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There is an increasing number of shonen anime series that incorporate superhero archetypes into their storytelling and, is just as much a loving deconstruction of the genre as it is a parody of the content. There's a lot in common between these two series and they're even goal-oriented in a similar fashion. Just a fanfic reaction! The book: Ship of Theseus, the final novel by a prolific but enigmatic writer named V.M. Straka, in which a man with no past is shanghaied onto a strange ship with a monstrous crew and launched onto a disorienting and perilous journey. Now in order to fulfill Aguri’s last wish, Koro tells all the world leaders that he destroyed the moon even when he did not. Home Time (自宅の時間, Jitaku no jikan) is Extra Chapter 1 of the Assassination Classroom manga. has delinquent students who are at the bottom of the barrel banding together to battle against those that are above them. Page 1 of 8. The motive of this research lab was to create large amounts of anti-matter. Antimatter is a particle physics term referring to material composed of antiparticles. Her shooting skills only improve, as she has the accuracy to shoot the gun out of someone's hand. Found insideLike an unforgettable road movie, Dororo reaches deeper than its swashbuckling surface and offers a thoughtful allegory of becoming what one is, for nobody is born whole. with a compact timeline that doesn’t belabor and dilute its strong premise. All Episode dialogue and characters belong to Author Yusei Matsui (2012), publishers Shueisha's: Weekly Shonen Jump, and Anime producers Funimation (2015) Also, this story will have spoilers from chapter one, so make sure you've read the manga or seen the entire anime before reading this. Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室 FanFiction Archive | FanFiction. Found inside – Page 1What would an ultra-rational Japanese salaryman do if he was reborn as a girl in a world where magic was real? and there are no dangerous aliens or highly-trained assassins. Behind his usual innocent-looking, smiling face hides a . Powered by WordPress.com VIP. I brought you all here today is to Watch and React to multiple things. Table of contents Last updated Aug 06. Nagisa: *Red as f*ck*Koro-sensei: I SHIP THESE TWO! There's a lot in common between these two series and they're even goal-oriented in a similar fashion. Welcome to the Assassination Classroom Wiki, an online encyclopedia dedicated to Assassination Classroom, the manga series created by Yūsei Matsui. But she miscalculates the trajectory . Both shows push a similar message of teamwork, redemption, and positivity, but My Hero Academia unites its school full of heroes against deadly villains rather than divide them against themselves. 54 parts. © 2021 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Anime/Manga Assassination Classroom/ . looks gorgeous and the fight sequences are stunning. Found insideKoro Sensei’s lessons in verbal defense are put to the test when Karma must use his brains instead of his brawn to rescue a classmate. Rabbit Doubt-a mobile phone game-has taken Japan by storm. Because that's what makes people happy...right? Discover Akame's shocking past in Akame ga KILL! Zero, the prequel to the hit series Akame ga KILL! This is when he finally announces to the class that it’s time for them to kill him. Koro-sensei: N-no I am not thinking about that *covers his face*, Everyone except Kayano, Karmagisa, and Okuda: I SHIP THEM, Koro-sensei: NURUFUFUFUF~~TEHEE~~ *looking at the picture*, Assassination Classroom Reacts to Karmagisa. There are many anime that have made a big impression over the past few years and Assassination Classroom is a series that's seen nearly universal acclaim. There is no shortage of shonen anime series and the genre is certainly bloated, but Assassination Classroom provides a unique spin on the shonen genre with a compact timeline that doesn't belabor and dilute its strong premise. is also set within a foreboding high school with death awaiting around every corner. tokyo ghoul is THE BEST ANIME . The two anime ultimately go in different directions, but the characters and comedy in these shows are very alike. Great Teacher Onizuka is another anime that gets mileage out of a school setting, yet it's considerably more grounded than Assassination Classroom and there are no dangerous aliens or highly-trained assassins. There is no shortage of shonen anime series and the genre is certainly bloated, but Assassination Classroom provides a unique spin on the shonen genre with a compact timeline that doesn’t belabor and dilute its strong premise. Haven’t You Heard? his first reaction is a plan to sack Koro-sensei and replace Class 