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pretty, or elegant, but they served their intended field of use admirably. by norvic » 11 Apr 2010 23:31, Post 100 Piasters = 1 Pound (1888) Africa Identify 22-karat gold by the "22K" mark, which indicates that jewelry is 91.6 percent pure gold, or 22 parts pure gold out of 24. 100 Centavos = 1 Peso (1882) Mombasa GREAT BRITAIN ISLANDS 100 Centimes = 1 Franc Port Said Wales and Monmouthshire DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Found inside – Page 218Plus U.S and Foreign Identifier, dictionary, etc. Also, exciting stamps on approval; return with or without purchase, cancel service anytime. Identifier 100 Centavos de Quetzal = 1 Quetzal (1927) Copenhagen FINLAND Identifier 12 Pence = 1 Shilling Southeastern Europe Isle of Man Found insideIncluded , too , is the complete U. S. Stamp Identifier . ... Big Americana section a postal tribute to the United States on foreign stamps . Jewelry Identification. N/A Northern Europe Conakry 100 Centimes = 1 Franc 12 Pence = 1 Shilling Russian Stamp Catalogue and Identifier. Cyrillic was first used in the 10th century AD for writing the Old Church Slavonic language. 100 Pennia = 1 Markka (1866) Windhoek Africa Then find it in one of the Non-English indexs. The up-to-date alphabetical listing of stamp inscriptions . 100 Filler = 1 Korona Scan multiple stamps & let SRS identify each one for you to inventory in EzStamp. We will update the stamp identifier pages with the requested information as soon as possible. 100 Pence = 1 Pound Found inside – Page 82Big cloth bag contains over* 1,000 ^ genuine foreign postage stamps from more than 30 strange countries in far-«ay Asia, Europe, l#\O0 'Africa, South Seas, ... For instance, during the 1960s, most stamp collectors weren't interested in stamps from communist nations such as China. Value is extremely dependent on condition and many stamps have been intentionally altered to "look" better and these take experience to identify . Santo Domingo 100 Cents = 1 Dollar EAST AFRICA and UGANDA PROTECTORATES 100 Kopecks = 1 Ruble Capital GREAT BRITAIN OFFICES ABROAD Identifier Mark used c. 1910 to 1915 by Fulper Pottery Co. Helsinki FRENCH POST OFFICES ABROAD FINLAND, ALAND ISLANDS Found inside – Page 229Plus U.S. and Foreign Identifier, dictionary, etc. Also, exciting stamps on approval; return with or without purchase, cancel service anytime. Porto-Novo Identifier 1000 Milliemes = 100 Piasters 100 Pence = 1 Pound (1970) Identifier Southwest Africa GRENADA Foreign Stamp Identifier The purpose of the Foreign Stamp Identifier is to help you determine what country a particular stamp is from, and how it should be listed in your album. Northern Europe 8 Fanons = 1 Rupie South Africa The second edition of the popular Linns Stamp Identifier is now available. St. Denis Online Stamp Auctions - *ROBUST* discussion Forum, ↳ All Online Stamp Auction related discussion and overview. Zanzibar Whether you are a seasoned philatelist or a beginner, our Stamp Recognition Software will make identifying most stamps simple & fast. Identifier Thread: German Stamp Identification - Help Needed . Nuuk Vathy Identifier Found inside – Page 60TEN Foreign to treasure. $2.00 catalog. Handling 100. Approvals. Reid Stamps, 441 N. 6th, Allentown, Penna. ~~ 508 DIFFERENT Worldwide from Madagascar, ... Scott Identification Guide to U.S. Stamps. Identifier Foreign Stamp Identifier. These are the identifying numbers used to identify most stamps by stamp dealers and on-line auction listings. FRANCE Found inside – Page 40... such as person identifiers, time stamps, date stamps, and so on, are not shown. ... Phrase Foreign Key: Business Glossary Business Glossary. GREAT BRITAIN ISLANDS 08/30/2021. And tools to measure perforations or paper thickness or LED magnifiers etc Please add your new discoveries - and recommendations to this forum. Identifier Found inside – Page 78H, Washington II, D. C. MINT FOREIGN stamps, including Monaco Giant Bicolors, ... 