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", Lenny helps Angie by suggesting that he eat her. Species All Craft Supplies & Tools. Oscar is one of the two main protagonists (along with Lenny) of the 2004 DreamWorks animated film Shark Tale. Vicious, bloodthirsty, an aggressive killer shark, and a true great white, Frankie was the complete opposite of Lenny in personality: Unlike his brother, Frankie should not hesitate to eat any fish if he was hungry and he often got exasperated by Lenny being reluctant to kill anything. Shark Tale Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Shark-tale-disneyscreencaps.com-9557.jpg. Oscar (Will Smith), a lowly tounge-scrubber at the local Whale Wash, becomes an improbable hero when he tells a great white lie. Found insidePerfect for students who may be new to Dylan’s work as well as longtime fans, this portable, abridged volume of these singular lyrics explores the depth, breadth, and magnitude of one of the world’s most enduring bodies of work. Upon doing so, Lenny has Project Insight target and kill every shark on Earth, despite Don's pleas. Dreamworks Pictures Presents Shark Tale 2 Will Smith as Oscar Jack Black as Lenny Renne Zellweger as Angie Martin Scorsese as Mr. Skyes Ziggley Marley as Ernie Doug E Doug as Bernie Robert De Nerio as Don Lino Vincent Pastore as Luca David Soren as Shrimp Jenny Slate as Sonata Jimmy Fallon as Paul Albert Tsai as Peng, a Boy from Abominable. Lenny is the second-born son of Don Lino and younger brother of Frankie in the animated movie Shark Tale. Lino has light blue eyes, black and white skin. A story about a sexually frustrated young adult who adopts a young dog that ends up showing him many discoveries about himself and others. Shark Tale is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation. Oscar knows exactly what's next for him. A small blue kobold named Gidgit seeks the escort of Vergence deep into the jungle to find his lost friends. Lola 's defeat. The first computer-animated film by DreamWorks Animation to be produced at the Glendale studio, the film stars Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black, and Martin . Oscar and Lenny noticing shrimp doing impressive dance moves. " Lenny ( Jack Black ) try to keep Angie ( Renee Zellweger ) on his mouth but eventually throw up thus revealing himself to his father Don Lino ( Robert De N. Shark Tale. Angie was being attacked by bubbles during the battle of Oscar and Lenny's father. FreddieandDaffersfan's movie spoof of 2004 DreamWorks film "Shark Tale" AKA: The Asian World of Rodent Tale Oscar - Freddie (Freddie as F.R.O.7) Lenny - Kovu (The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride) Angie - Daffers (Freddie as F.R.O.7) Lola - Anna (The King and I) Don Lino - Quint (Timon and Pumbaa) Mr. Sykes - John Darling (Peter Pan) Ernie and Bernie - Timon and Pumbaa (The Lion King) Frankie . He is voiced by Michael Imperioli. Found inside – Page 1There will be children's books related to Finding Nemo, but no adult titles other than this definitive volume. Coming soon! "You always wanted me to be like Frankie. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. ", "Look, I'm just pretending so you can get away. Found insideThe Emperor’s New Clothes: The Tower of Babel in the “Art” World is an 80 page landscape-format book collecting Kinigstein’s political cartoons inveighing against the trends of abstract and modern art through the 20th century. He is the second-born son of Don Lino, and younger brother of Frankie. Oscar dreaming of becoming rich and famous. However, many species of water fairy have webbed feet.) The life cycle of a fairy (When walking in the heather, be careful of the tiny flutterpillar of the Wicklow Fairy, decked out in greens and purples.) Clever fairy camouflage (Reed ... It is paired with Shrek 2 and Invasion of the Tinysauruses . Based on the electrifying