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Theodosia Bartow Prevost, wife of Aaron Burr. This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Found inside – Page 725Theda Bara, who changed her name from Theodosia Good- man to enhance her “aura” (as ... leading to its general popularity for analog optical sound tracks. The primary function of the Police Department is deterring crime, stopping crimes in progress, investigating crimes, and serving as first responders for emergencies and situations that . Acrostic Poem About Theodosia. It is a feminine form of Theodosius. 20 Names Similar to Theadora. In the US Top 1000, there's Liliana, Lilianna, Lilliana, Lillianna, Lilyana, and Lilyanna. Milburn regularly appeared in the Top 1000 popular American baby boy names from 1912 through 1926. ).One in every 702,203 Americans is named THEODOSIA and popularity of name THEODOSIA is 1.42 people per million.. Theodosia, decisively moved upwards in popularity around the years 1913-1916, 1933-1936, and 1948-1951, whereas clearly downward trends happened around 1927-1932. In recent years, continuing the trend, the number of babies given the name Theodosia has risen significantly. Chevron - Right. Here you can find the meaning of the name "Theodosia", as well as similar names, related meanings, origin, religion and celebrities with that name. January 10, 1777 was one of the worst days of my life. Like Theodora, Theodosia is a long form that gets you to Thea ― or maybe Theo, on the girls' top 1000 a century ago. Theda Bara (1885-1955), born Theodosia Burr Goodman, was a silent film actress named for Theodosia Burr. Found insidepopularity in the early 20th century following hard on the heels of the silent film career of Theda Bara, who was born Theodosia. TIA: (f) multiple origins; ... Found inside – Page 96Actress of American silent cinema, her real name was Theodosia Goodman. ... In 1920 she had passed the zenith of her popularity and became largely forgotten ... Like Juliana, multiple spellings co-exist. The University of Colorado today named Theodosia Cook as chief diversity officer for the four-campus university system. Unknonwn or hasn't added any information. What is the meaning of the name Theodore? Theodosia is also a unique last name for both adults and children. Children named Theodosia are often remote and luminous but most of all they are read more >>. Position 576, its highest popularity RANKING, was reached in 1880. But, the greatest number of babies were given the name in 1918 with 45 occurrences. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Theodosia Christian Girl name meaning, origin and other details. 42518.lauyue, 42519.ekman, 42520.theodosia, 42521.deering, 42522.timmappa. These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Theadora. Try searching for a variation of the name Theodosia to find popularity data and rankings. The so-called "Nag's Head Portrait", possibly of Theodosia Burr Alston. Theodosia Burr wasn't an on-screen star of Hamilton, but the historical figure's existence was an important aspect of the musical. Data reflects what was recorded and has not been edited for errors, so for example the gender associated with a name may be incorrect. Name Image. Feodosia (Russian: Феодосия, Feodosiya; Ukrainian: Феодо́сія, Теодо́сія, Feodosiia, Teodosiia; Crimean Tatar and Turkish: Kefe), also called Theodosia (from Greek: Θεοδοσία), is a port and resort, a town of regional significance in Crimea on the Black Sea coast. Personality. Theodosia name meaning in Italian is Datore di Dio. In popular culture. It was the name of an 8th century Eastern Orthodox saint, as well as the name of an 8th century empress. (Photo: Public Domain) In 1869, a vacationing doctor named William Gaskins Pool was called to help an ill old woman . Just for fun, see the name Theodosia in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. You can use our middle name generator to find middle names that match the first name, Theodosia. Name Theodosia Town Hall Address US Hwy Theodosia, Missouri, 65761 Phone 417 . Chevron - Right. Theodosia Hamilton, daughter of U.S. statesman Alexander Hamilton. Found inside“Good luck to you then,” said Theodosia as Knight hurried away. ... Theodosia gave Drayton a nudge. ... “Tea just seems to keep gaining in popularity. Theodosia Rental Pricing. Currently, Theodosia Family Medical Clinic specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner with 2 physicians. A bilingual individual can be dyslexic in one language and not the other. Found inside – Page 6Harriet pmsessed l “no, In Theodosia a oontralto voice of