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Following decades of ethnic tension in colonial Nigeria, political instability reached a critical mass among independent Nigeria’s three dominant ethnic groups: the Hausa-Fulani in the north, Yoruba in the southwest, and Igbo in the southeast. As measured by self-identification as well as the presence of diverse languages, the country Nigeria has about 200–300 ethnic groups. The team comprises professionals and Consultants from different fields of human endeavour. The Hausa have been heavily involved in long distance trading for many centuries. The essays in this book bring together for the first time a discussion on the multicultural and ethnolinguistic groupings of Nigeria. Sources from the 2018 estimation reveal that Nigeria’s major ethnic groups are Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, and Fulani. The reasons Nigerians have more post-graduate degrees than any other racial or ethnic group are largely due to Nigerian society's emphasis on mandatory and free education. Bantu is a general term for over 400 different ethnic groups in Africa, from Cameroon, Southern Africa, Central Africa, to Eastern Africa, united by a common language family (the Bantu languages) and in many cases common customs.How they spread throughout such a wide area has been the focus of much study and theorizing. An ethnicity is a group of people who have a common cultural background or a common national background. These mostly originate with the Sahelian kingdoms of the medieval period, such as that of the Igbo of Nigeria, deriving from the Kingdom of Nri (11th century). The major ones among them are the Hausa, Fulani, and Yoruba. Followed by this group are the people of Ibibio/Anang/Efik who reside in the coastal south southern Nigeria, and the Ijaw of Niger Delta. Read Also: 10 solutions to the inter ethnic crises and violence in Nigeria, 24 Babur is in Adamawa, and Bomo, and Taraba, and Yobe, 41 Bassa is in Kaduna, and Kogi, and Niger, and Plateau, Read Also: South-South Geopolitical Zone in Nigeria, its States and their Economic Activities, 99 Ebirra (lgbirra) is in Edo, and Kogi, and Ondo. Because of their influence in the judicial aspects of the Ghana, the Gola's social structure dominated through the Poro. What is an ethnicity? In many ethnic groups, those who have accumulated enough wealth can buy themselves local titles. Obviously the Igbo had spread out of the southeast into the other regions of Nigeria but their "home region" was in the southeast. There are 36 federating units called States in Nigeria and a Federal Capital Territory which serves as its Capital in Abuja. Whichever is the case, Nigeria is homogeneous ethnically and this bring about the richness and diversity in culture that makes up the country and in turn, the cause of many crisis within the country. 2. Who is the current chief of justices of Nigeria? The ethnic groups in eastern Nigeria believe that the more music and dancing at a funeral, the better that person's chances of a successful afterlife. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions of anyone else. Leading expert John Campbell explains why Nigeria, projected to have the world's third-highest population by 2050, is so important to understand in a world of jihadi extremism, corruption, oil conflict, and communal violence. There are 527 languages in Nigeria, seven of them are extinct. In the mid-1950s, foreigners immigrated into Germany as workers. Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data identifies current models for collecting and coding race, ethnicity, and language data; reviews challenges involved in obtaining these data, and makes recommendations for a nationally standardized approach ... However, the Yoruba is the primary ethnic group. Traders exchanged gold from the Middle East for leather, crafts, and food. The population of this ethnic group is 67 million people it is about 25% of the country population. the national one. Such preference is explained by the geographic position of the culture location. Nigeria has about 250 ethnic groups, but wait Nigeria is the biggest and most populous nation in Africa and accounts for over half of total West Africa’s population. Nigeria is a country of rich ethnic diversity composed of over 250 ethnic groups. The three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. The largest, most populous and politically influenced ethnic group in Nigeria: Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, Kanuri and Ibibio. Read more… Terms of Use. Within these groups, there are minor groups with different languages, culture and lifestyle. The Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa spread out across their regions into some other regions. This book introduces beginning students and non-specialists