3-E's current classroom with something that is ultimately a prison. Sitting silently in a classroom and regurgitating . The students return as school is back in session for the second semester. Luckily, Hazama has a solution to this; it . Yes, it exists, we just don't know it. There, he's declared the Stone, the main character. One day he must kill the Viper or else, goodbye Earth. This is the comedic tale of a young man vs. cliche anime tropes. Dave . Angel Beats! Based on a manga created by none other than Matsui Yuusei, not only had the series just recently ended both its manga and anime run, it also made good on its two live-action adaptation movies in the theatres. Both shows push a similar message of teamwork, redemption, and positivity, but. The odds aren't on Irina's side, however; she . #ships Ira: *blushes and grins like an idiot* Ohhh hontoni? Characters React To Assassination Classroom Anime_Lesbian_12. Summary: In the title. It’s Kataro who is actually the overarching antagonist of the series because he made Koro-Sense what he is and he was the one responsible for destroying 70% of the moon. HAHHAHA, Ira: I SAW THEM MAKING OUT YESTERDAY! Work Text: "Hello students." An echo called out to every student and teacher "Today is the day you will watch your story, kind of, enjoy." . For example, while a proton has a positive charge, an antiproton has a negative charge, and while an electron has a negative . is such a relatable concept that there are countless anime that apply a different fantastical filter to the environment. She is an Asgardian. Cast out of her home and wanting nothing to do with Asgard, Angela must now strike out on her own! But what does Angela have that both Asgard and Heven want? And why are they so eager to get it? Koro-sensei: Ohayo Minna! Danganronpa started as a cult video game title, but it's expanded in massive ways and turned into one of the better anime adaptations and expansions of a video game. Assassination Classroom Ending, Explained Somewhere around the end, Kataro Yanagisawa returns and this time around, he seems to be determined to get his revenge from Koro-Sensei. There is no shortage of shonen anime series and the genre is certainly bloated, but. Anime/Manga Assassination Classroom/ . ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM - Episode 10 [English Sub] Irina's menacing teacher, Lovro, shows up to challenge his pupil's qualifications for offing Koro Sensei. is one of the few series that features just as much combat and chaos in a school setting as. Season 1 Episodes 7-11 - MEGA - GDrive. Kill la Kill is one of the few series that features just as much combat and chaos in a school setting as Assassination Classroom. Daniel's extra musings can be found @DanielKurlansky on Twitter. and a highly unlikely teacher that devotes himself to their education. School watches Assassination Classroom. turns to angels and spirituality rather than the alien and apocalyptic ultimatum that’s present in. Daniel recently completed work on a noir anthology graphic novel titled, "Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Noir: A Rag of Bizarre Noir and Hard Boiled Tales" and he’s currently toiling away on his first novel. By: Nemo Ate Your Sandwich. He was born in a very corrupt slum of an unknown city. The second deluxe, hardcover art book from New York Times bestselling artist Atsushi Ohkubo contains full color illustrations-including cover art, color pages from its original Japanese magazine publication, and much more!-from Soul Eater ... This chain reaction turned 70% of the moon’s matter into anti-matter. Details. Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Looking for information on the anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season (Assassination Classroom Second Season)? is full of incredibly powerful psychic espers, as well as several deceptive charlatans, and on its surface level, it may not immediately seem comparable to, lead, Shigeo Kageyama, is initially a passive and reluctant hero, which is equally true about. Anime/Manga Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室. Despite this, Oshii is known as a maverick within anime: a self-proclaimed 'stray dog'. This is the first book to take an in-depth look at his major films, from Urusei Yatsura to Avalon . , which feel like a power that’s comparable to Koro-Sensei. And most people are convinced by this because he possesses supernatural abilities and also looks like a weird monster after all those tests performed on him. Today we have a- +. Legend of the Red Moon Daniel Kurland is a freelance writer, comedian, and critic, who lives in the cultural mosaic that is Brooklyn, New York. TV-14 2015 • Action/Adventure, Comedy, Sci Fi • dub, sub • 2 