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That means much of the time may be spent at sea, perhaps on a transatlantic crossing. Repositioning Cruises for Best Value & Unique Itineraries Repositioning cruises are once-a-season opportunities for a completely unique, sea-days intensive cruise. To further enhance your voyage, we offer a 30% discount on laundry services and 3 excursions are included *. Transatlantic Cruises - 2021 Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. 60% OFF ALL Guests + Kids Sail FREE + FREE GRATUITIES OR Onboard Credit, Norwegian Cruises It shows all departures from New York, Southampton-London, and Hamburg as dates and prices per person. All content and pricing on our website is subject to availability and may change out with our control. Our best amenities included at 50% off for all guests: Shore Excursions. The best part about a transatlantic cruise is the time it offers for relaxation and indulgence. This cruise is more than just a simple holiday at sea, it's a transatlantic cruise which will give you the opportunity to discover some of the world's most spectacular locations, rich in history and culture. Many ships spend summer in Europe before cruising the Caribbean in winter months to offer warm weather cruising all year around. Up to $1700 ONBOARD CREDIT: EXCLUSIVE OFFER. Transatlantic cruises last from 6 to 16 nights. Ships offer repositioning cruises twice a year: once as they travel from the Caribbean to Europe in the spring, and again as they return to the Caribbean in the fall. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Transatlantic, Transpacific, Repositioning & Trans-Ocean Cruises ; Transatlantic trip New Policy: COVID-related Discussion. Another group of itineraries offers cheap one-way Transatlantic cruise deals in Fall on Atlantic Ocean crossings from Europe to USA (departures from UK, Baltic and the Mediterranean). These exciting voyages occur each year and quite often guests may only need to purchase one-way airfare providing additional savings. Visiting different areas, seeing beautiful sights, and making sure to take in that salty sea air. Transatlantic cruises from Southampton 2021. Discover a 14 day cruise to Ocean crossing on Regal Princess from Southampton to Fort Lauderdale. These extended stays on board mean passengers can make the most of facilities on board ship. Fall repositioning cruise deals as destinations offer cheap ship travel vacations from Alaska to California (USA West Coast), also to Hawaii and Australia. At CruiseKings there are a number of ways you can contact us meaning that all you have to do is choose the option which is most convenient to you. This is because summer is the South Pacific's cyclone season. This is the Cunard Queen Mary 2 Transatlantic cruise 2021-2022 schedule of all one-way and round-trip Atlantic Ocean crossings. Southampton to Fort Lauderdale. 13-Night Eastbound Transatlantic Cruise from Miami ending in Barcelona. AVAILABLE: HAVE IT ALL. Plus, you'll never see the same port twice! Transatlantic cruises might just be what you need to get away for a bit. Please re-enter your credentials and try submitting the form again. Most are in the spring and fall when cruise lines reposition ships between the United States and Europe. . Departs From New York, New York (Cape Liberty, NJ) Onboard Anthem of the Seas. CruisesOnly has the largest selection of Transatlantic cruise deals for popular cruise lines: Royal Caribbean Cruises, Norwegian cruises, Celebrity cruises and more. Reposition your view of paradise with a transatlantic or transpacific cruise. Celebrity Silhouette. With multiple days at sea, you'll have plenty of time to relax and explore the ship. If the OP is looking at the Nov 1 2021 Silhouette crossing, I'll be on it. Ships offer repositioning cruises twice a year: once as they travel from the Caribbean to Europe in the spring, and again as they return to the Caribbean in the fall. Transatlantic cruise vacations from Holland America Line. 3 FREE Amenities + Up to $1,700 Onboard Credit, CRUISE.COM is a member, in good standing, of CLIA, ©2021 CRUISE.COM All Rights reserved CST #2015595-50, Transatlantic and Repositioning Cruises Benefits, Military & Civil Service Rates - Must call to book, Military Special - Up to $250 Onboard Credit. Suez Canal transition with cruises from Europe to Asia (Dubai, India, Singapore, China, even to Japan), and cruises from Europe to Australia (visiting Southeast Asia ports). - 7-Day Western Caribbean. Sort by: Selected filters: Reset all filters. There's a reason for this, and it's all about supply and demand. Cruises September 2021. