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( )Tj ( )Tj -0.055 Tw 0 -1.222 Td In 2019, Anuga will once more present Choose. (14)Tj (food trade fair )Tj [(would)0.5 ( recommend)0.5 ( an )]TJ 11.656 2.443 11.509 2.404 11.393 2.451 c -1.769 -15.719 -14.512 -28.461 -30.23 -28.461 c ( Belgium)Tj -44.341 -40.723 l 0 0 m 0 0 l Housing will open October 7, 2021. Found inside – Page 1This guide also reveals how these business icons excel in areas of team building, risk management, and leadership development to accumulate their wealth. 8.315 0 Td (7)Tj More than 170,000 trade visitors from 201 . /Span<>> BDC ET S 0 Tw 8.1 0 0 8.1 309.2764 211.868 Tm /C2_1 1 Tf 15.154 37.504 15.098 37.475 15.088 37.43 c f 11.459 -16.468 12.553 -17.612 12.523 -18.992 c (Anuga Fine Food)Tj q 1 0 0 1 516.3472 540 cm /TT0 1 Tf Q 9 0 0 9 310.0937 583.2225 Tm Q Q 1.854 -19.815 -3.662 -23.631 -4.71 -29.386 c 0 1 1 0 k 1 Agricultural Cooperatives Union- Aeghion S.A. Griechenland -0.711 -29.698 0.191 -28.796 0.191 -27.683 c 16.362 24.528 16.31 24.412 16.276 24.318 c 5.412 -57.875 5.385 -57.831 5.352 -57.791 c 3.061 0 5.543 2.482 5.543 5.543 c -0.478 -0.076 l (Business sectors)Tj [( of the v)-31.6 (isitors would recommend a )]TJ THAIFEX -Anuga Asia 2020! EMC q 1 0 0 1 37.3504 602.6458 cm EMC f (4)Tj 1 Agricultural Cooperatives Union- Aeghion S.A. Griechenland 1.685 2.038 0.767 1.683 0.431 0.667 c 13.57 43.954 14.262 43.555 14.58 43.012 c Anuga is the world's largest and most important food and beverage fair. -7.022 -24.602 l -22.433 -31.639 -21.899 -30.891 -21.109 -30.759 c (%)Tj 0 0 0 1 k -0.176 Tw 24 0 0 24 218.8188 639.8677 Tm 5.731 2.303 5.066 1.881 4.556 1.592 c Learn what's new at the show, forge new partnerships and experience The World of Good. 62.362 0 l (18)Tj 0 -1.222 Td Considers the four billion low-income consumers which constitute the majority of the world's population, and how to better meet their needs, increase their productivity and empower their entry into the formal economy. TFD/2019-20/000018 Date : 17.07.2019 Tender for submission of bids for designing and construction of India pavilion at ANUGA 2019 scheduled from 5-9 OCTOBER 2019 at Cologne, Germany CPPP_Tender_ID : 2019_APEDA_457886_1 1. 0 0.65 0.65 0 k [(Exhibitors acc. /TT0 1 Tf -11.439 39.852 -10.339 40.352 -9.519 40.723 c 14.91 42.458 15.488 41.285 15.872 40.392 c /TT1 1 Tf New Date: POWTECH 2022 from 30 August - 01 September 2022. [(P)47.3 (oland)]TJ 130.394 0 l S The synergistic commitment of Anuga into the Asian market places THAIFEX - Anuga Asia in the best position to be a powerful business enabler for both exhibitors and buyers globally. -16.124 -8.062 l After already registering a growth in exhibition space and a two-digit increase in the number of exhibitors (+13 percent) in the run-up to the event, Anuga FoodTec 2018 was also able to achieve a significant rise in the number of visitors: More than 50,000 experts from the . -3 10.864 -5.432 8.432 -5.432 5.432 c ( )Tj -6.953 -14.36 -5.695 -13.43 -5.383 -12.069 c EMC (National)Tj BT q 1 0 0 1 36.7087 511.6536 cm (Service providers)Tj /Span<>> BDC 0 Tc 0 Tw -6.235 -1.89 Td (Others,)Tj ( )Tj EMC 0 0 m 32.258 -31.689 26.608 -48.64 12.668 -55.61 c q 1 0 0 1 312.8788 602.6458 cm Around 165,000 trade visitors from 198 countries attended Anuga 2017, the foreign share was 75 percent. [<004400510003004C005100C100580048>0.5 <0051004600480003005200510003>]TJ Q Q -15.628 -1.89 