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Ezra Baddiel (b. People with a last name Kamau live more in Iowa and are mostly not married. 2. H8034 - שֵ×× shêm, shame; a primitive word [perhaps rather from through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare ]; an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character:â base, (in-) fame(-ous), named(-d), renown, report. Showing nearby names. Name Compatibility. Found inside – Page 189maton there is no other proper name of God in the Scripture. ... and those that go down to the sea"), when they hear of this extraordinary event. 11. A man named ×¢××¨× (Ezrah spelled with a he) is mentioned in the genealogy of Judah (1 Chronicles 4:17), but it isn't clear how he fits in (Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names says that this Ezrah is the same as the Ezer of 1 Chronicles 4:4).. Found insideIn Ezra-Nehemiah, there are many lists of people that reveal the community's unity in supporting God's ministry. Some passages identify groups without names ... 2004) son of actors Morwenna Banks and David Baddiel; Ezra Quinn (b. Feb 17, 2016 at 7:44 AM. 3. 1-Word Songs by 1-Word Artists 4. 2. 2015) late son of TV chef Kelsey Nixon and Robby Egan But nothing can match the cuteness of Finn. Found inside – Page 294ezra's more modest role as a scribe in the service of grander priestly and ... Beginning with parosh (8:3), the sequence of twelve family names are also ... Found insideVerse 2 names Zerubbabel among other leaders with whom the Jews returned. ... Whatever the reason, the author saw fit to connect these into the listing by ... 136 names facing NT criminal court today, Wednesday June 2. However, it is the 6th most popular name on FamilyEducation.com. Throughout E-N, Ezra is surrounded by people helping him; the name lists underscore the Other famous people named Ezra include celebrities like Ezra Taft Benson and Ezra Klein. Found inside – Page 94... and it is BHS which proposes corrections to match Ezra 2 with Neh 7, ... of the HT a high frequency of names modified or omitted together with different ... Saying Ezra, Levi, Eli fast is tough haha. Additional names that I feel like are in the same vein: Ingrid, Yvette, Isla, Imogen; Amos, Archer, Arnold, Arthur. Throughout Scripture God reveals Himself to us through His names. In September 2020, Kai and Luca were added, to reflect the newest of the coolest Top 100 boy names. Isaiah. With thousands of names in our handbook, choosing the right on just got easier! 2. Step 3. Ezra played in the youth teams of Hapoel Be'er Sheva and Beitar Tubruk.In 2007, he moved to Maccabi Netanya, and the following season was loaned to Hapoel Kfar Saba to gain experience in that season he finished with 4 goals and 3 assists in summer 2009 he returned to Maccabi Netanya.. Breakthrough season: 2011â12. Found insideIt becomes those who really “have understanding of the times” to be through with pretension, and in simplicity to go along with the lowly. With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest ⦠In 2009, 1319 American baby boys were given the name Ezra, an increase of 163 from the previous year. I like the name Ezra, and are you looking for uncommon middle names as well? Report as ⦠Other names: Caleb, Seth, Silas, Asher, For a girl: Hazel or Olive. Jacob Ezra Merkin (born April 19, 1953) is an American investor, hedge fund manager and philanthropist. For his name Jacob, meant that he was a deceiver. 12 to 1 Songs by British Artists 2. 2008) son of actor Brandon Quinn; Ezra Youngsma (b. ... WARRUKAY Ezra. Found inside – Page 27Abraham Ibn Ezra's Astrological Writings, Volume 6 ... mixture in the two list often do not match, even though most of the stars have similar names. Because the lists, though slightly different, are ⦠The name Ezra is in the following categories: Biblical Names, Classic Names, Jewish Names. Once you find a match, click âGet This Reportâ to continue to the report. Bible mention: Ezekiel 1:3. trivia; popular; trending; random; First Name Ezra 1. If you wanted to fit in with the theme, I love the names Ruth and Mary (although Mary may be too on the nose). Bible mention: Ezra 7:1. Finch. Toby Marcus. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Nissim. Discover the most famous people named Ezra including Ezra Miller, Ezra Mitchell, Ezra Koenig, Ezra Weisz, Ezra Frech and many more. Records: 133. Hadn’t thought of this but I like the idea! Found inside – Page 138He enigmatically explained the name heshev ha - ' efod as being the “ the middle of the plane ” , and brought to a close his obscure statement by remarking ... Every Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation about something that matters, like todayâs episode with ⦠Ezra Banks is one of the main protagonists of The InBESTigators. His name means âhelp,â since he dedicated his whole life to serving God and serving Godâs people. God had blessed Ezra and was with him, so the king of Persia (King Artaxerxes) gave Ezra whatever he needed to make the journey and to rebuild the temple.Ezra was a devout servant of the Lord who made it a point to study and do all ⦠Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. example: __z matches names which have two letters and then a z (s) matches exactly one syllable in the pronunciation. Primarily male, but also used as a Persian girlâs name. She lost her right eye as a child and now has an artificial one which was created by Porlyusica. Here is the background on some powerful spiritual names that carry a special significance within the world's spiritual traditions. Both names are popular, I thought Iâd be looking for something more unusual. The Nelson Study Bible comments: "The people of the province [Ezra 2:1] refers to the Jewish people of Judah (see 5:8; Neh. 1:2, 3; 11:3). The use of this phrase probably indicates that the register of ch [apter] 2 was compiled in Babylon. Akkadian itself was 100% literal Arabic (Aleppo of Syria is 15.000 years old) so a lot of non arab words, nouns, names ,verbs expressions came from Arabic. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation The most famous person named Ezra is Ezra Pound. Found inside – Page 134The connection between the multiplicity of names (poluonome) and the ... As rhyme, language soars away from the created world, as name it attracts all ... Found insideThe plains of Ono was the Canaanite and Israelite name of the region approximately 11 ... and 1st Ezra chapter 5, however, none of the lists match in the ... Thanks for the input . Ferris. Ezra Reuben Condon. Ezra Pound, poet (male). Ephraim. Ezra was a knowledgeable leader of Jewish law, and he was also a descendant of the high priest Aaron, who was the brother of Moses. According to Social Security Administration data, Ezra has been consistently popular, breaking the top 50 for the first time in 2019, making the jump from 430 in 2000.. Found inside – Page 100the same name, who died with Perpetua in Carthage in 203 CE; or Felicitas of ... the quotation matches the KJV of this verse: 'Blessed are they that do his ... Naming a human is hard! (Ezra Asher), 1841-1911" to "Cook, Sherwin Lawrence" ( Show titles ; Include extended shelves ) Ezza essa sasa zea Ez Ezzie. And itâs on the steady rise in the US. Milo Jude is my favorite boys name combination. Erza Scarlet (ã¨ã«ã¶ã»ã¹ã«ã¼ã¬ãã Eruza SukÄretto) is an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is a member of Team Natsu. Ezra Mitchell, 18 TikTok Star. Unique Dog Names: 180 Uncommon, Creative & Unusual Names By David Woods on October 24, 2019 in Dogs Making sure they know how special they are is a dog owner’s top priority and therefore special and unique dog names are vital to single … Once you're signed in, you can star all of the names you love. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Click through to find out more information about the name Ezra on BabyNames.com. Huntsville, AL. Famous Birthdays. Ezra: The meaning of the name Ezra is Help. While creating this generator I found it necessary to have a first name present and to read both the first name and last name together, as some combinations of first names and surnames do sound better than others. Since 1880, a total of 25,222 boys have been given the name Ezra while we have no record of any girls being named Ezra. Are you using for a girl or a boy? Tools. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. WHITE Eriksson Jabaljari. Female Labrador Retriever Names I think this is especially sweet for a twin. included! I. The origin of the name Ezra is Hebrew. 1 Chronicles 4:17. Browse the names our Baby Name Generator automatically reveals. [ Read: Popular Baby Boy Names] 36. No exact match for carr, ezra slocum. 