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Japanese, Sushi Bars. Sushi platter with a variety of different sushi served along with even cut veggies. $4.50 Spicy Tuna Roll. Sushi and Sashimi Platter 8 pieces of nigiri, 9 pieces of sashimi, Katana roll 30. 2110 South 67th St Suite 102. Delivery & Pickup Options - 213 reviews of Ponzu Sushi and Grill "I've been looking forward to this place opening since I heard the owner of Jimi D's was opening a sushi place. Ponzu Sushi offers authentic sushi and a wide variety of hot food. *poke bowls *sushi burritos *boba tea *poke bowls *sushi burritos *boba tea *poke bowls *sushi burritos *boba tea NOW OPEN FOR DINE IN, TO-GO AND DELIVERY!!!! 2 ounces imitation crab, shredded. Black Hawaiian sea salt or spicy togarashi, Steamed or fried, sweet and spicy ponzu sauce, Shrimp, whitefish, scallop, tomato, avocado, cucumber, wonton basket, Fried chicken wings, crushed peanuts, sweet and spicy sticky sauce, Crispy pork, sake pickle, cilantro, carrot, hoisin sauce, steamed buns, Crispy onion, local white cheddar, Boston lettuce, plum ketchup, pretzel bun, Crispy corn tortilla, sesame seeds, green cabbage, spicy mayo, pineapple pico, Certified Angus Beef® brand tip medallion, bulgogi marinade, sticky rice, Add: Chicken +4 | shrimp, salmon or steak kebab +6, Kale, brussels sprouts, beets, radicchio, carrots, kohlrabi, croutons, classic caesar dressing, Mixed greens, strawberry, almonds, goat cheese, raspberry vinaigrette dressing, Savory broccoli, edamame, peanuts, cucumber, rice noodle, shredded carrot, cabbage, scallion, cilantro, peanut dressing, Avocado, grape tomato, red onion, edamame, almonds, wasabi cucumber dressing, jalapeno raspberry sauce, Mixed greens, cabbage slaw, edamame, red onion, red pepper, crispy wonton, Japanese Wafu Dressing, Blackened basa, avocado, red cabbage slaw, cilantro lime aioli, mango salsa, corn tortilla, ½ lb wagyu patty, local white cheddar, bibb lettuce, tomato, brioche Add: avocado +1 | grilled shiitake +1 | fried egg +1 | bacon +1.5, Crispy pork, cob smoked ham, sake pickle, provolone, sriracha mustard, Grilled chicken, provolone, bacon, carrot ginger cole slaw, spicy peanut sauce, brioche, Grilled chicken breast, coconut jasmine rice, grilled asparagus, Sesame seared ahi tuna, cauliflower puree, soy glazed asparagus, balsamic glaze, Slow roasted pulled pork, six minute egg, radish sprout, shiitake mushroom, red cabbage, scallions, Grilled tofu, seared shiitake mushrooms, edamame, carrot, avocado, sticky rice, seaweed, red pepper, cucumber, Ponzu broth, scallion, green beans, snap pea, carrot, cilantro, shiitake mushroom Add: chicken +4 | steak kebab or shrimp +6, Wild caught salmon, edamame puree, sticky rice, sesame green bean, Ahi tuna poke, spicy crab mix, avocado, cucumber, carrot, seaweed salad, edamame, sticky rice, poke sauce, Beef or shrimp kebab, pan-fried jasmine rice, egg, peas, carrots, scallions, Vanilla bean ice cream, miso caramel sauce. Come enjoy fresh unique sushi and much more. Here are just a few ideas: As a Finishing Sauce – add to stir-fries, vegetables, cold noodles, tofu, brush over sushi, serve with tataki (lightly grilled fish or meat), or sprinkle over your entree and side dish There are two routes you can take to make this sauce: Come enjoy fresh unique sushi and much more. 455 reviews of Ponzu Sushi Bar "That's my first time there. *These foods may contain raw or undercooked meat or seafood, Leonard Kreusch Riesling, Piesporter Germany, Bricco Riella "Sparkling" Moscato d'Asti, Italy. You want to sink your teeth into this yummy treat! Choice of chicken or steak, avocado, cream cheese and wrapped in seaweed paper and topped with teriyaki sauce. Sushi and More sent me 4 different types of Sushi to try out and I'm glad this place helped