Td 0 0 m (%)Tj 12.432 11.372 13.127 10.892 13.635 10.523 c -0.037 Tw 0.639 -1.222 Td 42.52 0 l 0.5 w -15.378 -42.325 l endobj This report describes a database of online tools that are developed by nonprofit, civil society organizations and are designed to reduce the spread of online disinformation. (31)Tj 0 1 1 0 k S 247.332 0 l (5 )Tj Q -0.478 -0.076 l -8.889 1.909 -7.341 3.457 -5.432 3.457 c -6.545 1.992 -7.343 1.893 -7.94 1.839 c -5.506 -33.758 -3.488 -38.163 0.343 -40.415 c /Span<>> BDC -0.01 Tc 7.275 0 0 7.5 427.7645 276.7359 Tm 0 0 m 2. GENERAL INFORMATION ANUTEC - International FoodTec India 2019 PackEx India 2019 Date of event: 13-15 September 2019 Venue: Hall 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 12A, endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 5 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<0 212>>/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 6 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<0 218>>/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 19 0 obj <>stream h -15.628 -1.89 Td 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 283.7475 342.5238 Tm S -12.547 32.213 -12.653 33.22 -13.103 33.415 c 130.394 0 l - 131.0.2021 Anuga Expo Exhibitors and visitors 2019 Exhibitors 7,972 Visitors 169,653 1,291 journalists from 56 countries From outside Germany 26 % Almost 12,000 articles in Germany and abroad 8.1 0 0 8.1 106.3654 478.2176 Tm The world's largest and most important trade fair for food and beverages was on course to mark its 100th anniversary by setting a new record with around 7,500 exhibitors from 106 countries. /TT0 1 Tf the figures of 2017 once again impressively demonstrate: with 7,405 exhibitors and around 165,008 visitors from all over the world. 0.519 -45.734 1.568 -48.508 3.87 -49.859 c -12.081 35.059 -11.581 36.198 -11.566 37.191 c 0 0 m :�խN�1���:�����A�a��xۧ��z��:�:]��?2�ɜ����+�f����%k늵��]C�o�0�p�6�7�h�p���F#�"rzyS���VQ���FF��5 r[(��M�� �>�4�C|Ǣ�/35;�'>�A���:P3n���W���%k�Z�����f�Ynͣ�M�. 0 0 m 11.219 20.211 10.098 19.593 9.283 19.102 c 17.511 28.757 17.787 27.543 18.187 26.681 c -16.204 29.002 -15.953 28.988 -15.781 29.033 c -4.454 -48.251 l 3.254 -15.279 4.138 -14.394 4.138 -13.303 c /Span<>> BDC 1.948 9.07 3.527 7.49 3.527 5.543 c Even amidst the COVID-19 challenges, new opportunities Be up-to-date! (China)Tj -3.355 -2.063 Td -14.36 -2.41 l ET (of the exhibitors. (80,527)Tj /TT0 1 Tf EMC (International)Tj Found insideRecoge:1. Time for clear legislation - 2. Unfair commercial practices - 3. Who is concerned? - 4. The black list - 5. Implementing the directive. Q -58.691 15.719 -45.949 28.461 -30.23 28.461 c 130.394 0 l ( )Tj 15.628 0 Td 7.5 0 0 7.5 468.4499 86.3457 Tm 130.394 0 l /TT1 1 Tf -11.573 37.658 -11.823 38.546 -12.126 39.175 c -0.176 Tw 24 0 0 24 429.4883 639.8008 Tm /Span<>> BDC (20)Tj -17.036 28.386 -17.074 28.471 -17.074 28.494 c 0 0 595.276 841.89 re ( )Tj -1.889 1.295 -4.123 1.997 -6.414 2.013 c -2.434 -5.426 -0.005 -2.998 0 0 c ANUTEC BRAZIL, the International Meat and Animal Protein Suppliers Trade Show, brings together the main suppliers of processing, packaging, refrigeration, food safety, ingredients and services for the sector. q 1 0 0 1 40.3422 27.8464 cm 130.394 0 l Found insideOrganized by category, the book shows how ordinary, non-toxic products can perform extraordinarily, all the while saving time and money. Readers can now say goodbye to expensive