excellodjnt quality. ... Jane,' aided by the erprmsive ing of her sister, Theodosia, very popular. View 13 photos of this 183823 sqft. In contrast, the year before it ranked 9,852 in baby name popularity for girls with 11 occurrences. According to Nameberry, Theodosia and Ragnar are the two most distinctive names that are quickly gaining popularity. It means that this name is rarely used. Her name has lived on through many others, including silent film star Theda Bara, whose real name was Theodosia Burr Goodman. Popularity of Theodosia Name. . THEODOSIA is the most popular 42520.th name in USA (. Found inside – Page 508On June 3 , 1879 , the Reaper whose name is Death cut down in the glory and ... wrote under the nom de plume of Theodosia , ' but who is better known as ... With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest questions, and connect with . It was the name of an 8th century Eastern Orthodox saint, as well as the name of an 8th century empress. Found inside – Page 6name . L'Artaserse ' ( Venice , 1746 ) , “ L'Adriano ' cannot be denied that ... King's registers at ing of her sister , Theodosia , became very popular . Name Image. It currently ranked #46 on the baby names popularity charts.. Theodosia as a girl's name is of Greek origin meaning "God's gift". Found inside – Page 6name . • L'Artaserse ' ( Venice , 1746 ) , L'Adriano cannot be denied that in ... King's registers at ing of her sister , Theodosia , became very popular . Usage Ancient Greek, Greek. Create ideal unique nickname with your name or generate cool funny couple names using the form below. Unknonwn or hasn't added any information. She'll also get to share her name with Theodosia Burr Goodman, the American silent film actress. The meaning of Theodosia is "G-d's gift". Try the baby middle name generator. In contrast, the year before it ranked 9,852 in baby name popularity for girls with 11 occurrences. The name Theodosia is a girl's name of Greek, Russian origin meaning "giving to God". THEODOSIA is the most popular 42520.th name in USA (. Theodosia Town Hall Contact Information. Data for a given year is not made available until well into the next year. Found inside – Page 125... complete with made - up name and fictitious biography . ... most often teamed with Charles Farrell as the screen's most popular romantic couple . Theodosia was the daughter of Aaron Burr (Leslie Odom, Jr.), one of the nation's Founding Fathers and political rival of Alexander Hamilton (Lin-Manuel Miranda), the focus of the stage adaption.. Origin: Greek. Heart. Found inside – Page 225Nevertheless the form Telma is currently popular in Iceland . Theobald Theobald is a Germanic name made up of elements meaning ' people ' and ' bold ' . Found inside – Page 20Foreign names and faces proliferated in the American star system by the ... Bara (the stage name and later legal name of Theodosia Goodman) filling the ... Destiny Number, Life Path Number, Soul Urge and Personality Number. Theodosia. The meaning of Theodosia is "Giving to god".Its origin is "Variant of the Latin name Theodosius".Theodosia is a form of Theodosius and is generally pronounced like "thee oh DOHZE ee ah" and "thee oh DOH zhah". See how Theodosia has changed in popularity since 1880 by visiting the Theodosia Name Popularity Page. Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 | **Toll-free: 866-886-4478 Popularity of Theodosia name. View 1 photo of this 3310560 sqft. wife of Aaron Burr and mother of Theodosia Burr, birth name of Theda Bara, American silent film actress, Ghanaian stateswoman who designed Ghana's flag, Countess of Clanwilliam, Irish heiress and landowner, novel about Aaron Burr's daughter by Anya Seton, character in "Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos" and other books by Robin Lorraine (R.L.) "Dear Theodosia" is a song in the musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Found inside – Page 391His name is appended to a “ Letter " deans attached to them . ... THEODOSIA A. B. picturesque hilly tract , having an area of 22,000 acres , beDean , his ... Tossia is an alternate spelling of Theodosia (Greek): uncommon variant spelling of Theodora. Heart. Found inside – Page 176This redounded to his popularity till the period when he attained to high office , with patronage at ... But the youngest daughter , Theodosia Alice by name ... Address, Phone Number, and Hours for Theodosia Town Hall, a Town & City Hall, at US Hwy, Theodosia MO. Theodosia actually appeared on the US popularity lists in the 1880s and 90s. (Frank was haunted by Theodosia) Hints from H mentioned by other searchers. If multiple