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and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Albany's Premier Hookah Lounge . Nomad was very welcoming & Koy was a great waitress. Freedom Hookah Lounge. More. A relaxing environment offering flavorful iced hookahs, friendly. Tables of 5 or more can be booked by emailing tables@victorywashingtondc.com. The chic design of this two floor lounge features a super sleek red upper level and Miami style white lounge on the lower level. Christopher and Elondia Grant are requesting to open the business at 120 E. Mulberry St., where more than one restaurant previously operated. Hotels near Freedom Hookah Lounge, Washington DC on Tripadvisor: Find 25,747 traveler reviews, 50,628 candid photos, and prices for 976 hotels near Freedom Hookah Lounge in Washington DC, DC. 204 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12210. The businesses listed also serve surrounding cities and neighborhoods including Seattle WA, Kent WA, and Olympia WA. Benjamin Bar & Lounge. A relaxing environment offering. Reservations can also be made by calling (202) 817-3284. 1110 U St NW, Washington, DC Upstares. nomad washington • nomad washington photos • nomad washington location • nomad washington address • nomad washington • nomad washington • nomad hookah bar washington • nomad hookah lounge washington • nomad capitol hill washington Hours. The places found in this book are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Fri: 4:00 PM - 3:00 AM. Talk. Updated: 1:11 PM CDT June 8, 2021. ME Ultra Lounge, a classy hookah bar with state of the art equipment, such as exclusive hookahs and top of the line shisha. Found inside – Page 238The Price of Admission Most bars in D.C. have cover charges (or bands and DJs. ... like your living room, only hipper, and they serve sangria and hookah. Found inside – Page 326Dupont Circle / Adams Morgan - continued Russia House Restaurant & Lounge ... Tabaq 1336 U St NW 202-265-0965 Chillin ' hookah bar with a killer view of ... Found insideCafé Saint-Ex. Named for Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French pilot and ... Or try a hookah filled with a range of flavored tobaccos, from apple to watermelon. . Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea. Claim this place ! The places found in this tourist guide are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Ft., three level Building has phenomenal street presence on a major road in the best part of NW DC- right in the heart of Georgetown. Sunday and Wednesday 730PM - 1AM. Established in 2002, Soussi has been serving up Mediterranean and North African cuisine in Adams Morgan, the most culturally diverse and vibrant neighborhood in Washington, DC. 2522 E Cherry St. Thankfully, Abuhamdeh has savings to fall back on . Are you looking for an upscale hookah lounge in Washington DC Metropolitan area - Baltimore ? and them wanting all diners to be in and out in 90 minutes. Here in the heavens you can relax and forget about life for a time. Cherry with Mint We are a modern swanky lounge. Four couches and seven loveseats line the walls. H Street Corridor/Atlas District/Near Northeast. We are located in the heart of the historic U Street area of Washington DC, 1930 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. Persepolis is the first and only hookah bar to offer liquor in the state of WA. Study. Georgetown Social - Bistro, Bar And Hookah, Adams Morgan2409 18th St NW, Washington, DC, Virginia Square946 N Jackson St, Arlington, VA, Columbia Heights2901 Columbia Pk, Arlington, VA, H Street Corridor/Atlas District/Near Northeast1210 H St NE, Washington, DC, 22. or Shawarma Bros. Smokin Aces Hookah Lounge, near Woodley Park Metro Station: photos, location and contact details, open hours and reviews from visitors on Nicelocal.com. KENT, Wash. — A 28-year-old man is dead, and another was injured in a shooting at a hookah lounge in Kent on Sunday. Top 9 Most Visited Hookah Bars in Washington. Bring your friends and chill-out with your choice of the world’s finest shisha flavorsâor enjoy some coffee or tea. Closed Monday and Tuesday . See all Chi-Cha Lounge reviews, “This place has sweet reggae beats, great intimate service (Coy is a sweetheart!) Found inside – Page 314Safety Like any big city, Washington has street crime. ... now are smoke-free, except for cigar and hookah bars and outdoor areas such as sidewalk cafes. I've had birthday celebrations there and spent many a nights eating Llapingachos and drinking, The prices are pretty good and the sushi is delicious! HOUSTON - Houston police are