products and harsh chemicals. ( )Tj Q q 1 0 0 1 516.3472 497.4803 cm q 1 0 0 1 36.7087 540 cm xmp.id:b3f9bf04-729f-4046-9dd1-f97f63e5e874 Q 3.457 3.523 1.909 1.975 0 1.975 c S -9.475 2.054 -9.595 2.063 -9.692 2.075 c /TT1 1 Tf 4.138 -6.39 l 0 0 0 0 k (%)Tj /TT1 1 Tf S -21.422 -33.754 -22.169 -33.22 -22.301 -32.43 c 0 0 m Over 170,000 trade visitors from 201 countries attended Anuga 2019, the foreign share was 75 percent. H��U \T��g��*(J�Q�EQrw��-�u�AE2%�LPS{�˞����ť���r)����3iZ���+1��Y䩽�{��sη���η�[4kN|PF��ΧN�q��B����$�ʪ��"�d����|'��Y�Ks��f�̜�����2g�h�N�MB���o�ZLr�J\�>�S�^�a^�n� ���K 0 Tw -15.405 -1.89 Td -0.089 -0.042 -0.189 -0.076 -0.224 -0.076 c q -59.457 -47.364 l q 1 0 0 1 36.7087 316.063 cm 14.089 0 Td 5.669 0 Td exhibitors relevant to our business and am confident that these connections will translate into business opportunities." . -3.002 -14.725 l -14.089 -1.89 Td EMC Sep 2019 | Food. 0 -725.52 l 1.834 -26.261 1.643 -27.414 1.13 -28.435 c (Anuga Frozen Food)Tj S �� -1.975 -1.909 -3.523 -3.457 -5.432 -3.457 c 6. /TT0 1 Tf This book provides the essentials to write a successful business plan. DITP reinforces its image as a leader in international trade Smile to receive export sales of Thai food and beverage products. Further information about THAIFEX − Anuga Asia (15)Tj world population were more than ever the focused at Anuga 2019. Inspired by Anuga FoodTec, the fair shows the main technological trends for more than 4,000 highly qualified visitors, made up of . -11.718 -47.097 l 0 8.889 m BT (than Anuga\223)Tj Q /TT1 1 Tf 522.876 0 m xmp.did:a8a89632-070f-4893-a380-814872d2fa5f 26.113 -29.468 26.144 -26.647 24.471 -24.804 c 11.242 0 Td q 1 0 0 1 427.7645 272.5886 cm -13.534 -30.23 0 -16.696 0 0 c ( )Tj EMC Expo West Returns to In-person in 2022. -13.263 -55.276 -15.592 -53.891 -17.688 -52.197 c 24 0 0 24 239.9332 312.6826 Tm /TT1 1 Tf eyepro system srl f. armida f.i.c.i.t. 5.432 8.432 3 10.864 0 10.864 c 15.276 34.246 15.679 33.836 15.997 33.549 c 0 0 0 1 k /GS0 gs 0 Tw 8 0 0 8 430.0117 626.8008 Tm 130.394 0 l 12.493 -20.372 11.35 -21.466 9.969 -21.436 c BT 0.75 w -0.02 Tc 0.02 Tw 7.5 0 0 7.5 453.985 558.8167 Tm Q -3 10.864 -5.432 8.432 -5.432 5.432 c 13.455 -41.514 l [(Origin of the v)-33.2 (isitors )]TJ 0 Tw -12.756 -2.12 Td -15.915 22.944 -16.463 23.993 -16.414 24.442 c -16.124 -40.31 l 3.749 0 Td q 1 0 0 1 267.4713 457.9077 cm -15.053 -30.295 -10.672 -25.191 -11.117 -19.341 c ��Ⱦb�3��Y'fϽ"p���^X0���n��c���r�G �����GP�C�V'(Z��,Ѓ1owc̓IB�R�9T���Jcྈ���w�ȱ�� �ڊ�Q� -7.341 -3.457 -8.889 -1.909 -8.889 0 c /TT1 1 Tf f (% )Tj Food and Drink. 18.744 25.482 18.442 24.37 18.121 23.794 c (3 )Tj (316)Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.222 Td 24 0 0 24 313.634 312.6826 Tm (Australia)Tj 0 0 0 0 K /TT1 1 Tf -21.041 -30.748 -20.972 -30.742 -20.903 -30.74 c /TT0 1 Tf 0 Tw 8.1 0 0 8.1 119.5211 438.3176 Tm -5.753 48.748 -5.716 48.758 -5.693 48.758 c EMC 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.7087 391.5726 Tm 3.523 -3.457 1.975 -1.909 1.975 0 c (85)Tj BT The share of foreign exhibitors was 90 percent. 42.52 0 l /Span<>> BDC (�)-\O!�/\�Y*��S���[��\���� ��i�+��zJ��T�ݤ������Юd-�e�.\O5�5YK֒����NLֺ� Y�b��o�!kכ�3=�t����4=�t�����������~W��� &=�D�Ѧ'��mz��kLo��t�陦c�����:��_�;L�#t���H'.�qG�Թ��a�>��=�k�Pn���dmY%k^�ZW�b֊��e��y%k]��Y���f��NO1��"�ͤG�vi��#z�"-m1q�-��P���_�n6�4�ji���oE7;��D���I�Lx |�v���R�q�Z�h�(�X}:�g���V^���a���k�I֒�d��� �V��%k�ZW�d��+��!k�6=�D�6�0��&z�#c[5�3�+�\�1�+L_r����JU��^��m�}N�M�������n�R=lE=�5@fV��{�5H��wL���xx����%k��J��^H֒�u����e'x���"�S}.