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El cerito veterinary care. All the post surgical patients are put on heating pads and covered with warm blankets. 92 ang mianhi. I actually feel like I bonded with my ol' lady dog MORE because of working with Dr. Hollenbach and I am still grateful for her advice. 1/2 MONTH OFF RENT!  My pets and I deserve better. I think it's a PLUS! Caring staff, I called this morning and I was able to get an appointment very quickly. First, my father was a veterinarian. I have been to many vets around the bay area and have never encountered a vet with so much dedication. The staff has changed over the years, and some are very young, but I know many of them and trust that when I have to board Simon when I go away for a week (at the vet, not the B&B because of the diabetes) that they take great care with him. I work with several rescue groups and personally own 6 dogs. There was not a moment?s concern, from the doctor or any staff, for our sick pet. On that note, I just got a new dog, and I am looking forward to his first visit with them. love all the people that works there Abbey Pet Hospital. Pet Food Express.  Some of the other doctors have softer exterior, and have also seemed knowledgeable. Awful! Tempts and vitals are taken during recover, just like humans. 3.1 mi. really clean hospital and organize . My little one was just too sick. I feel comfortable bringing my gang to Abbey Pet Hospital. I have a 13 year-old wonderful tabby who is diabetic. I am a dog trainer who has known and worked with Dr. Prutton for many years. The office staff themselves were extremely impolite and unprofessional to both of us, especially Lacey who repeatedly verbally abused us both with a mocking, haranguing tone. El Cerrito Community Center. Bedrooms. from the pound.  So today I called to have the refill Rx phoned in and the front office person called me back and said that they had faxed it in---Great! 264 were here. Our veterinary clinic is owned and operated by veterinarian Dr. Matt Judd. They gave me lots of good information and answered my many questions. My family brings our cats...now several cats and a couple of hamsters...to Dr. Prutton at Abbey Pet Hospital. Get Abbey Pet Hospital reviews, ratings, business hours, phone numbers, and directions. Her surgery was later that day and I picked her up the following day. Also, Dr Protton always takes the time to call and check on my dogs several times after medical procedures at no extra cost. She seems to adore talking about animal health on a pretty advanced level. "". This is BY FAR the worst veterinary office anywhere! I absolutely love this place. Pet Food, Veterinarians, Supplies. The dentals are reasonable, so my cats teeth are always bright and shiny. I saw Dr. Vurk (sp?). Abbey pet hospital. Learn more. They make you feel like your pet is their personal favorite. They obviously care nothing about the animals, about the owners, or about conducting their business in a professional manner. We had everything taken care of within 20-30 minutes. Abbey Pet Hospital is terrific and we are lucky to have it ... "" I am a dog trainer who has known and worked with Dr. Prutton for many years. Pay This Provider Apply Now Apply Now. After veterinary college she completed 2. internships at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, and The Ohio State University. When the dog began to pee blood, it was an obvious bladder infection. Specialties: Veterinary&comma; General Practitioner Doctors: Dr. Matthew W Judd, DVM. I think that's what some of the negative reviewers are responding to; just that he's not smiley. Contact us at 510-233-1003! ~ Lovely El Cerrito Apartment - $2375 - 1/2 MONTH OFF RENT IN 2ND MONTH! . 11070 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, CA 94530. They seem to misplace legs and tails. Services View This Site. Alamo Animal Hospital 3176 Danville Boulevard Alamo, CA Thank you . The pet hospital offers a 10% discount to seniors but doesn't advertise and for the past 3 years of bringing my pet there, never offered. Abbey Pet Hospital. El Cerrito, CA 94530. 11070 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530 (510) 233-1003 (510) 233-1003. abbeypethospital.com. 1.1 mi. Abbey Pet Hospital, El Cerrito, 510-529-0777 Animal Care Clinic, El Sobrante, 510-222-9966 El Cerrito Pet Hospital, El Cerrito, 510-234-4582 Evergreen Pet Clinic, San Pablo, 510-215-9980 Fix our Ferals, Richmond, 510-215-9300 (ALL cats accepted) (Medical services temporarily unavailable) Tail Wag Inn Veterinary Hospital, Oakley, 925-684-2862 They truly did everything they c... Dr. Prutton has been my vet for over 20 years. Before bringing your pet here, do some research. I called and the tech on the line said "yes, let's get you in today". 2. I've also sent many other happy pet-owners there over the years. I called and the tech on the line said "yes, let's get you in today". Abbey Pet Hospital in El Cerrito, CA with Reviews - YP.com.  I complained that if a discount is in order, a sign should be clearly posted in the office that is visible upon check out and one of the office assistants at the front desk should automatically offer it to clients.  Dr. Judd did this but did not order any refills. I would highly recommend Abbey Pet Hospital for any surgery or medical treatment! 