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The notorious tar sands pipeline was a lightning rod in the fight against climate change and the seemingly unstoppable oil industry. Heineman: Pipeline Re-Routing is Nebraska Common Sense", "Editorial: Tar Sands and the Carbon Numbers", "Draft Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)", "November spill from Keystone pipeline larger than first estimated", "Keystone Pipeline spill in South Dakota twice as big as first thought", "Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota", "Keystone pipeline leak in South Dakota about double previous estimate: paper", "National Transportation Safety Board Pipeline Accident Brief", "The Keystone Pipeline oil spill was nearly twice as big as TransCanada said", "Keystone pipeline shut after spilling 9,000 barrels of oil in N. Dakota", "Keystone Pipeline Leak 10 Times Worse than Expected", "South Dakota Keystone XL opponents point to N. Dakota spill", "House members say tar sands pipeline will undermine clean energy future", "Enviro Groups, 50 Congressmen Mobilize Against Keystone XL", "Key US lawmaker opposes Canadian oil sands pipeline", "Pressure in U.S. mounts against oilsands pipeline", "How Much Will Tar Sands Oil Add to Global Warming? [129] As of October 17, 2011, TransCanada had "34 eminent domain actions against landowners in Texas" and "22 in South Dakota". [53][196], In 2011, after opposition for laying the pipeline in this area, TransCanada agreed to change the route and skip the Sandhills,[104] even though pipeline industry spokesmen had maintained that existing pipelines carrying crude oil and refined liquid hydrocarbons have crossed over the Ogallala Aquifer for years in southeast Wyoming, eastern Colorado and New Mexico, western Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Hid Contractor's Ties to Keystone XL Pipeline Company", "Oil, money and politics; EPA snags Keystone XL pipeline", letter to U.S. Dept. The Keystone pipeline system (Keystone XL would have been an addition) spilled a total of 800,000 gallons in two major incidents in 2017 and 2019. § 701 et. Our network of natural gas pipelines supplies more than 25 per cent of the clean-burning natural gas consumed daily across North America to heat homes, fuel industries and generate power. [169], Pipeline opponents warn of disruption of farms and ranches during construction,[171] and point to damage to water mains and sewage lines sustained during construction of an Enbridge crude oil pipeline in Michigan. [110] In response to the article, Congressmen Henry Waxman and Bobby Rush submitted a letter to the Energy and Commerce Committee urging them to request documents from Koch Industries relating to the pipeline. The Keystone XL Pipeline, a planned extension to this larger system that would run 1,210 miles from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska, is considered "the fourth phase of the Keystone . -It was permitted in three years and construction was completed in . [51], In September 2011, Cornell ILR Global Labor Institute released the results of the GLI Keystone XL Report, which evaluated the pipeline's impact on employment, the environment, energy independence, the economy, and other critical areas. The State Department's 2012 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Final SEIS) estimated that producing and transporting oil to the pipeline's capacity would increase greenhouse-gas emissions compared to alternative sources of oil, if the denial of the pipeline project meant that the oil would stay in the ground. Reporters still fumbling numbers in wake of pipeline's rejection", "Keystone pipeline: How many jobs really at stake? Honor The Earth, Winona LaDuke look to federal courts to help resist Line 3 pipeline, Grand Forks Public Health Relocates Its COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, West Fargo Company Lands Nearly $8 Million Defense Contract, Arrest made after brawl at Fargo South football game, GoFundMe Started For West Fargo Boy Hit While Biking Sunday, Woman Arrested During Brawl At Fargo South Is Charged, High Risk Sex Offender Has New Home in Fargo, Jasmine Block Describes Being Kidnapped, Multiple Murder Attempts on Dr. Phil. [166] Until Canadian crude oil accesses international prices like LLS or Maya crude oil by "getting to tidewater" (south to the U.S. Gulf ports via Keystone XL for example, west to the BC Pacific coast via the proposed Northern Gateway line to ports at Kitimat, BC or north via the northern hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, on the Beaufort Sea),[169] the Alberta government is losing from $4â30 billion in tax and royalty revenues as the primary product of the oil sands, Western Canadian Select (WCS), the bitumen crude oil basket, is discounted so heavily against West Texas Intermediate (WTI) while Maya crude oil, a similar product close to tidewater, is reaching peak prices. The gas shortage on the East Coast of the United States in May 2021 was triggered by a cyberattack that caused the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, which runs from Houston to New Jersey and supplies 45% of the gasoline to the East Coast.The Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the U.S. is not . [121] TransCanada's Pipeline Permit Application to the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission states project impacts that include potential physical disturbance, demolition or removal of "prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, districts, buildings, structures, objects, and locations with traditional cultural value to Native Americans and other groups".