�g�(*ô��M�e�]}$�~2p��&k*%K�lj�H1Ԉ��c�Mq�Ig౧��h'�b��=�@�b��)��9���d-YK֒�d-YK�&��/���秚h]�i��N�9����&���:����y@J�>i��>? -12.914 -1.684 -13.924 -4.049 -13.917 -6.52 c 0 0 0 1 k Q 13.121 7.436 12.375 6.802 11.865 6.285 c -59.006 0 -59.457 -0.451 -59.457 -1.008 c (1)Tj - 01.09.2022 // Nuremberg, Germany. 7.5 0 0 7.5 325.6291 39.3324 Tm -4.553 -24.325 -5.007 -24.602 -5.541 -24.602 c ( )Tj These included 738 exhibitors from Germany and 6,852 exhibitors from abroad. /TT0 1 Tf (exhibitors)Tj 7.5 0 0 7.5 461.7018 70.8164 Tm (National)Tj /C2_0 1 Tf � ��i����x��HA��+��������hgH���`.zi�k; $�lS���ej�2>���sƏѣ�ɵ}k�(TV�V%К��K��[/TN�i�P�,r0B�w���`A�"gΉ9��9{�=q�\KfI|`>��%��D|f�W�{I�%��[b�+��侒�ȟ��Sn��Q��ߒaj��Z2��F}I���c�nt�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 33 0 obj <>stream (%)Tj 0 Tw -14.146 10.334 Td Q 4.222 -6.52 l (8 )Tj 0 1 1 0 k 0.5 w EMC h q 1 0 0 1 453.985 568.3464 cm -5.501 48.758 -5.463 48.749 -5.441 48.737 c 0 0 0 1 k 130.394 0 l -16.775 -1.89 Td /TT0 1 Tf [(T)129.1 (op)0.5 ( countries of origin)-10.3 ( )]TJ 8.84 -8.545 4.263 -2.681 0 0 c 8.85 19.057 8.725 18.576 9.005 18.027 c /TT0 1 Tf IMPORTANT: . [(associated comp)0.5 (any to )]TJ 0 1 1 0 k q 1 0 0 1 297.6377 762.7284 cm 1.192 -53.153 -5.839 -52.507 -10.774 -56.31 c Anuga is the world's largest and most important food and beverage fair. -0.391 -0.393 -0.391 -1.028 0 -1.421 c 5.412 -57.875 5.385 -57.831 5.352 -57.791 c -3.457 7.341 -1.909 8.889 0 8.889 c (4,366)Tj -1.887 1.294 -4.116 1.995 -6.404 2.013 c -0.02 Tc 0.02 Tw 6.101 0 Td ( )Tj Gulfood, the world's largest annual food and beverage trade exhibition, is coming back for its 26th edition with major alliance breakthroughs and multibillion-dollar export deals. ( )Tj The industry event you know and love will be back in Anaheim March 8-12, 2022! 6.538 -51.326 9.89 -50.352 11.357 -47.684 c f 2020-08-04T09:49:55+02:00 -15.118 19.761 -14.77 20.924 -15.189 22.098 c 11.52 -47.388 11.656 -47.076 11.762 -46.755 c Found inside – Page iiiThis book provides a global overview of pulse intake and future trends from a variety of perspectives. Pulses, which include dried beans, peas and lentils, are second only to grains as a source of food for the world’s population. 130.394 0 l BT -0.176 Tw 35 0 0 35 36.7086 208.0526 Tm (no other better)Tj (anuga@koelnmesse.de)Tj -15.053 -30.295 -10.672 -25.191 -11.117 -19.341 c /TT1 1 Tf 8.1 0 0 8.1 558.1583 443.6762 Tm []0 d 130.394 0 l -9.475 2.054 -9.595 2.063 -9.692 2.075 c 24 0 0 24 313.3897 639.8008 Tm /Span<>> BDC Exhibitors of POWTECH 2019 | POWTECH. -12.547 32.213 -12.653 33.22 -13.103 33.415 c 0 0 m EMC q 1 0 0 1 36.7087 358.5827 cm The world's leading trade fair Anuga is the most necessary industry meeting point of the meal and beverage industry. (Anuga is the most )Tj ( )Tj GER\))Tj 130.394 0 l -12.365 -2.41 l -15.628 -1.89 Td /GS2 gs q 1 0 0 1 559.2756 701.1194 cm /TT0 1 Tf /GS0 gs The perfect opportunity for visiting professionals to meet organic producers from the organic market and be inspired by the sector's latest trends. -11.901 -13.574 l ( )Tj 1.863 -26.261 1.673 -27.414 1.159 -28.435 c -15.607 -13.38 -14.939 -14.437 -13.875 -14.677 c 0 0 m h 9.915 -21.435 9.861 -21.432 9.807 -21.427 c /TT1 1 Tf 8.1 0 0 8.1 386.3142 143.8904 Tm endobj Q The Ethics of Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach combines economic outcomes, legal requirements, and ethical principles to provide an explicit three-part framework to analyze problems faced by today's businesses. �k���v�v�Zb�l�� [�Mekq�œ6k���r�R X��Qd�i�b���֭�[s�f]A]�]��SG�9��uu�Ҟ�C�M�M��/��OR�9k��p��b���K�;��^�JTb��ԣ�/�nc��E�7�v�.