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My father was always hovering—in case someone wanted to buy a 12-pack of Natural Light (which I was too young to ring up), or in case anything strange appeared on the black-and-white surveillance monitor that was trained on the register. Should you do this, you'll need to hire more . when the owner of a gas station sets the price of 1 gallon of unleaded gasoline at$4.10, he can sell approximately 1500 gallons per day. And that number can and does change sometimes even lower most owners suggesting an average of 1-3 cents net per gallon. Found inside – Page 105It said the cutback will reduce Libya's production lo 1.75 millon barrels per day . Libya's oil customers are the Oasis Group , Nailonal Oil Corp. How long after eating can you drink coffee? My first job was emptying the trash cans by the pumps (as nasty as you think). For gas stations, the average profit margin for a gallon of gas is roughly 2.5 percent. At the time of this writing, the average gallon of gas costs $2.33. Shrinking profit margins and increasing competition means service stations can’t survive just by pumping gas. Some of the practical ways to reduce fuel costs are listed below. 14.39%. Oil, meanwhile, is selling at $53 a barrel, or $1.26 per gallon. The gas station pumps 60,000 gallons per month on a commission basis. Many gas stations are open 24 hours a day. Found inside – Page 235But notice that if each crook could just hang tough and clam up, ... Each station posts its daily price early in the morning before learning about the other ... Depending on the area, it might cost $300 to $500 or even more per month. Found inside – Page 116Thus , the average active truck makes somewhere between ten and eleven trips per day ; each time a bread truck stops at a store to make a delivery counts as ... Found inside – Page 683The two principal items of expense going to make up the total cost of electric ... The cost , possibly , would be as low as 12 cents or 15 cents per day per ... Refining is about 17 percent of the total cost, so another 40 cents—$2.16. And the brightly lit sign did more than give customers something to gripe about—it beckoned them inside the store. Add taxes . So say the boat owner was planning a trip of 100km, then they would simply divide 100km by the 3.6 km/liter rating to get 27.77 liters per 100km. Around the same time, local big-box stores like Costco, Sam's Club, and "goddamn Walmart," which had been taking chunks out of my father's commissary business for decades, got into the gas game. And in California where over half of the EV U.S. sales are, there are currently 21,948 public electric vehicle charging stations for 655,088 EVs, which has an even more compelling ratio, 1 to 29. And the $174,000 I made before taxes last year was from both stores by myself. Deep Subprime. Profits earned from other services, such as a car wash and state lottery sales, might help supplement fuel and in-store merchandise profits. Found insideCurrent gas prices at time of December 8th, 2004. You can purchase software that will give you a daily reading of what the price of gas is in the area in ... Just ask a guy who was raised in one. It is known that coffee sales makes about 50% of the gas station owner's profit. How much do Amazon Flex drivers make? Literally, if you are a small mom and pop station you make a few cents on a gallon minus the tank your kids steal from you. 4.67 kWh x $0.10 per kWh = $0.47 to drive approximately 14 miles. Salaries below this are outliers. If there's a plastic bag on one pump handle, should I avoid the station entirely? Using $3.25 per gallon for marine gas, that comes out to $325 for each excursion. But before you cry foul, you should know that after all the ups and downs in a year, gas stations do not make much money from selling gasoline. There are a few businesses for sale that are around the $200,000 mark, however the majority retail from $500,000 up to prices in the millions of dollars. $17,000 - $21,499 6% of jobs $21,500 - $25,999 9% of jobs $29,500 is the 25th percentile. Found inside – Page 1538Gas should not be cooled below 45° F., but it is better kept up to 68° F. at ... above the average maximum hourly make, to allow for the extra flow of gas ... There is a lot to successfully, They range from under $200 to more than $400, McCauley estimates. Found inside – Page 7The concept of dynamic pricing takes advantage of the ability to change prices ... If a gas station changes its prices and the local competition does not ... Found inside – Page 4159, a Joint Resolution Making Additional Appropriations for the Fiscal Year ... testing laboratories involving an average of 2 hours ' time per station and ... Nobody cared about the cost of milk or the cash they threw away on dollar scratch-offs. How much does a gas station owner make per year? A Smartwater. On average, taxes and fees currently make up approximately 17 percent of what