11070 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito 94530 . Our veterinary clinic is owned and operated by veterinarian Dr. Matt Judd. I went through a lot with our cat “Mona” who ended up passing away about a month ago. The part of El Cerrito that 5439 Barrett Ave is in has a Walk Score ® of undefined, which means that this area is . We also did some routine bloodwork, which was all normal. However, I had two really bad experiences with Dr. Lee Prutton. After graduation, she enrolled in a post-baccalaureate program at the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from their veterinary school in 2008. Avoid the owner Dr. Prutton, he's not good with animals. Highly recommended. Third, although I treat my pets with care (and expect good vet care) I do consider them as animals, not humans.I look for certain things:Clean facility and friendly staff - checkSeen in a reasonable amount of waiting time - checkKnowledgeable doctor, at least for my cat's procedure (Dr. Prutton) - checkClear estimate and billing (I did ask for that) - check. Other CareCredit Providers Near You . âFor a long time I saw Dr. Judd, but thankfully he's lessened his workload and picked up other quality vets.â in 27 reviews, âIve heard you can get crummy reviews off yelp for money, but Dr Prutton only cares about doing a good job.â in 8 reviews, âThanks in particular to Margaret who has been patient and helpful on more than one occasion.â in 4 reviews, Communications and Reiki for Animals with Laura, Bark Busters Home Dog Training San Francisco, Abbey Pet Hospital has proudly served El Cerrito, CA since 1958.  And I have to shop for another vet. Abbey Pet Hospital: 11070 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, California, 94530 (510) 233-1003: Center for Better Hearing: 190 El Cerrito Plaza, El Cerrito, California, 94530 (510) 526-3824: Copy Central: 10578 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, California, 94530 (510) 525-7800: El Cerrito Chamber of Commerce: He recommended prozac at $2.00 a day, & sleeping with the dog. Dr. Judd and associates work hard to ensure that your pets get the care they need to stay happy and healthy throughout their lives. I am told this pt hospital is expensive,but I have nothing to compare it to. Dr. Prutton at Abbey Pet Hospital is the only Dr. I saw Dr. Vurk (sp?). However, I had two really bad experiences with Dr. Lee Prutton. I called around and after hearing everything from "we're not taking any new clients" to "we can't see you until late next week" and were given APH's number. This one really needed our care. Services; Staff Profiles; Twitter; Email; Find a Veterinarian Near. I took him to Abbey Pet for a behavior consultation. El Cerrito Veterinary Hospital is a family-owned practice committed to providing the best veterinary care in La Mesa, CA since 1930. El Cerrito Veterinary Care . Abbey Vet Hospital. 11070 San Pablo Avenue El Cerrito, CA 94530 (510) 529-0777 (510) 233-4931 abbeypethospital.com Our specialties include affordable spays neuters and vaccinations , all household pets, bathing & flea control programs , behavioral counseling, boarding in climatized kennels, climatized kennels for cats and dogs , ear copping, full, full time veterinary supervision , including exotics and nutri ?Our veterinary clinic is owned and operated by veterinarian Dr. Matt Judd. 11074 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, Ca 94530. Abbey Pet Hospital has proudly served El Cerrito, CA since 1958. Veterinary Technician at Abbey Pet Hospital Davis, California, United States 130 connections. He always responds and takes the time to work with us. For example, when we came in today the nurses reviewed the records I brought from the animal rescue and our new cats were given the shots they needed now. Our veterinary clinic is owned and operated by veterinarian Dr. Matt Judd.  So I switched to the Safeway Pharmacy and had the Rx phoned in. 11070 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, CA 94530. . With Dr.Prutton's constant communication and instructions, Simon is doing very well with his insulin and diet - a diet that does not consist of the Purina diabetes formula. Pets. 10305 San Pablo Ave El Cerrito, CA 94530 (510) 524-4551 . 11074 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, Ca 94530. Dr. Matt Judd joined Abbey Pet Hospital in 2011, and became the business owner in 2016 after the beloved Dr. Lee Prutton retired. Dr. Prutton is an excellent surgeon. Pet Care / Pet Services / Pet Services in El Cerrito, CA / Abbey Pet Hospital. 11070 San Pablo Ave . She originally hails from Encinitas, attended UC Davis for both her bachelors and veterinary degrees. Metro Dog. Compare Veterinary in El Cerrito, CA. 510 529-0777. www.abbeypethospital.com .  I wish that Dr. Virk worked somewhere else as she is really really nice to my animals and seems competent. lobe all the doctor that work there they really nice people. Services View This Site. I know she can be handful. We usually see Dr. Bennet, but it doesn't matter they are all good. Our veterinary clinic is owned and operated by veterinarian Dr. Matt Judd. Directions. Abbey Pet Hospital. Yes pain meds were extra as explained. 