Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jce/helpers/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jce/helpers/encrypt.php |
<?php /** * @package JCE * @copyright Copyright (c)2009-2013 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos * @copyright Copyright (c)2014 Ryan Demmer * @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later * * @since 2.4 * * Modified for JCE by Ryan Demmer */ // Protection against direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die(); require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/classes/encrypt.php'); /** * Implements encrypted settings handling features */ class WFEncryptHelper { /** * PBKDF2 Implementation for deriving keys. * * @param string $p Password * @param string $s Salt * @param integer $kl Key length * @param integer $c Iteration count * @param string $a Hash algorithm * * @return string The derived key. * * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 * @see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2898.txt * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. */ protected static function pbkdf2($p, $s, $kl, $c = 10000, $a = 'sha256') { // simple md5 version if (!function_exists('hash')) { $seed = $p . $s; $md5 = md5($seed); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $md5 = md5($md5 . md5(rand(0, 2147483647))); } return substr($md5, 0, $kl); } // Hash length. $hl = strlen(hash($a, null, true)); // Key blocks to compute. $kb = ceil($kl / $hl); // Derived key. $dk = ''; // Create the key. for ($block = 1; $block <= $kb; $block++) { // Initial hash for this block. $ib = $b = hash_hmac($a, $s . pack('N', $block), $p, true); // Perform block iterations. for ($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++) { $ib ^= ($b = hash_hmac($a, $b, $p, true)); } // Append the iterated block. $dk .= $ib; } // Return derived key of correct length. return substr($dk, 0, $kl); } protected static function generateKey() { jimport('joomla.crypt.crypt'); $key = JCrypt::genRandomBytes(32); $salt = md5_file(JPATH_SITE . '/configuration.php'); $key = base64_encode(self::pbkdf2($key, $salt, 32)); $filecontents = "<?php defined('WF_EDITOR') or die(); define('WF_SERVERKEY', '$key'); ?>"; $filename = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/serverkey.php'; $result = JFile::write($filename, $filecontents); if (!$result) { return ''; } else { return base64_decode($key); } } /** * Gets the configured server key, automatically loading the server key storage file * if required. * @return string */ public static function getKey() { if (defined('WF_SERVERKEY')) { return base64_decode(WF_SERVERKEY); } $filename = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/serverkey.php'; if (file_exists($filename)) { include_once $filename; if (defined('WF_SERVERKEY')) { return base64_decode(WF_SERVERKEY); } } else { return self::generateKey(); } } /** * Do the server options allow us to use settings encryption? * @return bool */ public static function supportsEncryption() { // Do we have base64_encode/_decode required for encryption? if (!function_exists('base64_encode') || !function_exists('base64_decode')) { return false; } // Pre-requisites met. We can encrypt and decrypt! return true; } /** * Gets the preferred encryption mode. Currently, if mcrypt is installed and activated we will * use AES128. * @return string */ public static function preferredEncryption() { if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open')) { return 'AES128'; } else { return 'CTR128'; } } /** * Encrypts the settings using the automatically detected preferred algorithm * @param $settingsINI string The raw settings INI string * @return string The encrypted data to store in the database */ public static function encrypt($data, $key = null) { // Do we really support encryption? if (!self::supportsEncryption()) return $data; // Does any of the preferred encryption engines exist? $encryption = self::preferredEncryption(); if (empty($encryption)) return $data; // Do we have a non-empty key to begin with? if (empty($key)) $key = self::getKey(); if (empty($key)) return $data; if ($encryption == 'AES128') { $encrypted = WFUtilEncrypt::AESEncryptCBC($data, $key, 128); if (empty($encrypted)) { $encryption = 'CTR128'; } else { // Note: CBC returns the encrypted data as a binary string and requires Base 64 encoding $data = '###AES128###' . base64_encode($encrypted); } } if ($encryption == 'CTR128') { $encrypted = WFUtilEncrypt::AESEncryptCtr($settingsINI, $key, 128); if (empty($encrypted)) { $encryption = ''; } else { // Note: CTR returns the encrypted data readily encoded in Base 64 $data = '###CTR128###' . $encrypted; } } return $data; } /** * Decrypts the encrypted settings and returns the plaintext INI string * @param $encrypted string The encrypted data * @return string The decrypted data */ public static function decrypt($encrypted, $key = null) { if (substr($encrypted, 0, 12) == '###AES128###') { $mode = 'AES128'; } elseif (substr($encrypted, 0, 12) == '###CTR128###') { $mode = 'CTR128'; } else { return $encrypted; } if (empty($key)) { $key = self::getKey(); } $encrypted = substr($encrypted, 12); switch ($mode) { case 'AES128': $encrypted = base64_decode($encrypted); $decrypted = WFUtilEncrypt::AESDecryptCBC($encrypted, $key, 128); break; case 'CTR128': $decrypted = WFUtilEncrypt::AESDecryptCtr($encrypted, $key, 128); break; } return rtrim($decrypted, "\0"); } }