to the diversity and richness of African languages. It is bounded by Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Mali. Nigeria has about 374 ethnic groups that are broadly divided into ethnic “majorities” and ethnic “minorities”. Ethnic groups. We can not be precise about how many ethnic groups are in Nigeria but it is believed that Nigeria has about 250 to 300 ethnic groups consisting of different people who speak over 500 languages with diversity in religions, cultures, languages and attributes. The country is also famous for Nigerian Pidgin — which uses English as its primary lexicon. Besides, being the largest in population, it covers a large expanse of landmark having borders with Benin, Ghana, Cameroon, and Chad. Okowa was born in 8, July 1959, at Owa-Alero in Ika North-East Local Government Area of Delta State. Corruption and Inept Leadership. Causes of ethnic conflict in Nigeria are many but we will focus on primary ones that government should deal with to stop the menace at once. The common myth is that Nigeria has 250 ethnic groups. Located in Northern Nigeria, Kwara is made up of several ethnic groups, Yoruba, Nupe, Baripa and Fulani. Nigeria as a sovereign state is made up of different ethnic groups and tribes. Ethnic Groups. There are about 371 tribes in Nigeria and we have 3 major tribes Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo Hausa It is the biggest tribe. some people believe that the 3 major ethnic groups in Nigeria are our major problems. How Many Months Is Nigeria Immigration’s Training? These tribes are within the 36 states and capital in Nigeria. As measured by self-identification as well as the presence of diverse languages, the country Nigeria has about 200–300 ethnic groups. Signs Law That Prohibits Media Parade Of Suspects, African Development Bank Group Recruitment 2021 (51 Positions), Fund Diversion: Senate Threatens To Invoke Power Against NDLEA Officer And National Security Officer, Alert Microfinance Bank Recruitment 2021 (8 Positions), About 14,000 Nigerian students in US – Ibelli, Bank Worker And Accomplice Arrested for Robbery, N3m Theft, 10 solutions to the inter ethnic crises and violence in Nigeria, South-South Geopolitical Zone in Nigeria, its States and their Economic Activities, Top 10 Prominent People From Kano State, Nigeria, 13 Causes of Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria and Solutions, Igbo, Yoruba are two inseparable family – Ogunwusi, Ooni of Ife. Evident in the Nation’s map, is the general location of some major centers of the more extensive groups. During Shagari and YarAdua, we had relative peace, so Nigerians … Make money writing for us. Before modern civilization, a number of present Nigerian ethnic groups and cultural societies were patterned according to systematic arrangements. Nigeria is a multinational state inhabited by more than 250 ethnic groups speaking 500 distinct languages, all identifying with a wide variety of cultures. Bini tribe. Every Ethnic group has its own unique cultures visible in the mode of dressing, language, marriage, political system, and even greetings. Whichever is the case, Nigeria is homogeneous ethnically and this bring about the richness and diversity in culture that makes up the country and in turn, the cause of many crisis within the country. Nigerian as well as African development is systematically hidden and embedded in the cultures, resoluteness, and the political drive of the country. Many ethnic groups and nations of Sub-Saharan Africa qualify, although some groups are of a size larger than a tribal society. It is not even clear just how many kingdoms were in place before British colonial rule. Lagos was originally inhabited by the Awori group of the Yoruba people. How Many Oil Palm Trees for 1 Acre in Nigeria. Ethnic groups. 4. By Frank Ojeme AnyasiSince Nigeria attained independence, ethnic diversity has been a major obstacle to her attainment of nationhood. Here we publish several helpful articles in various categories, such as how-to articles, where to find things, resources, business, interviews and reviews. Some estimates put the number at over 400 [cf. Well…. So if you have often wondered how many ethnic groups Nigeria has, you are in the right place. 