consumer are paying at the pump. We can observe that generally, gas prices in Europe are much higher than in America. Found insideGeneral lighting, such as street lights, is most often lowpressure sodium (LPS) ... making them ideal for the variety store and gas station applications. A gas station is not a cheap business to buy, but the most lucrative businesses rarely are. It's a leftover tradition that's become pure marketing: $2.29 9/10 looks more inviting than $2.30. Found inside – Page 94Therefore, when choosing the construction scheme of charg- ing stations, ... Tavg is average number of refueling of per gas station at a time, ... First, the longer a store has been open, the larger its sales are likely to be. So for example suppose you purchased fuel a day ago and a price for a decent profit . Successful station owners can make anywhere from $40,000 to as much as $100,000 annually, but not . Follow her on Twitter at @francesk, Reviewed by: Michelle Seidel, B.Sc., LL.B., MBA. Gas prices are denoted in gwei, where 1 ETH = 1* 10^9 (1,000,000,000) gwei. You can expect to make around 5 percent of that which may come up to around 13 cents per litre. Our station had to have its three giant tanks—22,000 gallons total—refilled every five days, and you're stuck with whatever that day's rate is. The gas company is responsible for all environmental issues, tanks, pumps, canopy, canopy lights, roof . So if the wholesale price of gasoline is $3.18 a gallon, they would theoretically make .25 cents. Which dance step follows a step pattern of step Close step? Most gas stations now-a-days are convenience stores that also . As of this writing, the average price of a gallon of gas in the Gulf South is $2.73. How much do gas station owners make a month? After credit card fees and other operating costs, net profit for gasoline sales averages 3 cents a gallon, according the NACS. Today’s profitable gas stations aren't just a place to fuel up. Eighty years ago, a penny bump in price was a significant hike, so retailers raised prices by fractions of a cent. Found inside – Page 66In his words , " a gas station depends on the man himself . ... station , as well as two part - time employees , who would each average 3 hours per day . But it's still just oil—and lots of it is in Texas. Most of the retail price of a gallon of gas, 69 percent, goes to the cost of crude oil. Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? The old school, gas-and-go stations are a thing of the past. Why Does Oregon Have Gas Station Attendants? Fluctuating gas prices and a hypercompetitive market means gas stations are also convenience stores where drivers pump gas, get their oil changed, grab a soda, a slice of pizza, a package of double AA batteries and a bag of chips for the road. What is the difference between Mapp gas and propane gas? Found inside – Page 190The new truck stop now operates 24 hours a day and my allocations of gas and diesel are out making it impossible to keep the station open as many hours as I ... Found inside – Page 243What could you do with the number that now appears on the calculator ... How much extra money per day might a gasoline station expect to make from this ... My father owned at least one rural central Missouri convenience store—Leroy's Market on Highway 52 and then Leroy's (Highway) 63 Minimart—from the time I was four. Is Gas Too Cheap Right Now? 2. The average salary for a Gas Station Attendant is $11.48 per hour in New Jersey. My earliest memories were formed under a huge Phillips 66 shield, and many involved running barefoot up and down aisles. Found inside – Page 226Numbers fascinate me , and I keep track of how many miles I run a day , how much I make per load . I try to break it down and analyze everything and see if ... That's why they go to war over nine-tenths of a cent, and why my father would pinch his margin to a cent or less to beat the competition, grumbling that people would burn a dollar of gas driving to Tuscumbia to save a few pennies. By the time you mix in expenses like delivery and credit-card fees, retailers have an average margin of just 5 cents per gallon. Is it better to get gas in the morning or night? Perhaps your boating season is four months. In theory, an EV with an efficiency rating of 25 kWh/100 miles would use 10 kWh per day. If you want to own a gas station, consider working at one for six months or a year as an assistant manager. 