names have the same usage, the tie is broken by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. Name Search. Filed under: Girl names, Greek baby girl names, Names that start with T Tags: baby girl names , greek , theodosia Note: This article may feature affiliate links to Amazon or other companies, and purchases made via these links may earn us a small commission at no additional cost to you. Famous people with the name Theo include professional footballer player Theo James Walcott, American actor Theo Russi and British DJ/musician Theo Keating. This elegant Gypsy girls name is the variation of Russian name Vadim. The middle name slot is a great place to show your passions too, as seen in Lyric, a beloved pick among musical parents. Theda Bara (1885-1955), born Theodosia Burr Goodman, was a silent film actress named for Theodosia Burr. Less than 5 boys were given the name. Thackeray's "The Virginians" (1857,9), Darcy and Stan's baby name in the movie "For Keeps? Found inside – Page 56Labels did not actually use the Peerless name, but the four quartet members ... this song about the silent film star, whose real name was Theodosia Goodman. Theodosia actually appeared on the US popularity lists in the 1880s and 90s. The war for independence had been going on for well over a year and it looked like the war would continue on for a long time. Dorothy sounds like a spunky Kansas farm girl, complete with ruby slippers and a little dog, too. (The name Herbert is mentioned in the poem) 9) Haunted Ghost Walks which started at the Page Walker Arts Historical Landmark. Popularity of Theodosia name. Meaning: God's gift. ASSOCIATED WITH greek, gift. The more babies that are given a particular name, the higher the popularity ranking. The average home rent in this city is $750. Theodosia is a Greek baby girl name meaning "giving to the Lord." It appeared on most popular name lists in the 1890s, and it's due for a comeback. To determine this, the baby name site looked at its statistics from this year . Theodosia is the feminine equivalent of the Greek . Theodosia Name Meaning in Italian Theodosia is a Christian Girl name and it is English originated name with multiple meanings. All information about the first name Feodosia. Theodosia Throckmorton has her hands full at the Museum of Legends and Antiquities in London. Popularity of Theodosia name. All names The-related are having a moment, with Thea newly-arrived in the top 1000 for girls and Theo vaulting up the boys' chart. Feodosia serves as the administrative center of Feodosia Municipality, one of the regions into . Lin-Manuel MirandaHamilton℗ 2015 Hamilton Uptown, LLC under exclusive license to At. Housed 35 Light Infantrymen in the Winter of 1776-1777 and George Washington and his staff "family" during the harsh winter of 1779-1780. American Baby Names Meaning: In American Baby Names the meaning of the name Theodosia is: God's . Heart. Thank you for becoming a member. But, the greatest number of babies were given the name in 1918 with 45 occurrences. In addition, Theodosia is a form of the English, German, and Greek Theodora. It is also of Latin origin, where its meaning is "gift of G-d". An apartment unit in this town is as an average $588. We estimate that there are at least 3100 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. T is for Terrific, you are simply the best, H is for Happy, we're glad you're here to . 19. A bilingual individual can be dyslexic in one language and not the other. The Theodosia Police Department, located in Theodosia, Missouri is a law enforcement agency that has been granted specific police powers in Ozark County. Popularity of the name Feodosia in 30 countries, origin and meaning of the name Feodosia LaFevers, Theodosia "Theo" Warrington (née Lambert), character in W.M. Liliana stands as the most elaborate of the many lovely Lily names. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. The name Theodore is primarily a male name of Greek origin that means Divine Gift. Less than 5 boys were given the name. Theodosia Burr Alston, daughter of the third U.S. Vice President, Aaron Burr. Cook, now director of the campus climate and culture initiative at Dartmouth College, will help develop and implement system-wide policies and initiatives that promote diversity, equity and inclusion. Germany. Found inside – Page 213This redounded to his popularity till the period when he attained to high ... But the youngest daughter , Theodosia Alice by name , ' whom I had taken to be ... These Numerological numbers may tell your child's story. Found inside – Page 515As new cultivars were introduced, the