151 Gwandara is in Kaduna, and Niger, and Plateau, 152 Gwari (Gbari) is in Kaduna, and Niger, and Abuja, and Plateau. The Ibibio, Efik, and Annang people are also predominantly Christian. Your email address will not be published. Our aim is to provide daily living guide for Nigerians and her friends. Nigeria is a country in West Africa, that shares borders with Niger Republic in the north, Chad on the southeast side, Cameroon Republic on the East, and the Republic of Benin to the west. Nigeria has Over 250 ethnic groups, with over 500 languages and customs, creating a country of rich ethnic diversity. Andrew Apter's The Pan-African Nation tells the full story of this cultural extravaganza, from Nigeria's spectacular rebirth as a rapidly developing petro-state to its dramatic demise when the boom went bust. Nigeria is home to over 250 ethnic groups, with over 500 languages, and the variety of customs, and traditions among them gives the country great cultural diversity. The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa 27.4% Fulani 6.3% of the population; along with the Yoruba 21% and Igbo 14.1%. They speak Fula languages as well as Hausa, English, French and Arabic. Because of this, there is a brawny interrelationship between culture, ethnicity, growth, and development. the national one. The Nigeria Movie Industry is popularly known as ‘Nollywood’ has also been a huge cultural impact on the nation. These mostly originate with the Sahelian kingdoms of the medieval period, such as that of the Igbo of Nigeria, deriving from the Kingdom of Nri (11th century). We are most known for our music and … The full list of ethnic groups in Nigeria, their culture, Languages, States, and region they can be found. The Yoruba tribe is one of the three largest and most powerful ethnic groups in Nigeria; making up a considerable portion of the country’s population. The Fulani ethnic group is the fourth largest in Niger, accounting for 9.2% of the population. Your email address will not be published. There are more than 250 ethnic groups represented in Lagos, however, including the Hausa, Igbo, and Fulani. The Hausa and Fulani Many recipes are made of vegetables. Nigeria also has over 1150 dialects from all the ethnic groups, and every person is Nigeria speaks at least two languages. Igbo. Special … The Nigerian ethnic groups left are referred to as minorities and are relatively found all over the country especially in the middle belt and the north. The remaining 367 ethnic groups are scattered across the country and are most times counted as part of the three major tribes. The major ethnic groups in Nigeria are Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, Kanuri, Ibibio, and Tiv, these groups are famous and they constitute the larger percent of the total number of Ethnic groups in Nigeria. “There are frequent clashes among different ethnic groups,” Mr Osodi says. In Nigeria, the Fulani comprise “the most populous and politically influential” of more than 250 ethnic groups in the country. There are about 250 tribes in Nigeria with various cultures. With over 1M unique users per month across all channels, we have a large audience for you to showcase your products and services. Indeholder også et appendix med uddrag af FN- og andre dokumenter, som omhandler menneskerettighederne Most of these immigrants were of Turkish ancestry. "The Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education- and health-based criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups, over time"--Page 3. Many ethnic groups and nations of Sub-Saharan Africa qualify, although some groups are of a size larger than a tribal society. 1. note: Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups Below are the list of ethnic groups in Nigeria. The Yoruba are the dominant ethnic group. There are up to 371 ethnic groups in Nigeria. Created on the 27 th of May 1967, Kwara State is made up of the former Ilorin and Kabba provinces of the then Northern Region. Large population and diverse culture, despite this Nigeria, stand united. The indigenous religious practices of Nigeria’s ethnic groups remain an important part of the people’s identity and are usually blended with Christian beliefs and ideals. Thirty percent of all Hausa can be found in the north and northwest regions of Nigeria, an area known as "Hausaland." Found insideThe total number of refugees and internally displaced persons, now at over 65 million, continues to grow as violent conflict spikes.This report, Forcibly Displaced: Toward a Development Approach Supporting Refugees, the Internally Displaced ... [13] The Fulani people in Nigeria are also known as ”Fula” or ”Fulbe”. Seeing that religious identity always falls along ethnic, religious, socio-economic, and political lines, it consecutively provides an occasion for the display of violence. Nigeria has the most Fulani with about A general classification may nevertheless be made, again in terms of the three regions of Chad. 5 are . That was the force that moved Osodi to launch his long-term project. How many ethnic groups exists within Nigeria? It is the cultures that wield the key to integration, identity, growth, oneness, and most importantly, the development of the nation. While modern-day Nigeria is home to more than 250 ethnic groups, the four largest account for almost 70% of the population. https://nigerianinfopedia.com.ng/list-of-minority-ethnic-groups-in-nigeria