? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/models/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/models/default.php

 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * JA Extenstion Manager Component for J25 & J3
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
 * Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


 * Default Model
 * @package   Joomla
 * @subpackage  Updater
 * @since   1.5
class JaextmanagerModelDefault extends JAEMModel
	var $_components = array();
	var $_updateComponents = array();
	var $_updateExtensions = array();
	var $_bkPkgs = array();
	var $_component = null;
	/** @var object JPagination object */
	var $_pagination = null;
	var $coreExts = array();
	var $supportedTypes = array();

	function __construct()
		// Initialise variables.
		$app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
		// Set state variables from the request
		/*$this->setState('pagination.limit', $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int'));
		$this->setState('pagination.offset',$mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(JACOMPONENT.'.limitstart.update', 'limitstart', 0, 'int'));
		$this->setState('pagination.total', 0);*/
		$this->coreExts = array(
			"'com_mailto'", "'com_wrapper'", "'com_admin'", "'com_banners'", "'com_cache'", 
			"'com_categories'", "'com_checkin'", "'com_contact'", "'com_cpanel'", "'com_installer'", 
			"'com_languages'", "'com_login'", "'com_media'", "'com_menus'", "'com_messages'", "'com_modules'", 
			"'com_newsfeeds'", "'com_plugins'", "'com_search'", "'com_templates'", "'com_weblinks'", "'com_content'", 
			"'com_config'", "'com_redirect'", "'com_users'", 
			"'mod_articles_archive'", "'mod_articles_latest'", "'mod_articles_popular'", "'mod_banners'", "'mod_breadcrumbs'", 
			"'mod_custom'", "'mod_feed'", "'mod_footer'", "'mod_login'", "'mod_menu'", "'mod_articles_news'", "'mod_random_image'", 
			"'mod_related_items'", "'mod_search'", "'mod_stats'", "'mod_syndicate'", "'mod_users_latest'", "'mod_weblinks'", 
			"'mod_whosonline'", "'mod_wrapper'", "'mod_articles_category'", "'mod_articles_categories'", "'mod_languages'", 
			"'mod_custom'", "'mod_feed'", "'mod_latest'", "'mod_logged'", "'mod_login'", "'mod_menu'", "'mod_online'", "'mod_popular'", 
			"'mod_quickicon'", "'mod_status'", "'mod_submenu'", "'mod_title'", "'mod_toolbar'", "'mod_unread'", 
			"'gmail'", "'joomla'", "'ldap'", "'emailcloak'", "'geshi'", "'loadmodule'", "'pagebreak'", "'pagenavigation'", "'vote'", 
			"'codemirror'", "'none'", "'tinymce'", "'article'", "'image'", "'pagebreak'", "'readmore'", "'categories'", "'contacts'", 
			"'content'", "'newsfeeds'", "'weblinks'", "'languagefilter'", "'p3p'", "'cache'", "'debug'", "'log'", "'redirect'", "'remember'", 
			"'sef'", "'logout'", "'contactcreator'", "'joomla'", "'profile'", 
			"'atomic'", "'rhuk_milkyway'", "'bluestork'", "'beez_20'", "'hathor'", "'beez5'");
		$this->supportedTypes = array("'component'", "'module'", "'plugin'", "'template'");

	function &getUri()
		global $compUri;
		return "$compUri&view=update";

	function &getPagination()
		if (empty($this->_pagination)) {
			return null;
		return $this->_pagination;

	 * get list of installed extensions on user sites
	 * @return array
	function getListExtensions()
		//fix bug paging if checkbox is checked
		JRequest::setVar('cId', array());
		$lists = $this->_getUsListExtensions();
		$total = $this->_getTotalExtensions($lists);
		if ($lists['limit'] > $total) {
			$lists['limitstart'] = 0;
		if ($lists['limit'] == 0) {
			$limit = $total;
		} else {
			$limit = $lists['limit'];
		if (empty($this->_updateExtensions)) {
			$this->_loadExtensions($lists['limitstart'], $limit, $lists);
		$this->_pagination = new JPagination($total, $lists['limitstart'], $lists['limit']);
		return $this->_updateExtensions;