species would become very popular ... About this time, Mrs. Theodosia Shepherd began breeding 'California Giant' or ... Found inside – Page 180Goodman's stage name, an anagram for “death” and “Arab,” renewed the connection ... the popularity of this name probably owes something to the Jazz Age, ... Theodosia, although not presently in the top 1000, did once enjoy higher rankings. Less than 5 boys were given the name. Theodosia's Bed and Breakfast, at Harbour Village on Bald Head Island, takes its name from the unfortunate lady. Name Info. It is a feminine form of Theodosius. The name Theodosia is ranked on the 50,283rd position of the most used names. (2000 U.S. Found insideFrom author Laura Sebastian comes Ash Princess, a nail-biting YA fantasy debut full of daring and vengeance. ", character in "The Royal Master" by James Shirley, " song from Broadway musical "Hamilton" about Theodosia Burr, main character in the "Ash Princess" by Laura Sebastian. Our Baby Namer - Origin and Meaning of Baby Names, Books, Gifts. A factual biography is "Theodosia Burr Alston: Portrait of a Prodigy" by Richard N. Cote (2002). Found inside – Page 6name . L'Artaserse ' ( Venice , 1746 ) , ' L'Adriano ? ... Beckynton's and Oliver King's registers at ing of her sister , Theodosia , became very popular . Please note, we update the data each May when the SSA releases new figures. "Names have a popularity cycle," he says. Found inside – Page 161Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture Maria Elena Buszek ... I prefer to disbelieve those stupid people who insist that Theda Bara's right name is Theodosia ... A derivative of the name might also be popular in US. Found inside – Page 124... of his popularity as United States senator and Vice President, and thati. 145 he had carefully filed and indorsed with the full name of each writer. Tolerant, endless patience Honorable, full of virtue Eloquent, effortlessly articulate Original, pioneering in thought Determined, able to stay the course Oomph, you have a magnetic draw Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is moderated, lively, and welcoming. All information United States cities and villages: Town Hall, Coordinates, e-mail address, mayor, population, map, tourism, activities, weather, hotel, real estate, company. It is an uncommon variant of Theodora. Don't be afraid to turn to places you love either, as many cities make wonderful baby girl middle names like London. 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 0.020% 0.016% 0.012% 0.008% 0.004% 1880 2020 "There's a kind of regular cycle every couple of decades where certain names enjoy a new popularity, usually triggered by well-known personalities." Emma, for example, was the most popular name for newborn girls in 2016, according to the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). All data changes at that time, including previous years, which will change minutely based on new information. 1) This is public property. Theodosia Burr was the subject of Anya Seton's first novel, My Theodosia, published in 1941. Found inside – Page 525Famous name : Thea Astley ( author ) Theda Greek Theodosia , “ divinely given . ... Like Timothea , this name is not popular today , despite the popularity ... "Dear Theodosia," a song from the 2015 musical Hamilton. The meaning of Theodocia is "Giving to god".Its origin is "Variant of the Latin name Theodosia".Theodocia is a form of Theodosia and is generally pronounced like "thee oh DOH shah". Theodosia Burr was the subject of Anya Seton's first novel, My Theodosia, published in 1941. © 2021 Nameberry.com.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Theo is a popular name that is ranked 195 in 2019 in the United States of America. Theodosia originates in Greek language and means "devoted to God". Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange.This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. The trend's your friend. Theodosia is unique yet compelling due to its delightful and attractive nature. Here's Your Ever-Changing U.S. Map Of The Most Popular Girls' Names If you're going to f*cking panic — this book is here to help There is seemingly no end to how many ways your beautiful brain can mess up your day with uncool thoughts, so comedian and mental health advocate Kelsey Darragh's new workbook is about to become your new . *Mouse over the charts or scroll down to the table for data details. Found inside – Page 71... but it seems that the name was changed soon after to commemorate the more fashionable popularity of the recently canonised St Theodosia whose miracle ... Found inside – Page 98A name carried to England from Spain with the stamp of royalty and Roman Catholicism , but since England was Protestant it was not popular until well after ... See the popularity of the girl's name Theodosia over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. - City Hall and Town United States - Free directory United States city halls and towns. Acrostic Poem About Theodosia. Found inside – Page 6name . 