Found insideThe book is aimed at students and scholars of conflict, Africa, ethnic politics, and religion. Joseph Athanasius is a Content Developer at, List of 371 Ethnic Groups in Nigeria and their People. The Tiv people, by population, are the fourth largest ethnic group in Nigeria, with a population of about 7 million. List article of ethnic groups in the African country of Nigeria. Ibibio. Country of Nigeria. This is particularly important in a country like Nigeria which has about 370 different ethnic groups (Alubo, 2006). FOREWORD by Larry Diamond Niger, landlocked western African country. Nigeria has about 250-300 ethnic groups as measured by self-identification or the presence of different languages. Nigeria And Ethnic Groups; Nigeria is a country that has an interwoven ethnic group, it was last stated that there over 250 ethnic groups in the country outside the number of other smaller groups. Developed countries like America, Europe, and China know this and that is why they are constantly doing everything within their power to unite their many cultures for sustainable development. Top 10 Largest Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Hausa Ethnic Group. They reside in Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Sudan, and South Sudan, among other places. The country has over 389 ethnic groups which makes Nigeria a highly culturally diverse nation. [10] [11] [12] The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa–Fulani in the north , Yoruba in the west , and Igbo in the east , together comprising over 60% of the total population. The country takes its name from the Niger River, which flows through the southwestern part of its territory. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He attended Edo College, Benin City (1970–1976), then went on to the University of Ibadan where he studied Medicine and Surgery, graduating in 1981 with an MBBS degree. The Hausa ethnic group is still one of the top three indigenous ethnic groups living in Nigeria today. Nigeria has about 250-300 ethnic groups as measured by self-identification or the presence of different languages. Nigeria is a very ethnically diverse state with over 370 ethnic groups and over 500 languages.[1]. Before 1950, Germany was mainly occupied by ethnic Germans and very few ethnic minorities. Simply get in touch via marketing@Infoguidenigeria.com. We will be glad to publish it if the information is useful to our audience. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and has one of the largest aggregation of ethnic groups in Africa.There are more than 300 Nigerian tribes and among the largest include Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Ijaw, Kanuri, Annang, Tiv, Ibibio, Etsako, and Efik. List article of ethnic groups in the African country of Nigeria. “Nigeria needs a leader who will accommodate all the ethnic groups of the nation. There are over 300 ethnic groups in Nigeria. Hausa 30%, Yoruba 15.5%, Igbo (Ibo) 15.2%, Fulani 6%, Tiv 2.4%, Kanuri/Beriberi 2.4%, Ibibio 1.8%, Ijaw/Izon 1.8%, other 24.7% (2018 est.) The Hausas and the Fulanis make up 29% of the Nigerian populace while the Igbo people comprise 18% of the population. Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups, the most populous and politically influential being Hausa-Fulani 29%, Yoruba 21%, Igbo (Ibo) 18%, Ijaw 10%, Kanuri 4%, Ibibio 3.5%, Tiv 2.5%. There are some 3,315 ethnic groups in Africa. With the influx of Islam many groups adopted it while others resisted. There is common agreement, however, that these ethnic groups are broadly divided into You can trace causes of ethnic conflict to amalgamation, religious differences, inequality, lack of transparent governance, long military incursion in government and lack of vision or Nigerian dream, to mention but a few. The Fulani arrived. … A third group of countries, including Zimbabwe, Namibia, and modern-day South Africa, suffers racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural divisions severe enough to … Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2012 in the subject African Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: none, , course: International Studies and Diplomacy, language: English, abstract: Observably, most developing countries ... In protest against the military regimes, many ethnic-based militant groups have emerged. in What was the main source of the wealth and power of all the West African empires? Kanuri. This has been regarded by many countries as a fascinating characteristic of the Nation. 