	 * arrangement list of extension into group
	 * @return array
	function _splitTypes($cIds)
		$aSupportedTypes = array('component', 'module', 'plugin', 'template');
		$aIds = array();
		foreach ($cIds as $eId) {
			$id = explode('-', $eId); //format: type-id
			if (isset($id[1])) {
				$aIds[] = (int) $id[1];
		return $aIds;

	 * get user settings
	 * @return array User Settings
	function _getUsListExtensions()
		// Initialise variables.
		$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
		$option = JACOMPONENT;
		$lists = array();
		$lists['filter_order'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.filter_order', 'filter_order', 't.id', 'string');
		$lists['filter_order_Dir'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
		$lists['limit'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.limit', 'limit', 20, 'int');
		$lists['limitstart'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
		$lists['search'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.search', 'search', JRequest::getVar('search', ''), 'string');
		$lists['status'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.status', 'status', '0', 'int');
		$lists['extionsion_type'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.extionsion_type', 'extionsion_type', JRequest::getVar('type', ''), 'string');
		// In case limit has been changed, adjust limitstart accordingly
		$limit = $lists['limit'];
		$limitstart = ($limit != 0 ? (floor($lists['limitstart'] / $limit) * $limit) : 0);
		$lists['limitstart'] = $limitstart;
		return $lists;

	 * get SQL condition to filter list of extensions
	 * @return string
	function _getFilterExtensions()
		$lists = $this->_getUsListExtensions();
		$keyword = empty($lists['search']) ? '' : $lists['search'];
		$params = $this->getComponentParams();
		$hideNoneJA = (int) $params->get("HIDE_NONJA", 0);
		//default filter
		$filter = " AND protected <> 1 AND `element` <> '' ";
		//filter by extension type
		$filter = " AND (`type` = " . implode(" OR `type` = ", $this->supportedTypes) . ") ";
		//filter by core extensions
		$filter .= "AND `element` <> " . implode(" AND `element` <> ", $this->coreExts) . " ";
		//filter by keyword
		$filter .= "AND (name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR '' = '{$keyword}') ";
		if($hideNoneJA) {
			$filter .= "AND (name LIKE '%ja%' OR name LIKE '%t3%') ";
		//filter by extension id
		$cIds = JRequest::getVar('cId', array(), '', 'array');
		if (!empty($cIds)) {
			$aIds = $this->_splitTypes($cIds);
			$filter .= "AND extension_id IN (" . implode(',', $aIds) . ") ";
		return $filter;

	 * count total of extensions match given conditions
	 * @param array $lists - search options
	 * @return int
	function _getTotalExtensions($lists)
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();
		$type = (JRequest::getVar('type', '') != '') ? JRequest::getVar('type') : $lists['extionsion_type'];
		$sFilter = $this->_getFilterExtensions();
		$query = "
			SELECT COUNT(extension_id) FROM #__extensions 
			WHERE (`type` = " . $db->Quote($type) . " OR '' = " . $db->Quote($type) . ")
			AND `element` NOT LIKE '%jaupdater.%'
		return $db->loadResult();

	 * get list of extensions (all type) that installed on your sites
	 * (The result will be storaged into the '_updateExtensions' property of object).
	 * - this list will be collected from many tables
	 * - the field 'extKey' will be used to identify extension, 
	 * it is got from different information (depend on extension type)
	 * @param (int) $limitstart
	 * @param (int) $limit
	 * @param (array) $lists - other params
	function _loadExtensions($limitstart = 0, $limit = 20, $lists = array())
		// Initialise variables.
		$app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
		$type = (JRequest::getVar('type', '') != '') ? JRequest::getVar('type') : $lists['extionsion_type'];
		$sFilter = $this->_getFilterExtensions();
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();
		$query = "
					`type`, `element` AS extKey,
					extension_id AS id, name, params, protected, `state` AS enabled, 
					element, client_id, folder 
				FROM #__extensions 
				WHERE (`type` = " . $db->Quote($type) . " OR '' = " . $db->Quote($type) . ")
				AND `element` NOT LIKE '%jaupdater.%'
				GROUP BY extension_id
				ORDER BY `type`, `name`
				LIMIT {$limitstart}, {$limit}";
		//echo nl2br($query);
		$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
		$this->_updateExtensions = array();
		$aSettings = $this->getListExtensionSettings();
		$services = jaGetListServices();
		$helper = new JaextmanagerHelper($aSettings, $services);
		foreach ($rows as $obj) {
			if (($obj2 = $helper->loadExtension($obj, $obj->type)) !== false) {
				$this->_updateExtensions[] = $obj2;