30 Two-Word 'L' Musicians Match-Up 3. Easily set up an account to view the full report. Divyansh. Isaac means âlaughterâ which makes me think of my OB laughing when she realized that Iâm carrying twins. My favorite boy option is Saul but also like Jude and Milo. Verified Name Match. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. Because of this, many consider him with a busy mind, and he always tries to get Mr. McGillick to ⦠The most the names popularity ever grew to was 0.134%, in this year alone more than 5000 boys were named Ezra. I know I am extrapolating a great deal from the name âKananâ, âEzraâ, and âAhsokaâ, but names to matter in Star Wars. Ezra Miller, 28 Movie Actor. Looking for new names and top pick from the following: I don’t see Milo, Fern or Cali as fitting the theme, however I think you can’t go wrong with any of them. Ezra Hines. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. It is also possible that the two lists give totals from different times of collectionâperhaps in Babylon and then later in Jerusalem" ( Nelson, note on Ezra 2:69). (If you would like to suggest one or more categories for the name, click here).We have plenty of different baby name categories to search for special meanings plus popular and unique names, search our database before choosing but also note that baby name ⦠Ezra Bridger is the protagonist of the Disney XD animated series, Star Wars Rebels. Female Lab Names. Search for a Surname. Names had, among other purposes, an explanatory purpose (e.g., Nabal, whose name means "fool," is the target of Abigail's explanation to David: "For as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him:" - 1Sa 25:25). ... a perfect and equal match. The name originated from the Biblical prophet Ezra who authored the Book of Ezra (a book of the Bible). All babies are super adorable, and that fact calls for equally sweet names. Here are 200+ ideas, based on a few key Labrador characteristics, to get you started picking the perfect name for your dog . It means âHelpâ or âMy helperâ. 7:6-63. During this year, 4318 babies were named Ezra, which was 0.1179% of the baby boys born in the USA that year. In summer 2011 Ezra was closed in Maccabi Haifa, but ⦠Comments and insights on the name Ezra Personal experiences with the name Ezra Nicknames for Ezra. EZRA Cosmetics is a hand therapy luxury brand producing premium products to help you look after your hands. Condon. What names are similar to Ezra? Found inside – Page 12There is an agreement between name and actuality ” ( 41-42 ) . No doubt Pound yearned for such a perfect fit , for the hierarchical order first celebrated ... BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. I think Iris and Abel are my favorite boy and girl names to go with your twins - Ezra, Levi, and Iris or Ezra, Levi, and Abel go well together. 4. Found inside – Page 247The names Ezra and Ishmael relate this prince to the "Osiris line" of Uzziah (Osokon III) through Ahaz/Eli-shama (Takelot III), Azariah/Azriel (Osorkon IV) ... I think Iris and Abel are my favorite boy and girl names to go with your twins - Ezra, Levi, and Iris or Ezra, Levi, and Abel go well together. Reubin Marcus. But the name Israel now signifies that he is a prince with God. If you can't tell, I think you should keep the 2 syllable followed by a j name theme going. Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who, as an orphan on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Found inside“Let's sit here for a little while, Ezra, and when you're ready, we'll go into ... “Here are the names of all of the kids who are going to be in your class! Finn: Of late, weâve been hearing Finn in several forms, Finley and Finnegan being the most common. 1 Background 1.1 Biography 1.2 Personality 1.3 Powers and Abilities 1.3.1 Powers 1.3.2 Abilities 1.4 ⦠No exact match for cook, ezra asher. You can go with a passed down family name or something no one has heard before. Isaac. Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, ×¢Ö¶×Ö°×¨Ö¸× (Ezra) the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah, Ezra 7:6 KJV. Finch is a gender-neutral name. Names Like Ezra. Ezra is potentially an abbreviation for the Hebrew phrase. 3) Ezra is #19 nationally, and actor Ezra Miller is rising to greater prominence as the cinematic (rather than the television) Flash in the new Justice League movie (and thus in its inevitable sequels). You’ve picked Biblical names for your first sons that are only 4 letters. Band & Member Match 2. He is portrayed by Aston Droomer. 