7. Dangote Massive Recruitment 2021 (147 Positions) Jobs for SSCE, OND, First Degree Holders, 2023 Election: Tinubu Is A Unifying Force – Senator Akanbi, TETFund To Sponsor Four Nigerian Organisation In Manufacturing Medicines, Lagos Gov. The following is a non-exhaustive list of ethnic groups in Nigeria. Igbo. The full list of ethnic groups in Nigeria, their culture, Languages, States, and region they can be found. The democratic opening presented by Nigeria's successful transition to civil rule (June 1998 to May 1999) unleashed a host of hitherto repressed or dormant political forces. 3. They make up 70% of the total population in Nigeria. These tribes are within the 36 states and capital in Nigeria. The book is recommended to policy makers, students of history and political science, academicians and the general public. The riverine, including most of the state’s towns and villages surrounded by water is moderately inhabited. The Hausas and the Fulanis make up 29% of the Nigerian populace while the Igbo people comprise 18% of the population. Types of Culture in Nigeria – Ethnic groups in Nigeria -Photo by Scooter Nigeria. According to them, the 4 largest groups are the Igbo who are predominant in the South Eastern states, the Ijaw predominant in the Niger Delta, the Hausa and Fulani who are predominant in the Northern States, and the Yoruba who are predominant in the South Western States. Found insideThe book thereby addresses ethnicity as a factor in global history. The sociologist, Onigu Otite, has provided a list of 374 ethnic groups [Otite, 1990]. Drawing on specific examples from Lagos, Abeokuta and Kano, among others, the book examines various issues on the management of modern Nigerian cities. Fulani, Tiv, Hausa and Kanuri - the most numerous peoples of Nigeria living in its northern regions. Bauchi, Borno , Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Niger, Taraba, Sokoto, etc. google_ad_width = 300; Some put it at 250 tribes, some at 374, others even put it at 470 tribes. Hausa and Fulani. Hausa-Fulani Culture is spread on the West and North of the country. In the region between the Igbo land and the Yoruba land, the Edo people are predominant. These tribes are: Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo. Gbagyi people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria with an estimated population figure put at 5.8 million, spread in four States, including the FCT and located in thirty local Government areas, according to the 2006 National Population Census f igures. Answer: 250 ethnic groups. This is according to the listing of African ethnic groups per country made by David Barrett, a missions researcher, published in the Africa Mission Resource Center. What is a race? The capital is Niamey. Nigeria has a diverse geography, with climates ranging from arid to humid equatorial. The Coloured population is mainly concentrated in the Cape region, and come from a combination of ethnic backgrounds including Indigenous South Africans, Whites, Griqua and Asians. The ethnic groups are evenly spread in terms of numbers, and as a result, always competing for presidential powers between regions. Scout News Correspondents from the Nigeria Cultural Diversity deduction 2021 reveal that the country has more than 521 languages, and more than 1150 dialects and ethnic groups. • The two largest ethnic groups are the. Bangura, nd]. It is also a country of stunning diversity, with some 250 different ethno-linguistic groups. Ishan is a major ethnic group and it is missing from this list, which means there are other ethnic groups missing from this list. Facts About Yoruba Tribe In Nigeria: Yoruba Tribe History, Culture, Religion & Traditions. Last collected in 2012 by the Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics, the total population … Found insideThis vision draws from and builds on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. It explores who has been left behind in human development progress and why. Each of these three ethnic groups is an assemblage of several local tribes and dialects. The above are the complete list of ethnic groups in Nigeria. The Fulani are predominantly Muslim by religion and so are the Hausa people. Found insideExamining key countries in every region of world, this handbook presents population profiles and analyses concerning racial/ethnic disparities and changing intergroup relations. How Many Ethnic Groups are in Nigeria? As a result, decisions were taken in a village square setting so that new changes accommodate everyone. Ethnic relation is a type of social relation. Start studying Chapter 11: Nigeria. The Fulani people are found in 21 different countries ranging from Gambia all the way east to Ethiopia. Hausa. The country is primarily home to ethnic Germans and many ethnic minority groups. Traces the cultural history of Nigeria, discussing social, religious, and economic struggles providing the past and present ethnic situation. Required fields are marked *. I may be wrong tho. Some of the largest ethnic groups in Russia include Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, and Bashkirs. Efik. There were 12 linguistic (ethnic) groups that were combined in the nation-state of Nigeria. Having said that, I will be providing a full list of these ethnic groups in the county, so that we can all see the beauty of this country, and how these ethnic groups unite together to form a country called Nigeria. 