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Rest assured, we only use your details for our own marketing, and never pass them to third party companies. Ships which sail the waters of Alaska reposition back to transport guests to the Caribbean at the end of their season. This process is reversed during the spring as ships head back to the Mediterranean and UK. Just like the waterways of the world, cruising is fluid and these delightfully relaxing journeys provide both valuable discounts and wonderful vacations. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Sail from one continent to another on an award-winning ship, and experience unrivaled luxury, service, and entertainment as it relocates from one region of the world to another.. This is your very best once-a-season opportunity to be a world traveler at the best possible cruise travel prices! For transatlantic cruises, the best time to set sail is either spring and fall, when the weather is still warm but prices are more affordable. Ships offer repositioning cruises twice a year: once as they travel from the Caribbean to Europe in the spring, and again as they return to the Caribbean in the fall. Pamper yourself with a facial or sooth your muscles with one of the many massages that are offered. Find and plan a June 2022 cruise to Transatlantic on Cruise Critic with cabin comparison, variety of departure ports and popular cruise lines to . With multiple hand-picked ports of entry throughout the transatlantic voyage, guests aboard our luxury repositioning cruises enjoy luxury cruise shore excursions that bring full immersion into the culture, cuisine, art, and life of cities, villages, and small communities throughout the world. Upcoming Transatlantic cruises . Ocean crossing . They are repositioning cruises between Europe and America on the line's newest mega-ships. Holland America "Repositioning Cruises" 2021, 2022 and 2023 Holland America Line ships with one-way itineraries (Spring and Fall ship relocation deals) belong to the following categories: Holland America Transatlantic cruises - between ports in the USA and Europe (the Mediterranean mostly). Take advantage of the sports facilities and work out at the gym or just relax by the pool. Oct 23, 2021 Oct 30, 2021. Call free 0800 197 8050 We are open today between 9am and 6pm. For those who enjoy life at sea and have the time to embark on a longer voyage, repositioning voyages are the perfect choice. MSC "Repositioning Cruises" 2021, 2022, and 2023 MSC Cruises ships with one-way itineraries (Spring and Fall ship relocation deals) belong to the following categories: MSC Transatlantic cruises - to and from Europe (Mediterranean and UK). Find the Best Cruises from New York City for you. And when you experience yours on a Carnival Journeys cruise, not only will you find cool island ports sprinkled throughout your time at sea, but you'll enjoy Carnival's signature onboard fun . Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. . Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. By cruisnfool, June . The list of US ports for disembarkation features Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Tampa (in Florida), also New Orleans in Louisiana, Houston and Galveston in Texas, and NYC New York. In recent years many operators have transferred ships to Dubai as interest to meet new tourist demands. Excludes Transatlantic, Transpacific, or Repositioning cruises. View Itinerary. All rates are per person based on double occupancy. Transatlantic / Repositioning December 2021 March 2022 May 2023 New York City. Many ships offer language lessons, computer classes, lectures on art, history and a number of other subjects. The ship was planned for deployment in Australia-New Zealand, with a 109-day "World Cruise 2021" roundtrip from Sydney NSW, Brisbane QLD and from Auckland NZ. Our industry leading experts on Transatlantic cruises are here for you 24/7, helping you maximize the value of your cruise vacation. Find your cruise 499 Cruises found. From 1.146,89 € per . See more ideas about repositioning cruises, cruise travel, cruise tips. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Celebrity "Repositioning Cruises" 2021-2022-2023 Celebrity Cruises ships with one-way itineraries (Spring and Fall ship relocation deals) relate to the following categories: Celebrity Transatlantic cruises - from Florida to Europe, and Europe-Florida; Celebrity Panama Canal cruises (Florida to California, California-Florida, to and from . Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. All Celebrity repositioning cruises in 2021 (Alaska, Panama Canal, Transatlantic) were canceled. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. You'll have plenty of time to explore the ship, relax, make friends or spend time with loved ones, and enjoy delicious food and drinks as you go. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Discover it's all about choices, double down on action in the casino or stroll the decks and stargaze at constellations more vivid . Transatlantic repositioning cruises take place during the spring and autumn, as ships prepare for a new area to sail in. 50% OFF Signature Beverage Package, Specialty Dining, Shore Excursions & Wi-Fi, Princess Cruises: Transatlantic cruises last from 6 to 16 nights. Royal Caribbean "Repositioning Cruises" 2022-2023 Royal Caribbean ships with one-way itineraries (Spring and Fall ship relocation deals) belong to the following main categories: Royal Caribbean Transatlantic cruises - from Florida to Europe (Mediterranean and Baltic) and the reverse Europe to Florida and New York. Repositioning sailings that do not involve an ocean crossing are usually shorter, but they are less frequently offered. View our full Privacy Policy here. Cheap low season deals and land vacation package extensions, hugely discounted fly-cruise and stay deals just add more to the whole “cheap vacation” experience. Sail across the Atlantic whilst enjoying all the pleasures of life on board a luxury cruise liner. Save Search Share. Itinerary: Cape Town - Luderitz - Walvis Bay - St. Helena(Jamestown) - Rio de Janeiro - Buzios - Ilha Grande - Parati - Santos - Porto Belo... Itinerary: Tilbury - Leixoes - Funchal - Mindelo - Barbados - St Georges - Kingstown - Montego Bay - Santiago de Cuba - Havana... Itinerary: Southampton - Tenerife - St Maarten - St. Kitts - St. Lucia - Barbados, Itinerary: Southampton - Tenerife - St Maarten - St. Kitts - St. Lucia - Barbados - Curacao - La Romana - St. Kitts - Antigua, Itinerary: Hamburg - Southampton - New York, As always the service and expertise demonstrated by Alana makes organising a holiday a simple and very pleasant experience, Laura - as usual - went above and beyond to secure the exact holiday we wanted at the best price. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Interior $517 $36/night. $50 Onboard Credit on select Royal Caribbean Cruises. 20% cruise fare savings! Cheap Transatlantic cruises offer some of the lowest per-diem prices in the cruise market. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Or use the time to catch up on reading in a delightfully decorated cabin or lie out on deck and appreciate the great ocean views. Celebrity's South America 2021-2022 program (Infinity ship from Rio de Janeiro) was canceled. 2021, 2022 and 2023 transatlantic Holland America cruises from Fort Lauderdale, Amsterdam and Rome. Itâs a unique experience that will create incredible memories for years to come. SAIL DATE: Nov 30, 2021 - Dec 14, 2021. ABTA P8130. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. Transatlantic and repositioning cruises are a popular choice for guests looking to explore different destinations as well as getting some of the best cruise deals around. One of our experts will gladly help you. Enjoy a prolonged stay at sea and enjoy the great facilities on board the great ocean liners with a transatlantic or repositioning voyage before enjoying a holiday on land and exploring your chosen destination in depth. Mar 18, 2022. You can see our full Privacy Policy Here. But it is the journey that makes transatlantic cruises special, as you join centuries of nautical history and become very familiar with the sea. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. You can depart from a range of European ports and spend a week indulging your interests on board ship before arriving at a fantastic American destination. Just like you, our cruise ships like to chase the sun. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. New York City has a never-ending itinerary of things to do with big attractions such as Central Park, Times Square, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Statue of Liberty and of . Due to the nature of these cruises, the point of embarkation will differ from the point of disembarkation. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. BEST PRICE. Begins 03. A cruise tour is a voyage and land tour combination, with the land tour occurring before or after the voyage. Are you planning to go on a Cruise but all the choices are just too confusing? Well, here is your answer - a comprehensive pre-cruise, cruise, and post-cruise planner so you can make the all-important decisions on which cruise to choose. However, transpacific cruises are recommended during the Southern Hemisphere's winter, from May to October. Are once-a-season opportunities for a completely unique, sea-days intensive Cruise `` free travel '' n't. And England on the Eastbound leg area to sail in Republic ) and South.... Itineraries range from three to four weeks in length, and now your. It & # x27 ; ll notice is that transatlantic and repositioning,. 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