408, N. Y. FREE STAMP IDENTIFIER Giant, fully illustrated Stamp Identifier ... Group of Islands near Western Africa Posts about FOREIGN STAMP IDENTIFIER written by nimmy valsan EGYPT Nathan Starr was the premier sword contractor to the government up until the rise of Ames in the 1830's. Below are examples of early 1812 Cavalry, 1826 Naval, and 1818 NCO sword. FIUME This guide is an essential for any collector looking to identify their global stamps, or varied collections from different countries - a task that is made complicated due to the foreign languages, new and dead countries, and . Found inside – Page 171U.S. and Foreign Identifier tells as a glance the country to which any stamp belongs , and where to place stamps in your album . Plus How to Collect Stamps ... 100 Centavos = 1 Sucre (1881) Coleco A/A Preemies had brown tufts and Caucasian Preemies had tan or yellow tufts. Isle of Pines (New Caledonia) 587. Identifier China Canton Couture Kids appeared in Canada wearing fur coats and hats in 1984. Comments for Chiming Mantel Clock With "FOREIGN" Label. 100 Pfennig = 1 Mark 100 Centimes = 1 Franc Identifier Isle of Pines, West Indies (Cuba) 383. Cayenne 100 Centimos = 1 Peseta (1889-95) 100 Bit = 1 Franc (1905) Found inside – Page 241MILLION Foreign Stamps! ... AMERICANS on foreign stamps, Presidents. ... any stamp in your album Plus U.S. and Foreign Identifier, Stamp Dictionary, etc. 100 Centimes = 1 Franc These stamps include those that have no country name written on them, and those where the country name is inscribed using non-Latin writing. FRENCH REUNION Gulf of Guinea, West Africa MOVED threads from "Selling" forum **ONLY**, ↳ Sold lots, or threads moved by mods as they did not qualify via the rules. Thank you for your support. GREAT BRITAIN ISLANDS West Africa 20 Shillings = 1 Pound ERITREA Just pick out a symbol, word or sign on the stamp you want to identify. Tip: Search for the imprint first, then refine by color and/or shape if you have too many results. Click for our Current Public Stamp Auctions. Identifier Scans of really NICE looking stamps & covers etc. St. Anne's Remember that an "18K" mark means jewelry is 75 percent . 100 Centavos = 1 Peso (1885) Identifier One of the difficulties when attempting to identify foreign stamps, is that sometimes, none of the writing on the stamps is even remotely readable by many English speaking people and thus makes identifying these types of stamps very difficult. Spain Group of Islands in the Pafic Ocean near Australia, One of the Comoro Islands in the Mozambique Channel. The watermark is the original manufacturer's symbol and can usually be seen by placing the stamp in front of a light. Thank you for your support. Found inside – Page 54Included, FREE — "Midget Encyclopedia of Stamps"— plus Stamp Dictionary & Identifier. SEND 254 TODAY ASK FOR LOT EO-5 ZENITH CO., 81 Willouflhby St., ... An Island in the Windward group in the West Indies. Basse-Terre 1 ~ From 1872 - rarely used (an .800 stamp is more common) 2 ~ Fascist period 1934 - 1944 3 ~ 1944 to 1968 4 ~ 1968 to Present In the last three examples, the number would be registered to an individual maker, the initials represent the region (ie. Identifier 100 Centimos = 1 Peseta Foreign Stamp Identifier Keyword Index Website. As in all forums, you can post photos of your favourites and recommendations. Identify the watermark of the stamp. 100 Cents = 1 Dollar 20 Shillings = 1 Pound GERMAN OFFICES ABROAD Identifier GREECE On this page are stamps inscribed using Cyrillic writing. Identifier Berlin Southern and Antarctica Islands North of Grenada Central America Islands in the West Indies 100 Centimes =1 Franc Identifier 3. 1 Escudo = 2.50 Pesetas For most firearm enthusiasts, it is important to have some basic knowledge on cartridge identification. FRENCH COLONIES 100 Centimes = 1 Franc Found inside – Page 74Big cloth bag contains over 1,000 « |*' ' genuine foreign postage stamps 01 /" ftp*** from ... 3) MIDGET ENCYCLOPEDIA - STAMP DICTIONARY - STAMP IDENTIFIER ... New Stamps added constantly. 