investigating a shooting they said left five people injured at a hookah lounge on Washington Avenue Tuesday.. Investigators said the shooter fired a rifle around 1 . See all Nomad Hookah Bar reviews, “I had the chicken shwarma sandwich on shrak bread (thinner than pita, but similar), and oh my it was scrumptious.” Our premium lounge offers private rooms, memberships, and reservations for special groups, wedding parties, birthdays, etc. See all Library Tavern reviews, “When I came out, Brittany (name twins!) • Private Rooms so I didn't pay for drinks personally but there was hookah and the drinks I had were very strong. largest selection of shisha flavors - Come join us at our locations in Washington DC - Silver spring - Baltimore african event Found inside – Page 225Lastly, you must be at least 21 to drink alcohol in DC; if you're younger than that, check the local listings ... Eighteenth Street Lounge 1212 18th St NW ... Whether you a planning a birthday party, graduation, a corporate event or happy hour networking; let our courteous st The places found in this tourist guide are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. The Virginia Supreme Court has ruled that a Blacksburg hookah lounge is not exempt from the state's ban on smoking in . Cloud 9 is Seattle’s premier Hookah Loungeâproviding you and your friends a laid-back experience that is like heaven on earth. Zikrayet Lebanese Restaurant & Lounge, 5820 Seminary Rd, Ste N, Falls Church, VA, 2632 Georgia Ave NW, Fl 2, Washington, DC, H Street Corridor/Atlas District/Near Northeast711 H St NE, Washington, DC, U Street Corridor1934 9th St NW, Washington, DC, U Street Corridor1920 9th St Nw, Washington, DC, Skyline3815 S George Mason Dr, Ste A, Falls Church, VA, Crystal City2325 S Eads St, Arlington, VA, H Street Corridor/Atlas District/Near Northeast1220 H St NE, Washington, DC, Adams Morgan2118 18th St NW, Washington, DC. largest selection of hookah flavors. Freedom Hookah Lounge. Hookah Bar 0 Review 1813 M St NW, Washington, DC 20036 Come on in and relax! Peace Lounge. Whether you are looking to buy a Washington Hookah Lounge, Bar for sale or sell your Washington Hookah Lounge, Bar, BizQuest is the Internet's leading Washington Hookah Lounge, Bar for sale marketplace. The places found in this book are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Sep 5, 2017 - Explore Angie Conrad's board "Hookah Lounge" on Pinterest. Found insideThe trendy area is also a popular hangout for Washington's LGBTQ community. ... is Chi-Cha Lounge ( 202-906-9417, chichadc.com), with a hookah menu and ... All info on King's Hookah Lounge in Washington - Call to book a table. Rose, Come celebrate the July 4 weekend with us. Open today until 3:00 AM. While visiting Washington, my mom, my cousin, and myself decided to branch out from the downtown area to find a hookah bar. 1919 9th NW Washington DC 20001, USA. &B and Hip hop music, food is good, well I've only ever had the wings, boneless wings, and sweet potato and reg fries. I like their playlist they have a nice variety of music from West African to old fashioned Hip-, The vibe outdoor fit her Arabian Nights theme perfectly -- of course we decorated and added our own touches to jazz the space up a bit, but overall a hidden, I'm not sure if any lounge have top their hookah in the, Amazon food amazing service 5/5 couldn't ask for a better Shawrma just like. Found inside – Page 153Bars & Nightlife: Enjoy a dreamy evening at Soussi (53) (2228 18th St. NW, ... F–Sa 5PM–2AM, Su 5PM–midnight), a hookah bar with a great outdoor patio. The shooting happened around 2:30 a.m. Sunday in the parking lot of Kings Kafe Hookah Lounge, police said. See all things to do. Claim this place ! Washington, DC 20004. About. Thursday to Saturday 730PM - 2AM. 1,653 posts. KENT, Wash. -- Kent police are investigating a homicide after a shooting inside the Lux Hookah Lounge on Sunday morning, the department reported Sunday evening. Nomad Hookah Bar. Bars & Clubs. See all 1015 Bar and Lounge reviews, “Due to COVID, DC is still restricted so just be patient considering the circumstances.” Get Quote Call (202) 299-1222 Get directions WhatsApp (202) 299-1222 Message (202) 299-1222 Contact Us Make Appointment Find Table Place Order View Menu. Washington, DC:One of the best locations in NW DC for this Hookah Business with full liquor license & tobacco license. Bartender: Badr Coffee, Tea, & Sodas See all Soussi Restaurant reviews, “Love the shawarma (chicken) and i love with no additional That said, you can boost your hookah lounge's visibility by marketing through liquor