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Hit Points 14 (2d8) Nedda and Varis immediately begin pursuing the woman through the streets and alleyways of the village. Fiona Wachter asked the party to kill him during the . Jessup McMasters suggested burying the body out back, which earned him an indignant glare from the burgomaster's daughter. Most of the miniatures are full-color 3D Tabletop Downloads. The wind's howling increases as he turns his gaze down toward the village of Barovia. He is around 500 years old and remembers a time before Strahd came in and killed all the female dusk elves as a punishment for his brides' murder (this bride, Patrina, was Kasimir sister). Strahd attacks Fletcher, who holds him off, but takes a hit from Sly. This page was last edited on 14 August 2017, at 19:30. After a moment, the old woman turns around and sees Nedda. Ireena was most grateful, and also anxious about leaving the safety of her home so late in the evening. Curse of Strahd Denton Denton 2017-04-20T04:29:38Z 2017-11 . She seeks to take back the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind that was stolen from her murdered father. A large wolf belonging to Ireena Kolyana. It provides the framework, story, scripts—vows, toasts, dramatic objections, trial by combat!—and side quests of the wedding between Strahd von Zarovich and Ireena Kolyana. Now the dusk elves cannot reproduce and continue . In the city of Waterdeep rests a tavern called the Yawning Portal, named after the gaping pit in its common room. Strahd is . With his sister as far out of harm's way as he believes he can make her, Ismark has refocused himself on becoming the leader that the Village of Barovia needs. When Strahd was wandering Barovia, he saw Ireena and realized that . Found insideThese are the low-level letters that evidently were widely exchanged, but were often discarded because they were not considered to be of lasting importance. "Unravel the mysteries of Ravenloft in this dread adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game."--Cover. Strahd intends to make Ireena his bride, turn her into a vampire, and lock her away in the castle crypts for all time. Curse of Strahd DarthKrzysztof DarthKrzysztof 2016-03-07T14:21:58Z 2016-04 . Another point where I have fallen short with her is in combat. Parry. Parry. Armor Class 15 (breastplate) After 124 sessions, my Curse of Strahd campaign ended with Strahd's complete destruction… and a TPK. Building upon existing materials in the "Dungeon Master's Guide," this title was specifically designed to facilitate play, especially when the Dungeon Master has a limited amount of preparation time. Before the party fell asleep, one of the maids of the house brought in dinner and laid it out for the group. The module revolves around the vampire Strahd von Zarovich and the Demiplane of Dread that serves as his prison. Offers tips, advice, and strategies for creating worlds and adventures that players can enjoy while participating in the roleplaying game. Curse of Strahd help. You've been led to Barovia in search of answers, but the Count is playing his own game and seems keen on keeping you there forever. He led Danny and Galinndan out of Vallaki at the burgomaster's behest and nearly killed Alton. Strahd could turn her, she could regain her memories and immediately start plotting against Strahd to get revenge for Sergei and also the shit he put her through as Ireena. Ireena Kolyana - Pursued by Strahd . Ravenloft introduced the iconic villain Strahd von Zarovich - a vampire lord with a tragic background - and his domain, the cursed castle of Ravenloft. He turned to the first page and read: I, Strahd, Lord of Barovia, well aware certain events of my reign have been desperately misunderstood by those who are better at garbling history than recording it, hereby set down an exact record of ... Out of jealousy she wants Ireena to suffer without hurting her (bc she knows what Strahd would do) so she's sending packs of wolves and werewolves at the party to make them feel unsafe. Having left the Amber Temple, we plot our last steps to confront the devil Strahd…. Ireena has been bitten twice by Strahd Von Zarovich. PUTTING THE DEAD TO REST. To do so, she must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. She was found and adopted by Kolyan Indirovich, the Burgomaster of Barovia.. Kasimir, a mutiliated and grief-stricken dusk elf, has been trapped in Barovia for centuries. Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good Gertruda is the teenage daughter of Mad Mary. When Ireena, her brother Izek, her father, and her uncle went on a fishing trip, Izek was bitten by a Dire Wolf.Frightened, Ireena ran away. Since meeting in the Burgomaster's Mansion, Dog appears to have bonded with Aurelius Threethorne. Languages (two) The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. In the ensuing fracas, Izek vowed vengeance on the PCs…. Then Curse of Strahd was announced, and I was positively giddy. Ireena's relationship with Ashley started off rockier than with the other members of the party, as the latter did not see the point/benefit of escorting the former around. They had been planning their next moves, which included delivering wine to Krezck and taking on Yester Hill. Jan 15, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Reg Reynolds. Its awkward now that we are already so far into the module, but does anyone have tips on how I can make her character more engaging and motivate the party to help keep her from Strahd? Her tomb in the crypts of Castle Ravenloft is labelled "Wife,"[5] so it is likely that she wed Strahd von Zarovich before her death. Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5 They might have heard that the town is secured and walled. Shared loot will be tracked on a Wiki. Krossa finally overcomes the debilitating spells keeping him down, and attacks Ireena - wailing on her over and over and dealing a massive amount of damage. Izek Strazni was the real brother of Ireena Kolyana and an enforcer of Baron Vargas Vallakovich.. Tragedy in the family. Her brother Ismark wishes to take her to Vallaki to secure her defense. Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. p. 232 Game Statistics. Dusk Elf x 1 Lathander x 1 NPC x 7 Strahd x 1 Strahd's Enemy x 1 Village of Barovia x 1 Vistani x 1 Wizards x 1 npc x 2 vampire x 1 villain x 1 vistani x 1 The player might portray the party's great ally, or create a new (possibly temporary character) by taking on the roll of an NPC (Millivoj, Ismark Kolyanovich, Lucian Petrovich, Szoldar . Try to get the conversation started so the players get to know her and she gets to know the players. Add a touch of horror to your AD&D game with this medieval Gothic setting! Most likely. Today's parents are concerned about their child's education and school success more than ever before, and Ready for Preschool gives these parents the support and strategies they need to ensure their child gets the right head start on ... After the Village of Barovia, this is the first settlement the party will visit. Members. The woman happily snatches the little boy and shoves him into a haversack she is carrying. Give her minor stats, a low level NPC or sidekick than can help in small way but won't overshadow the PCs. "Woah, that was intense today. Curse of Strahd is a compelling adventure. And maybe even the players learn something about each other's history that way. By BSBullied. IREENA KOLYANA There are a few additional assets in here that I did not create. Curse of Strahd: A Struggle of Minds and Fire. When we started this campaign 'Alec' wanted to be more a caster of curses like the Vistani in the Curse of Strahd campaign book and so our DM came up with a home-brew 'Hexen' class together with some sub-classes from which his player chose 'Night Terror'. More druids start appearing from the other end of the field, dragging the captive Ireena with them. Secondly, I honestly am just really bad with running friendly NPCs in combat. Ashley. She dreams of falling through nothingness. Ismark was able to enlist the group's aid in escorting Ireena out of Barovia to the town of Vallaki. Arrigal. Hi all, Over the last few weeks I've been posting some warts-and-all email summaries of the Curse of Strahd campaign I ran in 2017. Nonetheless, I will try to think of ways to flesh out her backstory some more. She doesn't quite remember what Strahd has done to her, but she knows she's been violated. [11], House of Strahd - pp20-21,37,61-62 PC Level: 10. Blinsky. Destined Allies is a supplement intended to make your life easier for tracking the ally destined to join the adventurers in their fight against the shadow of Strahd von Zarovich in Curse of Strahd. Strahd vampire bride. The characters are all level five now and had just finished up with the Wizard of Wines scenario. Brave: Advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. The Vallakovich family have governed Vallaki since its founding. According to the book, Ireena is quite skilled in the use of a Rapier and a dynamic woman. Art. She ran to Castle Ravenloft and offered herself to Count Strahd to do with as he pleased. Eerie mists surround Barovia and bind its inhabitants there. Ireena adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack that would hit her. Maybe even give one PC control over her in a "in your turn you can use your bonus action to give Ireena an order she wil then carry" way. Strahd left the few survivors to the mercy of the Vistani, who bore them to the valley of Barovia, where they have lived ever since. Ismark Kolyanovich. In this book, you'll find inspirational artwork, beautiful maps, fantastic locations, short readable summaries of places and events, evocative keywords to spark your own imagination, flexible read-aloud text, and piles of ideas to fuel your ... Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Art. The Curse of Strahd is that he will forever pursue Tatyana, but never have her. The old woman heads for the gate, but Nedda and Varis hesitate and hang back a bit. your own Pins on Pinterest T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more designed and sold by independent artists. She was run out of town when some of her activities were discovered. List of NPCs. CG. Curse of Strahd is an adventure book for the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.It was released on March 15th, 2016 and is based on the Ravenloft module published in 1983. Description. Ireena has been (unknown to her) dominated by Strahd von Zarovich. Borivik Wildspeaker: The NG human druid and only healer or caster of the group. Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game. Ireena matters to Strahd (as well as multiple other NPCs with weird obsessions), but there's no reason the PCs should especially care about her other than her possible use as bait. Give them her stats and they are ready. From I6 Ravenloft and I10 Ravenloft II in 1e, to Domains of Dread and Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, the setting is "dark" in the sense that Hammer Films were dark, but if a minor can handle that kind of media they will be fine with Ravenloft. Curse of Strahd: Horror of Strahd's Power. ©2021 Wizards. dungeons and dragons, dnd, d d, bsb, broad street bullied, wizard of wines winery, wizard of wines, winery, barovia, curse of strahd, wine label, luber manchild, luber manchild private stock. His people were on the verge of being annihilated by Strahd's armies when they surrendered. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. Curse of Strahd: The Wedding At Ravenloft (Fantasy Grounds) Regular price: $4.95 Bundle price: $3.47 Format: MOD (Virtual Tabletop) Triumphant in his centuries-long pursuit of his beloved Tatyana, Strahd von Zarovich cannot help but gloat. Step right up and try your luck in. If Ireena is brought to Vallaki, he will attempt to make sure they are never forced apart again, likely in a violent fashion. As for introductions, I feel like it is already a bit late for that. ðªð New adventure book release! Ireena and the Curse of Strahd Party traveled together for a few weeks, and in that time, she came to think of them as friends. I felt that the book version was a bit lazy compared to the potential of the character. Ivor and Brazenburns Curse of Strahd Farce. He has ordered the toymaker Blinsky to make dolls in Ireena's likeness or have his shop burned down. REACTIONS. 4-panel screen, adventure book & setting book This past weekend one of our regular groups gathered for our Curse of Strahd campaign. This geeklist holds the character sheets for a playthrough of Curse of Strahd ( IC / OOC ). The reason they have to fight on his home turf in the castle instead of on ground that they've chosen and prepared is because they don't have anything he wants...or do they? You should check them out. Nan has decided to teach her abusive husband Kyle a lesson. REACTIONS 1. Find Curse Of Strahd-inspired gifts and merchandise printed on quality products one at a time in socially responsible ways. - If you do run Ireena, make her useful. Latro, a Roman mercenary soldier from the north, has suffered a head wound in battle, develops the ability to see and converse with all of the invisible gods, goddesses, ghosts, demons, and werewolves that inhabit the land, but forgets ... She seeks to take back the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind that was stolen from her murdered father. My players and I began our Curse of Strahd campaign in-person in January 2019. Put the party through a really hard battle and when they rest, don't just handwave it as "you take a long rest", but instead tell them they settle around the campfire and Ireena asks the characters about their story and feelings. This is my first time running a WotC module and I am generally enjoying the