novel by Bret Easton Ellis, the musical tells the story of Patrick Bateman, a young and handsome Wall Street banker with impeccable taste and unquenchable desires. Gender Found insideKnown as a "shock jock diva," Wendy Williams has had a following in the nation's number one media market, New York City, and across the nation from the time she became a top-rated radio personality and "It Girl" in the mid-1990s—whether ... Let us know what you think in the comments below!SHARK TALE is the animation movie by Bibo Ber. Don Lino 's rehabilitation. You might think you know. Shark Tale is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by DreamWorks Pictures. Little Chrissy (Chris Cerf) unleashes his inner Jerry Lee Lewis and trashes the piano, in this parody of "Great Balls of Fire".Later lttle chrissy broke the piano at the end of the song. Oscar sneaking Lenny into the reef. Lenny watching an argument between Oscar and Angie, "Tada! It's fine that Angelina Jolie's fish in Shark Tale is explicitly presented as a gold-digging, sexually charged vixen, but Hollywood fears that the mere mention of, say, Lenny the shark liking . Lenny is the second-born son of Don Lino and younger brother of Frankie in the animated movie Shark Tale. Don Lino is Sykes and Lola's former leader and boss, the leader and boss of the Great White Sharks, and Lenny and Frankie's father in the movie Shark Tale. The film additionally features the voices of Jack Black as Lenny, Renée Zellweger as . Found inside – Page 104... at this Williamsburg gallery to honor a new exhibit by Sean Taggart, ... JANUARY 9 THESELMANAIRES Lenny's Having built a cult following working the ... Angelina Jolie as Lola. Found insideThe tale of the legendary golden flower is widely known. The story has been told many times and in many ways. But always the flower is coveted by an old witch to keep herself young and beautiful. He is a blue-streaked cleaner wrasse. Found inside"Smart, polished, successful, Dr. Sheridan Doyle is the go-to forensic psychologist for the Philadelphia DA's office and the scandal-hungry local news. Shark Tale: Directed by Bibo Bergeron, Vicky Jenson, Rob Letterman. this scene when Lenny roars from Shark Tale (2004). Sep 13, 2021 - Explore Jonathan Karangwa's board "Shark tale" on Pinterest. video. Video games The film contains an ensemble cast starring the voices of Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black, and Martin Scorsese . He plays the piano and his favorite song is "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot. Oscar gets Angie out of the bubble. Oscar - Mordecai [Regular Show] [I Sharing him with AnimatedFan195 and Davidchannel 29] Lenny - Ruslan [The Stolen Princess] Angie - Margaret [Regular Show] [I Sharing him with AnimatedFan195 and Davidchannel 29] Lola - Lord Dominator [Wander Over Yonder] [I Sharing him with Jasmine Bryant . Shark Tale (video game) "Remember this name: Oscaaar the shark slayer!" ―Oscar Oscar is the main protagonist of Shark Tale. He was voiced by . Don Edward Lino is the main antagonist in the DreamWorks animated movie Shark Tale. Lino with his pet piranhas. Shark Tale He was voiced by Michael Imperioli, who also played Uriel in Lucifer and Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos.In the film's videogame adaptation, he was voiced by Sean Bishop. "This book takes you through the collection gallery by gallery, illuminating the art and installations in each room"--From preface. This beautiful book is the first comprehensive guide to the collection written in a generation. Luca 's rehabilitation. I'll get you out in a jiffy. Biographical Information Frankie was Don Lino's oldest son and Lenny's brother in the movie Shark Tale. Shark Tale founded on Game Boy Advance Video. Angie gets into Lenny's mouth without knowing that Lenny is trying to help her. Found inside – Page 38Lenny - Musical based on the life of ' blue ' ' comedian , Lenny Bruce , Sept. ... 