6 ABOS . ACADEMIE DE MUSIQUE . “ L'Artaserse ' ( Venice , 1746 ) , “ L'Adriano ... at ing of her sister , Theodosia , became very popular , Wells . Found insideAlready rising in the ranks on the girls' side are popular names like Thalia, ... Names We're Predicting to Join the Trend Theodosia, Thayer, Matthias, ... Docia is a diminutive of Theodosia. Milburn. This cute name is popular with Tillie Olsen, a feminist favourite. Found inside – Page 64... blips in Theda's career, and didn't affect her popularity at all. ... those stupid people who insist that Theda Bara's right name is Theodosia Goodman, ... She is an actress and producer, known for The Kid (2000), Christmas with the Kranks (2004) and Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993). Theodosia Burr Alston - Theodosia Burr Alston (June 21, 1783 - approximately January 2 or 3, 1813) was an American socialite, and the daughter of U.S. Theodosia Okoh - Theodosia Salome Okoh (13 June 1922 - 19 April 2015) was a Ghanaian stateswoman, teacher and artist known for designing Ghana's national flag in 1957. Therefore in the case of names with fewer occurrences, names with the same number of occurrences may have vastly different rankings because they will be interranked alphabetically. Vice President Aaron Burr named a daughter Theodosia ("Dear Theodosia" is a song in the smash musical Hamilton), and it was the birth name of silent screen vamp Theda Bara. Vice President Aaron Burr named a daughter Theodosia ("Dear Theodosia" is a song in the smash musical Hamilton), and it was the birth name of silent screen vamp Theda Bara. 2016 US popularity ranking: #123. Popularity: 10504. Theodosia: This moniker may be buried deep in the attic right in the western world, but is hugely popular with the gypsies. Note: If a name has less than 5 occurrences in a year, the SSA excludes it from the provided popularity data to protect privacy. Theodosia: Dorothy's Great Aunt. land located at County Road 662, Theodosia, MO, 65761 on sale for $24500. Sheryl. We think it would make an excellent pick for parents who find Theodora too cute and feminine. Found inside – Page 525Famous name : Thea Astley ( author ) Theda Greek Theodosia , " divinely given . ... Like Timothea , this name is not popular today , despite the popularity ... Acrostic Poem About Theodosia. 42. Found inside – Page 6name . • L'Artaserse ' ( Venice , 1746 ) , “ L'Adriano cannot be denied that ... Misses HARRIET , THEODOSIA , and Eliza , were three sisters , vocalists . See how Theodosia has changed in popularity since 1880 by visiting the Theodosia Name Popularity Page. Theodosia Family Medical Clinic Office Locations Found inside – Page 190These names reflect crises of inheritance when the direct male line was in ... as godparents . group of names absent from the Cheshire sample , but popular ... Scarlett entered the Top 500 American baby girls names in 2005 and rose to the Top 50 for the first time in 2013 at No. Found inside – Page 113TATUM—Modem U.S. name, gaining in popularity. ... TENLEY—of unknown origin, probably family name. ... THEDA-—See Theodora, Theodosia. Would you like to fingerspell the name Theodosia in American Sign Language? It consists of 9 letters and 5 syllables and is pronounced Thee-ah-do-si-a. Found inside – Page 19Both in name and excitingly melodramatic fables into virtuous conception as a ... The poem , with the same title , runs : Theodosia Goodman , born 1890 in ... In contrast, the year before it ranked 9,852 in baby name popularity for girls with 11 occurrences. The closest Sheryl ever came to cracking the Top 100 American baby girl names was in 1957, when it peaked . Tossia as a name for girls is a Greek name, and Tossia means "God's gift". Tillie. Watch as baby name trends rise and fall over time. Found inside – Page 334A Magical Method for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Baby Laura Wattenberg. Ty (TIY) 2005: #169 Popularity: #54 Styles: Swift & Simple, Country & Western, ... Theodosia. Located in Missouri region, the Theodosia town is an a local administrative entity run by a mayor. Theodosia has the diminutive (nickname) Dosia. 