stores, outside grocery stores, near college campuses, and party areas. See all Andalusia Hookah Bar & Lounge reviews, “There was a small selection of shisha options, but you were able to mix two - we did melon and mint.” The places found in this guidebook are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Apple Lounge, where we take pride in providing our customers with the finest hookah experience around! Fortunately, hookah lounge promotion takes care of itself. (not a huge deal for us) and they don't serve food. Found inside – Page 269FodoriChoice Eighteenth Street Lounge. Home to Washington's chic set, ESL's unmarked * visage ... Gazuza also offers the opportunity to smoke a hookah, ... Call (202) 297-6055 Get directions WhatsApp (202) 297-6055 Message (202) 297-6055 Contact Us Find Table View Menu Make Appointment Place Order. I came here for my 24th birthday last year and it was a. and they play a good mix of ol' school hip hop! Do not attempt to move a hookah, if it breaks you will be charged $60. Found inside – Page 700McLean County AIDSTask Force p.276 McLean VA see DC Washington Area p.228 ... p.127 Mediterranean Hookah Lounge & Cafe p.618 Mediterranean Manor p.448 ... Hookah- Tropical mint Opening at 2:00 PM. Great food, great atmosphere. Drink. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Hookah Bars in Washington, DC. Found inside – Page 153... 202-299-9313, www.soussiindc.com, M—Th 5pm— 1am, F—Sa 5pm- -2am, Su 5pm— midnight) one of DCs best hookah bars, plus a great outdoor patio. Order Online Tickets. Found inside – Page 22#19–21: Cocktail bars and national art institutions alike cash in on the ... from the subterranean hookah lounge to the red room bar to the glass terrace. Cloud Lounge DMV 1919 9th St NW Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (703) 485-5680 Click for Directions Come check out Dupont Circle's newest gem. Drink- patron margarita to hang out with friends or even by yourself come to Zeke! 206-457-3263, Free WiFi was outside when I arrived and was the primary reason, I stopped inside. Hookah Bar 0 Review 1813 M St NW, Washington, DC 20036 Found inside(314) 588-7070 Rue 13 is a pool hall, bar, cocktail lounge, restaurant, sushi bar, ... including Spooky Daly Pride, Jake's Leg, and Ekoostik Hookah. Private Rooms FIREBIRD hookah is the upscale destination you are looking for to entertain your guests. Reservations. Come join us at our locations in Washington DC - Silver spring - Maryl Took a friend who came in from out of town on a whim (though I had been there before) in order to use a Groupon I had for a. I've had since I moved from Baltimore in the 70's. DC has some nice hookah lounges. Copyright © 2004–2021 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. Please be sure to have your ID. Hookah Bar 0 Review 1813 M St NW, Washington, DC 20036 This trendy establishment was reopened under a new management team. Seattle, WA 98122 **Just a heads up, they only take cash or. Found inside – Page 274This unpretentious neighborhood bar attracts an eclectic crowd, many of whom were pulled in off the street by the good vibes emanating from this place. Two large, hand-carved tiki men tower in the corners. Once a hookah lounge is "found," it usually catches on quickly. See all Georgetown Social - Bistro, Bar And Hookah reviews, “The vibe outdoor fit her Arabian Nights theme perfectly -- of course we decorated and added our own touches to jazz the space up a bit, but overall a hidden gem!” (P.S. Hookah Bar in Washington. Police arrived at North Washington Ave. following a 911 call of a shooting inside the . See all things to do. Compared to Houston, TX the hookahs are pretty pricey, so she suggested we check out the hookah bars a few doors down, but I think she knew we would come back - we did. Welcome to Cloud 9. Distinct hookah bar providing the cleanest and best hookah brands, All rights reserved to Apple Lounge DC 2021. 