100 Dirhams = 1 Riyal (1966) Group of Islands at the mouth of the Gulf of Bothnia 100 Fennigi = 1 Marka SRS is a huge time saver. ↳ Bored with life or work? Identifier Hoi Hao Identifier Huge Stamp Collecting Catalog With US & Foreign Postage Stamps.. The biggest reward from collecting stamps is your enjoyment! Identifier 96 Skilling = 1 Rigsbank Daler Postage Stamp Identifier 2017.. $12.95 . Foreign Stamp Identifier Keyword Index As a novice, I'm not familiar with all the different names that appear on stamps from other countries. 12 Pence = 1 Shilling 40 Paras = 1 Pliaster Pill Identifier Search by Imprint, Shape or Color. On the Black Sea Group of Islands in the Alantic Ocean near Portugal, Group of 700 Islands off the coast of Florida, Group of 10 Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. I believe your clock was manufactured in Germany somewhere in the '30's or '40's. Going by your description of the trademark on the movement, it was probably made by . Northern Africa There are some superb and incredibly useful reference books, and catalogues out there. 100 Centavos = 1 Escudo Indian Ocean, Africa FRENCH MOROCCO Identifier Guatemala City Identifier 12 Pence = 1 Shilling 100 Centimes = 1 Franc 100 Centimes = 1 CFA Franc (1985) FREE Giveaways, and STAMP AND COVERS and Numismatic EXCHANGES. We recommend the RussianPhilately.com, an ultimate online Russian stamp dealer. N/A Welcome to stampboards - please touch base, and briefly introduce yourself! Tong King 227. Tripolitania 100 Kopecks = 1 Ruble The Hobbizine China Stamp Value Guide provides market prices for stamps in both mint and used condition. Revenues. Found inside – Page 199Tells where to place any stamp in your album Plus U.S. and Foreign Identifier, Stamp Dictionary, etc. Also, exciting stamps on approval, returnable without ... Silver purity in thousandths (.875 or .916) plus initialed Maker's Mark. North Atlantic Ocean 100 Centimes = 1 Franc 100 Pence = 1 Pound GREAT BRITAIN REGIONAL ISSUES N/A Libreville 100 Centimes = 1 Franc FIJI Identifier Identifier 100 Centimos = 1 ekuele, Northeastern Africa 100 Heller = 1 Krone Berlin Any assistance or links to information sources on how to distinguish between these different series stamps would be greatly appreciated. 100 Cents = 1 Nakfa (1997) 100 Centimes = 1 Franc Stamp Identifier uses advanced image recognition technology to find that stamp and provide you more details about it, courtesy of colnect.com, a social network for worldwide collectors which has the world's largest online stamp catalog and a huge marketplace to buy and sell your stamps. All fields are optional. Currency ↳ 'The Water Cooler' - A relaxing and FUN place to let off some steam ...... ↳ Knowledge really is POWER in this hobby! Location Catalogues, journals and reference books. N/A Ronde Island Found inside... Albums and Accessories : Comprehensive U.S. Stamp Identifier Joseph M. Heery ... or have relatives overseas are excellent sources of foreign stamps . Guernsey Central Africa Stamp Identifier. Found inside – Page 74PAY LESS for fine foreign stamps at It — it — 3c each, some higher. ... 3) Midget Encyclopedia — Stamp Dictionary — Stamp Identifier. 16 Annas = 1 Rupee Foreign Stamp Identifier ↳ Roll Call -- This Thread MUST be your *FIRST* Port Of Call here! GUATEMALA Stamp collecting first emerged as a popular hobby soon after the first national postal systems were founded. Identifier 100 Kopecks = 1 Coupon (1993) And tools to measure perforations or paper thickness or LED magnifiers etc Please add your new discoveries - and recommendations to this forum. Africa Preemies were 14-15 inches tall. Identifier Island in the English Channel South America Bamako Identifier Description. 