	 * get list of extension types are supported by JAEM
	 * @return (array) - list of extension type
	function getListExtensionType()
		$aData = array();
		$aData[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '', JText::_('ALL'));
		$aData[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'component', JText::_('COMPONENTS'));
		$aData[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'module', JText::_('MODULES'));
		$aData[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'plugin', JText::_('PLUGINS'));
		$aData[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'template', JText::_('TEMPLATES'));
		return $aData;

	 * get extension that will being manipulate
	 * @return (mixed) - return false if extension is not found, otherwise return extension object
	function _getProduct()
		$this->_updateExtensions = array();
		$cIds = JRequest::getVar('cId', array(), '', 'array');
		if (!isset($cIds[0])) {
			return false;
		list($type, $id) = explode('-', $cIds[0]);
		JRequest::setVar('type', $type);
		if (!isset($this->_updateExtensions[0])) {
			return false;
		return $this->_updateExtensions[0];

	 * This is the first step of upgrading process.
	 * This method will return list of new versions that available to upgrade.
	 * @return (string) - list of new version that rendered to html code
	function getNewVersions()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
			$css = "status-not-support";
		$uploadScript = " <br />[<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jaOpenUploader(); return false;\" title=\"" . JText::_("UPLOAD_VERSION_PACKAGE") . "\">" . JText::_("UPLOAD_NOW") . "</a>]";
		$versionsNote = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "", $versionsNote);
		$versions = $jauc->getNewerVersions($obj);
		if ($versions === false) {
			if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
				$css = "status-not-uploaded";
				$tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
				$title = JText::sprintf("IT_SEEM_NO_VERSION_OF_S_HAS_BEEN_UPLOADED_TO_S", $obj->name, "<br /><strong>" . $jauc->getLocalVersionsPath($obj, false) . "</strong><br />");
				$linkRepo = "<a id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" href=\"#\" title=\"\" >" . JText::_("REPOSITORY") . "</a>";
				$status = JText::sprintf("SORRY_NO_VERSION_UPLOADED_IN_S", $linkRepo);
				$script = jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
			} else {
				//this extensions is not an service' extension
				$css = "status-not-found";
		} else {
			if (!is_object($versions)) {
				$css = "status-not-support";
				$status = JText::_('THIS_EXTENSION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED');
			} else {
				$extID = $obj->extId;
				$css = "status-new";
				$tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
				$title = "<sup><a href=\"#\" id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" title=\"\">" . JText::_("") . "</a></sup>";
				$status = JText::sprintf("NEW_VERSION_FOUND_S", $title);
				$status .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $versionsNote);
				$lastest = '';
				$index = 0;
				$showOnly = 1;
				$more = 0;
				foreach ($versions as $v => $vInfo) {
					if (isset($vInfo->lastest)) {
						$lastest = $vInfo->version;
					/*if ( $index == $showOnly + 1 ) {
						$more = 1;
						$status .= '<br/> <a href="#" style="color:#800000" onclick="showMoreOlderVersion(this, \'olderVersion'.$extID.'\'); return false;">'.JText::_("MORE").'</a>';
						$status .= '<br/> <div id="olderVersion'.$extID.'" style="display:none">';
					$status .= '<br />';
					$status .= "- {$v} <sup style=\"color:red;\">[New!";
					$status .= (isset($vInfo->releaseDate) ? " " . $vInfo->releaseDate : '') . (isset($vInfo->lastest) ? " - " . JText::_('LASTEST') : '');
					$status .= "]</sup>";
					if (isset($vInfo->notSure)) {
						$tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
						$title = "++++++++<br />" . JText::sprintf("WE_CAN_NOT_DETECT_WHICH_IS_A_NEWER_VERSION_BETWEEN__S_AND_S_", $obj->version, $v) . $versionsNote;
						$status .= "<sup style=\"color:#FF6600;\" id=\"{$tipid}\">[!Notice]</sup>";
						$status .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
					if (isset($vInfo->changelogUrl) && !empty($vInfo->changelogUrl)) {
						$status .= ' <a href="' . $vInfo->changelogUrl . '" title="' . JText::_('SHOW_CHANGE_LOG') . '" target="_blank" >' . JText::_('CHANGE_LOG') . '</a>';
					$status .= ' - <a href="index.php?option=com_jaextmanager&view=default&task=compare&cId[]=' . $extID . '&version=' . $v . '" title="' . JText::_('VIEW_DIFFERENCE_BETWEEN_TWO_VERSIONS') . '">' . JText::_('COMPARE') . '</a>';
					$status .= ' - <a href="#" onclick="doUpgrade(\'' . $extID . '\', \'' . $v . '\', \'LastCheckStatus_' . $extID . '\'); return false;" title="' . JText::_('UPGARDE_TO_NEW_VERSION_NOW') . '">' . JText::_('UPGRADE_NOW') . '</a>';
				/*if ( $more ) {
					$status .= '</div>';
				if ($index == 0) {
					if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
						$css = "status-normal";
						$tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
						$title = JText::sprintf("S_NEW_VERSIONS_ARE_STORED_AT_S_IF_YOU_HAVE_NEW_VERSION_UPLOAD_IT_OR_DO_IT_VIA_FTP", $obj->name, "<br /><strong>" . $jauc->getLocalVersionsPath($obj, false) . "</strong><br />");
						$linkRepo = "<a id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" href=\"#\" title=\"\">" . JText::_("REPOSITORY") . "</a>";
						$status = JText::sprintf('NO_NEW_VERSION_FOUND_IN_S', $linkRepo);
						$script = jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
					} else {
						//$css = "status-lastest";
						$css = "status-normal";
						$status = JText::_("NO_NEW_VERSION_FOUND");
		if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
			$status .= $uploadScript;
		$status = "<div class=\"{$css}\">{$status}</div>";
		if (isset($script)) {
			$status .= $script;
		$this->storeLastCheck($obj->extId, addslashes($status));
		return $status;