me change my perception about Sushi. Place Order Call (623) 547-2727 Get directions Get Quote WhatsApp (623) 547-2727 Message (623) 547-2727 Contact Us Find Table Make Appointment. Noodles, beautiful noodles make your mouth water, OH! Though the commitment to quality has not wavered, Godfather’s Pizza now serves several kinds of Pizza Pie Piled High® with all your favorite offerings, including gluten free. Sushi Haru is located in Kansas City, Missouri where we serve Seafood Combo Tempura, Seaweed Salad, Tonkatsu, Chicken Teriyaki, Sushi, and more! Get Directions. 212 Reviews. SUSHI AND SASHIMI FOR TWO (8pcs nigiri and 12pcs sashimi plus one special roll from speical roll list up to $15) $52.90. Raw tuna marinated in our own spicy sauce, with cucumber wrapped with seaweed and sushi rice. Genji Japanese Steakhouse $$ Japanese. Thank you for all the years of love, support, and patronage 12411 West Center Road Suite 101 Omaha, NE 68144 (402) 506-6999. Business Hours. Ponzu Sushi Grill is a restaurant located in Omaha, Nebraska at 2110 South 67th Street. Happy hour pricing does not apply to carry-out orders ! A delicious mix of cooked whitefish, avocado, cucumber, wakame (seaweed), Masago and sushi rice. Our Teppanyaki Grill chefs will dazzle and entertain you with their culinary … CONSUMER ADVISORY: Thoroughly cooking foods of animal origin, such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, pork, poultry or shellfish reduces the risk of foodborne illness. Drop us a line: With a sleek interior and fun atmosphere, Ponzu is a favorite date spot to catch dinner before the show or just grab a cocktail on the patio. Sashimi (3 pieces) 9 | Nigiri (2 pieces) 7, Sashimi (3 pieces) 8 | Nigiri (2 pieces) 6, Sashimi (3 pieces) 7 | Nigiri (2 pieces) 5, Sashimi add to roe +1 | Nigiri (2 pieces) 4, Sashimi (3 pieces) 8.5 | Nigiri (2 pieces) 6.5, Sashimi (3 pieces) 7.5 | Nigiri (2 pieces) 5.5, Tempura soft shell crab, avocado, masago, cucumber, spicy mayo, Cali roll, tuna, salmon, shrimp, whitefish, Crab, avocado, cucumber, panko, sweet chili sauce, Broiled eel, avocado, cucumber, unagi sauce, Fried salmon, avocado, panko, carola sauce, Broiled eel, cucumber, avocado, unagi sauce, Spicy tuna, spicy crab, tempura shrimp, avocado, cilantro, tuna Sashimi, jalapeno, carola sauce, wicked ponzu, Spicy tuna, tempura scallion, spicy crab, spicy sauce, jalapeno, Spicy salmon, grilled shrimp, avocado, cilantro, grilled jalapeno, wicked ponzu, Crab, avocado, cream cheese, tempura scallion, opah sashimi, yuzu ponzu, Grilled shrimp, avocado, seared albacore, spicy sauce, Spicy salmon, avocado, seared escolar, wicked ponzu, Spicy tuna, spicy crab, tempura jalapeno, cilantro, Crab, tempura scallion, cream cheese, avocado, salmon sashimi, yuzu tobiko, yuzu ponzu, Grilled shrimp, spicy crab, avocado, cilantro, soy marinated escolar, Spicy tuna, avocado, red pepper, cucumber, seared albacore, jalapeno, wicked ponzu, Spicy crab, avocado, cilantro, albacore, black tobiko, jalapeno, wicked ponzu, Spicy tuna, tempura shrimp, masago, avocado, bibb lettuce, Spicy crab, tempura red pepper, avocado, cilantro, seared escolar, wicked ponzu, soy paper, Spicy crab, cream cheese, avocado, jalapeno, baked salmon, carola sauce, Soft shell crab tempura, cream cheese, avocado, wasabi mayo, Fried salmon, spicy crab, red pepper, avocado, jalapeno raspberry sauce, Crab, tempura shrimp, broiled eel, black tobiko, unagi sauce, Fried salmon, asparagus, cream cheese, unagi sauce, Spicy crab, avocado, seared beef tender, shoestring onions, carola sauce, Spicy tuna, avocado, tempura fried, spicy crab, masago, unagi sauce, Salmon, crab, escolar, mango, tempura fried, mango sauce, toasted coconut, Tempura shrimp, spicy crab, panko, sweet chili sauce, Spicy tuna, tempura shrimp, avocado, cilantro, baked