82% Rating. Theodosia, name of the baby born to teen mom Molly Ringwald in the 1988 film "For Keeps" (she was named after her father's grandmother and called Thea for short) Theodosia Throckmorton, heroine of a series of books by R.L. The name Theodosia is mostly unused but will probably continue to rise upward in popularity. What does the name Theodosia mean? Found inside – Page 340Actor Theda Bara, the highly popular silent film actor and one of cinema's earliest sex symbols, was born Theodosia Burr Goodman to Jewish parents. The country where the first name Theodosia is the most common is: United State of America. Hasn't added any information. Tactful, ever sensitive Honest, so genuine Enchanting, most alluring Open-minded, receptive to new ideas Dependable, a worthy friend Open-minded, receptive to new ideas In popular culture. Tolerant, endless patience Honorable, full of virtue Eloquent, effortlessly articulate Original, pioneering in thought Determined, able to stay the course Oomph, you have a magnetic draw She starred in films like A Fool There Was (1915) and Cleopatra (1917). Anya Seton based her 1941 novel "My Theodosia" on her. Less than 5 boys were given the name. Popularity. Cool username ideas for online games and services related to Theodosia in one place. The name Theodosia is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Divine Gift. The name Theodosia has nine characters. She starred in films like A Fool There Was (1915) and Cleopatra (1917). Orleanna. Theodosia remains rare, even as Theo and Thea prepare to take over the playground. Her name has lived on through many others, including silent film star Theda Bara, whose real name was Theodosia Burr Goodman. Found inside – Page 6name . L'Artaserse ' ( Venice , 1746 ) , L'Adriano cannot be denied that in many ... Theodosia , became very popular : Wells ' Abyngdon held the office of ... 42518.lauyue, 42519.ekman, 42520.theodosia, 42521.deering, 42522.timmappa. As a feminine given name Theodosia is very rare and considered old-fashioned in the United States. Do you need a Middle Name to go along with the baby name, Theodosia? Russian Baby Names Meaning: In Russian Baby Names the meaning of the name Theodosia is: God's gift. Theodosia is a rare first name for females. Theodosia's popularity is at a low point when measured against its most notable year. Theodosia, although not presently in the top 1000, did once enjoy higher rankings. 20. Personality. When the events of Hamilton begin in 1776, Hamilton first arrives in . This feminine form of Theodosius has long been buried deep in the attic, but might be a good discovery for the parent who wants to move beyond Theodora. Baby names similar to Theodosia - Large list of baby names that are similar to Theodosia in many ways, including, similar in popularity, similar in sound, same length, or same meaning The book does more than tell the surprising story of how a Broadway musical became an international phenomenon: It demonstrates that America has always been renewed by the brash upstarts and brilliant outsiders, the men and women who don't ... 2) This is not a park, greenway, or cemetery. Thank you for becoming a member. Theodosia name variations, Theodosia name popularity, Theodosia name personality and Numerology details' LaFever. The trend's your friend. Found inside“Tea just seems to keep gainingin popularity.” “And aren'twe glad for that,” said Drayton. “Excuse me.. . Theodosia?” said a voice attheir elbow. Theodosia ... Theodosia Family Medical Clinic is a group practice with 1 location. Name Popularity Related Names Related Ratings Comments Namesakes Name Days. Theodosia Girl Name Popularity Chart She was previously married to Van Johnson and Joe Duckett. The name was borne by various early saints and martyrs. Any given year was less than 5, most recently in 2015 after U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt 2019 392. Llc under exclusive license to at were three sisters, vocalists would you like to fingerspell the name might be! U.S. statesman Alexander Hamilton in Italian is Datore di Dio Russian origin meaning `` giving God. More > > ), “ L'Adriano can not be denied that player Theo James,. Or hasn & # x27 ; t added any information reflect crises of inheritance when the direct line... Meaning: in American Sign language nicknames for Theodore include Ted, Teddy, and community. Road 662, Theodosia name variations, Theodosia in 1957, when it peaked rankings. 1880S and 90s, including previous years, continuing the trend, the name Theodosia is mostly but... The events of Hamilton begin in 1776, Hamilton first arrives in just fun! 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