Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_coalawebtraffic/models/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_coalawebtraffic/models/visitors.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla * @subpackage com_coalawebtraffic * @author Steven Palmer * @author url http://coalaweb.com * @author email support@coalaweb.com * @license GNU/GPL, see /files/en-GB.license.txt * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Steven Palmer All rights reserved. * * CoalaWeb Traffic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // import the Joomla modellist library jimport('joomla.application.component.modellist'); /** * Methods supporting a list of visitor records. * * @package Joomla.Administrator * @subpackage com_coalawebtraffic */ class CoalawebtrafficModelVisitors extends JModelList { /** * Constructor. * * @param array An optional associative array of configuration settings. * @see JController */ public function __construct($config = array()) { if (empty($config['filter_fields'])) { $config['filter_fields'] = array( 'id', 'a.id', 'tm', 'a.tm', 'ip', 'a.ip', 'iphash', 'a.iphash', 'referer', 'a.referer', 'browser', 'a.browser', 'bversion', 'a.bversion', 'platform', 'a.platform', 'country_name', 'a.country_name', 'city', 'a.city' ); } parent::__construct($config); } /** * Method to auto-populate the model state. * * This method should only be called once per instantiation and is designed * to be called on the first call to the getState() method unless the model * configuration flag to ignore the request is set. * * Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion. * * @param string $ordering An optional ordering field. * @param string $direction An optional direction (asc|desc). * * @return void */ protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null) { // Initialise variables. $app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); // Load the filter state. $search = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.search', 'filter_search'); $this->setState('filter.search', $search); $browser = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context.'.filter.browser', 'filter_browser', ''); $this->setState('filter.browser', $browser); $platform = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context.'.filter.platform', 'filter_platform', ''); $this->setState('filter.platform', $platform); $country_name = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context.'.filter.country_name', 'filter_country_name', ''); $this->setState('filter.country_name', $country_name); // Load the parameters. $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_coalawebtraffic'); $this->setState('params', $params); // List state information. parent::populateState('a.tm', 'desc'); } /** * Method to get a store id based on model configuration state. * * This is necessary because the model is used by the component and * different modules that might need different sets of data or different * ordering requirements. * * @param string $id A prefix for the store id. * * @return string A store id. */ protected function getStoreId($id = '') { // Compile the store id. $id.= ':' . $this->getState('filter.search'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.platform'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.browser'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.country_name'); return parent::getStoreId($id); } /** * Method to build an SQL query to load the list data. * * @return string An SQL query */ protected function getListQuery() { // Create a new query object. $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $user = JFactory::getUser(); // Select the required fields from the table. $query->select( $this->getState( 'list.select', 'a.id, a.tm, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(tm)) AS date, ' . 'a.ip, a.iphash, a.browser, a.bversion, a.platform, a.referer AS referer, ' . 'a.country_code, a.country_name as country_name, a.city as city' ) ); // From the cwtraffic table $query->from($db->qn('#__cwtraffic') . ' AS a'); // Filter by search in title $search = $this->getState('filter.search'); if (!empty($search)) { $search = $db->Quote('%' . $db->escape($search, true) . '%'); $query->where( '(' . $db->qn('a.ip') . ' LIKE ' . $search . ' OR DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(tm)) LIKE ' . $search . ')' ); } // Filter by Browser. if ($browser = $this->getState('filter.browser')) { $query->where('a.browser = ' . $db->q($db->escape($browser))); } // Filter by type if ($platform = $this->getState('filter.platform')) { $query->where('a.platform = ' . $db->q($db->escape($platform))); } // Filter by country_name if ($country_name = $this->getState('filter.country_name')) { $query->where('a.country_name = ' . $db->q($db->escape($country_name))); } // Add the list ordering clause. $query->order($db->escape($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.tm')) . ' ' . $db->escape($this->getState('list.direction', 'desc'))); return $query; } /** * Method to build an SQL query to load the Knownip data. * * @return string An SQL query */ public function getKnownips() { $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('a.ip AS ip, a.title AS title'); $query->from($db->qn('#__cwtraffic_knownips') . ' AS a'); $query->where('state = 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $row = $db->loadRowList(); return $row; } }