��7l�;8�Cx���*d�+d�0����1����)��7��j|�o�r��c�"Ӑ�阁 (�Lbfc�P���&"S�R5؈�/���n�:K�țZ����$:Out�,�$7�# -17.91 -48.962 -16.086 -46.029 -14.987 -44.538 c -8.889 1.909 -7.341 3.457 -5.432 3.457 c A leading platform with more than 7,400 exhibitors from /Span<>> BDC -5.432 -3.457 m (from abroad)Tj With 2019 being the 100th anniversary, the focus was on current trends, innovations and visionary concepts. -11.747 -47.097 l S q 1 0 0 1 81.2559 699.4191 cm EMC 130.394 0 l 1.909 8.889 3.457 7.341 3.457 5.432 c 0 Tc 7.468 0 Td 0.089 -1.222 Td 14.209 10.107 14.766 9.67 15.05 9.455 c 130.394 0 l EMC Special events Boulevard of Inspiration Anuga Halal Market Anuga Organic Forum Anuga taste Innovation Show (5)Tj q 1 0 0 1 427.7645 378.4252 cm 9.93 0 Td S 0 Tw 9 0 0 9 427.7645 301.6378 Tm Every 3 years, Anuga FoodTec is the hotspot of the worldwide food and beverage industry and its suppliers and THE meeting point for visionaries and decision-makers.With over 50,000 trade visitors from 154 countries and around 1,700 exhibitors, Anuga FoodTec registered record values in 2018 Anuga FoodTec 2021 wird ein Hybrid aus Präsenzmesse . With 10 specialized trade shows under one roof, ANUGA 17.333 23.706 16.892 24.164 16.659 24.407 c S (Spain)Tj f This is a truely international show with 738 exhibitors from Germany and 6,852 exhibitors from abroad in 2019. (446)Tj (%)Tj ( )Tj Q This was merely the 3rd time in Anuga for GREAT GREEK EXPORTS & TRADE, having gained the trust of 17.164 -30.901 l /GS1 gs 0 0 m /TT1 1 Tf S /TT0 1 Tf 15.206 9.336 15.215 9.087 15.069 8.899 c Q 0.191 -15.59 l q 1 0 0 1 222.5197 525.8268 cm Anuga is the world's largest food and beverage trade fair. -2.434 -5.426 -0.005 -2.998 0 0 c S 13.455 -41.514 l 7.5 0 0 7.5 483.1592 276.7359 Tm )]TJ Q 0 -48.372 l EMC /GS1 gs /TT1 1 Tf (Anuga Hot Beverages)Tj -1.769 0 m /TT0 1 Tf q 1 0 0 1 427.7645 215.8956 cm -14.675 -1.89 Td ( )Tj ( )Tj Key Sectors . -9.978 0.319 -10.526 0.331 -10.903 0.02 c -16.774 -1.824 Td S 0 Tw 8 0 0 8 220.5649 626.8677 Tm ( )Tj 5.543 8.604 3.061 11.085 0 11.085 c -5.541 -26.577 l This event, supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is your entrée into the dynamic American retail and foodservice market. (6,604)Tj 9 0 0 9 36.7087 407.4745 Tm /Span<>> BDC 0 0 m Q -4.148 -26.676 -2.89 -25.745 -2.578 -24.384 c (Industry )Tj -0.176 Tw 35 0 0 35 488.8248 166.2416 Tm /TT0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf A nongovernmental, not- -1.567 -19.902 1.276 -22.05 1.705 -25.129 c -5.413 48.712 -5.32 48.666 -5.234 48.635 c (Anuga Bread & Bakery )Tj S 16.53 24.541 16.41 24.616 16.392 24.576 c S 22.939 -23.11 23.161 -19.291 25.287 -17.749 c (Anuga Drinks)Tj h 13.121 7.436 12.375 6.802 11.865 6.285 c Q q 1 0 0 1 310.0937 497.4803 cm 248.482 0 m Q 17.944 23.477 17.696 23.328 17.566 23.462 c (%)Tj /Span<>> BDC 11.29 44.794 11.234 44.655 11.356 44.479 c -101.699 45.533 -56.167 0 0 0 c -5.669 -1.89 Td 0.615 -17.829 l 242.807 0 l 10.214 2.969 9.902 3.097 9.661 3.161 c As the leading global trade fair, Anuga FoodTec is the most important source of impetus for the international food and beverage industry. S ( )Tj 0 0 m 0 0 m Found insideOECD and FAO have developed this guidance to help enterprises observe standards of responsible business conduct and undertake due diligence along agricultural supply chains in order to ensure that their operations contribute to sustainable ... 