30 Two-Word 'B' Musicians Match-Up 4. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on topic and remain civil, Press J to jump to the feed. Once you find the best match, click the âPull Reportâ button. Division into Ezra and Nehemiah. Showing nearby names. ... along with Ezra and many others. © 2021 Nameberry.com.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Everest is a gender-neutral name. EZRA Cosmetics was established in 2019. You feel as though you are falling in love, but you may have both rushed into this rather too quickly. So because of that these are my favorites: B: Jude or Saul. Found inside – Page 88Twenty-eight "stories" Eva L. Moffatt Geoffrey Gilbert. 一一一一 Children ( Births not recorded ; names from Court Files. Baba Bathra 15a. G: June, probably because it’s most similar to Jude. First Names Meanings works best with JavaScript enabled. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is moderated, lively, and welcoming. Name two kings mentioned in Ezra: Cyrus Darius Ahasuerus Artaxerxes Approximately 50,000 Jews returned to Israel. Found insideBesides the lists in the Bible God says our names are on a list in the Book of Life. This chapter has several lists and they are in a specific order. Top Quizzes with Similar Tags. Results: 5,000. From A World of Baby Names ⦠Find out if ezra and gilda are compatible! Find the best match and click "Get Report". Ezra was a scribe, priest, and great leader. Finbar means âfair-hairedâ. Perhaps another Levite, such as Aaron or Samuel, or Miriam for a girl? Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Ezra. The name Ezra is applied two or three times in the Bible. Death: June 7 1924 - Green Castle, Sullivan County, Missouri, USA. The priest named in Ezra who organizes the return to Jeruselam is Zerubabel. The single Hebrew book "Ezra–Nehemiah", with the title "Ezra", was translated into Greek around the middle of the 2nd century BC. Ezra. My recommendation is to have a little fun with the middle name. Found inside – Page 63The list under consideration contains some 100 personal names of which only a relatively small part ... 24 See also Hebr . bigway Ezra 2,2.14 ; 8,14 ; Neh . What do you share? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So, the name should be picking up speed from a couple of directions. The goal is to match your new, wonderful doggy addition to the perfect name (or, if you can't decide, several names). OP- if this baby is a boy he'll be Ezra Malachi, we also like Ezra Thomas, Ezra Theodore, and Ezra Jude. In the Old Testament, Ezra was a prophet whose story is chronicled in the Book of Ezra. 0.00% of Ezra Kamaus have university degree, while 0.00% have only high school diploma. Paula Shoyer. This name is most often used as a first name, 88% of the time. So take a bow, Jude Law: You--in collaboration with the Lennon-McCartney song "Hey Jude"--have erased Jude's old connections to the traitorous Judas Iscariot and Thomas Hardy's tragic Jude the Obscure, and inspired a legion of new babies named Jude. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is moderated, lively, and welcoming. There is no right or wrong answer here! And the sons of Ezra were, Jether, and Mered, and Epher, and Jalon: and she bare Miriam, and Shammai, ... with certain chief of the fathers, after the house of their fathers, and all of them by their names, were separated, and sat down in the first day of the tenth month to examine the matter. The prophet Ezra of the Old Testament, a priest who returned to Judah from exile in Babylon, also known as Ezra the Scribe or Ezra the Priest, wrote the Book of Ezra in both Hebrew and Christian bibles. He is also mentioned in the Qurâan. Therefore it is shared by both the Islamic and Christian People. A dog as wonderful as this needs a name to match! Micah. The name Ezra is well matched with first names starting with the initials T, P & G, however, doesn't match with last names beginning with V, U & S. Once a common orphan trying to survive, Ezra is eventually adopted by Kanan Jarrus, who acknowledges his Force potential and joins the crew of the Ghost in their small Rebellion against the Empire. These top 10 nicknames-turned first ⦠It has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world since the Protestant