	 * storage result of check new version list to display in next times
	 * @param (string) $objID - extension id
	 * @param (string) $status
	function storeLastCheck($objID, $status)
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();
		$query = "
			INSERT INTO #__jaem_log (ext_id, check_date, check_info)
			VALUES ('" . $objID . "', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', '" . addslashes($status) . "')
				check_date = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "',
				check_info = '" . addslashes($status) . "'";

	 * getting result of last check
	 * @param (array) $listLog
	 * @param (string) $objID
	 * @return string
	function getLastCheckStatus($aSettings, $extId)
		if (isset($aSettings->$extId)) {
			return stripslashes($aSettings->$extId->check_info);
		return '';

	function getListExtensionSettings()
		static $aSettings = null;
		if (is_null($aSettings)) {
			$db = JFactory::getDbo();
			$query = "SELECT * FROM #__jaem_log WHERE 1";
			$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
			$aSettings = new stdClass();
			if (count($rows)) {
				foreach ($rows as $item) {
					if($item && !empty($item->ext_id)) {
						$aSettings->{$item->ext_id} = $item;
		return $aSettings;

	 * The second step
	 * return result when compare 2 versions
	 * (list of files and status of each file)
	 * @return object

	function getDiffView()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
			return false;
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$upgradeInfo = $jauc->buildDiff($obj, $version);
		if ($upgradeInfo === false) {
			return false;
		} else {
			$obj->diffInfo = $upgradeInfo;
			return $obj;

	 * The step 2.1: display list of conflicted files
	 * @return object
	function getBackupConflicted()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
			return false;
		$folder = JRequest::getVar('folder', '');
		if (empty($folder)) {
			return false;
		$obj->conflictedDir = $jauc->getLocalConflictPath($obj, $folder);
		return $obj;

