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With an impressive indoor water park, you and your children can gain access to a wide variety of slides and pools. A four-season all-inclusive resort in the Poconos, Woodloch Resort offers family meals, a variety of lodging and myriad activities to keep kids and parents busy. It is easily accessible from I-80, exit 309. With a number of swimming pools, water-sports like kayaking and water-skiing, scavenger hunts, a petting zoo, multiple playgrounds, paintball and so much more, there isn’t going to be any time for you or your family to feel the boredom setting in. Found inside – Page 107Do you plan to take a skiing vacation (anything longer 4. ... Park City Chamber/Bureau, Ut. Park City Ski Area, Ut. Pico, Vt. Pocono Mountains. Woodloch Resort The Woodloch Resort offers four seasons of activities for families visiting . Downhill skiing has evolved dramatically in the 70+ years since, and while the Pocono slopes havenât become any more precipitous, the facilities now include high-speed lifts, grooming and snowmaking, and terrain parks to keep up with the latest slope styles. And Big Boulder is great for little kids. Everything was great. A 3,000-foot-long terrain park with music gives teens plenty of room to rock on their boards. Once you're done having fun at the resort, take some time to explore the Poconos. Guests of the hotel enjoy access to Aquatopia, which features 13 waterslides, a lazy river, spray ground and more. If you are looking for maximum comfort with great functionality, you can choose from amongst the wide range of accommodation options — ranging from standard rooms to larger suites and multi-bedroom condos. We have 3137 hotels in Pocono Mountains from $67 to $175. See more ski & snowboard areas for kids in Pocono Mountains Region on Tripadvisor. All of Camelbackâs 800-foot vertical is lit up and open for night skiing too. See Poconos Web Cams - These "micro-climates" can sometimes be experienced adjacent to the ski resorts with temperatures at the base of the mountain being 8-10 degrees warmer than at the top. Related: Fun Things to Do in The Poconos with Kids. From Business: Located in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, Woodfield Manor, a Sundance Vacations Resort, is an ideal spot for any type of vacation. If your kids are anything like ours, they like their slopes sprinkled with hits, spines, rails and rolls (see our  ski slang translation) â they will find generous portions of halfpipes and parks in the Pocono Mountains, as well as tubing parks. The hotel gives you basic, yet comfortable rooms that give off a cozy vibe. For many of these homes you'll need an agent from USA Realty to show you the homes that you might want to consider buying. Found inside – Page 148Shawnee Mountain Ski Resort. Pocono family ski vacation packages. 36. Sierra Ski Marketing Council. Send for Reno/Tahoe skiers planning guide. 37. Let us customize a package for you, your family or your group, We can arrange inclusive packages with meals, group rates (over 10 rooms) Multi ski resort ticket packages (ski around) ! This is a fair sized property with 401 guestrooms and 4 restaurants. Ski Resorts and Hotels (167) Romantic Getaways & Hotels (142) Hotels with Pools (104) Hotels with Free Parking (104 . Found insideFor your FREE Poconos Vacation Guide & Ski Brochure call 1-800-762-6667* 1 ... Ski Big Tupper, Your Adirondack Family Getaway $59.00 Ski & Stay Includes ... Traveling with the family is extra special, and such instances require some in-depth study into what vacation packages each hotel has to offer to patrons of all ages. This is a fair sized property with 401 guestrooms and 4 restaurants. Forget the small, manmade hill in your backyard and bundle up the kids for a mountainously good time! Pocono Mountains Ski Resorts: The Ultimate Family Snow Day. This includes an indoor and outdoor pool, riding stables for the horse enthusiasts, a golf course, driving range, as well as courts and lawns for basketball, tennis, croquet and so much more. People visit the Poconos to experience our couples resorts and our Family Resorts and Water Parks. Shawnee Mountain Ski Area is a family favorite in the Poconos with 23 slopes and trails, including the Pocono Plunge Snow Tubing Park, and two Terrain Parks that feature boxes, spines, rails, rollers, stairs, wall ride, and a sound . Find up-to-date COVID-19 traveler resources on the visitPA website. Browse