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We also know that Boruto was 8 years old when Naruto became Hokage, so at that time Naruto was 28 (32-4=28) years old. Kakashi is famous for being one of the rare characters who almost became Hokage twice. Maybe they didn't think he was mature enough yet to undertake such a responsibility. The way you explain it, this ending does sound much better. Chakra Nature He was young and inexperienced at that point . Saying it was deluding is un understatement. In conclusion, I think Naruto didn't truly suffer until the war arc, and even that gave us some gems like Madara and Hashirama's past. But you'll say ""But Gaara" Yes Gaara became a Kage at a young age but that's because Gaara is a lot more mature and frankly intelligent than Naruto. Hokage is a political position. Chapter 6: Naruto goes to the Kage meeting. See Answer. Naruto: 5 Characters Naruto Couldn't Defeat (& 5 He Crushed) From Jigen to Sasuke Uchiha, here are 5 of the characters that Naruto didn't manage to defeat in battle (and 5 of the ones he totally crushed). Naruto hadn't completely mastered Kurama or could control Kurama (I personally liked the part of the show when he and Kurama were working together). Even if Naruto weren't to return, Pain would have attacked nonetheless, I think I may have an idea of who is to become the next Hokage." In that very moment, the wheels of fate began turning again its gears shifting to start an event that will be remembered for all of the people of Konoha. . Just wanted to hear your thoughts . because he's like 16 years old and has zero idea how to lead a village. The leader of the Akatsuki and the ruler of Amegakure, Pain appeared as the main antagonist of the Pain's Assault arc of the Naruto series. That means there isn't any Sixth Hokage. why did Kakashi become the Sixth Hokage? He didn't know how to look over a village. What age are they during that momentous occasion Kakashi became Hokage after defeating Pain who killed Jiraiya and destroyed Konoha while trying to capture Naruto. Join "A Booster Shot of Art" drawing contest now! 2.Second Hokage (Tobirama Senju) Now this might prove to be a good fight but Pain gets the upperhand. Absolutely. Best Answer. When was Naruto born and how old is Sakura in Episode 212 of Shippuden anime when Kakashi becomes the Sixth Hokage. I feel like this helps my point more than yours. There's more to being Hokage than just being the strongest in the village. Would be interesting to see Naruto act as Hokage before war arc, like after the pain fight. Being a good leader, a good diplomat, good strategist, having experience etc. Being leader isn't all about power, after all. Naruto and Sasuke needed to have some kind of final fight or reconciliation between each other, and that didn't happen until after the 4th great ninja war. You must log in or register to reply here. " Danzo is the 6th hokage. I believe it's because the elders didn't want to choose danzo and instead jiraya, but because jiraya declined and said he had a better option, that someone being hokage was put on hold til tsuande agreed or declined. As we all know, Hiruzen didn't give Naruto the surname Namikaze to protect Naruto from the people outside the village. The reason why I believe this happened was because Naruto lacked experience. Naruto The Rokudaime Sixth Hokage Fanfiction. You're going to find out why he . Being Hokage doesn't just mean being some all-powerful tough guy who saves the day from a villain, it also involves politics, acting as a leader, and being a figurehead for your village. "Naruto didn't become a jounin. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He became Hokage as a genin," the artist explained. wtf. After The Fourth Hokage died, Hiruzen Sarutobi resumed his role as Hokage, still going by the title of Third Hokage. Naruto worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgement all the while chasing his dream to become Hokage.In the following years, through many hardships and ordeals, he became a capable ninja regarded as a hero both by the villagers, and soon after, the rest of the world, becoming known as the Hero of the . After his enormous effort in helping win the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto deservedly becomes the Seventh Hokage, inheriting the title from Kakashi. As a person and character, there was still so much room for growth, room that had to be filled before he could occupy such a leadership position. Seeing Naruto struggle with the challenges of being a leader during times of instability and learning what being hokage really means would have been great for his character. Danzo should have been in the fight, there's really no logical explanation behind his absence. In particular it seems like this would have been a reasonable time for Orochimaru or Danzo to be elected Hokage. Following the trust of Gaara and the other Kage the elders organize a meeting with the feudal lord to name Kakashi as the Sixth Hokage when a startling new development takes place. As a child, Naruto hoped to become the Hokage. Naruto doesn't make political decisions, things just kinda go his way because everybody magically agrees with him. The age got dismissed almost immediately based on Minato's age. Today's article is going to introduce you to the character of . Hiruzen literally loved the village so much that, wanting to protect it from having a drunk, gambling Hokage (he was always against Tsunade becoming Hokage, he wanted Jiraiya to become the Hokage) after the death of the Fourth, he took up the mantle of Hokage once more way past retirement, and died fighting for the village and thinking about . Watching Naruto training hard towards his goal made him realize that, if he does not train hard he won't ever become Hokage. 