510-233-1003 . Abbey Pet Hospital. Over the last 6 years we've really appreciated the great care and affordable rates. I have one cat and she loves going to Abbey Pet Hospital. Dr. Prutton is simply out to line his pockets with as much money as he can. Support Services for dogs, including Abbey Pet Hospital and PetCo. We updated all the vaccinations and had the appropriate tests performed. I have brought dogs and cats to Abby for more than 20 years. Dr. Petco. At Abbey Pet Hospital we can afford to have our boxers teeth cleaned two times a year. (510) 233-1003. Visit Abbey Pet Hospital in El Cerrito! Our caring staff will educate our clients in the health management…. View Larger Map. Metro Dog. Because of the condition I am working with I sometimes have to connect with Dr. P on the phone. The current desk staff and support staff are friendly, intelligent and attentive. My dog does NOT like vets, and she has always been okay going here. My Gizmo is doing great,... Abbey Pet Hospital is the best place to take your beloved pet for any surgery. Map & Directions. Are they harvesting,and selling on the black market? MY cat loves Abbey Pet Hospital. Your local Animal Hospital that will care and look after your pet family member. I am told that she may be joining the staff as a permanent veterinarian. I always thought it to be a good place with reasonable prices. Dr. Prutton is an excellent surgeon.  Perhaps I was only because she had told me up front that she WOULD NOT refund the 10% of services from the last 3 years. 510-529-4355 . Because of the condition I am working with I sometimes have to connect with Dr. P on the phone. Please keep an eye out for our baby girl. I really enjoy interacting with them. We offer a wide variety of surgical, medical, and dental procedures and treat most illnesses and injuries.â¦. El Cerrito Pet Hospital El Cerrito, CA. We actually stopped going to the bet because the last dental at the other hospital was $900.00. 264 were here. She is a substitute for the veterinarian who usually sees Ewok;the staff doctor is on vacation. To add insult to injury, my cat was overly medicated to the point that he vomited 5 times and defecated on himself, up to 8 hours after his neutering. The facilities are clean and inviting. I've been working with Dr.Prutton for over 12 years. Abbey Pet Hospital, El Cerrito Alpine Veterinary Hospital, Concord Animal Care Clinic, El Sobrante Berkeley Honda, Berkeley Bring Rover Over, Martinez Civic Feline Clinic, Walnut Creek Contra Costa County Animal Services Department East Bay Nature, Walnut Creek Diablo View Veterinary Medical Hospital, Pleasant Hill Landes Studios, Diablo 925-757-2287 . He is understanding, yet matter-of-fact. I always thought it to be a good place with reasonable prices. I like to be a little more proactive and personal with my dog and I like to talk more in depth about what I can do for her, and yes, I am willing to pay the vet exam fees to speak about that type of approach. Search Yelp for more accurate reviews of this establishment. 401 Valley View Road, El Sobrante 94803 . 4365 Hillcrest Avenue, Antioch 94531 . 2. Getting Around. They make you feel like your pet is their personal favorite. âOur veterinary clinic is owned and operated by veterinarian Dr. Matt Judd. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Abby Pet Hospital locations in El Cerrito, CA. They are wonderful with my fiancé's dog and the whole team is caring and compassionate. Truly, this group at Abbey Pet Hospital are Saviors to the animal world. Your local Animal Hospital that will care and look after your pet family. Decided to make Abbey Pet Hospital permanent. This is the second dog that’s needed surgery. Dr. Gretel Schlegel joined Abbey Pet Hospital in 2017 after a move from Fond Du Lac, WI. Sadly, in April our year old kitten had to be put to sleep after aâ¦". Our team is committed to keeping your pets healthy. I am a nurse and my doge needed surgery on both his hind legs. Abbey Pet Hospital is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat. Absolutely horrendous vet.The front desk people do not LISTEN or pay attention or care. Abbey Pet Hospital is located at 11070 San Pablo Ave in El Cerrito and has been in the business of Animal Hospital Services, Pets And Other Animal Specialties since 1983. Dr. Prutton has been my vet for over 20 years. They truly did everything they could to treat her. Sirius Puppy Training is Ian Dunbar's premier puppy training school featuring positive training for puppies and adolescent dogs throughout the San Francisco bay area. Veterinary Clinics & Hospitals, Kennels, Pet Boarding & Kennels. We now know to keep “Toby” out of the back yard. El Cerrito, California Dr. Prutton at Abbey Pet Hospital is the only Dr. Our team is committed to keeping your pets healthy. El cerito veterinary care. Knowing that it would be expensive we asked for a complete price quote beforehand. Claim this business. All, lived well into their late teens with his help. I was so happy I didn’t have to pay for emergency care and still got my dog seen same day. 1.4 mi. Hercules Pet Clinic 1511 Sycamore Ave Ste B . I just took my dog in for a dental cleaning and he was still a little out of it when I took him home. The current desk staff and support staff are friendly, intelligent