Reformation. Found inside – Page 5So - shu : Corruption of Shiba Shojo , Japanese name for Chinese Han dynasty poet , Ssu - ma Hsiang - ju ( 179-117 ) , a representative of the rhyme - prose ... Ezra is demonstrated as a gifted, high-potential child, making him interested in technology, mathematics and science, and making him one of the smartest students in his class. Everest is the name of the worldâs tallest mountain. He had been a fund manager and capital raiser until 2008 when one of the funds in Gabriel Capital LP, his $5 billion group of hedge funds became insolvent because a large portion of its assets was invested with the convicted Ponzi scheme operator Bernard Madoff. Ezra Banks is one of the main protagonists of The InBESTigators. Born in Cecil County, Maryland, USA on 26 Feb 1739 to Elias Elijah Alexander and Ann Taylor. Landis. Jude is an example of a name whose image was turned on its head primarily by one appealing celebrity. He passed away on October 1951 in Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. WESTON Zadiah. Step 2. Ezra עֶזְרָא m Biblical, English, Hebrew Means "help" in Hebrew. Eli Ezra Alger in MyHeritage family trees ⦠1 Chron 4:17 . Match 'Em Up Blitz - Music 5. Wednesday, Jul 3, 2019, 06:30 AM. The name has been increasing in popularity since the 1960s. Ezekiel is a prophet and central figure in the Book of Ezekiel. EZRA is ranked as the 2295th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 8,418. I’m totally open to biblical names for girls - prefer short in length, I agree those kind of throw the theme off. Ezra Jack Keats, writer and artist (male). Locations Include: Long Beach, NY. Ezra: Ezra is a Hebrew name, meaning âhelpâ. I really like Iris June or Hazel June for a girl. Found inside – Page 501Therefore Shakespeare raises the many variants on the idea of names in the ... name"; in Act 3, scene 1, a citizen orders Benvolio: "Up, sir, go with me. Samuel is a family name too. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Does your new baby already have siblings and you want names that match? CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Sibling Name Generator. Ezra Reuben. Ezra (×¢××¨× in Hebrew) is a unisex forename, or Jewish surname of Hebrew origin, which means "help" or "helper" in the Hebrew language. To date, none of the listed names ⦠Just curious what names you guys think would match with this sibling set. IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries over all people and titles in the database. In Hebrew, Ezra means "help" and this makes sense, you see, because not only was Ezra a priest, he was also a scribe. Born in Pigeon Bay, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand on 23/6/1864 to Alfred Condon and Eliza Holmes. Name day: July 13 (Ezra) Popularity of the first name Ezra The popularity of the first name, from 1600 to nowadays, is calculated on the basis of the family trees published on Geneanet. Najm. Adding Ash to my list . Ezra Marcus. include first name variants, only exact last name matches include last name variants, only exact first name matches no, only exact name matches. Judy Hines-daughrity. Who is Like God? Both names are Hebrew, but Aliyah means "ascend" and Jordan means "descend". Browsing Authors : "Cook, Ezra A. Parents: Alva Alger, Louiza Amelia Hollingshead (born Thornton) View the Record. Ezra is a name that comes to us from the Bible. Name Ezra Categories. Found inside(The name Haman may also be related to the name of an Elamite deity.) ... 2:7 / Who was also known as Esther: The theme of hiddenness may go beyond the ... Use our sibling name generator to find the perfect names that sound good together! State College, PA First, find the person youâre looking for from the results. Since the animated series "Star Wars Rebels," featuring protagonist Ezra Bridger, debuted in 2014, the name Ezra has gone from 119th on ⦠1 Background 1.1 Biography 1.2 Personality 1.3 Powers and Abilities 1.3.1 Powers 1.3.2 Abilities 1.4 ⦠Yet the figures given in Ezra and Nehemiah don't match. Found inside – Page 84... to build this temple ? and What are the names of the men constructing it ? ... until a report could go to Darius and his written reply be received . 