1629 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, United States of America +1 202-667-5500. Call. (210) Website. The chic design of this two floor lounge features a super sleek red upper level and Miami style white lounge on the lower level. Find the best Hookah Lounge on Yelp: search reviews of 65 Fort Washington businesses by price, type, or location. Welcome to Cloud 9. Freedom Hookah Lounge, Washington DC: Address, Phone Number, Freedom Hookah Lounge Review: 5/5. Restaurant in Washington. The places found in this book are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Found insideTabaq Bistro • 1336 U St NW 202-265-0965 Chillin' hookah bar with a killer view of downtown. • Twins Jazz • 1344 U St NW 202-234-0072 Intimate bar with ... If you could look that up, that'd be awesome. With hookah service, a full-length bar, raised VIP seating and tables, a bumping sound system and renovated DJ booth, it's easily the hottest hookah destination in DC on a Saturday night! Found inside – Page 33tially cheaper and D.C.'s hotel tax is an eye-popping 14.5%. ... cigar bars, and hookah bars, but with the exception of the hookah, they're rare in this ... See more ideas about hookah lounge, hookah, hookah lounge decor. • Constant ventilationâkeeping the air as fresh as the clouds, 2522 E Cherry St. Good vibes, great service and great drinks” Posted May 16, 2014. HOUSTON — Houston police are looking for three suspects who opened fire on patrons at a Washington Avenue hookah club early Tuesday. Loved by locals and tourists, Soussi stays open late to cater to the bustling crowds that flock to our restaurant for food, drinks and fun. Hours: 12:03 AM - 4:00 PM today. Washington DC metro area DMV & baltimore upscale lounge, pool table hall and hookah bar. Call (202) 629-3704 Get directions WhatsApp (202) 629-3704 Message (202) 629-3704 Contact Us Make Appointment Find Table Place Order View Menu. A unique combination of cuisine, lounge & nightlife. Menu & Reservations. Kitchen Closes at 10:30pm | Last Call for Hookah 10:45pm | Last Call for Drinks 11:30pm. 1,199. By Andrea Noble - The Washington Times - Sunday, January 11, 2015. See all Nomad Hookah Bar reviews, “We ordered three hummus plates (I was with a bunch of women, who LOVE that stuff), bruschetta, and calamari.” See all things to do. Cloud Lounge is one of the hottest spots in Washington DC, located on 1919 9th Street, NW, where customers comet to relax, listen to live entertainment and socialize. ), See all Andalusia Hookah Bar & Lounge reviews, See all Caspi Restaurant and Lounge reviews, Georgetown Social - Bistro, Bar And Hookah, See all Georgetown Social - Bistro, Bar And Hookah reviews. Ratings of restaurants and cafes in Washington DC, similar places to eat in nearby. Police arrived at North Washington Ave. following a 911 call of a shooting . Hookah Lounge in Washington. Found inside – Page 31... (Washington, the capital of the free world) banned smoking in all public places including bars except for cigar and hookah bars. Hookah, you ask? Top DJ - hip hop, dance-pop, dancehall, African music, house music. The places found in this guidebook are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. “This place has sweet reggae beats, great intimate service (, “We ordered three hummus plates (I was with a bunch of women, who LOVE that stuff), bruschetta, and, “Came by on a busy night and they were able to accommodate, this is my second time here We are a modern swanky lounge. Apple Lounge is the premiere place to relax, eat, have fun and meet up with friends. Washington DC metropolitan area upscale hookah lounge, pool hall and bar. The Goldroom DC. We found 14 results for Hookah Bar And Lounge in or near Centralia, WA. Memberships, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). A little bit of everything: arabic, iranian, afghan, hip hop, pop, r&b, habesha. Check out our services below (if I remember his name correctly after drinking a super-sized Margarita haha), even came over to greet us! International Fridays - Afro-beats, Caribean , Hip Hop & Other Music Genres. Smoking tobacco poses serious health risks to smokers and others exposed to smoke from hookah. See all Kiss Lounge reviews, “It was a low key spot but the drinks were strong just the way like them, food was great, so much space to sit and dance, and the hookah was bomb.” See all Chi-Cha Lounge reviews, H Street Corridor/Atlas District/Near Northeast1200 H St NE, Washington, DC, H Street Corridor/Atlas District/Near Northeast, Adams Morgan2228 18th St NW, Washington, DC, U Street Corridor1013 U St NW, Washington, DC, U Street Corridor1624 U St NW, Ste 100, Washington, DC, Dupont Circle1629 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC, Adams Morgan2405 18th St NW, Washington, DC, U Street Corridor2013 14th St NW, Washington, DC, U Street Corridor1110 U St NW, Washington, DC, 13. Once you visit the Cloud 9 Hookah Lounge of Seattle, you won’t want to come back to earth. 