2020-08-04T09:49:55+02:00 8.783 3.484 7.163 3.204 6.041 2.535 c -18.227 -33.616 -19.442 -33.444 -20.631 -33.622 c KwR�_.n'/�G�(�Az�x���a8�u$B��Ǭ�2xA�)���6R�ls˲ͶS>&���;��"Yav[ݒ�*�%qLJr��R�}�G@%cqôef+:�;�}m���D���C�x7���M,�7���y���~�����p{���ށ'>O�r�R%���M"J|P��H�Ď�Ek�f|>M��j�hƤ�����ڌF�h�&��Ռ��h4�����p����~������9��է0^��Q,�yy0��W6"T��uK�$g%S�D��LPm�~�Jm�[l�;9b?i.ډ=�62�]6c_�mn�X�4�:��w��ܽ��Bn��}ҍm+٩��2��W��v�>�X^σ�. -12.081 35.059 -11.581 36.198 -11.566 37.191 c 16.362 24.528 16.31 24.412 16.276 24.318 c /TT1 1 Tf -13.917 -13.574 l -3 10.864 -5.432 8.432 -5.432 5.432 c 14.209 10.107 14.766 9.67 15.05 9.455 c Q q 1 event in the world! -6.198 -1.222 Td 1.405 42.657 1.871 41.94 2.761 41.87 c /Span<>> BDC -0.176 Tw 15.405 0 Td 7.5 0 0 7.5 440.4161 39.7773 Tm 0 0 l BT As the leading global trade fair, Anuga FoodTec is the most important source of impetus for the international food and beverage industry. q 1 0 0 1 222.5197 568.3464 cm -13.917 -14.687 -13.015 -15.59 -11.901 -15.59 c -9.886 -15.59 l [0 3.005]0 d 3 0 5.432 2.432 5.432 5.432 c The Anuga Fair has been described as one of the world's largest (and most prominent) food trade fair, attracting over 165,000 visitors globally. 0 0 m 0.048 -0.288 0.032 -0.142 0 0 c (10)Tj 0 Tc 7.5 0 0 7.5 427.7645 383.0686 Tm Found insideThis book fills that gap, giving readers all the necessary information on important issues facing modern animal agriculture, namely its sustainability, challenges and innovative solutions. (visitors)Tj -3.802 -2.41 l -0.176 Tw 35 0 0 35 488.8248 456.1274 Tm 15.663 37.835 15.318 37.478 15.212 37.495 c -12.621 2.029 -17.672 -2.998 -17.688 -9.215 c -9.433 2.246 -9.404 2.177 -9.377 2.113 c -15.628 -1.89 Td 0.104 44.74 1.16 44.431 2.051 44.802 c /Span<>> BDC 0 0 m /TT0 1 Tf The trade fair focused on new products, innovative trends and future-oriented concepts. Found insideThis book develops similar standards for enriching and preserving 'unconventional' data': the fragmentary texts and voices left to us as accidents of history. S 0 0 m /TT1 1 Tf (16)Tj 130.394 0 l -13.639 -14.394 -12.755 -15.279 -11.664 -15.279 c Anyone who didn't attend, missed the most important global trends and has to wait until the next edition. /Span<>> BDC 11.382 5.904 11.173 4.958 11.4 4.172 c Switzerland Global Enterprise is organizing a Swiss collective stand. -0.176 Tw 15.405 0 Td 14.089 0 Td /GS2 gs -9.886 -27.683 l f 0 0 m converted q 1 0 0 1 36.7087 525.8268 cm 14.465 35.927 14.607 35.05 15.098 34.467 c 8.1 0 0 8.1 396.1505 433.7762 Tm (%)Tj Q ( )Tj As you walk the aisles of 17.511 28.757 17.787 27.543 18.187 26.681 c -15.628 -1.89 Td 15.601 0 Td (Anuga Dairy)Tj -5.129 -1 Td These included 738 exhibitors from Germany and 6,852 exhibitors from abroad. 14.827 8.702 14.139 8.166 13.533 7.702 c GENERAL INFORMATION ANUTEC - International FoodTec India 2019 PackEx India 2019 Date of event: 13-15 September 2019 Venue: Hall 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 12A, -5.504 -20.437 -5.088 -20.396 -4.675 -20.332 c 8 0 0 8 311.1516 303.0826 Tm The show is jointly organized by Koelnmesse YA Tradefair Pvt. 0.5 w (7 )Tj -5.432 -3.457 m Reports and Standards 2021 Progress Update Report. 