experience. But at least this time no-one died.". If you are looking for How To Beat Strahd 5e, simply will check out our text below : . This heroic adventure book takes players from levels 1 to 13 as they journey through Baldur's Gate and into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. DISCLAIMER: some of the figures have spoiler descriptions, so if you are a player in . Adventurers will see the mill from the road and might wish to explore it, especially since they might have found the deed to the mill in the Death House a while back. To do so, she must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Based off of certain interactions in the module, I can tell Ireena is supposed to be a very important NPC. In Curse of Strahd. Far below, yet not beyond his keen eyesight, a party of adventurers . Approaching Old Bonegrinder 2. Learn about the rulers of the DreadRealms, and the exciting new prestige class: the Witchhunter. You can use the previous combat as an ice breaker. She was ransomed in exchange for Ireena at the Battle of Barovia . He has a wife, Baroness Lydia Petrovna, and a son Viktor Vallakovich. Ireena is doomed. One issue that I have run into is with the character of Ireena. I have been running Curse of Strahd for a little over a year now. The history of Ravenloft under WotC has consistently been "gothic horror", with no modern horror explicitness. Kasimir Velikov. Some of the summaries may be dull,… In order to make this change make sense our DM . Curse of Strahd is a 2016 Forgotten Realms adventure module for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons, produced by Wizards of the Coast. The module makes her one of Strahds three goals, but even as a DM I don't see any downside (for the party) if she falls into Strahd's hands. Some time ago, Strahd took a more than passing . [10], Reflecting Izek's unhealthy desire for Ireena, Izek bullied Gadof Blinsky into creating many dolls bearing her likeness. She resided in the village of Barovia[1][2] and was a reincarnation of Tatyana.[3][4]. An useless NPC to be escorted is as bad as DMNPC. For the combat issue you could ask the players to run her during combat. "There is one destined to stand with you against the shadow, but of their ultimate fate, not even I can tell," - Madam Eva. Count Strahd von Zarovich, watches over his land from Castle Ravenloft and his countless minions, pets and familiars. Fantasirollespil. In the module, Izek serves as Baron Vargas' person muscle and brute force. Ireena Kolyana is the daughter of Kolyan Indirovich and sister of Ismark Kolyanovich. He led Danny and Galinndan out of Vallaki at the burgomaster's behest and nearly killed Alton. Found inside â Page 1In this thrilling tale of fear, a desperate scholar is driven by love into the darkest corners of the world When Aurek Nuiken travels to Richemulot to search for a spellbook that lies buried within the dark bowels of the undercity, little ... Wizard of Wines - Luber Manchild Private Stock - Wine Label Essential T-Shirt. Honestly, I think she's an important plot point, but not an important character. They had been planning their next moves, which included delivering wine to Krezck and taking on Yester Hill. This setting book takes an in-depth look at the history, people, and places of Tal'Dorei, and includes new backgrounds, magic items, and monsters for the Fifth Edition rules"--Provided by publisher. It was eventually revealed that Gertruda had fled to Castle Ravenloft due to her infatuation with Strahd and in an effort to escape the suffocating protection of her mother. Volenta Popofsky. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Unravel the mysteries of Ravenloft in this dread adventure for the world's greatest . Obsidian Portal allows you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. I bought it as soon as I could, read the whole book twice through, and lamented that I didn't have any players willing to engage the premise of it being a gothic horror story. Roleplaying game supplement by Logan Bonner The goal is to try to get the party to interpose themselves between Ireena and Strahd. especially on Leowen who blasted him with her dark powers. He then joined his revenants in the futile fight against the dread lord outside. Discover (and save!) Provides a detailed guide to create character backstories, increase power to achieve goals, and rules for building up a kingdom. Dollie immediately began flirting with the maid and easily won her over, however, they also learned that the maid did not have a tongue and was unable to write. As written, Ireena is likely to enter the campaign about halfway through session 1 (or session 2 or 3 if you run death house). But don't play Ireena like some meek damsel. The essential handbook integrating fear and horror into D&D play, this guide provides everything Dungeon Masters need to run a horror-oriented campaign or integrate elements of creepiness and tension into their existing campaigns. Every purchase you make puts money in an artist's pocket. On our way to the winery, we get an invitation from a wolf to Strahd's wedding to the previously-lost Ireena (which follows her "funeral" to make her undead). "For use with the fifth edition of Player's handbook, Monster manual, and Dungeon master's guide."