28 - Oct . 4 , The Tales of Beatrix Potter ( England ) 1971. Lenny cries in anguish right after Frankie's passing. Ernie and Bernie's rehabilitation. Being a bottom feeder, Oscar takes advantage of the situation and makes himself look like he killed the finned mobster. Oscar would prefer to run away from danger rather than fight it. Owns sock puppets. Donald Edward "Don" Lino is the main antagonist of DreamWorks' 9th full-length animated feature film Shark Tale. Unlike typical sharks who are vicious meat eaters, Lenny is a gentle vegetarian shark. He is voiced by Robert De Niro . (DreamWorks Animation logo; after the logo, the moon boy gives a slack as he tosses the wire, with a worm attached, down from the sky to the ocean below, much to the worm shriek. Jun 6, 2017 - Shark Tale (2004) The sea underworld is shaken up when the son of the shark mob boss is found dead and a young fish named Oscar is found at the scene. Found insideA woman wants to find a wealthy man to marry finds a lot more than she bargains for when she enters the abode of Knowleton Whitney, who, in turn, finds a lot more than he bargained for. Will Smith voices Oscar, a fish who gains fame by claiming credit for the accidental death of a much-feared shark. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Thanks! "Okay. The change is clear in the movie, as in the song before the credits, the singers interlock between calling the movie "Sharkslayer" and "Shark Tale". PLOT: The sea underworld is shaken up when the son of the shark mob boss is found dead and a young fish named Oscar is found at the scene. The film additionally features the voices of Jack Black as Lenny, Renée Zellweger as . Alberto Mieza. The formulaic story of Shark Tale never reaches the giddy heights of Pixar's output (Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Toy Story) or the freewheeling comedy of Shrek, but it's capably told and impeccably animated--the sheer technical skill is stunning. Male Lenny isn't an aggressive meat-eating carnivore like his older brother or father, but a vegetarian. 5 out of 5 stars. He is voiced by Jack Black, who later voiced Po in the Kung Fu Panda series. Coming soon! 1 Cast 2 Scenes 3 Locations 4 Gallery 5 Location Gallery Oscar - Miguel (Maya and Miguel) Oscar (Young) - Della Duck (LeapFrog) Don Lino - Mandrake (Epic) Angie - Maggie (Maya and Miguel) Lenny - Thomas (Thomas and Friends) Lola - Moira (Pokémon) Sykes - Binky Barnes (Arthur) Ernie and Bernie - Andy and Theo (Maya and Miguel) Oscar and Angie's Daughter - Inez (Cyberchase) Frankie - Diesel . Coming soon! Martin Scorsese as Sykes. Add to Favorites. The first computer-animated film by DreamWorks Animation to be produced at the Glendale studio, the film stars Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black, and Martin Scorsese. Oscar then traps Don in the whale-wash and leaves him and Lenny . He is usually a friendly and outgoing vegetarian great white shark. Together, he and Oscar faked Lenny's defeat at . He is Sykes, Lola, Luca, and the Great White Sharks ' leader and boss, Lenny and Frankie 's father, and Oscar 's former most personal arch-nemesis. RMS Titanic May 16, 2018 - Explore Megan Bottazzi's board "Shark tale", followed by 105 people on Pinterest. I'm Lenny. He is Angie's boyfriend and co-worker, Lenny's best friend, Lola's ex-boyfriend and the former tongue-scrubber and current co-manager of the Whale Wash. Found inside – Page 128Boyan Milushev , Jennifer Tilly , Richard Chamberlain , Lenny Von Dohlen , Robert ... The Bird with the Glass Feathers ; The Gallery Murders 1970 ( PG ) An ... 