300. Cultural identity implies freedom of association with groups, communities and ideologies which can go beyond national boundaries. 119 Pulani (Pulbe) is in Bauchi, and Borno, Jigawa, and Kaduna, and Kano, and Katsina, Kebbi, and Niger, and Sokoto, and Taraba, and Yobe, among others. google_ad_height = 600; InfoGuide Nigeria is a multi-author blog in Nigeria founded by Ifiokobong Ibanga. This book uses critical qualitative and narrative inquiry methods to discuss intercommunal conflicts in Kaduna, Nigeria. Largest Ethnic Groups In Nigeria Rank Ethnic Group Share of Nigerian Population 1 Hausa 25.1% 2 Yoruba 21.0% 3 Igbo 18.0% 4 Ijaw 10.0% 5 more rows ... Mar 7 2021 Today, it has a very diverse population due to heavy migration from other parts of Nigeria and surrounding countries. In simplified terms, the country can be broken down into the North and South. Do you have a press release, breaking news, or any other helpful information to share with our growing readers? There are about 250 tribes in Nigeria with various cultures. The three most significant groups are Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, together accounting for more than 70% of the population, while the Edo, Ijaw, Fulɓe, Kanuri, Urhobo-Isoko, Ibibio, Ebira, Nupe, Gbagyi, Jukun, Igala, Idoma, and Tiv comprise between 25 and 30%; other minorities make … Clans and villages don't count. Egyptian refers to both a nationality and an ethnic group. How Many Languages Do We Have In Nigeria? Top 14 Major Ethnic Groups in Nigeria - Ethnicity in Nigeria History of the Yoruba People and Tribe in Africa. This book is more than just a study of ethnic politics in Kenya and Nigeria. The result of this is an essay which is considered as being nearest to the true situation of inter-ethnic relations in Nigeria more than that of its predecessors. The book therefore reports the behaviors of Nigerians in actual situations. Drawing on a multi-disciplinary framework, the book opens up new vistas to the connections between the absence or limited notion of citizenship (rights) and political violence in Africa. Found inside – Page 1Die Reihe Islamkundliche Untersuchungen wurde 1969 im Klaus Schwarz Verlag begründet und hat sich zu einem der wichtigsten Publikationsorgane der Islamwissenschaft in Deutschland entwickelt. *Cambridge University warns world must prepare for biological weapon that target ethnic groups based on genetics ... 2 hours ago Nigeria. There are three main tribes/ethnic groups in Nigeria; a fact known to all. Evident in the Nation’s map, is the general location of some major centers of the more extensive groups. In Russia, there are over 185 ethnic groups and more than 100 languages spoken with Russian being the official state language. largest nomadic ethnic group in the world. Ijaw. That information will be revealed to you in no time! In the South-south we have the group of minorities such as Annang, Efik, Ibibio, Ijaw, Itsekiri, Isoko Uhrobo and Ukwiani. The entire ethnic group in Nigeria is over 500, parts of these are listed in appropriate section of this book. It is no news that Nigeria is a country with numerous ethnic groups. The Hausa are the largest ethnic group in all of West Africa. The Hausas are the largest ethnic group and makes up 25% of the Nigerian population and speak the Hausa language. Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari, is ethnic Fulani. Through a perceptive examination of the philosophical arguments of Will Kymlika and Charles Taylor, and the empirical studies of Arthur Lewis, Arend Lijphart, Eric Nordlinger, and Donald Horowitz, the book examines how constitutional ... Explanation: 250-300 ethnic groups. The other ethnic groups that fall under the Mande-Tan, Mande-Fu were also members of Ancient Ghana. Four years earlier, in 1956, oil had been discovered in the Niger Delta, and Nigeria is now among the top 10 oil exporters in the world. The Hausa came to the. Chapter 5: Nigeria Unit 4 TEST. Answer: Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad. As a matter of fact, a third of the nation’s population speak the Nigerian Pidgin, as it is a simplified form of the English language. List of Nigerian Tribes and Their States. The culture in Nigeria is multi-ethnic. Independence, ethnic diversity composed how many ethnic groups in nigeria over 250 ethnic groups groups adopted it while others resisted channels, have... 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