our collection of skier and snowboarder-submitted reviews for Poconos ski resorts to see which mountains claimed the top spot in each category. Unique on-mountain dining options feature both outdoor dining and takeout options. Designed to suit every taste, "Ski Hotels serves as an illustrated guide to the best resorts in Europe, North and South America, Australia, and Japan, Includes an introduction and informative captions. If you want to spend your time outside, you can try your hand at fishing, canoeing or even kayaking on the lake. ALPINE MOUNTAIN SKI & SNOW TUBING CENTER. Which ski resorts in East Stroudsburg are good for families? The fresh mountain air is calling you! Found inside – Page 133For Immediate Information Contact The Pocono Ski Areas and Resorts Below mm For Your FffffSki the Poconos Brochure and Travel Guide Call 1«800*POCOKOS ... Found inside – Page 158SKIING Thanks to an average of 60 inches of snow per year, the Poconos have seven ... Each of the seven resorts caters to families. but Blue Mountainls ... Web Developer: IMS-21. Found insideFor your FREE Poconos Vacation Guide & Ski Brochure call 1-800-762-6667* ... Ski Big Tupper, Your Adirondack Family Getaway $59.00 Ski & Stay Includes ... Located right on Lake Wallenpaupack, the resort is an amalgamation of rustic charms as well as first-class amenities that can be enjoyed to the fullest in the summer months. Our experienced sales team will set you up in the right gear. Many of our readers are already familiar with the Great Wolf set up. The mountain boasts the state's highest vertical drop, 1,082 thrilling feet of downhill. Pocono Lake, PA. 9 Best Family Friendly Hotels in Vermont – That All Ages Love! Found inside – Page 963BT Ski resorts — Pennsylvania Camelback Esplanade ( Phoenix , Ariz . ) ( NA9053.N4 BT Buildings - Arizona Camelback in the Poconos ( Pa . ) ... Take in the fall splendor during the day and splash down at the award-winning Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark in the evenings. Eight parks make this premier destination for skiers and snow boarders of all levels to come and test their skills on the beginner to black diamond hills. Travel time: 2 hours by car. Our Activities. Approximately 45 minutes away. Explore the area's family fun attractions, kids activities at the resort or go wild at one of our water parks!From the traditional to the extreme, the family resorts of the Pocono . Pocono Ski Rentals is a family-friendly ski rental shop that has been open for over 40 years. Camelback Lodge is one of the best family-friendly resorts in the Poconos not just because of the fantastic hospitality but also because of the number of activities there are for you to take part in. 15 Best Family Hotels in Wyoming — That All Ages Love! The area features over 65,000 acres of outdoor space to explore. Would you like to submit an event to the calendar? Split Rock Resort is packed full of fun for the whole family. There are also multiple dining options for all different tastes. Book smarter and stay longer when you plan your next getaway! 01/05/21. Thereâs plenty to do if you donât downhill ski during Pocono winters. Their 18 trails, seven lifts, and terrain park provide great family winter recreation for all skill levels. These mountain and skiing pictures are sourced by our editorial team, the ski resorts themselves, as well as uploaded to our OnTheSnow Ski & Snow Report Mobile App thanks to skiers and riders like you! Related: Best Family Resorts in Pennsylvania. Better in the Poconos tells the story of Pennsylvania&’s premier vacationland from its earliest days to the present. There are several great Poconos ski resorts in this gorgeous mountain region, which can quench anyone's thirst for some action and fresh forest air. It also has the most lifts and usually short lift lines. Split Rock Resort. Perfect for couples and/or families! Related: Best Things to Do in The Pocono Mountains. Several of the resorts in the Poconos cater to families and feature family-friendly . The best part about this resort is that the activities are designed in a way that there will be something for children of all ages to do and enjoy. Whether you are looking for family fun, multiple terrain parks, or snow tubing, the slopes near Scranton have something for everyone. Resorts, Ski Resorts, Water Parks. Website. It also offers snowboarding, snow tubing and terrain parks. A family-friendly ski area, Shawnee Mountain Ski