--Back cover. The Curse of Strahd Series: Old Bonegrinder by The Guild of The Black Crow, released 06 December 2020 1. especially on Leowen who blasted him with her dark powers. ACTIONS His stare was penetrating. But your characters aren't that kind of party...or are they? The beasts remain for 1 hour, until Strahd dies, or until he dismisses them as a bonus action. Curse of Strahd: Horror of Strahd's Power. Found insideVampire of the Mists is the first in an open-ended series of Gothic horror tales dealing with the masters and monsters of the Ravenloft dark fantasy setting. This core rulebook introduces an innovative monster stat block format, that makes running monsters easier for the Dungeon Master, and presents a horde of iconic monsters that fit into any campaign. A neuronphaser.com review. Ireena Kolyana was adopted at an early age by Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of the Village of Barovia.Kolyan was an attentive father, and he raised both Ireena and his biological son Ismark Kolyanovich to follow in his footsteps and become leaders of their community; not an easy position to hold in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft.. Dan (dlowashere) Elizabeth Bleecker (ibuchan7104) John Forrest (johnforrest10) RJ (rjx189) . About Ireena. Old Bonegrinder Megaliths Presenting the largest collection of ambient sound design that faithfully follows the 'Curse of Strahd' DM's handbook, from The Guild of The Black Crow. Owen's wife Martha, tells the story of their life together from the days as high school sweethearts, through Owen's rise to fame in the WWF. Curse of Strahd is a fairly free-form adventure where the characters are drawn into Barovia and must defeat Strahd to escape. Yikes I had a long Curse of Strahd session, the party killed The Hags finally, I was using a Night Hag Elder statblock from Monster Manual Expanded on DMsguild (with some added legendary actions) for the ruler of the night hags, gave her a 7th and 8th level spell slot In the process, I also wrote a ~325,000 word campaign summary that I want to share. Senses passive Perception 10 Ireena has been (unknown to her) dominated by Strahd von Zarovich. Here I came to wonder though, the party hasn't seen her yet, I plan to make a slight reveal of her during the next werewolf encounter. Bray Martikov. The party could clearly tell she was in need of assistance, and have been traveling with her since, but it feels to me like there really isn't any motivation to help her. Dusk Elf x 1 Lathander x 1 NPC x 7 Strahd x 1 Strahd's Enemy x 1 Village of Barovia x 1 Vistani x 1 Wizards x 1 npc x 2 vampire x 1 villain x 1 vistani x 1 As the Dragon Moon continues to hold sway over Tiberos and the gods begin to take a hand in matters for their own gain, Rath the minotaur finally returns to the empire. I feel like I dropped the ball on her introduction and wasn't able to really "sell" the fact that she needs the party's help. Other ideas include Strahd turning her before the team can rescue her and having her attack them. Ismark is the son of Barovia's burgomaster, Kolyan Inrovich. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it . Evil giants seek to avenge past defeats by ravaging the civilized lands, and the only thing standing in their way is a renowned band of heroes, in this D&D® adventure that includes a poster map featuring key encounter locations. To prevent their agenda, your band of adventurers must brave haunted jungle ruins, slay mighty dragons, and bind themselves to a layer of the infinite Abyss. Will their swords and spells be enough to save the Shackled City? She'd have to move fast because she's under no illusions about what the professed love of a sadistic abuser is worth, but she already has a bunch of armed lunatics running around the valley who'd love to help her, aka your players. Izek remanded Ireena to the party's custody, but immediately after was lured away when Rudolph Van Richten set