	 * The step 2.3
	 * return result when compare content between 2 conflicted files
	 * @return unknown
	function getDiffFilesConflicted()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
			return false;
		$folder = JRequest::getVar('folder');
		$file = JRequest::getVar('file');
		$obj->diffFolder = $folder;
		$obj->diffFile = $file;
		if (count($_POST)) {
			//$str1 = JRequest::getVar('srcLeft','','post','string',JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);
			//$str2 = JRequest::getVar('srcRight','','post','string',JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);

			$diff = new jaDiffTool();
			$objLeft = $diff->buildObject(stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('titleLeft', '', 'post')), stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('fileLeft', '', 'post')), stripslashes($_POST['srcLeft']), JRequest::getInt('editabledLeft', 0, 'post'));
			$objRight = $diff->buildObject(stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('titleRight', '', 'post')), stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('fileRight', '', 'post')), stripslashes($_POST['srcRight']), JRequest::getInt('editabledRight', 0, 'post'));
			$result = $diff->compare($objLeft, $objRight);
			$obj->diffInfo = $result;
			return $obj;
		} else {
			$result = $jauc->buildDiffFilesConflicted($obj);
			if ($result === false) {
				JError::raiseWarning(0, JText::_("FAILURED_TO_BUILD_DIFFERENCE_VIEW"));
				return false;
			} else {
				$obj->diffInfo = $result;
				return $obj;

	 * The step 2.2
	 * return result when compare content between 2 files
	 * @return object
	function getDiffFiles()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
			return false;
		$type = JRequest::getVar('diff_type');
		$file = JRequest::getVar('file');
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$obj->diffType = $type;
		$obj->diffFile = $file;
		if (count($_POST)) {
			$diff = new jaDiffTool();
			$objLeft = $diff->buildObject(stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('titleLeft', '', 'post')), stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('fileLeft', '', 'post')), stripslashes($_POST['srcLeft']), JRequest::getInt('editabledLeft', 0, 'post'));
			$objRight = $diff->buildObject(stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('titleRight', '', 'post')), stripslashes(JRequest::getVar('fileRight', '', 'post')), stripslashes($_POST['srcRight']), JRequest::getInt('editabledRight', 0, 'post'));
			$result = $diff->compare($objLeft, $objRight);
			$obj->diffInfo = $result;
			return $obj;
		} else {
			$result = $jauc->buildDiffFiles($obj, $version);
			if ($result === false) {
				return false;
			} else {
				$obj->diffInfo = $result;
				return $obj;

	 * The third step
	 * Return change log of extension
	 * @return unknown
	function getChangeLog()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$log = $jauc->getChangeLog($obj, $version);
		if ($log === false) {
			return JText::_("FAIL_TO_GET_CHANGE_LOG");
		} else {
			return $log;

	 * The fourth step
	 * upgrading to newer version
	 * @return mixed - if success return object, otherwise return false.
	function doUpgrade()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$obj->message = JRequest::getVar('comment', '');
		$result = $jauc->doUpgrade($obj, $version);
		if ($result === false) {
			return false;
		} else {
			$message = str_replace(array('{from_version}', '{to_version}', '{time}'), array($obj->version, $version, date('d M Y, H:i:s')), $message);
			$this->storeLastCheck($obj->extId, $message);
			return $version;
		return $version;
	 * Refreshes the cached manifest information for an extension.
	 * @param	int		extension identifier (key in #__extensions)
	 * @return	boolean	result of refresh
	function refresh($eid)

		// Get an installer object for the extension type
		$installer = JInstaller::getInstance();
		$result = $installer->refreshManifestCache($eid);
		return $result;

	 * return list of backup versions that has conflicted files.
	 * When you upgrade one extension to new version, if there are some conflicted files.
	 * They will be automatically backup into one folder.
	 * This function will return list of these folder, so user can select to apply their change in those version to current version (resolve conflict)
	 * @return mixed - if success return array, otherwise return false.
	function getListBackupConflicted()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$list = $jauc->listBackupConflicted($obj, $version);
		if ($list === false) {
			return false;
		} else {
			return $list;