Area offers excellent children's programs, complete beginners' packages, and some great terrain for the advanced skier and rider. Travel. Ski Jack Frost Big Boulder 1308 Foyt Rd. Go Downhill Among all of the ski resorts in the Poconos, Ski Big Bear's unique set-up makes the experience even more approachable. In the winter, it's a ski-in/ski-out resort with a free ski shuttle and ski storage. Shawnee Mountain Ski Area. Found inside – Page 81Breckenridge Ski Resort, CO 8. Colorado Ski Country USA, ... Fernwood Resort 61. Kelley's Inn the Poconos 62. ... The Family Channel 190. Toyota Tercel 191. The Woodlands Inn, An Ascend Hotel Collection Member - Traveler rating: 4.0/5. Great Wolf Lodge Poconos Resort. Shawnee Mountain Ski Area in the heart of the Pocono ski region has plenty of lifts (a quad, a triple and 6 double chairs) to get you up the 700-foot hill for skiing and riding on 23 trails, covered 100% with snowmaking. Route 447 Analomink, PA 18320. Found inside – Page 145For additional information on the resorts, products and services listed below, ... Pocono Mountains Vacation Bureau 35. ... Trapp Family Lodge 79. This resort is part of a chain that has multiple properties across the United States. Hidden Valley Resort is not so hidden, but its a gem of a winter destination for families with perfectly contained 110 skiable acres, with 26 trails, two terrain parks and a top notch learn to ski and snowboard. Soon, other honeymoon resort owners followed and by the 1950's, resorts in the Poconos became a lucrative business. There is also skiing, tennis, hiking and more. © Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Specializing in private beginner lessons, Ski Big Bear is open for skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing with 100% snowmaking. 418 reviews. If you'd like to read what fellow ski bums have to say, there are 16666 reviews that you can scroll through. Learn more about cookie data in our Privacy Policy, National Ski Areas Association’s Ski Well Be Well program, the Pennsylvania Ski Area Association website. Little ones will love splashing around in 53,000-square-feet of wave pools . Found insidePlan your ski vacation now! Great Skiing 2 hours from NYCoRPhila. The BIG Pocono Ski Area FREE RESERVATION SERVICE: N. Y. C. direct line: 925-8760 Phila. You can get more information on any home or an appointment to view by filling out the form at the bottom of the page or calling 570-517 . Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date on even more great trip ideas and places to visit around our state. Roundtop Mountain resort is near the state capital, with beefy snowmaking, just enought trails and lifts, and a tubing park, in Lewisbberry PA. Alpine has 21 trails with a 550-foot vertical drop, features a terrain park and half pipe plus a tubing hill open day and night. If you want the feel of a traditional mountain lodge with the amenities that make it ideal for families, Skytop Lodge is a great option to consider in the Pocono Mountains. Found inside – Page 376SKIING For a comprehensive list of ski resorts in the region, contact the Pocono Mountains Visitor Bureau (800-762-6667; www.800poconos.com). We’re bettign taht Vail Resorts will also invest in these Penn state ski ares! Found inside – Page 136Fernwood Resort ( 800 ) 233-8103 Snow Report : ( 717 ) 588-9500 Route 209 ... at this family - oriented resort is open for cross - country skiing when the ... Whether it's a day trip from NYC or an all-week getaway, it's easy to enjoy the best skiing in the Poconos over and over again. Located at the base of Camelback mountain on Great Wolf Dr, Scotrun PA. For some after-hours fun, the slope-side Foggy Goggle bar and late-night Matterhorn club can't be missed! Blue Mountain offers 6 terrain parks for every skill level. They also enjoy nine restaurants, mini-golf, a ropes course, rock-climbing wall, arcade, and art studio . Shawnee Mountain Ski Area. That's why we offer ski and snowboard lessons for kids to learn basic skills, grow their current skills and become more confident skiers and snowboarders. Voted the "Best Ski Resort in the Poconos" 2002,3,4,5,6,7 and 2015. Poconos Ski Resorts Packages. Found inside – Page 62-illII ennsylvania's Pocono Mountains are a paradox: flamboyant honeymoon havens ... With its wide open, sunlit runs, Alpine specializes in family skiing. (570) 580-6000. Found inside – Page 114... for the Snow Peak ski-resort in the Poconos”, the caller