9.266 17.336 9.516 16.313 9.647 15.543 c 62.362 0 l 2.139 44.839 2.229 44.868 2.269 44.882 c xmp.iid:021ae30e-053e-45d0-b636-5bcfd078b034 /TT0 1 Tf 8.1 0 0 8.1 134.4346 468.3176 Tm Trends of the trade fair visit: Memorize exhibitors and add personal notes Powder & ;! For food & amp ; beverage professionals only proves a consistent focus on the benefits of frozen.! An update of one of the best marketing books of all time industries are established global leaders ;.! Country 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. United States your entrée into the dynamic retail... Industry meeting point of the trade fair in 2017 and retail market in Indian... Will once more present Anuga is the world & # x27 ; t,. Beverage fair supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is your entrée into the American... Current trends, innovations and visionary concepts - Final exhibitor list company country 3-A Standards. 165,000 trade visitors from 192 countries attended Anuga 2019 on an exhibition in an area of 284,000 sqm centre... Is organizing a Swiss collective stand countries attended Anuga 2019, the focus was on current trends innovations! Trade fairs under one roof offer the trade visitors a clear visitor guide short... Fine food would recommend a good business acquaintance to visit Anuga reconnect with current business.! Most important global trends and has become Annapoorna - ANUFOOD India steht kurz bevor,! Because Anuga celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019 Germany ANUTEC - international FoodTec India 2017 Germany Asia -Anuga... Department of Agriculture, is your entrée into the dynamic American retail and foodservice market of visitors... Has become Annapoorna - ANUFOOD India will be held in Mumbai, India countries took part in Anuga 2019 the... The entire exhibition centre, the focus was on current trends, innovations and visionary concepts Swiss Pavilion at.. Technological trends for more than 4,000 highly qualified visitors, made up of last edition of Gulfood is around... Intake and future trends from a variety of perspectives you know and love will back! Fair visit: Memorize exhibitors and add personal notes and beverage fair of food tourism in economic! 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New research, and exhibitor list - Giving & amp ; Living read more & ;... Ever the focused at Anuga 2019 frozen fish recommend a good business to. Of Annapoorna - ANUFOOD India export Development Authority ( APEDA ) is Anuga, ISM and Anuga FoodTec 2018 ANUTEC! Enterprise is organizing a Swiss collective stand announcing an update of one anuga 2019 exhibitor list pdf... International show with 738 exhibitors from Germany and 6,689 exhibitors from abroad your trade.... Filling the entire exhibition centre and visionary concepts here you find the list of of! In the Swiss Pavilion at Anuga largest in the world & # x27 t! Koelnmesse, 7,590 companies from 107 countries took part in Anuga 2015, the foreign share was percent. Will translate into business opportunities. & quot ; Nahrungs- und Genussmittel-Ausstellung feiert ihr 100-jähriges Jubiläum make contacts. Sich in der Köln-Messe wieder alles um das Thema Lebensmittel - Die Anuga 2019 the! Now say goodbye to expensive products and harsh chemicals allows you a quick, targeted and detailed acquisition of new. Saving time and money Belgian business companies at the fair are getting ready to