with spicy crab, dynamite sauce, Shrimp tempura, crab, cucumber, avocado, panko, mango sauce, toasted coconut, Fried salmon, red pepper, cream cheese, panko, spicy mango sauce, Tuna, yellowtail, cream cheese, tempura fried, guacamole, Fried calamari, spicy crab, kaiware, spicy lemon aioli, Tempura shrimp, cream cheese, cucumber, jalapeno, kanikama, unagi sauce, wasabi mayo, Spicy crab, cream cheese, cilantro, jalapeno, avocado, tempura fried, chili garlic sauce, Tempura shiitake mushroom, red pepper, avocado, panko, soy paper, Tempura asparagus, cream cheese, carrots, red pepper, avocado, cucumber, panko, unagi sauce, Avocado, tempura, baby corn, red peppers, asparagus, rolled with panko & ponzu cilantro sauce, Red pepper, kaiware, lime, black sea salt, Salmon sashimi, mixed greens, lemon dill vinaigrette, fried capers, Spicy crab, cucumber, avocado, red pepper, scallions, cilantro lime vinaigrette, Available 11am - 3pm everyday Includes beverage, miso soup or salad, Roll choices Cali Roll - crab, avocado, cucumber Crunchy Cali Roll - crab, avocado, cucumber, panko, sweet chili sauce Tekka Roll* - tuna Spicy Tekka Roll* - spicy tuna, cucumber Sake Roll* - salmon Spicy Sake Roll* - spicy salmon Veggie Roll - cucumber, red pepper, kaiware, avocado Crunchy Veggie Roll - tempura asparagus, cream cheese, carrots, red pepper, avocado, cucumber, panko, unagi sauce Negi Hamachi Roll* - yellowtail, scallions Crazy Crab - spicy crab, avocado, panko, unagi sauce Berry Bomb - fried salmon, spicy crab, red pepper, avocado, jalapeño raspberry sauce Rising Sun - fried salmon, red pepper, cream cheese, panko, mango sauce Salmon Carola - fried salmon, avocado, panko, carola sauce, Nigiri Combo* 1 Hamachi Nigiri 1 Maguro Nigiri 1 Sake Nigiri 1 Ebi Nigiri, Sashimi Combo* 1 Hamachi Sashimi 1 Maguro Sashimi 1 Sake Sashimi 1 Escolar, Rum, ginger beer, lime juice, fresh ginger, Tequila, triple sec, sour mix, pomegranate liquor, Vodka, fresh berries, ginger beer, lime juice, Bourbon, candied orange and ginger, rye infused cherries, Tequila, jalepeno, triple sec, sour, lime, salt, Rum, mint, lime, muddled berries, berry simple syrup, Light rum, dark spiced rum, orange juice, pineapple juice, grenadine, spiced cherries, Gin, raspberry, lime, simple syrup, soda water, Strawberry vodka, chamboard, champagne float, Blueberry vodka, lemonade, blueberry simple syrup, Vodka, pearl sake, triple sec, lime juice, cranberry juice, Gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, wasabi paste, Peach vodka, pama, peach schnapps, orange juice, Gin, lemon juice, orange bitters, maraschino liquor, Pear sake, pear schnapps, lemonade, soda water, Everyday 3 to 6 Friday & Saturday 9 to 11, Spicy togarashi or black Hawaiian sea salt, Fried onion, lettuce, white cheddar, plum ketchup, Steamed or fried with a sweet and spicy ponzu, Crispy pork, sake pickle cilantro, carrot, hoisin sauce, Fried chicken wings, sweet and spicy sticky sauce, crushed peanuts, Chardonnay | Merlot | Cabernet | Pinot Grigio. TENDOU PARTY TRAY (12pcs nigiri, 18pcs sashimi, plus to pick two special roll from special roll list up to $30, and pick two regular roll from regular roll list up to $13)) $98.50. Call Menu Info. Ahi Sushi Ramen & Grill. 1 tuna, 1 fresh salmon, 1 white fish with today’s chef’s special roll ... tobiko and ponzu sauce. Ichiban Japanese Grill & Sushi Bar. (402) 614-7757. Estimated Time. Menu Info & Hours. Sushi Lunch Special. Omaha, NE 68106. Ponzu Sushi and Grill. Hiro 88 $$ Sushi Bars, Japanese. There are plenty of traditional dishes, but this is not your grandmother’s Thai restaurant. $14.95. Herbe Sainte is a New Orleans inspired cocktail bar in the heart of Aksarben Village in Omaha, NE. boiled asparagus with sesame sauce. (Just try.) 2,121 were here. 1945 E 17th St Ste 104, Santa Ana, CA 92705. Online ordering menu for Sushi Haru. Ponzu Sushi offers authentic sushi and a wide variety of hot food. Does Ponzu Sushi and Grill have outdoor seating? YEARS. Be sure to take advantage of the lunch combo specials, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Stopped by with a friend and we began with two dirty vodka martini's. Recipes Using Ponzu. $ 14.95. Sushi platter with a plethora different sushi rolls served with a flower garnish. Tel: 402-614-7757. 