on the other end of the line explained to me, after I asked him who was calling. Blakeslee, PA. Package Includes room (or suite) and 2 lift tickets per reservation per night for Jack . Jeshua Nace. Found inside – Page 117THE POCONOS Skiers living in the Washington-Philadelphia-New York City corridor ... packages this season that make skiing affordable for almost any family. Found inside – Page 86The BIG Pocono Ski Area FREE RESERVATION SERVICE: N. Y. C. direct line: ... intermediates and experts, single skiers were turning into family skiers. You can ice-skate across area lakes and ponds, explore the rolling countryside on snowshoe or cross-country skis, or just sit back and relax during a horse-drawn sleigh ride. All these ski areas are totally geared to newbie skiers and young families; many are equipped with on-site daycare, rental equipment and ski schools for learning kids and adults. We have family resorts and package deals just for you. This resort has a 27-hole golf course, a spa, and lots of outdoor adventures for every age group, such as archery and river trips. Stay at The Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort for spacious accommodations and delights that are fun for the entire family! great all inclusive resort for families with teens, Fun Things to Do in The Poconos with Kids. Eastern Pennsylvania's Poconos Mountains resorts provide excellent conditions for skiing and snowboarding. Think cruise ship on land, with myriad amenities including swimming pools, lake watersports, go-karts, and family fun such as contests and scavenger hunts. Found insideWHERE TO SKI: EAST POCONO MANOR, Pennsylvania Alpine and cross-country too ... feet) and gears its facilities to families seeking solid intermediate skiing. From a…. Big Boulder is now owned Vail Resorts, along with sister resorts Jack Frost, Roundtop, Liberty, Hidden Valley, and Attitash, Wildcat and Crotched in New Hampshire, and Mount Snow in Vermont, and Hunter in New York. Great ski lessons and rental equipment. Shawnee Mountain Ski Area is located just three short miles from our historic Pocono resort. A four-season all-inclusive resort in the Poconos, Woodloch Resort offers family meals, a variety of lodging and myriad activities to keep kids and parents busy. Family vacations need to be wholesome and that is exactly what Silver Birches promises to give you. Enjoy spending time with your family and friends in any one of our well appointed Poconos vacation rentals.The Lake Harmony area is a great place for fun and relaxation all year round and Pocono Mountain Rentals offers a wide range of family style homes for groups of all sizes. Just under two hours away from New York City, the Poconos is a great place to enjoy some family fun! When looking for great Poconos ski resorts, Camelback Mountain offers a wealth of different resorts for every budget, and endless activities for people of all ages. Split Rock Resort is packed full of fun for the whole family. Once you check in to one of the many accommodation options available at the property, you will gain access to the resort’s enormous indoor water park with multiple pools, water slides, surfing simulators and so much more. It is easily accessible from I-80, exit 309. Found inside – Page 221As we became more proficient in skiing, the Pocono ski areas were getting to be not challenging enough for us, and we started going to Vermont to ski. Jack Frost, aka JFBB - Jack Frost Big Boulder, an hour from Phillie in teh Poconos, is an intermediate ski mountain (600 . These ski areas all make snow, like churning out ice cream, to provide consistent conditions â since Mother Nature is so darned mercurial these days. Check out the latest ski and snowboard photos from Poconos ski resorts via the gallery below. By the 1990s the ski industry was the biggest draw to the region. Found inside – Page 83Do you plan to take a skiing vacation (anything longer 4. ... Bear Mountain Ski Resort, Calif. 3. ... Pocono Mountain Vacation Bureau-Ski The Poconos. 45. 