Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_banners/views/clients/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_banners/views/clients/view.html.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla.Administrator * @subpackage com_banners * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * View class for a list of clients. * * @since 1.6 */ class BannersViewClients extends JViewLegacy { protected $items; protected $pagination; protected $state; /** * Display the view * * @param string $tpl The name of the template file to parse; automatically searches through the template paths. * * @return void */ public function display($tpl = null) { $this->items = $this->get('Items'); $this->pagination = $this->get('Pagination'); $this->state = $this->get('State'); $this->filterForm = $this->get('FilterForm'); $this->activeFilters = $this->get('ActiveFilters'); // Check for errors. if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) { JError::raiseError(500, implode("\n", $errors)); return false; } BannersHelper::addSubmenu('clients'); $this->addToolbar(); $this->sidebar = JHtmlSidebar::render(); parent::display($tpl); } /** * Add the page title and toolbar. * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ protected function addToolbar() { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/banners.php'; $canDo = JHelperContent::getActions('com_banners'); JToolbarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_BANNERS_MANAGER_CLIENTS'), 'bookmark banners-clients'); if ($canDo->get('core.create')) { JToolbarHelper::addNew('client.add'); } if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) { JToolbarHelper::editList('client.edit'); } if ($canDo->get('core.edit.state')) { JToolbarHelper::publish('clients.publish', 'JTOOLBAR_PUBLISH', true); JToolbarHelper::unpublish('clients.unpublish', 'JTOOLBAR_UNPUBLISH', true); JToolbarHelper::archiveList('clients.archive'); JToolbarHelper::checkin('clients.checkin'); } if ($this->state->get('filter.state') == -2 && $canDo->get('core.delete')) { JToolbarHelper::deleteList('', 'clients.delete', 'JTOOLBAR_EMPTY_TRASH'); } elseif ($canDo->get('core.edit.state')) { JToolbarHelper::trash('clients.trash'); } if ($canDo->get('core.admin') || $canDo->get('core.options')) { JToolbarHelper::preferences('com_banners'); } JToolbarHelper::help('JHELP_COMPONENTS_BANNERS_CLIENTS'); } /** * Returns an array of fields the table can be sorted by * * @return array Array containing the field name to sort by as the key and display text as value * * @since 3.0 */ protected function getSortFields() { return array( 'a.status' => JText::_('JSTATUS'), 'a.name' => JText::_('COM_BANNERS_HEADING_CLIENT'), 'contact' => JText::_('COM_BANNERS_HEADING_CONTACT'), 'client_name' => JText::_('COM_BANNERS_HEADING_CLIENT'), 'nbanners' => JText::_('COM_BANNERS_HEADING_ACTIVE'), 'a.id' => JText::_('JGRID_HEADING_ID') ); } }