7425 Dodge St Ste 105. 3 seared scallops, lump blue crab, hollandaise kabayaki sauce, and balsamic reduction. Masa Sushi (609)520-8883 ; 415 Nassau Park Blvd Princeton, NJ; BUSINESS HOUR SUN-THUR: 11AM-9:30PM FRI-SAT: 11AM-10:30PM Lunch Break Notice: Due to the staffing shortages and high order volume, we will be temporarily closed between 3pm-4:30pm for our employees to provide better service for all. Pauli’s Lounge, a former College World Series hot spot, will set up shop in the first floor of the Pacific Life Insurance Company Building. Keep recent orders and quickly reorder in BeyondMenu mobile app. Ponzu Sushi & Grill, Omaha: See 79 unbiased reviews of Ponzu Sushi & Grill, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #85 of 1,356 restaurants in Omaha. Ponzu Japanese Sushi Bar. Diners can enjoy classic sushi and sashimi favorites, or try our sushi chefs’ creative specialty rolls. Does the happy hour menu include fridays from 3-6 or is only Sunday-Thursday? Okinawa Sushi $$ Japanese, Sushi Bars, Chinese. Quick Ponzu Substitute. Thanks to the power of juice technology, Juice Stop makes it easy to get your essential nutrients and antioxidants in a cool, refreshing treat you can drink every day. Menu. COVID update: Ponzu Sushi Bar has updated their hours, takeout & delivery options. Happy hour is everyday from 3-6 ! Get BeyondMenu app. (402) 614-7757. assorted fish fillet over sushi rice. 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar. Powered by the Aksarben Village Master Owner’s Association, 2110 S. 67th Street Suite 102, Omaha, NE 68106, 2279 S. 67th Street, Suite B, Omaha, NE 68106, 1912 South 67th Street, Omaha, NE 68106, USA, Cold Stone Creamery & Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Unagi Don Lunch - $15.95 Baked slices of eel over rice w. eel sauce and sesame seeds. ! 1,256 were here. (225) 647-2266. Jones Bros serves gourmet cupcakes, coffee, pastries, sandwiches, salads, soup, wine and frozen yogurt in the heart of Aksarben Village. Now coming to the food, tried the following- 1. 1 tablespoon granulated sugar. Health is an integral part of the Aksarben Village lifestyle. MORE PHOTOS. No need to get out of your car…buzz the intercom and they will bring it out to you. Stop by or call (402) 933-3115 for large group reservations. 14. Kura offers 100 varieties of sushi, sashimi, tempura, bento, and more. I feel so excited they finally open since I have waiting for a long time . 8. Fax: 402-614-7797. $ 15.50. For the Toppings: 8 dried shiitake mushrooms, rehydrated in 2 cups of warm water. We're located at the corner of State Line Road and Blue Ridge Blvd near Southmarket Shopping Center. (801)292-3854 330 N Market Place Dr Ste B600 Centerville, UT 84014 Eggplant Kyoto $12.00. Viva la cupcake! Roll choices Cali Roll - crab, avocado, cucumber Crunchy Cali Roll - crab, avocado, cucumber, panko, sweet chili sauce Tekka Roll* - tuna Spicy Tekka Roll* - spicy tuna, cucumber Sake Roll* - salmon Spicy Sake Roll* - spicy salmon Veggie Roll - cucumber, red pepper, kaiware, avocado Copyright © 2004–2021 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. Ponzu Sushi and Grill. Get Directions. Sushi Bar Specials. 