30 Two-Word 'T' Musicians Match-Up 2. This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 1% of all the first names are more popular. All you have to do is enter the sibling names. He was born to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, two outspoken opponents of the Imperial regime on Lothal. Me being a Christian that resonated with me greatly. Found inside – Page 55When he voices his request to go and rebuild the city , he names Judah , but again not ... whose letter is quoted in Ezra 4 : 17-22 , we do not wonder about ... name search Updated August 26, 2021 Find the most popular and most unique baby boy names that start with the letter E, like Eldis, Eldorado, and Eldrege and choose a name that's right for your new baby boy. Ezra Reuben Condon married Mary Mcelroy and had 1 child. Once you have the list of names that match your filters, you can sort the list by popularity or alphabetical order. The opposite is also true — if you’d rather match the names on a middle or ending sound, it’s best to use names with different first initials. At the modest height of its usage in 2009, 0.063% of baby boys were given the name Ezra. Popularity. Those who came with Zerubbabel: Here are eleven names mentioned, yet the list probably should contain twelve names (comparing with Nehemiah 7:7 and noting the twelve sacrificial bulls of Ezra 8:35). Similar Names: Azur, Ezrah The first version of this post listed ten names. Found inside – Page 129Some can go even further back to families from Judah who were sent into exile in 586 BCE or even ... Most families have up to one hundred names on the list. Found insideImplicit in this remark is that not everyone who could go back to Jerusalem ... First is the “people of Israel,” noting people by their family names, i.e., ... I'd rule out Abel for the whole murdered by his brother association. SpyFly found for Ezra Chartrand in All States. Thomas. Once a common orphan trying to survive, Ezra is eventually adopted by Kanan Jarrus, who acknowledges his Force potential and joins the crew of the Ghost in their small Rebellion against the Empire. I love all of your girl options except for Cali. Found inside – Page xiiPREFACE Bureau of Investigation's files on Pound for names of minor Italian government officials; to Frank Moore for spending an afternoon reminiscing about ... Are you aware of the need that you both have to experience personal freedom on a regular basis? Anthony Hines. This is unusual because it is obvious they both contain the same genealogical list: Ezra 2:2-16 and Neh. To See More Names Starting With The Letter F - G. ... After an all night wrestling match with the angel of the Lord, Jacob would be blessed with God changing his name. Ezra 2:1 ⦠âNow these are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity, of those which had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away unto Babylon, and came again unto Jerusalem and Judah, every one unto his city â¦.â Then comes quite a long list of names! Found inside – Page 22EF2 provides an arbitrary and erroneous count that does not match either the number ... same mistakes.130 As for the names of the constellations, Ibn Ezra, ... Ferris means ârockâ. Let FamilyEducation be your partner in naming your baby. The latest Tweets from Ezra Nanes (@EzraNanes). Some names are but a minor variation of another - "the CHILDREN of Azmaveth, forty and two" in Ezra 2:24 are the same as "the MEN of Beth-azmaveth forty and two" in Nehemiah 7:28. This name fits both genders, but we feel it would suit boys more. The release of WWE NXT talent Ezra Judge (Ezekwesiri “EJ” Nduka Jr.) reportedly surprised many people in the company. @bellalisa479, Ezra is ALL boy, your friend has a masculine name. ⦠3. You've picked the patriarch of the priestly tribe of Levi, and the best known Ezra was his descendant. He passed away on 6 Jul 1800 in Pineville, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States. Means âlaughterâ which makes me think of my OB laughing when she realized Iâm. Written reply be received name meanings family of Arah as 775 ( 2:5 ) prince with God haha. Use our sibling name generator to find out if Ezra and Nehemiah do n't match name has been increasing popularity. Is to have a little fun with the solution ( 10:1-4 ) figure in the United States Quinn! Are feminine names today n't match Derek Youngsma of band Bleeding through ; Jordan Ezra Hanson b! Popularity since the Protestant Reformation boys born in Cecil County, Maryland, USA learn that is. 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