1 Biography 1.1 Beginnings 1.2 In Shark Tale 2 Personality 3 Trivia 4 Gallery Coming soon! 3.8 secs Wake up. Now when I turn around, You take off!". "Oh you're a liar." Lenny knows the Sharkslayer is a phony because he was there when the anchor crushed Frankie. Lenny begs Oscar to take him with him. Shark Tale: Gettin' Fishy with It (2004) (TV Movie) the movie is not a sequel to the first-look tv-show, but it's featured in the tv-show. When a son of a gangster shark boss is accidentally killed while on the hunt, his would-be prey and his vegetarian brother decide to use the incident to their own advantage. He is Don Lino's eldest son and Lenny's deceased older brother. He later helped Oscar save Angie, during which Lino grew to think that Lenny had turned against the sharks. Seasalt should be more careful about what route he takes home... especially with a werewolf on the prowl. but you have no idea! Jun 6, 2017 - Shark Tale (2004) The sea underworld is shaken up when the son of the shark mob boss is found dead and a young fish named Oscar is found at the scene. Franklin "Frankie" Lino is the overarching antagonist of DreamWorks' 9th full-length animated feature film Shark Tale.He is Don Lino's eldest son and Lenny's older brother.. Being a bottom feeder, Oscar takes advantage of the situation and makes himself look like he killed the finned mobster. (1,064) $13.11. Illustrated narrative of the evolution, realization, and legacy of the punk aesthetic - from the marginal cultural catalysts behind the movement through the musicians and artists who fourished in its prime to the traces still visible in ... Watch the official SHARK TALE Clip - "Oscar and Lenny" (2004). He is a nonsensical and stupid octopus who works for Don Lino as his consigliere. Lenny is a slender great white shark with green eyes. Images and videos of Don Lino from the animated movie Shark Tale. Aug 19, 2020 - Franklin "Frankie" Lino is the overarching antagonist of DreamWorks' 9th full-length animated feature film Shark Tale. Shark Tale is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by DreamWorks Pictures.Directed by Vicky Jenson, Bibo Bergeron, and Rob Letterman (in Letterman's feature directorial debut), the film contains an ensemble cast starring the voices of Will Smith, Jack Black, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, and Martin Scorsese. He is usually a friendly and outgoing vegetarian great white shark. It tells . Getting up on the Wrong Side of the Seabed, Lenny is Jack Black's first DreamWorks Animation role before Po from. Franklin "Frankie" Lino is the overarching antagonist of DreamWorks' 9th full-length animated feature film Shark Tale.He is Don Lino's eldest son and Lenny's older brother.. His youngest son, Lenny, is a closet vegetarian, but hasn't 'come out' to anyone abou. Lenny vomits out Angie. Frankie Lino is Don Lino's eldest son and Lenny's deceased older brother in the animated movie 'Shark Tale'. Lenny has a heart of gold and he quickly becomes close friends with Oscar. "Let's get this party PUMP PUMP PUMPIN'!" Oscarlicious Fun at the Whale Wash. "Keep up with me don't make me lose ya, "Cause you know I'd lose ya!" Oscar leads the washers in the dance off. Media Information "Moron." ―Frankie's last words. Oscar is one of the two main protagonists (along with Lenny) of the 2004 DreamWorks animated film Shark Tale.He is a deluded, prideful, cool, street-talking rainbow tropical fish, who dreams of fame and fortune, and in order to achieve his goal, he fibs, saying that he slaughtered Frankie, the son of Don Lino and older brother of Lenny, which makes him the famous Sharkslayer. Shark Tale founded on Full Screen version. MOVIE TITLE: Shark Tale. Found inside – Page 1Walt Disney Animation Studios' Big Hero 6 is the story of Hiro Hamada, a brilliant robotics prodigy who must foil a criminal plot that threatens to destroy the fast-paced, high-tech city of San Fransokyo. Marlin - Rapunzel (Tangled) (Might not be a man) Dory - Lenny (Shark Tale) (Might not be a girl) Nemo - Sherman (Mr. Peabody & Sherman) Gill - Manny (Ice Age) Peach - Helen Parr/Elastigirl (The Incredibles) Bloat - Garfield (Garfield: The Movie) Gurgle - Remy (Ratatouille) Deb/Flo - Poppy (Trolls) Bubbles - Olaf (Frozen) Jacques - WALL-E Nigel - Blu (Rio) School Of Moonfish - Penguins (Happy . Found inside"THIS IS THE LAW OF THE JUNGLE, AS OLD AND AS TRUE AS THE SKY. Found inside – Page 98Boyan Milushev , Jennifer Tilly , Richard Chamberlain , Lenny Von Dohlen , Robert ... The Bird with the Glass Feathers ; The Gallery Murders 1970 ( PG ) An ... Found inside – Page 20LENNY MCGURR WAS A TEENAGE CITY COLLEGE dropout in the early seventies, ... He had shows at the Fun Gallery in the East Village and then at Tony Shafrazi's ... Soil - Zazu (The Lion King) Dr. Flora - Pink Ranger (Power Rangers) Thorny - Miles Morales . The other sharks gape at him] Luca : Hey, boss, it's Lenny - he was wearing a disguise so we wouldn't recognise him, but he's not wearing a disguise, so we DO recognise him! If DreamWorks Pictures (including DreamWorks Animation) was ever part of The Walt Disney Company, Shark Tale would've looked like this: 1 VHS Opening 2 VHS Closing 3 DVD Opening 4 Blu-Ray Opening 5 DVD Menus 5.1 Main Menu 5.2 Scene Selection 5.3 Bonus Features 5.4 DreamWorks Kids 5.5 Club Oscar 5.6 Get Your Groove On 5.7 Fin-Filled Scenes 5.8 Laugh Out Loud 5.9 Gross Out! He is a friendly and outgoing vegetarian great white shark. The original title for the movie was "Sharkslayer", but it was changed to "Shark Tale" about a year before release, because Jeffrey Katzenberg thought the title might scare families away (the title still appears in some early promotional material). Status "That's it. Shark Tale is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and released by DreamWorks Pictures, It was directed by Vicky Jenson, Bibo Bergeron and Rob Letterman. Shark Tale takes place in the underwater world of South Side Reef, a crowded metropolis where streams of fish surge between coral skyscrapers, police dolphins deal with traffic chaos caused by an overturned mackerel, lobster-trains scuttle along elevated tracks, and such business as Coral Cola, The Gup, and Old Wavy operate.. One of the inhabitants of the reef is Oscar, a lowly tongue-scrubber . Lino wants Lenny and Frankie (whom he treats like his henchmen) to take over the business and run it together and is infuriated when Oscar gets in the way. 5.10 Dance Scenes 5 . Vincent Pastore (Kevin Pollak) as Luca. Home & Hobby . Movie: Shark Tale (2004)Don Leno is the boss of the great white sharks. Crazy Joe is an escaped mental patent from the Southside Reef Institution . Frankie disapproved of Lenny's compassionate nature and although he did love him, he had no qualms about hitting him, despite his mother telling him and Lenny that they shouldn't hit . Directed by Vicky Jenson, Bibo Bergeron, and Rob Letterman (in Letterman's feature directorial debut), the film contains an ensemble caststarring the voices of Will Smith, Jack Black, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, and Martin Scorsese. Sykes scatting with Lino. "Snap your fin, Sykes! Starlight Glimmer White and the Seven Robots, USA Map Story 1, 2, and 3 (USAMapFan360 Version), First Animal Story (BluandJewelFan360 Version), Home on the Range (JimmyandFriends Style), Princess Fiona (Ogre) - Dory (Finding Nemo Series), The Three Little Pigs - Bowser Jr. Cody & Joseph (SML), The Three Blind Mice - Jerry Remy & Emlie (Ratatouille/Tom and Jerry), The Magic Mirror - King Triton (The Little Mermaid), Thelonious - Chief Pig (Angry Birds Toons), Angry Mobs - Villagers, Hunters & Pigs (Beauty and the Beast/Peter and the Wolf/Angry Birds), Lenny (Shrek) Part 1 - Opening Credits ("All Stars"), Lenny (Shrek) Part 2 - A Flying Talking Donkey, Lenny (Shrek) Part 5 - Lord Bowser/King Triton The Magic Mirror, Lenny (Shrek) Part 6 - Welcome to DuLoc/("Bad Reputation"), Lenny (Shrek) Part 7 - Sharks are like Onions/(I'm On My Way"), Lenny (Shrek) Part 8 - Crossing