300 were here. Make the Popeye Sushi Burritos: Prepare the sushi rice. Local owners Anne and Craig McVeigh bring their casually elegant dining experience and extensive wine list to Aksarben Village featuring numerous made-from-scratch appetizers, entrees and desserts. Tuna, salmon, yellow tail, cucumber and cream cheese, lightly tempura battered and topped with eel sauce. I feel so excited they finally open since I have waiting for a long time . 15,608 were here. Daily specials have been known to break down walls between opposing fans. Sushi Lunch - $11.95 Chef's choice of 5 pcs sushi and California roll. Teriyaki Express $ Japanese. 1917 S. 67th Street, Suite 120, Omaha, NE 68106, Aksarben Village Tekkadon Sliced tuna sashimi over a bed of sushi rice 19. Ponzu Sushi and Grill. Delivery & Pickup Options - 146 reviews of Sakura Bana "Amazing- Extrodinary Sakura Bana has FRESH succulent fish, tasty Tempura and Saaa-WEET appetizers. 1917 S 67th St Suite 110, Omaha, NE 68106. Omaha, NE 68106. If you like to see recipes using ponzu, please click here. Spiced panko-breaded eggplant, lump blue crab, hollandaise kabayaki sauce, and sliced green onions. Ponzu Sushi and Grill $$ Japanese, Sushi Bars. Premium fresh sashimi, Japanese whisky, izakaya, ramen, small eats and entree Website View Menu. Elegant Sushi platter with evenly cut lime slices. Fuku in Vegas Roll $10.99. From Steak Fajita to Mahi Mahi, there is something for everyone. Call ahead with your catering order or pull your car around to pick up your retail package. 5.95 ASPARAGUS GOMA-AE. Mizuumi Boat 10 pieces of nigiri, 12 pieces of sashimi, Casey Roll, Shrimp Tempura, Rainbow, Spicy Tuna 64 It was compact and neat with wasabi, gari, soy sauce packets and chopsticks. A popular Hawaiian creation, Spam Onigirazu is perfect for a quick meal or snack on the go. Magical Roll. Strain out the solids. 1 teaspoon mirin. Their mission is to bring good food to good people! Try the Chicken Mango to see what we mean. 1 teaspoon salt. Menu / Price List 1 CHOOSE YOUR STYLE. 2 Scoops of Protein (Extra Scoop +$1.75) 2 PICK YOUR PROTEIN 3 SELECT YOUR SAUCE. Crab Salad + $0.75 Spicy Crab Salad + $0.75 Seaweed Salad + $0.75 Avocado + $1.00 4 ADD YOUR TOPPINGS. DRINKS ANYONE? Fountain Drinks $1.75 Small Salad $2.99 Small Rice Bowl $2.99 Miso Soup $2.50 Macaron Ice Cream $3.50 For a milder tuna/sea kelp flavor: Place all of the ingredients in a glass jar, shake, cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours or up to a … Hours and Price - General. Yes, you can make a reservation by picking a date, time, and party size. Get Directions. 457 reviews of Ponzu Sushi Bar "That's my first time there. Restaurant in Goodyear. Served with ginger and wasabi. This week it has opened and it does not disappoint. With its Brazilian origin and Japanese heritage, the Mori Sushi brand has redefined sushi in all its restaurants across Egypt. So is spoiling yourself. 1 tablespoon soy sauce. Ponzu Sushi & Grill, Omaha: See 79 unbiased reviews of Ponzu Sushi & Grill, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #84 of 1,357 restaurants in Omaha. $4.50 Philadelphia Roll. Made with a recipe of passion and quality, Mori Sushi began as a small and pioneering restaurant in São Paulo, making its way to the fine foods cravers of Egypt and Dubai Javascript is required to view this email address. (402) 496-1616. Hours: Mon-Thu: 11am - 10pm Fri & Sat: 11am - 11pm Sun: 12pm - 9pm Worked around the world and around Omaha in the heart of Aksarben Village by... Wrapped with seaweed and Sushi rice 19 integral part of the Lunch combo specials, Jones offers! Noodles make your mouth water, OH platter containing + 18moretakeoutsakura bana, ponzu sushi and grill, and more rolls complimented with 2 orange slices and a variety! 2 and others an annual Easter egg hunt, Toro Sushi poke House a. 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