and attentive. Abbey Pet Hospital Animal/Pet Care. My last longtime partner and I had 7 cats combined. They don't try and empty your wallet with each visit. El cerrito Owner Room Service Apr 2014 - Present 7 years . She was having issues breathing and they took her in without an appointment bright & early one morning - the whole staff was very delightful and helpful to deal with. I am taking my cat to them and they are wonderful with her. Dr. Judd and associates work hard to ensure that your pets get the care they need to stay happy and healthy throughout their lives. Abbey offers the full range of veterinary srevices,but I am impressed at how willing the hospital staff is to accommodate me. 51 likes. Posted: (5 days ago) Website Services. This past Monday he and his Buddyâ¦", "My mother brought in her dog to get checked out as she has been to other places.â¦". Getting Around. Dr. Prutton was great and recommended a group called Serious Dog Training. 08/23/2017 . Third, although I treat my pets with care (and expect good vet care) I do consider them as animals, not humans. Abbey Pet Hospital Animal/Pet Care. He did patellar luxatin surgery on my dog three months ago. Find opening times and closing times for Abbey Pet Hospital in 11070 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA, 94530 and other contact details such as address, phone number, website, interactive direction map and nearby locations. We’ve owned many pets, over 30 years, and have been to dozens of Veterinary offices all over Northern California. Your local Animal Hospital that will care and look after your pet family member. Abbey Pet Hospital is a well-established animal hospital which provides medical, surgical and dental care for your dogs, cats, rabbits, goats, pigs and pocket pets. Cleaning with everything included (other  than blood test) was under $200 with an additional 20% pet dental health month discount. I would highly recommend Dr. Prutton for any bone surgery. 256 यहाँ थे. I had been bringing my animals here since 1997. Abbey Pet Hospital is a well-established animal hospital which provides medical, surgical and dental care for your dogs, cats, rabbits,. Very caring doctors and staff reasonably priced, My first time here they were very, dating and made me feel very comfortable as well as my sick dog. "Dr Harry and his staff are the best! ?Dr. 11800 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, CA 94530. If you would like to add custom text or update the information provided about Abbey Pet Hospital please email us at [email protected] Note: PO Boxes will not show correctly on the map below. 10324 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito 94530 . HIDING CHARGE! Your local Animal Hospital that will care and look after your pet family member. They are very caring and gentle. I needed to get my dog into a vet due to his very unusual loss of appetite, after calling multiple vets, I was able to get a regular same day appointment at abbey. Abbey Pet Hospital has proudly served El Cerrito, CA since 1958. Prada is feeling much better now - think we just found our new Vet!!!! Abbey Pet Hospital. I have been to many vets around the bay area and have never encountered a vet with so much dedication. We offer a wide variety of surgical, medical, and dental . Abbey Pet Hospital 11070 San Pablo Avenue. He is understanding, yet matter-of-fact. Listing Provided by ShowMeTheRent.  I guess Dr. Virk had been arranging a lower cost?  Recently it seems that the practice has been bought by Dr. Judd. 92 იყო აქ. 256 were here. Get back up to 90% on vet bills with ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Quick Quote 1-888-716-1203. more Abbey Pet Hospital has proudly served El Cerrito, CA since 1958. Highly recommended! Both Dr. Schlegel and Dr. Judd-as well as all of the reception and lab teams-are very caring, attentive and knowledgeable!! We had just adopted skinny ?Little Love? It is one thing to love a vet's office in good times; but it's at the worst times that the true colors show. There’s hiding charge they won’t tell you. 11070 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530 (510) 233-1003 (510) 233-1003. abbeypethospital.com. This is a well run business in Vallejo CAâ¦", "I wanted to refresh this review with another note about how great they are. Some research for yourself very pleased with the prices and the Ohio state University 2008 4 years month... Already had one surgery ( dog bit ) and is a family-owned practice committed keeping... Cats teeth are always bright and shiny post surgical patients are put on heating and... There about a month ago and they were great did renew my elderly dog 's and. We couldnt abbey pet hospital el cerrito with their pets routine bloodwork, which was all normal emergency veterinarian, she worked Animal! Adopted a new Pet home 10324 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, 94530! Practice has been so great to work but thankfully he 's not smiley raised in the health.! Scheduled... they have always treated her this well pretty advanced level of. Adopted a new job and adopted a new dog, and she has been. However, i really liked taking my cat not order any refills veterinary office anywhere tick.... 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