	 * return list of backup files.
	 * When you upgrade one extension to new version, the current version on user' site will be automatically backup into one compress file (in zip format).
	 * The function will return these files as list of backup version so you can select one to rollback.
	 * @return mixed - if success return array, otherwise return false.
	function getListRecoveryFiles()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$list = $jauc->listBackupFiles($obj, $version);
		if ($list === false) {
			return false;
		} else {
			return $list;

	 * rollback to one backup point.
	 * @return mixed
	function doRecoveryFile()
		global $jauc;
		$obj = $this->_getProduct();
		if ($obj === false) {
		$file = JRequest::getVar('file');
		$obj->message = JRequest::getVar('comment', '');
		$result = $jauc->doRecoveryFile($obj, $file);
		if ($result === false) {
			echo JText::_("FAIL_TO_RECOVERY");
			return false;
		} else {
			$this->storeLastCheck($obj->extId, JText::_("YOU_ARE_SUCCESSFULLY_ROLLBACK_AT") . date('d M Y, H:i:s'));
			return $result;

	 * return content of one file in user' server.
	 * @return mixed
	function getSourceCode()
		global $jauc;
		$product = $this->_getProduct();
		$pro = $jauc->getProduct($product);
		$file = JRequest::getVar('file');
		$fileLive = $pro->getFilePath($file);
		if (JFile::exists($fileLive)) {
			$source = file_get_contents($fileLive);
			return $source;
		} else {
			return false;

	 * get content of one file in remote repository via service API
	 * @return unknown
	function getRemoteSourceCode()
		global $jauc;
		$product = $this->_getProduct();
		$version = JRequest::getVar('version');
		$file = JRequest::getVar('file');
		return $jauc->getFileContent($product, $version, $file);

	function getConfigService()
		global $jauc;
		$params = $this->getComponentParams();
		//get mysql variables
		if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
			$db = JFactory::getDbo();
			$query = 'SHOW VARIABLES';
			$rs = $db->loadObjectList();
			$aMysqlVariables = array();
			foreach ($rs as $row) {
				$aMysqlVariables[$row->Variable_name] = $row->Value;
			$pathMysql = (isset($aMysqlVariables['basedir'])) ? $aMysqlVariables['basedir'] . '/bin/mysql' : 'mysql';
			$pathMysqldump = (isset($aMysqlVariables['basedir'])) ? $aMysqlVariables['basedir'] . '/bin/mysqldump' : 'mysqldump';
		} else {
			$pathMysql = 'mysql';
			$pathMysqldump = 'mysqldump';
		//store default values if user does not save
		$missParams = array();
		if ($params->get('MYSQL_PATH') == '') {
			$missParams['MYSQL_PATH'] = $pathMysql;
		if ($params->get('MYSQLDUMP_PATH') == '') {
			$missParams['MYSQLDUMP_PATH'] = $pathMysqldump;
		if ($params->get('DATA_FOLDER', '') == '') {
			$missParams['DATA_FOLDER'] = "jaextmanager_data";
		if (count($missParams) > 0) {
		$pathMysql = $params->get("MYSQL_PATH", $pathMysql);
		$pathMysqldump = $params->get("MYSQLDUMP_PATH", $pathMysqldump);
		//validate settings
		$params->set('MYSQL_PATH', $pathMysql);
		$params->set('MYSQLDUMP_PATH', $pathMysqldump);
		return $params;

	function getComponentParams()
		$params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JACOMPONENT);
		return $params;

	function storeComponentParams($data)
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();
		$query = "SELECT params FROM #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_jaextmanager'";
		$arr = $db->loadAssoc();
		$stdObject = json_decode($arr['params']);
		$str_save = "";
		foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
			$stdObject->$k = $v;
		$sConfig = json_encode($stdObject);
		$query = "UPDATE #__extensions SET params =" . $db->Quote($sConfig) . " WHERE `element` = 'com_jaextmanager'";
		$result = $db->query();
		return $result;

	function storeExtensionSettings($data)
		if (is_array($data) && count($data)) {
			$db = JFactory::getDbo();
			foreach ($data as $extId => $service_id) {
				$query = "
					INSERT INTO #__jaem_log
						ext_id = " . $db->Quote($extId) . ",
						service_id = " . $db->Quote($service_id) . "
						service_id = " . $db->Quote($service_id) . "