Seasons. Assassination Classroom Ending, Explained. Welcome to the Assassination Classroom Wiki, an online encyclopedia dedicated to Assassination Classroom, the manga series created by Yūsei Matsui. While Koro destroys the whole lab, Aguri gets fatally injured and during her last few moments with Koro, she tells him that he is capable of doing a lot more. taps into the humor and emotion involved in Onizuka's new situation and by the end, it's hard to not fall in love with the anime's characters. By: Luna Loner. Please be advised that the wiki contains many spoilers relating to Assassination Classroom. Before dying, after seeing his potential as a teacher, she finally wishes that he should teach her class. Found insideKirari has declared an open election for student council president, but it's not just the school that's on the line! is engaging right from its debut, but at only 13 episodes it’s a small commitment in comparison to some other anime series. started as a cult video game title, but it's expanded in massive ways and turned into one of the better anime adaptations and expansions of a video game. Also, this video was inspired by Black Wolf. Offers an overview of the history and forms of divination focusing especially on astrology and Tarot but also looking at dreams, augurs, dice the I Ching, palmistry, and other oracular methods. ; Episode 3: Koro-sensei's reaction to Karma stealing what little money he has left is to do The Scream. 9/23/2016 c9 MOOJJO Hi I love this story and I love that you are making a whole new,better series of this ! Koro-sensei: That is amazing Ira-san~~~ But, can you introduce your name and tell the reason why you came? '"Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom--if they can win, barter, or save enough points to work their way up the ranks! Help us contribute ! are both two of the most popular anime from their generations. #tg, Koro-sensei: Ohayo Minna! Birthday on Mon 25 Oct, 2021 . Higher-up beings that you may even call gods have called me and you here today to react to certain things, you will all react to yourselves! anime assassinationclassroom danganronpa fanfiction games karma kayano koro-sensei movies nagikae nagisa reacting reaction reactions watch watching. In early twentieth century Chicago the children of poor Sicilian immigrants and a wealthy Irish family fall in love and want to marry. To prove her worth to him, Koro Sensei proposes a sham assassination competition between the two -with a reluctant Karasuma as their target. embraces the strange and absurdist humor that is often present with. #anime #asano #assassination #assassinationclassroom #classroom #eclass #fanfiction #karma #kayano #koro-sensei #nagisa #react #watching Prologue: also known as Don't Skip the Prologue! BNHA) (Assassination Classroom X BNHA) When professional assassin (Y/N) Kinzoku gets thrown into an alternate dimension during a job, she finds that it's gonna take a whole class of hero trainees to help her get home. Ne, Karma? The premise of having a teacher who had to be killed or else he would blow up the planet was fascinating enough that everyone fell in love with it. Anime/Manga Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室. Karma: Hey! It also involves several allegories that revolve around self-acceptance and also, the role of a good teacher in one’s life. Found insideWith only a few matches left to be fought in the preliminaries to the third portion of the Journeyman Ninja Selection Exams, the highly anticipated bout between mysterious Sand ninja Gaara and intense, earnest Konoha ninja Rock Lee begins. Initially in the anime, you’re forced to believe that Koro-Sensei is somewhat of an antagonist who will eventually destroy the planet. Follow/Fav My Child Assassin: Parents React to Assassination Classroom. 1 Is Cute Queer-Inclusive Fluff, Batman vs Bigby: A Wolf in Gotham #1 Review, Hunter X Hunter: Top 10 Strongest Members of The Phantom Troupe, Ranked, Attack On Titan: All 9 Titans, Ranked By Design, 10 Comedy Anime With Ironically Serious Stakes, 8 Anime Characters Who Are Faster Than Light (& 7 Who Aren't), 9 Anime Characters Who Keep Losing No Matter How Hard They Try, Naruto: 10 Ways Hinata Ruined Her Likability, Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked, Naruto: 10 Ways Kakashi Ruined His Likability, Naruto: 5 Harsh Realities Of Only Knowing Taijutsu (& 5 Perks), 10 Anime Secret Admirers Whose Love Remained Unrequited, 10 Sets Of Fantasy Anime Armor That Prioritize Style Over Practicality, Pokémon: 10 Harsh Realities Of Being Ash Ketchum. 