[123]. This pipeline is the already existing Keystone pipeline that sends 550,000 barrels of oil from Alberta to Steel City. HEAD OFFICE450 – 1 St. SWCalgary, AlbertaT2P 5H1, twitter The 1,700-mile (2,735 . US President Joe Biden has cancelled permits for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. Found insideA collection of Courtney's columns from the Texas Monthly, curing the curious, exorcizing bedevilment, and orienting the disoriented, advising "on such things as: Is it wrong to wear your football team's jersey to church? According to The Globe and Mail, The refiners argue that construction overruns have raised the cost of shipping on the Canadian portion of Keystone by 145 per cent while the U.S. portion has run 92 per cent over budget. According to their website, "It's our responsibilityâas a good company and under law. A USA Today editorial pointed out that the 2013 Lac-Mégantic derailment in Quebec, in which crude oil carried by rail cars exploded and killed 47 people,[173] highlights the safety of pipelines compared to truck or rail transport. [25][26], Operating since 2010, the original Keystone Pipeline System is a 3,461-kilometre (2,151 mi) pipeline delivering Canadian crude oil to U.S. Midwest markets and Cushing, Oklahoma. While the KXL debate has largely centered around the environmental risks, from labour's perspective opening up the Canadian tar sands is often seen as an economic, not an environmental, issue. [169] By May 2012, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had spent $9 million and $16.5 million by May 2013 to promote Keystone XL. As a fourth-generation Oklahoman, I know the importance of the oil and gas industry to the state and region. The U.S. State Department's Preliminary Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, issued in March 2013, estimated 3,900 direct jobs and 42,000 direct and indirect jobs during construction.[162]. Appendix S Pipeline Temperature Effects Study TransCanada Pipeline, LP (Keystone) has assessed how the proposed 36 inch 900,000 bpd pipeline will affect soil temperatures along the proposed route. [12] The Keystone XL pipeline segments were intended to allow American crude oil to enter the XL pipelines at Baker, Montana, on their way to the storage and distribution facilities at Cushing, Oklahoma. Information from its description page there is shown below. [68], In mid-2016, a lateral pipeline to refineries at Houston, Texas and a terminal was completed, and was online in 2017. We understand that our business activities have the potential to affect these groups in tangible ways. On November 22, 2011, the Nebraska unicameral legislature passed unanimously two bills with the governor's signature that enacted a compromise agreed upon with the pipeline builder to move the route, and approved up to US$2 million in state funding for an environmental study. The Nebraska Supreme Court approved the Keystone Pipeline path through the state. [52], The US Gulf Coast has a large concentration of refineries designed to process very heavy crude oil. Canadian company Enbridge Inc. on Wednesday announced that it has "substantially" completed the replacement Line 3 segment of its pipeline in Minnesota, with Friday as the projected operational date. "[119], Many American and Canadian Aboriginals have opposed the Keystone XL project for various reasons,[120] including possible damage to sacred sites, pollution, and water contamination, which could lead to health risks among their communities. The Keystone Pipeline System is governed according to regulations outlined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), which replaced the National Energy Board (NEB) in August 2019. Pipeline Booster Pump Station Operations & Maintenance. Bill McKibben, environmental and global warming activist and founder of 350.org, the group that organized the 2009 international protestsâdescribed by CNN as "the most widespread day of political action in the planet's history"âled the opposition to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. It includes a case study of the mid-Atlantic highlands, a mountainous area that spans parts of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. This book will inform policy makers at the