25 Reviews. - he does an amazing job at keeping things together even when it's crazy busy. Hookah Lounge in Houston, TX bringing you robust shisha flavors and great vibes daily! got my drink order and my hookah was delivered promptly thereafter.” Location Richmond, VA. Report post. Posted May 16, 2014. Found inside – Page 180A sea of black pants and dark shirts floods the martini lounge , 45 ft . bar ... and smoking fruit - flavored tobacco from hookahs ( available Su - Th ) . See all Haifa Grill reviews, “The pineapple head is so awesome and makes whatever flavor you get 10x better.” Make Reservations. Thu: 4:00 PM - 1:00 AM. Washington Hookah Lounges, Bars for Sale. 1. Come enjoy your self and bring your guest party with you Our premium lounge offers different types of membership plans, and reservations for special groups, events, birthdays, etc. The role of a good cook ware in the preparation of a sumptuous meal cannot be over emphasized then one consider white bread. Wed: 4:00 PM - 1:00 AM. KHOU 11's Brittany Ford . Food: lamb chops and fried shrimp” DJ nights and live entertainment basically every weekend! Found insideGood sports bar. Watch for runaway cabs. • Tabaq Bistro • 1336 U St NW 202-265-0965 Chillin' hookah bar with a killer view of downtown. which has crab, salmon, and shrimp- so yummy! Found inside – Page 133... convulsant for condi- FIGURE 9.8 The Shisha Hookah Bar, Washington, D.C. The water pipe historically has been used to smoke marihuana, opium, tobacco, ... The places found in this book are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Smoke responsibly. CARROLLTON, Texas — Two people were injured, There is one particular one in Georgetown that I go to every time I go to DC. 1 #98 of 158 Nightlife in Washington DC. See all Queen Cafe Hookah reviews, “Bottomless mimosas, hookah, great food and great music” Good. Seattle, WA 98122 • A gathering place for special groups, wedding parties, birthdays, or any special occasion I'll have to look up the name though. Tickets. The places found in this book are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Hookah Bars in Washington Heights, NY. Found inside – Page 22However, another trend—the hookah bar—is definitely waxing. ... At this writing, 25 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico have passed smoke-free (Clean ... See all Exotic Hookah Lounge reviews, “I like their playlist they have a nice variety of music from West African to old fashioned Hip-Hop and Rap.” See all Haifa Grill reviews, “The DJs are on point, playing a fusion of old school hip-hop & R&B. The chic design of this two floor lounge features a super sleek red upper level and Miami style white lounge on the lower level. “The place is always clean and the couches that they have are exceptionally comfortable.” are really friendly and extremely tentative. Location Richmond, VA. Report post. 14 were here. See all Kiss Lounge reviews, “I saw it gives vibes of Powers Truth Nightclub but as a bar/lounge.” (202) 460-6443. • Private Memberships • Coffee, tea, and sodas The back wall, • Air-cleaned hoses This 2,100 sq. Found inside – Page 102ased on all the scandals that sweep through Washington, D.C. on a seemingly ... (In this chapter you'll find a few listings for hookah bars and cigar ... I'll have to look up the name though. • Free WiFi Dark rich paint and modern art pieces cover the wall. We are located next to Trader Joe's right across the from University VW. 204 Washington Ave Albany NY 12210. Everyone kept checking up on us making sure we were good like changing our hookah, , usually extra coals are free, no cover at the door. The shooting happened before 7 a.m. in the 300 block of Washington Avenue . We are located in the heart of the historic U Street area of Washington DC, 1930 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. 703-485-5680 or 703-629-0952 [email protected] Opening Hour. A luxurious upscale lounge in Washington DC metropolitan area. Go eat and be sure you will come back again and again” 2-3 hours. Our modern 2-floor Lounge has 2 bars, Hookah lounge and a full kitchen. We offer: (202) 460-6443. Top DJ - hip hop, dance-pop, dancehall, African music, house music. See all The Elroy reviews, “I will say that I went during what was probably their not so busy time (5-8pm).” See all Red Lounge Bar & Grill reviews, “Rahel and Helen are great people who know how to treat their customers.” Click for Directions. The Grants spoke during a public hearing during the Goldsboro City Council meeting Monday,. Found inside – Page 302See also respectability coffeehouses, 8, 163–175; hookah bars, 169, 173; ... 1 Committee on Equal Opportunity Employment (Washington, D.C.), 85, ... There is one particular one in Georgetown that I go to every time I go to DC. Found inside – Page 272Bohemian and unpretentious, this coffeehouse-bar serves fancy sandwiches ... For a price, you can smoke a hookah filled with imported honey-cured tobacco. See all Lounge of Three reviews, “Favorites: Phone 518-472-0043 . The places found in this book are the most positively reviewed and recommended by locals and travelers. 