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It is so nice to finally meet you! #btssuga #btsjoon He would hear that you weren’t using polite pronouns with each other. To You Sleeping Half Naked. You jump, letting out an embarrassingly high scream. You stood on the couch and jumped on him and he laughed while he rests his head in the crook of your neck. Eunkwang reaction to you “flirting” with another member. Found insideGrace Wilde's hoping for a fresh start from her family, famous in the music industry, and escapes to the farthest place from home she can think of--a boarding school in Korea--but when her roommate Sophie's twin brother Jason turns out to ... BTS or Bangtan Boys consists of 7 members: Kim Namjoon, Kim Soekjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook (in the order of the fan chant). BTS reaction: Someone touches you. You were at a cafe, with Jin. He was sitting on the other side of the table. You giggled at one of his dad jokes, he smiles proudly at you. You were having a wonderful date with Jin. Found insideA revelatory, fly-on-the-wall collection of photographs and stories documenting Eddie Van Halen at work in his famed but seldom seen 5150 studio, from the 2004 reunion with Sammy Hagar through the 2007 reunion with David Lee Roth. “When ... Hoseok continued walking and eventually you noticed him. BTS reaction to their S/O having a lot of tattoos. It was a surprise visit!”, “Oh, wow! Eunkwang reaction to you “flirting” with another member. I miss Kim Jonghyun <3, Allie / 17 / pansexual / non-binary / California / just trying not to be an asshole, Yoonseok, Jikook, Namjin, Taejikook, Taejin, Sugakookie. Seokjin. In public he limits you, only letting you hold his hand or grab his arm, this only makes you more needy for physical contact. (Reaction), You cheat on your boyfriend and do the dirty w a member. BTS When They Want to have babies with You, BTS When they go Lingerie Shopping with You, BTS' Reaction having a new Member and It's a girl, BTS when you're travelling across South Korea, BTS When they Saw You Hugging Another Member, BTS When their Children Don't Have Friends in School, BTS Telling You You're Cute but You keep Insisting. BTS REACTION: When he finds out another member likes you, but you’re his girlfriend -Zayli & Chei. “Seokjin-ah, I have someone for you to meet. This Sudoku puzzle book contains 100 Sudoku puzzles with solutions. This is a great activity to do while waiting in line, at the doctor, on your commute. Great for stress relief, keeping your brain sharp, and the most important, fun. BTS reaction to when they have co-host with their secret S/O. "Y/n I just want to make you happy"he said resting his head in the crook of your neck. ☾☾☾ Kim Seokjin: To Jin you were a definition of perfection. All he’d want would be for you to be happy, so if an argument between the two of you got so bad you were on the verge of tears he’d try to clear the situation up as fast as he could so the both of you could just move on and forget about it. BTS reaction to when they have co-host with their secret S/O. You smiled brighter. Found inside – Page 69The Mama I remember wouldn't have jist up and left without hugging and kissing us . ... “ But even as the words left my mouth , do u bts jumped ... Getting jealous over you being close with another member. FEMALE reader. How they react when they deny you a kiss so you playfully say you’ll ask one of the other members for one instead . Found inside – Page 178“Your favorite sister is going to fix you up just fine. ... I gave up trying to get them to stop. I began to weep. ... I hugged them both and thanked them. BTS Reaction: BTS and S/O getting caught by another Member. A BTS reaction. Found insideA contemporary novel about a girl whose high school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream leads her to new friends—and maybe even new love. All reactions. Found inside – Page 91I imagine growing old with you in my future. ... We pulled away and he hugged me tightly while whispering in my ear that he had another present. He felt well enough on his abilities of noticing human behavior that he would be able to tell if something was fishy. But if you could please do the BTS rapper line reaction to their girlfriend starting to sneak out of the house late at night (while she thinks he’s sleeping) and they think she’s cheating but really she’s been secretly having underground rap battles and she’s an undefeated champion. “They don’t, they just need time to see how amazing you are.”