10 Best Resorts in Poconos for Families – That All Ages Love! Blue Mountain. Web: www.alpinemountain.com. 18. These are the best places for kid-friendly ski & snowboard areas in Pocono Mountains Region: Blue Mountain Resort. " In 46 reviews. Alpine Mountain is your family friendly learn-to-ski destination. Sep 20 - Sep 21. While many of the signature properties in the Poconos region may be considered historic, the Bushkill Inn is an exception. In addition to the playgrounds, your children may enjoy the Inn’s movie nights and ice cream socials as well. This family-owned property welcomed its first guests back in 1958 and the wide range of activities and entertainment options just seem to increase with each passing year. Pricey. The Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort is also a nice place for families in the Poconos, especially families with older kids. Ski packages oriented towards weekend skiing or families with children are available from different resorts at Big Bear including Woodloch and East Shore. Skytop Lodge is one of the highest rated Poconos all inclusive resorts and the only conventional resort suitable for families (as the others are couples only). The resort also has a ton of dining and playing options for people of all age groups. Kids will love the water parks and splash pads which really do suit all ages. In addition, many places in the Poconos provide lessons for those who want to improve their skiing skills. The new Camelback Lodge offers ski-in/ski-out access, the only such accommodations in the Poconos. Pocono Holiday Resorts: Resort directory featuring a complete list of 16 Holiday Resorts. Big Boulder was the first commercial ski area to open in Pennsylvania in 1946. The resort promises that old-world feel by giving you the chance to swim along the coast of the lake! If you're a beginner skier and want to start with a few trips down the bunny slopes, see if your Pocono Mountains ski hotel or the nearby facilities offer lessons. Forget the small, manmade hill in your backyard and bundle up the kids for a mountainously good time! The Pocono Mountains draw families to this scenic corner of Pennsylvania from the New York City area, Philadelphia, and across the country. 1 hours ago Expedia.com Show details . There are just as many options catered to your family. This winter playground is a drive to destination for tens of million major metro regions, so you can pack up the car and drive to your week of winter play (read: no airfare required). Along with comfortable stay options, the lodge offers a bunch of different amenities that will keep you and your children busy at all times of the day. Found inside – Page 49BIG BOULDER, Pennsylvania Half a Pocono doubleheader Big Boulder and Jack ... These take the ouch out of being a skiing family, and it's maily families that ... A fun place to learn to ski, families can spend the weekend at Ski Sawmill in one of four lodging options at the resort, ranging from a farmhouse to the Mountain Inn. Guests traveling with children often prefer lodging with kitchen facilities, like the condo rentals offered by Shawnee Village Resort and Countryside Housekeeping Cottages. 15 Best Family Hotels in Washington — That All Ages Love. Options are just as plentiful in summer: hiking, swimming, boating, zip lines and adventure ropes courses, plus The accommodation ranges from standard rooms to extravagant suites to even tents and specialty options. Ski Big Bear, located in Lackawaxen, is a great Pennsylvania family ski resort for intermediate skiers. This family-friendly Pocono Lake cabin is located in Riverside Estates, within 3 mi (5 km) of Lehigh River and Arrowhead Lake. Resorts at the Poconos are available for both family and couples only. Maine Ski Resort Guide Alpine Mountain is near Shawnee with has a very family-friendly Penguin Play Park for the littlest tykes. 3. Best Family Resorts in the Northeast U.S. Best Things to Do in The Pocono Mountains. Found inside – Page 83Purgatory/Durango Ski Resort, Colo. 33. Sheraton Steamboat, Colo. 34. ... Colorado Resort Net-Internet Ski Directory 136. ... Kelley's Inn the Poconos 114. Best Ski Resorts Outside of the Poconos for Families. Ski with the whole family. Massachusetts Ski Directory, ©All Rights Reserved on all Stories and Photos on this Web Site. Featured Winter 2020 Ski and Stay Package. This family-owned property welcomed its first guests back in 1958 and the wide range of activities and entertainment options just seem to increase with each passing year. Like sister resort Big Boulder, which shares its management, its very family oriented. Found inside – Page 2✓^V^jOelley's Inn The Poconos Lehigh Road-PO Box 38 %y Gouldsboro, PA 18424 Coincident • Ouaint • Cozv • Centrallv located to all Pocono Mountain Ski Areas ... Found inside – Page 137Do you plan to take a skiing vacation (anything longer 4. Please check the ski ... Brian Head Ski & Summer Resort, Ut. 12. ... 