his Saber-Toothed Tiger loose in an attempt to have the PCs escape from Vallaki. [6], In CoS, Ireena has barricaded herself inside the Burgomaster's mansion, where she remains until her father is buried in a funeral ceremony presided by Donavich. Later on, after Strahd had been defeated by the Curse of Strahd Party and Argynvost's skull had been returned to its crypt, Godfrey and the Order of the Silver Dragon disappeared. Allies and Enemies. Izek has his own block of game statistics. Curse of Strahd is a re-tread of the original plot of I6 Ravenloft (later revised for AD&D 2nd edition as RM4 House of Strahd, and again, but more heavily so, for the revised 3.5 edition as Expedition to Castle Ravenloft), but with a metric boatload of added content. Dealing with Ireena. It can be completed within 5-7 . Allies and Enemies. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage. Rolen works to free Urwin. Hitpoints and spellslots used can be tracked either on these sheets here, or, preferably, in the character banner at the top of posts. Strahd, astride his loyal nightmare, appears near Ireena and watches the druids bring her toward the statue. While outdoors, Strahd can call 3d6 wolves instead. The dirty secret is that her real value to the party, besides being an excuse to be "the good guys" is as vampire bait. Making notes on the fly is easy with this small notebook. Curse of Strahd. Krossa makes his way toward Ireena. Bio: Ireena Kolyana. This is my first time running a WotC module and I am generally enjoying the experience. The Curse of Strahd . The GUIDE index for Curse of Strahd and other related articles can be found here ! We decide to either crash the wedding or confront . Fiona Wachter asked the party to kill him during the . JavaScript is currently disabled. Ireena adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack that would hit her. Between paying attention to what the players are doing and thinking about what the monsters should be doing on their turn, the friendly NPCs just get lost and don't end up being helpful to the party. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP). This old mill is located near the main road that leads to the Town of Vallaki. If the PCs have the right spells, they can keep Ireena safe. He learned to cope with his disability and the loss of his sister, but his parents died of broken hearts. She exists pretty much to die or to be dropped off somewhere "safe." Her own youth at the time may explain his name. Read the latest magazines about "CHAPTER 3 I THE VILLAGE and discover magazines on Yumpu.com Description: Volenta Popofsky led a macabre and evil life. She was a prostitute in Barovia that would torture and kill any of her customers she could. This is the first campaign I started sending summaries to players by email after each game (I was a bit lazy prior to that). Players are dinner guests of Count Strahd, a vampire, in Castle Ravenloft. Players must work as team, to succeed in overcoming events that unfold within the castle. Players all win together or lose together. Players should keep track of their characters on this list. However, before she goes anywhere, she demands that the corpse of her father be properly disposed of and buried in the nearby cemetery[8], In this version of the classic I6 Ravenloft module, Ireena was found near the Pillarstone of Ravenloft, remembering nothing of her origins, a fact known to Donavich but not to Ireena[9] She is stalked by Izek Strazni (of Vallaki), whom unknown to most is actually her biological brother and obsessed with her return, though he knows not why as he too forgot their relation. Ireena Kolyana was the adopted daughter of Kolyan Indrirovich. Session #26: "Strahdegy". Curse Of Strahd. In the ensuing fracas, Izek vowed vengeance on the PCs…. Here is a list of all NPCs that have thus far been mentioned or seen in the campaign: Arabelle. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Ravenloft I6 - pp7-9,30, http://fraternityofshadows.com/w/index.php?title=Ireena_Kolyana&oldid=138783, Former Inhabitants of the Village of Barovia. A collection of short stories set in the Ravenloft world of vampires, werewolves, and other monstrous creatures features the talents of P.N. Elrod, James Lowder, J. Robert King, Elaine Bergstrom, and others Lucky: When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. And familiars NPCs in combat Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript my players and am! Suggested burying the body out back, which included delivering wine to Krezck and taking Yester... 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