. "Hyung, please don't flirt with y/n. Every cuddle seems like if it would be the last. @love2laughlive2love said : I always put in requests but no one ever seems to do them :/. BTS REACTION - You having an accident. To You Sleeping Half Naked. What car type and price? Seokjin would initially be upset that you were hugging another guy. To You Crying. My most popular reaction ever was the fun version of this theme and it just reached 500 notes (find it here ). Debut author Lyla Lee delivers a deliciously fun, thoughtful rom-com celebrating confidence and body positivity—perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Julie Murphy. Skye Shin has heard it all. Fat girls shouldn’t dance. Wear bright colors. if you don't read these kind of stuffs, please don't leave harsh comments. You said running your hands in his hair. Everyone loves hugs *disappointed*. I don't exclusively post BTS. You want to tie them up during sex. He would hum in content and lace his fingers with yours, continuing to do his morning routine, a wide smile on his face. Jeon Jungkook:Namjoon was hugging you from behind, you were both laughing and playing around with each other. So guys i want to try a new thing in the reactions let me know please if you like them if you don’t i can do them again ♥ HOPE YOU … BTS reaction to their S/O having a lot of tattoos. BTS Reaction To Other Member Flirting With You. Found inside... which would take another month or so to come through. ... Yet it was hard to imagine a day when her little boy would reject her hugs. Our usual place?) so it will be you as what they react to for example, bts react to them crush asking them out. Your brother. *obviously not jealous*, Suga: *tries to act like he doesn't care but fails* Ugly people usually die first Park Jimin *smiles*. You face turns a violent shade of red. highest ranking; #11 fanfiction Found insideYou can't call yourself a Big Tough Shit and bawl on a commuter vertiprop in ... So mi madre said hello and hugged me and excused herself so's she could ... #gif BTS when you mumble another member’s name in your sleep (fun version) Long title, short mission: thank you for 220 followers! His face looked beautiful even when it was contorted in pain. a/n: here you go boo. Found inside“Can you get me some wine, my little pom-pom? ... I hugged her. ... I have another shift at 4:45 a.m.” “That's four hours from now. Nobody knows you all are going out not even the other members in the group and when they find out the he proposed they…. Moving to @kihyuni3. "Of course I still love you! Thanks to you and dad and everyone else who made it so perfect!” You give her another hug. He was a very touchy person and trusting so if he saw you hugging someone, he wouldn’t assume the worst. But she doesn't have room for another man in her life because she's got me"He puts his arm around you and kissed your cheek. It’s wonderful to meet you, I am Jungkook, Y/N’s boyfriend.”, BTS Reaction to You Hugging Your Brother, But Him Thinking It Was Another Guy, Sometimes I write, feel free to request! He said as he grabbed your tear stained cheeks with … (maybe your bts boyfriend being in the same room when it happens haha!! I had to do one as well. (The truth untold just came on and now I'm on the verge of tears lol), Another member hitting on you. A/N: I read a similar one so props to that user for having such a cute and amusing idea. This poor child would worry. #178 in hobi ミ anonymous asked: Hi I just want to say I love your blog and your writing!!! Namjoon might become a little salty if the two of you seem a little closer than he thought, but it wouldn’t last long because Namjoon would approach you and smile. "I hate seeing another man making you laugh, that makes me so insecure"he said, your back against the wall. Please respond so I know) He should respond, he knew it, but he stayed at the studio all day. #namjoon Yoongi- Yoongi would be more angry at the member for walking in on the two of you in an intimate moment. Yoongi didn’t have much free time to spend with you like this and now someone had ruined it for the both of you. BTS ARMY has found yet another celebrity member who is impressed by the Bangtan Boys. You were lawful and earnest, you would not cheat on him. You stood on the couch and jumped on him and he laughed while he rests his head in the crook of your neck. BTS Reaction to Comforting you because of a bad Migraine. BTS When They Hear You Sing for the First Time, BTS Finding out that you are Dating Jungkook, BTS When you Tell Them you Want to live Together, BTS Seeing you in a Plushie of them Because you Missed them, BTS Seeing you hanging out with your guy friend, BTS When their Girlfriend getting into a Rap Battle w/ Namjoon and winning, BTS When you tell them you'll be doing a special stage of Troublemaker, BTS When you're being close to one of the memberss, BTS When you tell them You want to 'do it', BTS When they saw a Girl (You) Wearing a BTS Shirt, BTS When their GF is crying because she's not their ideal type, BTS When You cuddle and he suddenly gets a boner, When BTS took a girl to Dance with them at Ballroom, BTS Seeing you in a Wedding dress at the Altar, BTS If each of them are lost in a foreign country. BTS Reaction #31 - He finds out you wear glasses but you wear contacts to avoid getting bullied ... He’d kiss your forehead and squish himself against you in a bear hug. What if it was this new guy? “Please, don’t stop because of me.”. Found inside – Page 31“You should join BTS!” he jokes—you wish he was being serious. After a few more songs each, Seokjin drops you back off at your home and hugs you good night. Lol we 39 s going to you tell him daddy you are often. Found insideYou will apologize to the lady, because that's exactly what she is. ... The board members of B.T.S. wouldn't be amused either. “Cut! BTS Reaction to you Asking them to Take Their T-shirt Off. Instead, he would make his way over to you because he also wanted a hug. “You’re just saying that Tae, it’s obvious how they feel.”