Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/assets/japopup/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/assets/japopup/ja.popup.js |
/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * JA Extenstion Manager Component for J25 & J3 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd * Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // JavaScript Document // Must re-initialize window position function jaCreatePopup(target, jaWidth, jaHeight, title, dsave, titlesave, location) { if (!jaWidth) jaWidth = 700; if (!jaHeight) jaHeight = 500; if (!location) location = ''; if (!titlesave) titlesave = 'Save'; //message holder if (jQuery('#system-message-container').size() == 0) { jQuery('<div>').attr({ 'id': 'system-message-container', 'style': '' }).html(' ').appendTo('#toolbar-box'); } // var Obj = document.getElementById('jaForm'); if (!Obj) { var content = jQuery('<div>').attr({ 'id': 'ja-wrap-content' }).appendTo(document.body); var jaForm = jQuery('<div>').attr({ 'id': 'jaForm', 'style': 'top: 0px;display:none;' }); jaForm.appendTo(content); jQuery('<div>').attr({ 'id': 'japopup_tl' }).appendTo(jaForm); 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Please insert information again!"); } } function parseData_admin(response) { //jQuery(document, window.parent.document).ready(function(){ var reload = 0; jQuery.each(response.data, function (i, item) { var divId = item.id; var type = item.type; var value = item.value; if (jQuery(divId, window.parent.document) != undefined) { if (type == 'html') { if (jQuery(divId, window.parent.document)) jQuery(divId, window.parent.document).html(value); else alert('not fount element'); } else { if (type == 'reload') { if (value == 1) reload = 1; } else { if (type == 'val') { jQuery(divId, window.parent.document).val(value); } else { jQuery(divId, window.parent.document).attr(type, value); } } } } }); if (reload == 1) parent.window.document.adminForm.submit(); else setTimeout("hiddenMessage()", 5000); //}); }