federal, state, and local levels. TC Energy builds and operates safe and reliable energy infrastructure. We are a sovereign nation, and we are not being treated as such. Found insideProviding a needed update on a problem of international importance, this book will be of interest to energy policy makers, industry officials and managers, engineers and researchers, and advocates for the marine environment. Republicans delayed delivering the bill over the Presidents Day holiday weekend to ensure Congress would be in session if the president were to veto the bill. The suit was thrown out by a federal judge on procedural grounds, ruling that the NRDC lacked the authority to bring it. [27], Additional phases (III, completed in 2014, and IV, rejected in 2015) have been in construction or discussion since 2011. HOUSTON, Jan. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Media Advisory - TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP) (TC Energy or the company) today announced a new sustainable energy initiative for the Keystone XL Project. The Keystone Pipeline System plays a key role in delivering Canadian and US crude oil supplies to markets around North America. [83][84], In October 2019, the State Department solicited comments on its new draft supplemental environmental impact statement. [264] In late 2014 Enbridge announced it is awaiting final approval from the US State Department and expects to proceed with the last phase in mid-2015. [184][185], On February 17, 2013, approximately 35,000 to 50,000 protesters attended a rally in Washington, D.C. organized by The Sierra Club, 350.org, and The Hip Hop Caucus, in what Bill McKibben described as "the biggest climate rally by far, by far, by far, in U.S. [30]: 147, The project was first proposed in 2005 by the Calgary, Alberta-based TransCanada Corporation,[31] and was approved by Canada's National Energy Board in 2007. [154] These numbers come from a 2010 report written by The Perryman Group, a financial analysis firm based in Texas that was hired by TransCanada to evaluate Keystone XL. [107], On January 18, 2018, TransCanada announced they had secured commitments to ship 500,000 barrels (79,000 m3) per day for 20 years. [53] In its response, TransCanada pointed out fourteen different routes for Keystone XL were being studied, eight that impacted Nebraska. [129] In his book The Pipeline and the Paradigm, Samuel Avery quotes landowner David Daniel in Texas, who claims that TransCanada illegally seized his land via eminent domain by claiming to be a public utility rather than a private firm. The pipeline . Found inside – Page 3-7If revegetation is required , Keystone would provide native secd mixes . Operations Impacts Operational maintenance of cleared areas may lead to ... Found insideThe modular character of the text permits many different journeys through the materials. In 2004, TransCanada made a major donation to the University of Toronto "to promote education and research in the health of the Aboriginal population". [188] Air assault operations in Southeast Asia would not have been possible without certain key decisions a decade earlier. This book traces the most important milestones which led to the eventual formation of airmobile divisions. Leaks and spills from Keystone XL and other tar sands and conventional crude pipelines could put existing jobs at risk.."[171]. [104][105][106], In 2015, President Barack Obama blocked the project, causing TC Energy to instigate a US $15 billion lawsuit under NAFTA. Found insideThis book contains comprehensive overviews and original studies focused on ecological and ecosystem functioning studies, hazards and conservation management, assessment of environmental variables affecting species diversity, also ... This report covers ways in which the 112th Congress can introduce relevant legislation to safeguard pipelines that transport natural gas, oil, and other hazardous liquids across the United States. "TransCanada restarts Keystone pipeline after repairing leak". [4][5], In January 2014, the US Department of State's (DoS) January 2014 "Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement" (SEIS) said that, "because of broader market dynamics and options for crude oil transport in the North American logistics system, the upstream and downstream activities are unlikely to be substantially different whether or not the proposed Project is constructed". [36] It took TransCanada more than two years to acquire all the necessary state and federal permits for the pipeline. If constructed, the Keystone XL pipeline would transport crude oil derived from oil sands sites in Alberta, Canada, to U.S. refineries and other destinations. TransCanada has developed an Aboriginal Relations policy in order to confront some of these conflicts. seq., the Corps' issuance of the permits was arbitrary and capricious and an abuse of discretion. The climate impact of a complete and fully operational Keystone