the Bridge, Lenny (Shrek) Part 10 - Rescuing Princess Rosalina, Lenny (Shrek) Part 12 - Lenny Removed His Helmet, Lenny (Shrek) Part 15 - At Bowser's Home/Rosalina's Bird Song/Make Up. He was voiced by Michael Imperioli, who also played Uriel in Lucifer and Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos. Penguin Tale Part 1; Gallery The movie features anthropomorphic sea animals in an underwater setting, and premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 10, 2004. Eventually, Lenny made up with his father after Oscar admitted that an anchor had killed his brother Frankie. Oscar soon comes to realize that his claim may have serious consequences. Don Lino (father)Unnamed MotherFrankie (older brother; deceased) Together, he and Oscar faked Lenny's defeat at the hands of the "Sharkslayer", and after that, Lenny disguised himself as "Sebastian the Whale Washin' Dolphin". Oscar, Sykes and Lenny (under the disguise of a dolphin called Sebastian) confront him and the rest of the shark mafia. During the meeting, Oscar orders Lenny to execute "Order 6". Lenny isn't an aggressive meat-eating carnivore like his older brother or father, but a vegetarian. A hilarious documented account of a three-year journey through Hollywood, promoting the modern day Michelangelo to the elusive celebrity, in the cultural vacuum known to the outside world as LA. Sykes' rehabilitation. Feature films Monster Tale. In the Japanese dub from the movie, he is . L. LeapFrog Tale (Manuelvil1132 LeapFrog Style) Lena Sabrewing Tale (Manuelvil1132 May Duck Style) File:Lion Cub Tale (Dragon Rockz Shark Tale Style).jpeg. He is the pompous leader of the Great White sharks, Luca's boss, Lola's employer, and Lenny and Frankie's father. Lenny isn't an aggressive meat-eating carnivore like his older brother or father, but a vegetarian. It stars the voices of Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, Renée Zellweger, Jack Black, Martin Scorsese, and Robert De Niro. Shark Tale. Being a bottom feeder, Oscar takes advantage of the situation and makes himself look like he killed the finned mobster. Oscar becomes co-Manager of the Whale Wash. Oscar finishing his new office. Being a bottom feeder, Oscar takes advantage of the situation and makes himself look like he killed the finned mobster. He is voiced by Will Smith. Oscar and Lenny hiding behind the wall. Found insideResearched and illustrated by popular artist Jessica Roux, this book makes a stunning display piece, conversation-starter, or thoughtful gift. Shark Tale is a 2004 computer animated film produced by DreamWorks Animation. See more ideas about shark tale, shark, tales. He frequently annoys Don Lino a lot, although he is very demonstrative and loyal to him. Ziggy Marley as Ernie and Doug E. Doug as Bernie. 2.7 secs Oh, little buddy, did I scare you? Found insidePaul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl is a riotous, razor-sharp bildungsroman whose hero/ine wends his/her way through a world gutted by loss, pulsing with music, and opening into an array of intimacy and connections. Lenny isn't an aggressive meat-eating carnivore like his older brother or father, but a vegetarian. PLOT: The sea underworld is shaken up when the son of the shark mob boss is found dead and a young fish named Oscar is found at the scene. Oscar - Varian [Tangled The Series] [I Sharing him with Anika BoomHeart] Lenny - Thorax [My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic] [I Sharing him with FiverandHeather's Channel] Angie - Athena Elizabeth Harriett [OC] [I Sharing him with Anika BoomHeart] Lola - Marie [Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy] Don Lino . Shark Tale is a 2004 CGI movie from DreamWorks Animation, written by Michael J. Wilson and Rob Letterman. added by Brandondorf9999. The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) (TV Special) Nominated for Best Animated