12 Pence = 1 Shilling 100 Cents = 1 Rupee (1917) Group of Islands Southeast of South America in the Atlantic Ocean, Island in the Gulf of Guinea, near West Africa, Group of Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, Group of Islands at the mouth of the Gulf of Bothnia. This was the first mark—FULPER in a rectangle—used by this company using the Hobo typeface. Occupation Stamps Douglas Group of Islands in the English Channel Or to the page that contains the beginning letter for the country you are looking for. 12 Pence = 1 Shilling (1916) If I own a particular variety, you will see a thumbnail link to a full-size image of the stamp(s); an entry without a thumbnail means I still need the stamp. GERMAN OFFICES ABROAD To identify a postage stamp, it is imperative that you prepare the basic stamp collecting tools needed such as: stamp tongs, magnifying glass, watermark trays and fluids, and stamp catalogues. Germany 100 Pfennigs = 1 Mark (1875) Identifier Mystic's Foreign Stamp Identifier is a neat tool to help you determine what country a stamp is from, and how it should be listed in your album. Identifier 100 Naye Paise = 1 Rupee ↳ Cinderellas etc - all the stamps that are NOT regular postage stamp related. N/A Isle of Man (United Kingdom) 736. Capital N/A courtesy:stampmasteralbum 100 Pence = 1 Pound (1971) GREAT BRITAIN OFFICES ABROAD Just found this (it may already be in this thread) anyway. Irian Barat (Indonesia) 478. Another great source of information for identifying Chinese stamps is the China Stamp Society (CSS) catalog. West Africa N/A GERMAN OFFICES ABROAD Cabbage Patch Preemies, 1984-1985. Unitrade Postage Stamp Identifier. 100 Pfennigs = 1 Mark (1875) GEORGIA List B and C Documents. A city in the Madeira Island Group Catalogues, journals and reference books. Georgetown Identifier 100 Centimes = 1 Franc Worldwide Stamps A - E Countries F - J Countries K - N Countries O - S Countries T - Z Countries All Countries Sort Price (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Alphanumeric Best Sellers Per Page 12 24 48 72 96 120 records. 2 & 3 - Ordinances of 1928 & 1954 called for use of decimal standard marks (eg. GILBERT and ELLICE ISLANDS Jersey N/A If you have questions about a certain country, please reach out to us for more details or use our search feature to find exactly what you are looking for. Found inside – Page 623) MIDGET ENCYCLOPEDIA - STAMP DICTIONARY - STAMP IDENTIFIER. ALL 3 ITEMS REGULAR $1.15 VALUE FOR JUST 25i TO INTRODUCE OUR BARGAIN APPROVALS. Cairo To use the Foreign Stamp Identifier Alphabetical listed by country index - click the Foreign Stamp Identifier button below to go to the main index. There are a wide variety of specialist resources which can help you to discover your stamps' background, how it was printed and its date of issue. GHANA FUNCHAL Stamp tongs are very essential because it can hold the stamps without causing damage, crease, or getting skin oils on them. Found inside – Page 66N. H. 1000 U.S. Foreign Stamp Mixture 25c. Book Nook. ... Big United States stamp catalog — including value guide and identifier, plus check list. I always love to hear a clock with Westminster chimes ringing every quarter-hour. • A little trickier to use as an identifier • PRD types have CGA numbers too -e.g., CG‐1 • Some PRDs are activated by pressure, some by heat, some by both • Different gases have different requirements for pressure relief devices -per CGA • CGA Table of PRDs as a reference to sort out The purpose of the Worldwide Illustrated Stamp Identifier is to provide a visual tool to assist in identifying the country of origin of particularly challenging stamps. It strives to promote the fun and fascination of worldwide stamp collecting to young and old alike, and has an active outreach program serving youth, their leaders and and stamp collectors of all ages and experience levels. Found inside – Page 187Illustrated, indispensable, tells the country to which any stamp belongs and where to place stamps in your album. Plus U.S. and Foreign Identifier, ... $6.99. Identifier Occupation stamps 100 Kopecks = 1 Ruble (1918, 1991) Found inside – Page 151Plus U.S. and Foreign Identifier, Stamp Dictionary, etc. Also, exciting stamps on approval, returnable without purchases, cancel service anytime — but ... As you may know, two stamps can look exactly the same, and yet they are different issues with different Scott Numbers and values. 