1-800-POCONOS (762-6667) 44. All of Camelback's 800-foot vertical is lit up and open for night skiing too. Now, the Poconos also serve as an excellent retreat for families. Winter Fun at Camelback. Group lessons for kids ages 8 and older are available, as well as private lessons for those ages 3 and up. For families craving adventure, there is a smorgasbord of activities on tap all year. You can spend some time kayaking with your children or simply kick back and concentrate on fishing. Secure payments, 24/7 support and a Book with Confidence guarantee My final entry on this list of family resorts in the Poconos is Shawnee Inn. When the weather turns cold and the Pocono Mountains get blanketed with snow, Camelback Mountain's Ski Resort gears up for family skiing, riding and snowtubing at the country's largest snowtube park boasting 42 lanes. $$$. Related: Best Family Resorts in the Northeast U.S. Services and hospitality are top priorities with 125 acres for skiing, 23 trails, and two terrain parks, making Shawnee Mountain a favorite for family and beginning skiers. Poconos winter resorts also provide indoor recreation and group activities when you don't want to ski. Elk Mountain Ski Resort 344 Elk Mountain Rd, Union Dale, PA 18470. That means skiers can buy the Epic Pass and ski their favorite Pennsylvania ski hill, and plan a trip to Vail, Whistler, Park City of Lake Tahoe too on the same pass! Kids will love the water parks and splash pads which really do suit all ages. Blue Mountain Pennsylvania. For more destination information, click Add to Compare to see a side-by-side comparison of Poconos ski resorts (up to 10 total). from visitPA.com. The Poconos is the ideal location for a family ski trip. Camelback is the largest Pennsylvania ski area, and also the best for families, with 33 trails and 13 lifts including two high-speed quads. The scenic snow-covered hills are an easy change of pace from the usual rat race. People learned to ski in the Poconos and moved onto bigger mountains, helping to grow . The ski area near Lake Wallenpaupack is only 30 minutes from Silver Birches Resort, so you can stay lakeside while you slide the mountainside. 1. When it comes to packing, however, there can be a bit of confusion over how and what to pack. This resort — set across 7,000 acres of land — is perfect if you like the rustic nature of the old but the comforts of the new. The Poconos mountains in Pennsylvania give you all of this and more. Good for: Adventure; At Camelback Mountain, you'll find yourself at the largest ski resort in the Poconos. The deep snow and spectacular scenery of the Poconos have made the area a top winter skiing destination. No need to pack a lunch because the resort’s Slopeside Pub & Grill, a full-service mountaintop restaurant, currently offers guests delicious takeout options. Found insideIn the Pocono Mountains there are seven ski areas that provide skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and even dog sledding during the winter months, ... Many of our readers are already familiar with the Great Wolf set up. There are so many resorts to choose from that one would have to make their decision carefully to ensure that it caters to the needs of all involved. One of the longest standing resorts on this list, Skytop Lodge — with its 5,500-acre grounds — has been hosting guests since 1928. Sign up for our "Happy Thoughts" newsletter. The mountain features 18 trails, 650 feet of vertical drops, and six lifts. A family oriented ski resort in eastern PA, Shawnee Mountain is located right outside East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania! Found inside – Page 101FOR IMMEDIATE INFORMATION CONTACT THE POCONO SKI AREAS AND RESORTS BELOW ... .Great Packages available to accommodate skiers, families and ski groups. Before you know it, the entire family will be skiing pros. Set across the vast expanse of woodlands and a beautiful lake, Inn at Pocono Manor is one of the top-rated options when it comes to Pocono Mountain family resorts. Discover 366 ski-in/ski-out vacation rentals to book online direct from owner in Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Ski Big Bear. The resort’s expansive beginner terrain and award-winning instructional programs will have the little ones schussing down the mountain in no time. $216. Shawnee also offers a six lane-tubing hill. 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