7% commission. Which means unbagged pumps are spot-on, so you can be confident you'll get what you pay for. $17,000 - $21,499 6% of jobs $21,500 - $25,999 9% of jobs $29,500 is the 25th percentile. Found inside – Page 32111.2 One of the four gas stations located at an intersection of two major ... distribution of x where x is the number of exercise machines sold per day at ... A Gas Station with moderate size usually pumps fuel around 325,000 up to 350,000 liters per month. Gas stations generally receive hundreds of visitors per day, however, not all the visitors come to fill up their tanks. Learn about salaries, benefits, salary satisfaction and where you could earn the most. Paying at the pump The price of gasoline is always changing, and different vehicles get widely different mileage from a gallon of gas. He added that the company's 500 gas stations made over $9 billion in 2016 fuel sales in 2016. Fuel prices vary from a few cents to over 7 dollars per gallon. Found inside – Page 98This is what I mean by how small decisions can make a big difference. ... of fat Imagine what that one can of Coke per day does to you over five years. When he sets the price at $4.25 per gallon, he can sell approximately 1250 gallons per day. 100km ÷ 3.6 km/liter = 27.77 liters per 100km. A price of $2.29 and 9/10ths gives the individual the impression that they are only paying $2.29 per gallon when they are essentially paying $2.30- two insignificantly different prices that nonetheless make a world of difference when a customer is picking a gas station to fuel up at. A gas station owner makes between $124,000 and $142,000 per month, according to figures from the same time period. Frances is a business writer with over 15 years experience writing about media, technology, retail and related issues for a variety of national and international publications including The New York Times, The Week, USA Today, The Independent, and Lonely Planet News. ET. South Australia (postcode: 5000) 3.98c/MJ. As of July 2017, less than 1 percent, or just 314 stores, were still owned by one of the five major oil companies. That translates into $1,300 a month. A high-volume gas station owner who operates an average sized location with a payroll around 13 to 15 employees might expect an annual cash flow around $100,000 to $130,000 according to 2010 figures. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, First Drive: Rivian’s R1T Electric Pickup Truck, Model S Plaid Stomps 765LT in a Drag Race, 5 Best Trailer Light Kits To Illuminate Your Rig, How to Avoid Getting Screwed by a Dealer Order, First Drive: The Jack-Of-All-Trades EV Polestar 2, The 8 Best Microfiber Cloths for Your Car. Gas prices are denoted in gwei, where 1 ETH = 1* 10^9 (1,000,000,000) gwei. Learn about salaries, benefits, salary satisfaction and where you could earn the most. How much does a typical gas station employee make? STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card. The base pay rate for Amazon Flex drivers is $18 per hour (higher in select markets). How can I make my gas station more profitable? Many current owners do not expect individual new owners to stump up all of the asking price at once . How much do gas station cashiers make per hour? How much does a gas pump cost for a station? Possible factors include high demand, inclement weather or the holiday rush. That's home. In fact, gas station owners hate high gas prices just as much as you do. Salaries below this are outliers. Most Gas Stations in the modern era have a convenience store that offers cigarettes, frozen foods, auto accessories, coffee, cakes, drinks, magazines, phone cards, and much more. How much does a Gas Station Cashier make? They also have more money to spend at convenience stores. What's the difference between a gas fireplace and a gas insert? Well, gas did turn a profit. What's the difference between Mapp gas and propane gas? 5.5-6.25%. Do run-down, no-name stations sell bad gas? How much do cashiers make at gas stations? Found inside – Page 454And how many stations do they cover a day ? Mr. WILLIAMS . That does vary , but something in the area of 3 to 4 stations per day . Mr. ROSENTHAL . Depending on prices, it may be selling it, and if not, it's pumping unbranded—but still EPA-approved—fuel. After credit card fees and other operating costs, net profit for gasoline sales averages, According to a 2018 industry report, 153,237, Since most end product stations have equal research, they can produce similar additives. My father would smile and nod and say "Thank you" and "Come back soon." After credit card fees and other operating costs, net profit for gasoline sales averages 3 cents a gallon, according the National Association of Convenience Stores. While ZipRecruiter is seeing weekly wages as high as $596 and as low as $279, the majority of Gas Station Cashier wages currently range between $365 (25th percentile) to $529 (75th percentile . STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses. Make it a meal with a 99-cent bag of Fritos, a fountain soda—half Hi-C orange/half Sprite in a Styrofoam cup—and a King-Size Kit Kat for dessert. An entry-level Gas Station Attendant with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $10.70 based on 38 salaries. But how dare we mess with the big black numbers on the light-box sign outside? Environmental and Geotechnical Enhancements. Quite the opposite: Bagged pumps have been inspected by the state and found to be inaccurate. Unless you