12 Pence = 1 Shilling Location 1000 Reis = 1 Milreis 20 Shilling = 1 Pound East Africa Kwang-chowan ↳ New to Bulletin Boards? N/A Then find it in one of the Non-English indexs. 12 Pence = 1 Shilling Identifier New Collectors ask away to your heart's content in HERE! Found inside – Page 54Royal Stamp Company, Tamaqua, Penna. TOPS! Outstanding foreign mixture. $1.00 packet. Arthur Kelley, 227R. North Warren, Trenton 8, N. J. KOREAN Set free. by Allanswood » 12 Apr 2010 00:27, Post St. Peter Port 12 Pence = 1 Shilling Foreign Stamp Identifier Keyword Index Website. Port Lagos British Guiana 1-Cent Magenta, 1856 stamp was sold in New York for $9.48 million at Sotheby's in June 2014. Northwestern Africa FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES Location 100 Cents = 1 Dollar Enjoy the rewarding hobby of stamp collecting on line with US and Foreign postage stamps and supplies. Foreign stamps are our specialty. Central East Africa 100 Lepta = 1 Drachma All topics about the technical aspects of stamp collecting such as printing methods, types of presses, paper, gum types, etc. GIBRALTAR ESTONIA 1000 Milesimas = 100 Centavos Find the Non-English Lettering on the stamp. 100 Centimes = 1 CFA Franc (1986) 60 Kreuzer = 1 Gulden Danzig Paris When they grow up, the two boys take different paths--one becomes a prison guard, the other works in a factory--but their early childhood passions remain. Tbilisi Consist of all the Australian States listed above. United Arab Emirates Stamp Catalogues and Identification Books: In the UK, Gibbons publish the most used catalogue. If there is any specific information you need then please let us know using our feedback form. Back To Top, Southern Rio de Oro on the north west coast of Africa, One of the Cook Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, Southern Slop of Pyrenees Mountains separating France and Spain, Is the Islands of Terceira, San Jorge and Graciosa, Island off the southeastern coast of Australia. West Coast of Africa 100 Pfennig = 1 Gulden (1923) Northeast Coast of South America Found inside – Page 82411 145 Nassau St. New York 38, N. Y. FREE 119 FOREIGN STAMPS Including Africa, ... New York FREE STAMP IDENTIFIER Giant, fully illustrated Stamp Identifier ... DENMARK The second edition of the popular Linns Stamp Identifier. 100 Centimos = 1 Peseta 100 Cents = 1 Shilling Ireland 485. Identifier 100 Cents = 1 Rupee (1907) Indonesia 478. 100 Ore = 1 Krone Or to the page that contains the beginning letter for the country you are looking for. 16 Annas = 1 Rupee In most cases, the head stamp will quickly tell you precisely what type of ammunition it is. One of the Comoro Islands in the Mozambique Channel Identifier Island in the Mediterranean Sea 100 Centimos = 1 Peseta West Indies ETHIOPIA If the issuing country uses the Latin alphabet, identification of the stamp is fairly simple. Iraq 483. 1 talking about this.. Everyone has at least a few old stamps - and they could be expensive. 100 Cents = 1 Ethiopian Dollar 1000 Milliemes = 100 Piasters N/A 12 Pence = 1 Shilling (1916) Then find it in this keyword index. The second edition of the popular Linns Stamp Identifier is now available. Add yours! Found inside – Page 450Over 7.000 illustra Domestic and foreign stamps tions plus ... A guide for Each volume has about 1200 beginners and a stamp identifier . . all 9x11 % inches ... 100 Centimes = 1 Franc This Mark has been Stamped at the Porto Assay Office Since 1985. Unexpired foreign passport; Form I-94 indicating F-1 nonimmigrant status; and; Form I-20 with the DSO endorsement for employment. ↳ SELL your surplus stamps at ZERO fee! If you have a Stamp with Non-English Lettering that you think should be added to this Non-English index, please send your keyword and the country it is from to our e-mail address StampMasterAlbum@stampmasteralbum.com. 100 Caury = 1 Syli (1973) ↳ WANTED TO BUY by members - Stamps or FDC or Accessories etc. Now that 'special characters' are available on most computer systems it would be even more useful if all the pseudo-cyrillic was udpated. Countries found they could generate revenue by issuing limited-run stamps solely for the collectible market. Gilbraltar 100 Cents = 1 Piaster 12 Pence = 1 Shilling Found inside – Page 58Big cloth bag contains over 1,000 genuine foreign postage stamps from more than 30 strange ... 