'Nemo's' grin grew wider "So! and could they react to the Kane chronicles but they read it! Follow/Fav My Child Assassin: Parents React to Assassination Classroom. and could the classroom be more protective over him! The anime focuses on a class of delinquents and a highly unlikely teacher that devotes himself to their education. But much later, the apprentice betrayed The Reaper and took over his title as an assassin. Found insideThe Battle of the Stars may be finished, but the event is far from over! #anime Assassination Classroom (also called Ansatsu Kyōshitsu in Japanese), is a Japanese anime show which is based on the award-winning and critically-acclaimed manga, Ansatsu Kyōshitsu, which was first published on July 2, 2012.Three years after the initial release of the manga, Season 1 of Assassination Classroom premiered on January 10, 2015, and was a hit among fans of the manga. deals with a powerful alien that lands on Earth, but it's also a series that's about turning regular people, , which is a theme that's also present in, Both of these anime provide radical takes on dangerous hitmen, and in the case of. Vore-O-Sensei by heavensgate348 In this Assassination Classroom fanfic, Karma and Nagisa enter Korosensei's body in order to get Corona-Chan out of it. Season 2 Episodes 3-5 - MEGA - GDrive. Luis dreams of becoming an astronaut. The action is able to get elevated to hyperbolic levels thanks to the extraterrestrial living fibers that power the characters, which feel like a power that’s comparable to Koro-Sensei. I’m Sakamoto is set within a school and even though the majority of the characters are incredibly normal, the anime revolves around a new student, Sakamoto, that’s absolutely brilliant at everything that he does. Anime/Manga Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室. Yanagisawa and the researchers began questioning what would happen to Koro’s anti-matter after he died. Chapter Text. It's Kataro who is actually the overarching antagonist of the series because he made Koro-Sense what he is and he was the one responsible for destroying 70% of the . Plenty of humor stems from this idea, but a more important conflict also begins to brew in the afterlife. Vinnie is pretty much me with a different name. Julie Molina. In this reaction, I react to openings 1-4 of the anime hit Assassination Classroom.If you enjoy. Director, Writer of Yuki Yuna is a Hero, Danganronpa, Assassination Classroom Anime Recruiting Designer for Original Anime posted on 2021-10-02 04:50 EDT by Egan Loo Somewhere around the end, Kataro Yanagisawa returns and this time around, he seems to be determined to get his revenge from Koro-Sensei. Haven’t You Heard? Rewrite of School Reacts to Assassination Classroom M to be safe :Nemo's way of writing: Rated: Fiction M . 'Nemo's' grin grew wider "So! Found insideSeveral secret pasts are finally revealed this volume: The tragedy that led Principal Asano to develop his harsh—some would say brutal, sadistic and inhumane—pedagogical methods, the relationship that gives one 3-E student a personal ... #bb *Smirks proudly*, Ira: *pouts* oww atleast I didn't see you making out with Shuu-chan~~, Nagisa: *looks at Koro-sensei who is blushing madly looking at the picture*. queue . Found inside – Page 1Lowly Class E and elite Class A compete for the most customers at their school festival booths. Saitama and the other powerful heroes in the series are quite different than the crew in. Vol. Mob Psycho 100’s lead, Shigeo Kageyama, is initially a passive and reluctant hero, which is equally true about Assassination Classroom’s Nagisa Shiota. Chapter Text "Hello students." An echo called out to every student and teacher "Today is the day you will watch your story, kind of, enjoy." . Summary: Just the first few scenes. Koro-Sensei not only makes the best out of his last few days on Earth but also manages to inspire his students to be better people. That being said, Great Teacher Onizuka is never lacking in drama. turns to angels and spirituality rather than the alien and apocalyptic ultimatum that’s present in Assassination Classroom. Season 1 Episodes 12-14 - MEGA - GDrive. After being really good at what he did, he soon became the master assassin known as “The Reaper”. What's more, every month, the school awards students points with a cash value of 100,000 yen, and the classes employ a laissez-faire policy in which talking . . Koro-sensei, don't think lewd things! Gakuho looked at his son with amused eyes at his reaction. Well there's the obvious answer that Boruto is an anime similar to Naruto. #otp . Mar 30, 2015 - The Anime Seasons are coming one after another, and here we are - already at yet another beginning and end of an awesome year of anime. All Episode dialogue and characters belong to Author Yusei Matsui (2012), publishers Shueisha's: Weekly Shonen Jump, and Anime producers Funimation (2015) Also, this story will have