2,000 places listed and organized in four groups. Showing 1-40 of 85. Patrons come from Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia to be hosted by our staff. Apple Lounge is the premiere place to relax, eat, have fun and meet up with friends. From Business: Benjamin Bar & Lounge brings our namesake's lifelong passions of inventions, fine beverages and food to life in the 21st century. KENT, Wash. — A 28-year-old man is dead, and another was injured in a shooting at a hookah lounge in Kent on Sunday. It's an atmosphere where customers can come to escape the stresses of day-to-day life and enjoy themselves in a n upscale lounge setting. Suggested duration. I always go here for hookah as this is the only good place in, Keep in mind though - there is paid parking all around since the lounge is located in, Come for the hookah, stay for the food that you can order from. View the menu, check prices, find on the map, see photos and ratings. DC has some nice hookah lounges. restaurants with hookah — we've located 22 restaurants in Washington city; convenient search — find the best local services on Washington's map; restaurants with hookah nearby with addresses, contact details, photos, reviews and ratings. Our mission is to ensure that our customers enjoy the true pleasures of smoking hookah. The following transit lines have routes that pass near King's Hookah Lounge Bus: 30N, 32, 33, 36, 70; Train: FREDERICKSBURG LINE, MARC; Metro: METRORAIL GREEN LINE, METRORAIL RED LINE, METRORAIL YELLOW LINE All guests should apply for Temporary Membership Card which will be issued for 7 days only. Apple Lounge, where we take pride in providing our customers with the finest hookah experience around! Found insideLotus Lounge • 1420 K St NW 202-289-4222 An underground oasis that is always ... Tabaq Bistro • 1336 U St NW 202-265-0965 Chillin' hookah bar with a killer ... Lounge with us. HOUSTON - Houston police are investigating a shooting they said left five people injured at a hookah lounge on Washington Avenue Tuesday.. Investigators said the shooter fired a rifle around 1 . The best hookah Lounge in the area. The lounge reopened for a few weeks in October, but closed again when coronavirus cases spiked and Washington issued another wave of shutdowns. See all The Elroy reviews, “The food is absolutely delicious especially the Iskander and the Schnitzel.” 1,199. BizQuest has more Washington Hookah Lounge, Bar for sale listings than any other source. 1624 U St., NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-8400. Come stop by we are the newest Seattle Hookah Lounge in the area. Latest reviews, photos and ratings for LUXE HOOKAH LOUNGE at 308 Washington Ave S in Kent - ⏰hours, ☎️phone number, ☝address and map. Photos . 42 Reviews. (202) 695-1100. Apple with Mint Yes, Members are allowed to bring guests to the lounge. /Ethiopian) so they do have the traditional food. Found inside – Page 12With a lot of hard work, we opened the hottest Hookah Lounge the Strip on 6th and Ocean Drive. We were opened twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. (202) 299-1222 Website. Cherry “There's a good reason the line is usually down the block, “The music is always amazing with a mix of old school/new school hip hop and, “So many people flocked to The Elroy that they ran out of, “I will say that I went during what was probably their not so busy time (5-, “The vibe outdoor fit her Arabian Nights theme perfectly -- of course we decorated and added our own touches to jazz the space up a bit, but overall a hidden, “The DJs are on point, playing a fusion of, “The food is absolutely delicious especially the, “I'm not sure if any lounge have top their hookah in the, “There was a small selection of shisha options, but you were able to mix two - we did melon and, “This is a great place to chill out, smoke a hookah, and work on the, “I like their playlist they have a nice variety of music from West African to old fashioned Hip-, “It was a low key spot but the drinks were strong just the way like them, food was great, so much space to sit and dance, and the hookah was, “It's a good place if you want to have a chill evening with a, The patio is a vibe even though there isn't any music, but, There was a small selection of shisha options, but you were able to mix two - we did melon and. 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