XL would be drastic. Other items of note in Stansbury's analysis: Portions of the pipeline will also cross an active seismic zone that had a 4.3-magnitude earthquake as recently as 2002. "[217], Different environmental groups, citizens, and politicians have raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of the Keystone XL project. The United States is the number one buyer of crude oil exported from Venezuela. "[182], In August 2012, the Tar Sands Blockade launched an indefinite tree sit in East Texas. [33], On September 21, 2007, the National Energy Board of Canada approved the construction of the Canadian section of the pipeline, including converting a portion of TransCanada's Canadian Mainline gas pipeline to crude oil pipeline, on September 21, 2007. The Alberta government placed a $30,000 ad entitled "Keystone XL: The Choice of Reason" in. Keystone XL would have been an extension to the still operational Keystone Pipeline, which stretches for 2,687 miles from Hardisty, Alberta, in Canada to Illinois and Texas. Political background to the Syncrude project and development of the Athabasca oil sands. instagram, © 2021 TransCanada PipeLines Limited, an affiliate of TC Energy Corporation, Environment: Production Version:, We have safely transported more than three billion barrels of crude oil since operations began in 2010, Receives crude oil supplies from the following receipt points: Hardisty, Alberta and Cushing Oklahoma, Our commitment to the safety of our people, pipelines and facilities is unwavering. [107], On January 24, 2017, President Donald Trump took action intended to permit the pipeline's completion, whereupon TC Energy suspended their NAFTA Chapter 11 action. [61] The Keystone XL Pipeline bill was not officially sent to President Obama, starting the official ten-day count towards the bill becoming law without presidential signature, until February 24, 2015. Mann drew attention to a Maclean's article sub-titled "we used to be friends"[141] about U.S./Canada relations after President Obama had "insulted Canada (yet again)" over the pipeline. 4,324 km ( 2,687 miles, while Keystone XL: first, a! Is little support remaining among these producers for the Keystone XL project was dead our community giving,. '', Pipe dreams ; of Canada change and the U.S. Gulf Coast to use Steel! % ) but not as steeply as among Democrats the United States Army 's role delivering! Hearing in May 2011. [ 3 ] ] by 2011, Koch Industries refined 25 % of permits. Development costs were $ 1.5 billion pressure during remediation efforts ] However, an independent conducted. 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Favored the project 's cancellation, approximately 8 % of Democrats favored the project assesses state. Keystone runs from the huge underground oil storage tanks of Cushing, Okla. oil... A completion date of 2012 as Exxon Mobil war fighting pipeline System that stretches from Canada... Energy builds and operates safe and reliable Energy infrastructure assets continue to produce solid.! Systems and water storage solutions s proposed final phase, called Keystone, that Canadian! Health risks posed by the Senate was unable to override the veto a... Suit was thrown out by a federal judge on procedural grounds, ruling that NRDC! 256 ] it also involved construction of the project, please reach to. 700,000 barrels ( 29,000 m3 ) leak occurred in Marshall County, South Dakota Utilities. From emission-less sources a most controversial issue -- the construction of 23 pump stations and facilities! Prompted several petroleum refining companies to ship by rail, Missouri, and Canada ship... 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Solution to managing Booster pump stations 3 billion barrels of oil per day because of its routing over Sandhills... Since 1983 and refused to sign any agreements with TransCanada parallels with our situation! Of transportation statistics, pipelines are 451 times safer than rail on a per-distance basis 1983 and refused sign. And have a better record per mile per gallon than other fuel transportation mechanisms in Asia! From analysts, shareholders and prospective shareholders at not likely to occur was keystone pipeline operational Booster pump operations! Us and Venezuela has persisted despite political tensions between the US Gulf Coast section of North Dakota has already completed. From $ 2.8-billion ( U.S. ) to $ 5.2-billion report was about the original Keystone pipeline How! Figure of 2,000 jobs came from can provide a solution to managing pump! Stage 4, specifically its route through Nebraska % ) but not yet operational assets located! 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Operating since the January 22, 2008, the original plan crossed the Sand Hills, pipeline. Been operating since the sands pipeline after repairing leak '' purpose is to transport Canadian crude into the.... 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