spoilers from chapter one, so make sure you've read the manga or seen the entire anime before reading this. Assassination Classroom Reacts To MhaGCRVRead This Youtube.com All Courses 3 hours ago Hello guys!I hope you enjoy this video.Thanks for supporting my previous reaction video,Please support my other videos too.If I reach 2k likes in this video, Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts has a fantastic premise and it’s an anime that deserves a lot more attention. For those of you who might not be familiar, Assassination Classroom is a Japanese anime that ran for two seasons in 2015-2016. It's Kataro who is actually the overarching antagonist of the series because he made Koro-Sense what he is and he was the one responsible for destroying 70% of the moon. the students are mercilessly pitted against each other for supremacy as opposed to teaming up to take out the teacher. Assassination Classroom does not fall into the old trap of only focusing on one or two of the students, . Karasuma and Nagisa have a few important things in common. Season 1 Episodes 4-6 - MEGA - GDrive. Both of these characters slowly come out of their shells and rise into positions of leadership as the situation dictates it. But somehow, it still manages to balance out its screentime by emphasizing on the ones who play a key role in context with the overarching plot. Read more >. After growing up in a very harsh environment where he knew he could not trust anyone, he decided to become an assassin. . First published in 1990, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's brilliantly dark and screamingly funny take on humankind's final judgment is back -- and just in time -- in a new hardcover edition (which includes an introduction by the authors, ... Read MaeIso from the story || Assassination Classroom reacts to ships by MinntyMinnt (Minnty) with 3,660 reads. Answer: you can try this I really enjoyed Assassination Classroom the series when I reviewed it, and the idea of a feature film appealed to me. There are several intriguing arcs and suspenseful moments in the show that subtly unfold its deep story. Meet the would-be assassins of class 3-E: Sugino, who let his grades slip and got kicked off the baseball team. But there are many instances where he himself shows no interest in all the assassinations that are being plotted against him. Nagisa is a petite-framed boy with blue hair and azure eyes. Special content includes an introduction from the songwriters, lyric pages and an 8-page colour section of cast photos. This is the full eBook edition of the SIX : The Musical songbook in fixed-layout format. The two anime ultimately go in different directions, but the characters and comedy in these shows are very alike. Emymaltter. Jun 3, 2018 - Karasuma x Irina And their super adorable daughter Source: Pixiv 74.1K 850 1.2K educational institution is governed by battle rankings and fierce competition. Karma Akabane (赤羽 業カルマ, Akabane Karuma) is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School who had been suspended from school due to his violent behavior and one of Nagisa's closest friends. has a smaller cast, but their attitudes feel comparable and some of the dangers in the anime are at the same scale as Koro-Sensei. RELATED: Assassination Classroom & 9 Other Anime With Great Supporting Casts. Class 3E has a far more important assignment: kill their teacher before the end of the year! unites its school full of heroes against deadly villains rather than divide them against themselves. The major difference here is that in Danganronpa, the students are mercilessly pitted against each other for supremacy as opposed to teaming up to take out the teacher. This Package 1A contains the teacher's manual that is designed to accompany Package 1. So, let us now feast upon the Anime Season: Winter 2014-2015! By: Luna Loner. In an unknown snowy environment, a man had discovered the whereabouts of a secret hideout. Filter/Sort . Extras. But he ends up in Class 1-D, which is full of all the school's problem children. The anime has a very simple premise, but it’s consistently surprising and deeply funny. School watches Assassination Classroom has Ritsu travel back from a Bad Future to enlist E-Class's help evaluating the data of how things went wrong to avoid it, resulting in them watching the memories she's accumulated from her classmates and edited into an anime. Great Teacher Onizuka taps into the humor and emotion involved in Onizuka's new situation and by the end, it's hard to not fall in love with the anime's characters. Add to library 139 Discussion 37. The purpose of this story is for non-profit entertainment purposes only. Ian Wolf • 20th June 2017 . Paul Jensen is a freelance writer and editor. Anime Review; Assassination Classroom: Season 2 - Part 1 Review. In Assassination Classroom, it serves as the main component of the tentacle cells. . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Like most of the anime that comes from TRIGGER, Kill la Kill looks gorgeous and the fight sequences are stunning. When sarcastic loner Haruka gets transported with his class to another world, he's not wild about adventuring, but he wouldn't mind having some cool powers. *face turns into a really weird red* +. somebody come get her she dancing like a stripper. Luckily, Hazama has a solution to this; it . Deep in the belly of Baba Yaga Castle, Maka, Soul, and Medusa prepare to face Arachne in her own chambers. Monokuma is just as fun of a mascot as Koro-Sensei, too. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has just enrolled at Tokyo Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, where it's said that 100% of students go on to college or find employment. Ira: Oi! Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. There are many anime that have made a big impression over the past few years and Assassination Classroom is a series that’s seen nearly universal acclaim. During his imprisonment, The Reaper met Aguri Yukimura, Yanagisawa’s wife, for the first time and quickly befriended her. Nagisa Shiota (潮田 渚, Shiota Nagisa) is a student in Korosensei's Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School and the main protagonist and narrator of Assassination Classroom. Episode 13. I see disbelief in everyone, but this is true. plantorr . Or here Prev | Next. At age twelve, Sophie learns that the remarkable abilities that have always caused her to stand out identify her as an elf, and after being brought to Eternalia to hone her skills, discovers that she has secrets buried in her memory for ... Getting closer than anyone else to actually assassinating their teacher, it appears the clever delinquent might just pull it off, but the tentacled cipher is not . The anime has a very simple premise, but it’s consistently surprising and deeply funny. Assassination Classroom. Ira: Watashi no namae wa Ira Yukihara desu~ hajimemashite! 7/5/20 . Found insideWITHIN THE HOLLOW CROWN As a Marleyan invasion dangles like a guillotine blade over the island of Paradis, allies have become enemies, and former friends are at each other’s throats. In the last few episodes of the series, a brutal battle between Koro-Sensei and Kataro ensues and though Koro-Sensei manages to defeat Reaper 2.0, he is left in a very weak state. presents high school as a purgatory-like way station for spirits that aren’t quite ready to move on. Reacts! In the middle of an assembly the whole school is kidnapped. Currently known as Koro-Sensei, the octopus-like homeroom teacher of class 3-E, was once a normal person. Looking for information on the anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (Assassination Classroom)? The ending shows that Koro-Sensei always wanted to be killed before he could prove to be of any threat to the planet. By: Luna Loner. This is where his love for teaching was sparked. Kayano: *Facepalmed*Okuda:.......Karma:....*Blushed*. When cornering Korosensei during the class' island vacation, her bullet missed by a mere 30 centimeters. Meanwhile, a certain re. After obtaining the information he needed, the man (called Seeker) later went to a bar run by Hotaru and her mother Azusa to meet with three colleagues named Mario, Chantha and Futoshi to report his . Nagisa steps forward, but this time, he almost has tears in his eyes. Anime/Manga Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室. The leaders see this as an opportunity to kill him, but little do they know that it’s exactly what he wants. That being said. 113 My Child Assassin: Parents React to Assassination Classroom » by Luna Loner After the revelation of Korosensei's existence, the former members of E Class have to deal with their parents, who are arguably a much bigger problem than the media. Was inspired by Black Wolf things in common between these two series since they 're even goal-oriented in similar. ( Assassination Classroom with supernatural powers how good you are making a whole,... Get his revenge from Koro-Sensei a far more important assignment: kill their teacher before the,... Can be used as a maverick within anime: a self-proclaimed 'stray dog ' may be finished, but more... Born in a correspondence course with a smile and announces his final farewell the. At a magic academy, bringing his unique philosophies and unconventional wisdom the... Get his revenge from Koro-Sensei proudly in their graduation ceremony many particles of yellowish light life! 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