3) Midget Encyclopedia — Stamp Dictionary — Stamp Identifier. Found inside – Page 54SAMPLE American Stamp News, plus 200 mixed foreign stamps, 10c. ... —including value guide and identifier, plus check list. Hundreds of illustrations. Found inside – Page 921Foreign , unmounted approvals . Friendly , fast service . T.S.S. , Box 610 , Plymouth Meeting , PA 19462 ( 1190 ) 19TH AND early 20th century foreign stamps ... Group of Islands in West Pacific Ocean 100 Penni = 1 Mark (1919) Identifier Stamp Indentifier. Regular Issues 1847-1934 6th Edition, by Charles Micarelli. ↳ SWAP your stamps and covers with other collectors Worldwide - or GIVE them away FREE! Cinderellas - Fiscals - Revenues - "Back Of Book" issues. DIEGO-SUAREZ Found inside – Page 61U. S. General foreign Approvals. Discounts. Bonuses. Individual service for serious collectors. Send lOc for handling. Jeans Stamps, 42 Evergreen Road, ... Remember that this jewelry may also be marked with "999" symbol. EQUATORIAL GUINEA 20 Shillings = 1 Pound 100 Sents = 1 Kroon (1928, 1992) Island in the Gulf of Guinea, near West Africa Accra Found inside – Page 59D-146, JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK 300 FOREIGN STAMPS 10c Includes Pictorials, Commems., ... Amazing FREE Stamp Identifier (profusely illustrated) clearly shows ... Troppau 100 Centimes = 1 Thaler (1936) DAHOMEY Herbertshohe A foreign passport must be accompanied by a Form I-94/94A Arrival-Departure Record bearing the same name as the passport and containing an endorsement of the individual's nonimmigrant status and authorization to work for a specific employer based on this status. Eastern Germany Turkish Empire The American Philatelic Society published a booklet called APS Stamp Identifier. Or, if you're the do-it-yourself style collector, or simply don't have clubs or dealers near at hand to help, you might want to check the Expert column in the January 2019 American Philatelist (page 56), which examines some of the basic steps in identifying . Foreign Stamp Identifier European & Asian Index. WANTED TO BUY ..... Stamps, Numismatics, Catalogues, ANYTHING! EASTERN SILESIA North Atlantic Ocean " StampManage is a remarkable program with it's easy to use, mouse oriented, Windows interface and outstanding content-rich database. Group of Islands in the English Channel 345,500 + hi-res images to help identify your stamps + over 700,000 valuations. Easy as 1-2-3: Load your image, Start the Search & add it to the EzStamp Inventory when found. Identifier Africa Currency Click on one of the letters below to go to the countries that begin with that letter. 1 Corona = 1 Lira RusPhil.com is a free Russian stamp catalogue, identifier, and price guide for Russian stamps: Empire period, RSFSR, Soviet era. So far, I have gone through about 12,000 US stamps and have now started on foreign issues. Software will make identifying most stamps simple & amp ; let SRS identify each one for you identify! Stamp Society ( CSS ) catalog briefly INTRODUCE yourself on most cartridges, the stamp! Accessories: comprehensive U.S your enjoyment the RussianPhilately.com, an emergency run was produced as a glance the the. Written on them, and German stamps is important to have some basic knowledge on cartridge identification 13 Mar 12:48:02pm! The letters below to go to the countries that begin with that letter is commonly referenced by collectors dealers! Issues 1847-1934 6th edition, by the 21st century, certain Chinese stamps have become quite.! 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