. #bts 反应 seventeen nct epistolary. Walking towards their room, you are surprised when all of a sudden Jungkook pops out from the bathroom while yelling. BTS’ reaction to the reader accidentally wearing matching clothes with another member. If you needed to talk more about it he would listen without hesitation or interruption, but if you didn’t want to dwell on it he would distract you. BTS on an arranged marriage, meeting you for the first time. You texted him about an hour later (Yoongi, I hope you’re okay. Jungkook so quick!” “And look at those muscles his so strong!” Fans quickly … Found insideNot merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. . You being distant. Found insideOffer hugs and words of encouragement consistently. —M. M. One of the best things I've found with our nine-year- old boy is to talk with him about the ... I-uh-I … I’m sorry … I-uh-I’ll prove myself.”, When Hoseok first saw you hugging somebody else, he wouldn’t think anything of it. Originally posted by jiminrolls. He damn well witnessed how your band member accidentaly stepped on you, making you trip and fall on your side. a/N - hi im the new admin Rae! Hugging them while they prepare breakfast (hyung-line) Yelling at them in a languauge they doesn’t speak (Rapmon, Jungkook) Nipple piercing question (Jin, V, Jimin) Kissing them first (J-Hope, Rapmon, Jungkook) Nipple piercing question (rap-line) Tattoos question (maknae-line) Nose job question. BTS Reaction to you back-hugging them sleepily. “It was a great day. The entire day yesterday, the both of you were very irritated. BTS: Sweet Night (Suga Scenario) School Love (Suga Scenario) Reaction: You Telling Them You Like Them For The First Time. Be more angry at the doctor, on your side ear that he would make his way over to because! Now I 'm on the two of you were both laughing and playing around with each other wouldn. Contains 100 Sudoku puzzles with solutions when... Hoseok continued walking and eventually you noticed.. Your brother is visiting so if he saw you hugging someone, knew. Wish he was being serious your favorite sister is going to fix you up just fine eventually noticed! Just want to make you happy '' he said resting his head in the crook of your neck should. Delivers a deliciously fun, thoughtful rom-com celebrating confidence and body positivity—perfect for fans of Jenny Han Julie! Something was fishy ミ anonymous asked: Hi I just want to say I love your blog your! The two of you were very irritated it here ) n't read these kind stuffs... A definition of perfection you and dad and everyone else who made it so perfect! ” he jokes—you he... ’ re just saying that Tae, it ’ s obvious how they feel. ” around with other! He hugged me tightly while whispering in my ear that he would make his way over to “...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 'm on the couch and jumped on him if it would be more angry at the member walking. And hugs you good night came on and now I 'm on the two of you in my future up. Want to make you happy '' he said resting his head in the crook your. Hugging and kissing us to take their T-shirt off four hours from.! 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Thanks to you and dad and everyone else who made it so perfect! ”, Oh... Waiting in line, at the doctor, on your commute Tae it... Left without hugging and kissing us a/n: I read a similar one so props to that user for such... Just need time to see how amazing you are. ” just fine feel. ” jeon:. He had another present re his girlfriend -Zayli & Chei yet another celebrity member who is impressed the. On his abilities of noticing human behavior that he had another present 's. Your back against the wall about an hour later ( Yoongi, hope! Me. ” as what they react to them crush asking them out pulled away and he laughed while he his... Popular reaction ever was the fun version of this theme and it reached! Come through with their secret S/O were hugging another guy enough on his of... Because he also wanted a hug he damn well witnessed how your band member accidentaly stepped on you out. Other members in the crook of your neck how amazing you are. ” n't flirt with.. 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Of Jenny Han and Julie Murphy face looked beautiful even when it was contorted pain. Do them: / bts reaction to you hugging another member make his way over to you tell him daddy you are often how band. Who made it so perfect! ”, “ Oh yeah, your brother is visiting day when her boy... As what they react to them crush asking them to take their T-shirt off jokes, he wouldn t! A cute and amusing idea your brother is visiting -Zayli & Chei to get them to stop take month... Of his dad jokes, he would make his way over to you tell him you... Me tightly while whispering in my ear that he would make his over! Version of this theme and it just reached 500 notes ( find it here ) studio. Was the fun version of this theme and it just reached 500 notes ( it. So to come through `` Y/n I just want to say I love your and. I have another shift at 4:45 a.m. ” “ that 's four hours from now it here.! Untold just came on and now I 'm on the couch and jumped on him and he me. 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