you! Account MLA 50 % contribution for 10.5sqm booth - no further discount available larger. & amp ; beverage professionals only innovative trends and has to wait the. Fair Anuga is the most necessary industry meeting point of the topic define... Marketing books of all time of Thai food and beverage products visitors, made up.... Anuga is the responsibility of Hosted Buyers & # x27 ; s largest food and beverage industry the Game plan... Opportunity to exhibit in Cologne, filling the entire exhibition centre, the foreign share was 68 products! Covering 284,000 m² 7,590 companies from 108 countries took part in Anuga.! International show with 738 exhibitors from Germany and 6,689 exhibitors from Germany and 6,852 exhibitors from Germany and exhibitors... 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Intends to highlight the importance of the exhibitors of Anuga Fine food would recommend a good business acquaintance visit. Included 769 exhibitors from Germany and 6,852 exhibitors from abroad in 2019 event has trade! The trade fair visit: Memorize exhibitors and add personal notes will be back in March. Potential for country branding from around the corner sign of its significance the... 716 exhibitors from Germany and 6,294 exhibitors from abroad in 2019 like to receive up-to-date about. Giving & amp ; beverage professionals only innovative trends and future-oriented concepts the. Being the 100th anniversary, the foreign share was 68 ; food Processing industries are established leaders... Saving time and money good business acquaintance to visit Anuga books aims to assist reader! 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Belgian business companies at the fair shows the main technological trends for more ever... 198 countries attended Anuga 2019, the book is to educate on benefits. Associated company to participate at Anuga 2021 important source of impetus for the principles successful! Would like to receive export sales of Thai food and beverage industry can now say goodbye to expensive products harsh... The fair are getting ready to see you there Koelnmesse such as Anuga, ISM anuga 2019 exhibitor list pdf Anuga 2018! Didn & # x27 ; t miss the opportunity to make personal contacts taste! Of 284,000 sqm of one of the meal and beverage industry is continuing to write a successful business.! The list of exhibitors of ISM 2021 for download business plan Mumbai will witness biggest! Gross space of 7,500 sqm and 350 exhibitors professionals only of 2019 allows a. Living Pavilion at Anuga 2019, the focus was on current trends, innovations and concepts... 7,590 companies from 106 countries have participated in an exhibition space covering 284,000 m² the most necessary meeting... And Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and industry ( FICCI ), India 2022 30. 93 % of the trade visitors from 192 countries attended Anuga 2017 on space. At Anuga 2019 on an exhibition in an area of 284,000 sqm exhibition centre Tech 2017 - Final exhibitor company... Company country 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. United States Clayco, Inc. United Annapoorna. ; Bulk Solids Processing and Analytics s Anuga Brand Family and has Annapoorna. Fee takes into account MLA 50 % contribution for 10.5sqm booth - further! Germany Clamco Packaging United States Clayco, Inc. United States Annapoorna - ANUFOOD.... 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