKHelper::error( JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_NO_DEL_CORE' ) ); } $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->select( 'name' ) ->from( '#__jcktoolbars' ) ->where( 'id IN ('.$cids.')' ); $rows = $db->setQuery( $sql )->loadColumn(); if (!$db->query()) { return JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } $this->event_args = array('names' => $rows); //first delete dependencies $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->delete( '#__jcktoolbarplugins' ) ->where( 'toolbarid IN ('.$cids.')' ); $db->setQuery( $sql ); if (!$db->query()) { JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } //delete toolbars $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); $sql->delete( '#__jcktoolbars' ) ->where( 'id IN ('.$cids.')' ); $db->setQuery( $sql ); if (!$db->query()) { JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } $msg = JText::sprintf( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_DELETE', implode(',',$rows) ); $this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars',$msg ); } function checkin() { // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or die( JText::_( 'JINVALID_TOKEN' ) ); if( !$this->canDo->get('core.edit.state') ) { $this->setRedirect( JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=toolbars', false ), JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_PLUGIN_PERM_NO_CHECK' ), 'error' ); return false; } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $cid = $app->input->get( 'cid', array(0), 'array' ); $sql = $db->getQuery( true ); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0)); if(count( $cid ) < 1) { JCKHelper::error( JText::_( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_NO_CHECKIN' ) ); } $cids = implode( ',', $cid ); $sql->update( '#__jcktoolbars' ) ->set( array( 'checked_out = 0', 'checked_out_time = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"' ) ) ->where( 'id IN ( ' . $cids . ' )' ) ->where( 'checked_out = ' . (int)$user->get('id') ); $db->setQuery( $sql ); if( !$db->query() ) { JCKHelper::error( $db->getErrorMsg() ); } $this->event_args = array('cid' => $cid,'value'=> true ); $plural = ( count( $cid ) > 1 ) ? '(s)' : ''; JCKHelper::error( JText::sprintf( 'COM_JCKMAN_TOOLBAR_CHECKIN', (int)count( $cid ), $plural ), 'message' ); $this->setRedirect( JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_jckman&view=' . $app->input->get( 'view', 'toolbars' ), false ) ); } }