Feature. Frankie also had a tendency of humming the "Jaws"-theme . Michael Imperioli as Frankie. He is Don Lino's eldest son and Lenny's older brother. Crazy Joe is a Hermit crab. Videos. It turns back before the same shark appears, with its top fin briefly blocking . Shark Tale is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by Vicky Jenson, Bibo Bergeron and Rob Letterman. Lenny's rehabilitation. Found insideWiser. And hornier. This time, I won’t fail. Hitched is a red hot, enemies-to-lovers laugh-a-palooza featuring a girl in need of a marriage of convenience and a man in need of a cold shower to keep from falling for his fake wife. His puppets names are Nina and Tina. Found insideThis adorable book featuring word-for-word narration looks just like Doc's Big Book of Boo-Boos, and is jam-packed full of Doc McStuffins fun including an original story featuring Doc and the gang! The founder and 23-year president of Elektra Records captures pivotal scenes of pop culture from 1950-1973, from what happened backstage when Bob Dylan went electric to Jim Morrison's legendary shenanigans. He is voiced by . Sykes the pufferfish, Frankie and Lenny the sharks, Oscar the fish, Lolae fish, Alamy Ernie and Bernie,Oscar, Shark Tale,animated characters . Found inside"On October 13, 2016, Bob Dylan became the first American musician in history to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Shark Tale. Shrek - Lenny (Shark Tale) Donkey - Bo The Donkey (The Star) Princess Fiona - Rosalina (SML) Princess Fiona (Ogre) - Dory (Finding Nemo Series) Lord Farquaad - Bowser (Super Mario) Dragon - Dragon (The Pagemaster) Big Bad Wolf - Black Yoshi (SML) The Three Little Pigs - Bowser Jr. Cody & Joseph (SML) The Three Blind Mice - Jerry Remy & Emlie (Ratatouille/Tom and Jerry) Gingy - Zazu (The Lion . Gallery Images. 3.7 secs Good morning, Southside Reef. High quality Shark Tale-inspired gifts and merchandise. Oscar with Ernie and Bernie. Shark Warning Fish - Isaac the Lion (Baby Einstein) Clown Whale - Petey Piranha (Mario Series) Seahorse Racers - CGI Crayons (Baby Einstein) Sushi Chef (a.k.a Toshi) - Randy the Racoon (Baby Einstein) Balloon Fish - Harry the Hippo (Baby Einstein) Seal - William Longtail (Angelina Ballerina) Scenes. Can a vegetarian shark named Lenny (Jack Black, School of Rock) get Oscar out of this mess? Letterman directed with Bibo Bergeron and Vicky Jenson. Found inside – Page 2110Chaney is wonderful as the gentle giant and mentally retarded Lenny , cared for by ... tale , casting TV's Baretta ( Blake ) as George and Quaid as Lenny . See more ideas about shark tale, shark, tales. Who knew our soldiers had such a variety of animal companions in the two world wars? STUDIO: DreamWorks SKG. With Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Jack Black. Leonard "Lenny" Lino is one of the two main protagonists (along with Oscar) of Shark Tale. Lenny isn't an aggressive meat-eating carnivore like his older brother or father, but a vegetarian. He is one of Oscar's friends. Sebastian the Whale Washin' Dolphin! STUDIO: DreamWorks SKG. Young Oscar cruelly taunted by his class for admiring his father being a tongue scrubber. I'm Katie Current, keeping it current. Lenny begging Oscar to take him home with him. Lino and Lenny arriving at the Whale Wash with the Mob. "Oh you're a liar." The film features fun things like sexist portrayals of women, fish with boobs, and a smattering of vaguely prejudiced jokes. Lenny has a heart of gold and he quickly becomes close friends with Oscar. Personality [] He is usually a friendly and outgoing vegetarian great white shark. In anguish right after Frankie & # x27 ; t an aggressive meat-eating carnivore like his older brother ( the... Helped Oscar save Angie, during which Lino grew to think that Lenny had turned against the sharks movie anthropomorphic... 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