are one of the big boys you don't have the huge tanks nor the huge wallet to fill up when it is low and by the time you are on the s. When our beloved Phillips 66 made pump-side credit-card systems a requirement, he chose to rebrand to the lesser known Cenex. Found inside – Page 246Make the appropriate conversion from volume flow rate to mass flow rate using the ... Estimate how much gasoline is removed from the storage tank per day. At these stations we offer a .05¢ discount for Members and Walmart+ users with the exception of New Jersey which does not allow the discounting of . Some owners make even less than that. These stores generated $616.3 billion in sales for an average of nearly $4 million per store. Factoring in expenses, which include rent, utilities, freight, labor and credit card fees, a retailer is left with about 2 cents per gallon in profit. A gas station owner makes between $124,000 and $142,000 per month, according to figures from the same time period. Also consider finding a property where you can charge above-market prices for fuel, such as near airport car rental returns or in the busy business district of a downtown area. Stores sell an average of 4,000 gallons per day, so retailers typically make about $100 per day selling gas (net profit available to pay other costs not previously referenced such as maintenance . Queensland (postcode: 4000) 5.18c/MJ. Found inside – Page 242... we make this calculation of the margin differentials impact on gasoline users : Gasoline sales will average 6.4 million ( 42 gallons ) barrels per day ... Gas Station Attendant 18 salaries reported. Note: Occasionally, there will be promotional offerings and performance incentives. I don't really pay attention to the price of gas anymore. Keep in mind 7-11 takes about 48% of the profit. 7. A prolonged downturn in prices can make a small retailer sweat. Before the gas station owner puts those giant numbers on the marquee, taxes are added in. Retailers may earn extra commissions. The electric car industry is expanding, and at least one business owner is capitalizing on that growth. National Association of Convenience Stores: Who Sells America’s Fuel, National Association of Convenience Stores: The Price of Fuel, CBS News MoneyWatch: Why Gas Station Owners Love Low Oil Prices, Convenience Store Decisions: What Is the Typical Profit Split Between Inside Sales and Gas, The Nest: The Average Annual Income of Gas Station Owners, IbisWorld: Gas Stations: U.S. Industry Report. Found inside – Page 62-153A new Manchester Street ( NEP ) Meter total of 432,204 MMBtu per day of natural gas Station in Providence , Rhode Island ; and for various shippers who were ... A traffic count of 10,000 cars per day or more is probably a good starting point. It was a common complaint. Gas station attendants make $8.31 an hour on average; the national hourly rate ranges from $7.27 to $10.28. How much money a gas station can actually earn is dependent on a number of factors. How much money do you need to open a convenience store? Found inside – Page 235Each station posts its daily price early in the morning before learning about the other station's price. To keep things simple, suppose only two prices are ... The gas is priced by brokers at trading offices that tell them how much they're going to have to pay to get gas next time they're scheduled to fill up. Each unit of gas has a price, simply referred to as the "gas price". Learn about salaries, benefits, salary satisfaction and where you could earn the most. Found inside – Page 138And he could make on my farm , with the $ 1 an hour , $ 80 per day , which would be much more than he could make at the gas station . So he is back . For all of their products, gas stations made 3 percent net profit in 2013 and 1.6 percent in 2012. Historically, two in three consumers shop for fuel based on price, whether gas was as low as $1.62 per gallon at the start of 2009, or as high as $3.28 per gallon at the start of 2013. Or, if I'm really hungry, a nacho dog, for old time's sake. Costco's 454 locations opened in 2005 and before had average annual sales of $178 million in the most recent fiscal . Found inside – Page 275These low - pressure stations are in sizes from 4 - in . through 8 - in ... lead acetate type detector much as 475,000,000 cu . ft . per day tions with one ... During the intervening days, the price of oil would fluctuate. Found inside – Page 57... that one day every American would own a horseless carriage and Gilmore's oil would make them run, the younger Gilmore built an empire of gas stations. The Lottery brings in an additional $1,250 in extra profit per month. Their average annual incomes were $67,000 in 2013, according to Indeed. This is close to the average salary the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported for first-line supervisors of retail sales workers in 2012 -- $40,910. He retired two years ago at age 65. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I grew up in a gas station. How much gas does a gas station sell per day. Found inside – Page 215Therefore, each vehicle could make three trips per day if operated 24 hours per day. If the average double tractor-trailer services one gas station per trip ... Found inside – Page 86A 2-kg packet of maize flour can feed a family of six for a day and a half. ... about KSh 100.00 per day at the time, but many people received less since ... Their money is made on the convenience store or autobody shop. The National Association of Convenience Stores reports that of the 150,000 gas stations in the U.S., 123,000 are also convenience stores. Shell gas station franchise fee. Consumers recognize when gas prices change—and some are willing to drive 10 minutes out of their way to save a few cents per gallon. Found inside – Page 53To make the rest of the battlefields attractive enough to overcome the tendency ... The new facility would generate an average of 265 new trips per day and ... Many come are around 5 GPH. These locations are either co-located with a Walmart Store or are required by law to be open for public use. This means that the boat uses 3.6 liters for every km it travels. Or he's squeezing his margin or even taking a loss to divert customers from the competition. Also to know is, are gas stations a good investment? If that EV owner pays $.10/kWh for electricity, then they are spending a dollar a day on fuel. Found inside... or liter of water per person per day when driving in the desert and make ... Finding a gas station isn't hard in most cities and urban areas; however, ... You receive 5 cents per gallon on a cash gas sale and 10 cents per gallon on a credit card gas sale. And that number can and does change sometimes even lower most owners suggesting an average of 1-3 cents net per gallon. Found inside – Page 190The new truck stop now operates 24 hours a day and my allocations of gas and diesel are out making it impossible to keep the station open as many hours as I ... Every time sweet old Mrs. Snodgrass (actual name) came in for her pint of bourbon, as she dug into her coin purse, she'd mutter, "You know, C&C's gas is a penny cheaper." "It's probably 4 to 5 cents, or maybe less," Ward says. With over 150,000 gas stations nationwide in the GasBuddy network, you can get up-to-date changes on gas prices. When looking for a property to purchase, remember that not all gas stations are created equal. Of these costs, a majority is made up of employee wages and benefits—about 70 percent. Insights that will save you drive time (and a few tenths of a penny). The EIA reported 18.4 cents per gallon of federal tax and an average of 28.62 cents per gallon of state taxes as of August 2018. With its extreme volatility, fuel retailing is not for the faint of heart nor for those with limited access to capital. Why is gas priced to nine-tenths of a cent? Norway is the infamous world leader in gas prices with $7.82 per gallon. The company's gas stations are incredibly popular, but just how do they manage to sell their gas at a reported average of about 21 cents per gallon (as of 2018) less than competitors, and are there times when filling up at Costco maybe isn't the best option?. If he paid $2 per gallon and the price later dropped to $1.90, he was $2,200 poorer—not to mention that it gave his competitors a chance to fill their tanks at a price below his break-even point. Now this month after all expenses (employee salaries,cost,expenses) I got a check from 7-11 for $7,000. Use Cash Back & Rewards Credit Cards (with Caution). In fact, however, the profit earned specifically from the . But before you cry foul, you should know that after all the ups and downs in a year, gas stations do not make much money from selling gasoline. Add taxes (an average of 50 cents per gallon) and you've bumped it up to $1.76. Do you need a Gas Safe certificate for a gas hob? RS Automotive — the first U.S. gas station fully converted to an . 1.7 percent. The federal gasoline tax is 18.4 cents per gallon, and state gasoline fees and taxes range from a low of about 14 cents per gallon in Alaska to as much as 61 cents per gallon in California and 59 cents per gallon in Pennsylvania. Some owners make even less than that. Found inside – Page 44The whole secret of successfully Interest and sinking fund on-making gas from ... the of enriching gas added . average make per ton of oil has been 20,430 ... Found inside – Page 46Without prejudging the outcome , it would be appropriate to study whether some targeted subsidies for the construction of natural gas refueling stations are ... Gas price in the U.S. placed at the level of $2.99, while in Germany it was considerably higher - $6.43. The lack of, say, a Phillips 66 sign out front only means the station isn't contracted to sell that brand's gas. 8. Found inside – Page 116Thus , the average active truck makes somewhere between ten and eleven trips per day ; each time a bread truck stops at a store to make a delivery counts as ... We may earn commission if you buy from a link. A simple transfer may use as much as 21,000 gas whilst a more complex transaction (for instance, those used in decentralized finance) could use in excess of 1,000,000 gas. Even though a good-sized gas station can sell 250,000 gallons of gas per month, their profit margin on each gallon is really low. Found inside – Page 8How much business is really out there? ... Each of those gas stations had to service a large enough share of the 5,200- customer base ... Would it be easy? I believe the stations can make anywhere from 30-40 cents per gallon, it's really the "company" that own the gas station, so If it's an Arco owned, and operated and leased to a dealer, the dealer makes a certain amount on the fuel, let's say .10 to.12 cents max on the gallon at what ever the fuel is set by the actual "company" or Jobber, or Distributor; the rest goes to the "company" that owns . For any doubters that Costco time and again is one of the cheapest places in the U.S. to buy gas, check out these facts: The Oil Price . Found inside – Page 67Probably at least four or five times per day, you have interaction with businesses that could delight you with good service. You go to the gas station, ... 1. Most of the money for the gas station operator is generated by the little convenience store, selling you some junk food, tobacco products and coffee. Across the industry, on average automotive dealers make more money selling loans at inflated rates than they make from selling cars. 17.74%. The Army Wants to Build Squirrel-Inspired Robots, Solution to Riddle of the Week: The Doodle Problem, Apple's New iPad Brings More Power, Better Display, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Found inside – Page 89How to Make Friends as an Adult: Advice to Help You Expand Your Social ... up your tank at the gas station, make sure you have at least one outing per day ... Even when they do buy fuel, since there are so many other gas stations, there is no guarantee that they will stop again in the future. But do they get shipments of gas multiple times per day? Circle K had almost 4,500 stations in 2017, but that number dropped to 1,625 in . Click to see full answer. That's 65 cents less than last year at this time and $1.10 below its peak for this year of $3.70, reached in . One of the top oil players in the Philippines involved in oil and gas exploration, production, refinery, and distribution. Why is the gas cheaper across the street? Answer (1 of 25): Nothing!!!! How Much Do Gas Station Manager Jobs Pay per Year? How Much Do Gas Station Manager Jobs Pay per Year? Assume that in early morning (from 6am to 8am) and late evening (8pm to 12am), when there are less cars on the road, sales frequency is about every 20 minutes, thus 6 hours * 3 sales per hour = 18 sales per gas pump. "Don't wish minutes of your life away," he'd say when he caught me watching the clock. Found inside – Page 8... housewives who make purchases every day , and the cheating average per day is 10 ... In May we add one or two more teams on shopping of gas stations . The guy across the street could be locked into a cheaper distribution contract. What cars have the most expensive catalytic converters? Walking or biking does not consume fuel, and as such does not accumulate fuel cost. How much do gas station owners make a month? When looking at gas usage rates compared to electricity usage rates, gas is often charged on something . How much do gas station cashiers make per hour? The following brands attracted the highest average footfall within their respective categories. As time goes by, Gas Stations are now adding extra services. Try to find a property that is in a good location on a busy main street, a high-traffic intersection or close to a highway. Copyright 2021 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. Table 2 - AM Peak Period Trip Data by Day for the Convenience Store w/ Gas Station Variable Tuesday 3/10/2014 Wednesday 3/11/2014 Thursday 3/12/2014 Peak Hour 7:30-8:30 AM 7:45 8:45 AM 8:30 AM Total Trips 116 164 148 Trip Rate (per fueling station) 9.67 13.67 12.33 Trip Rate (per 1,000 sq. Do the diagonals of a kite bisect the angles? Found inside – Page 138Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. ... per day , which would be much more than he could make at the gas station . Additionally, individual gas stations rarely set their own prices. Of the leading fuel station brands, Speedway has the most gas stations in the United States, with 2,866 as of 2018. You can expect to make around 5 percent of that which may come up to around 13 cents per litre. Gas stations and convenience stores are completely reliant on the same type of customers, so that is probably the first place to look. Subsequently, question is, where do gas stations make their money? 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