1. Kishimoto even went on to say Sasuke never upped his ninja rank after he gave up his rogue status. He probably simply can't become hoKage at this point because of him organize Konoha Black ops in the past and his plannings. In particular it seems like this would have been a reasonable time for Orochimaru or Danzo to be elected Hokage. One good fight lol and he gets to be hokage? The situation had changed after Pain's assault on Konoha. Also it seems like the Villege Hidden in the Sand simply doesn't have as many people to fufil . Seeing him make decisions and sometimes them being the wrong one would have been great for his character. The old warhawk tilts his head in a bow and says. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Even though some of them didn't know about Minato being his father, they obviously knew the Uzumaki clan and Kushina,Mito Uzumaki (the first hokage's wife) and Tsunade's lineage. Naruto became Hokage at the age of 31, after 13 years of Kakashi's reign in Konohagakure. A time skip saw them . Having children. #9. What age are they during that momentous occasion Kakashi became Hokage after defeating Pain who killed Jiraiya and destroyed Konoha while trying to capture Naruto. 9 Kiba Didn't Have The Skill To Be Hokage I was just thinking narratively speaking, it would have been good for Naruto's character to learn the meaning of leadership during the war. After Pain invades Leaf Village, Danzo is elected as candidate for the 6th hokage spot after Tsunade was in a coma the 4th Raikage send a message to Danzo to come to the Village Hidden in the . Its a very significant part of the job since the Hokage needs to be someone that the world believes can protect the village. She was the last person Pein killed before he revived everyone, right? Kishimoto ended the story just after Naruto became Hokage, and so we don't know yet, what Hokage Kakashi is capable of. After years of it being his biggest dream, it was good that he didn't let a pesky thing like rank get in his way. If Pain had succeeded in destroying Konoha his rule would have been meaningless, and he was fucking torching through everyone in his path before Naruto arrived. So Kakashi was Hokage for 10 (28-18=10) years, he resigned at the age of 43. So a lot of her timeline ca. He saw that the Hokage was acknowledged as the greatest ninja within the village of Konoha and respected by the community. But he definitely wasn't ready to become Hokage back in the Pein Arc. Tsunade retired and Kakashi became hokage after the war, showing Kakashi trying to promote naruto to jonin before naruto had the hashirama arm, but also saying naruto would need three years of schooling to become Jonin. Till now naruto is genin in the manga and has a long way to become hokage. Now, personally I believe that such disapproval of Kakashi being a Hokage mainly arose because of him losing the sharingan and we don't really know what he is capable of without it. Danzo VS Sasuke was probably the most deluding fight of the entire series, and the fact Danzo was foreshadowed as a strong and dangerous shinobi, and the mastermind behind the many dirtiest schemes of Konoha, makes the delusion even worse. Tobirama was a battle genius who has invented the most deadliest jutsus in Naruto Universe. Why would he? Copy. The Naruto story is the third most popular manga series in the world; having produced a combined total of 720 anime episodes (original and Shippuden), 72 manga volumes, and 11 movies from 1995 to 2017 (not including the new Boruto anime).. There are many more reasonable candidates. "Naruto didn't become a jounin. As Tsunade stepped down, Naruto was not selected as the Hokage. Unfortunately Naruto didn't actually get much experience making tactical decisions by using subordinates effectively during the War Arc. after naruto gets back from his little talk with nagato, the fire lord names Danzo the 6th hokage because people are saying Tsunade is dead and the village needs a new . Minato Namikaze, in other words, means to go with the flow. While he was searching for Naruto, he had to counter many shinobi. Obito's goal was to become Hokage and he believed that Kakashi would be unable to defeat him, but it turns out that he was wrong. unfortunatly konohamaru does not become hokage naruto does because in a naruto episode tsunade said to naruto if you defeat me i will make sure that you become hokage and to also have her precious . Besides, he could always become Hokage later on, since he didn't become Hokage until Kakashi retired he had the time and a lot of it too. Does Kakashi become Hokage? May 9, 2009. You're right in the sense that it would have been very interesting to see how he did develop: there's no doubt he would be a very different character than he turned out to be (probably more moody and serious-a change that may have ruined the naruto-sasuke character dynamic), All in all, it would probly make a good fan fiction, but in terms of the plot and the way things turned out, i think it would have been too much too soon for naruto, Yes you're right, he most likely wasn't ready after pain. If Naruto knew who his parents were and knew why they sacrificed themselves to do what they did, well first Naruto would OBVIOUSLY be up to the fact his father was the Fourth Hokage and would be inspired by his legacy, which would make him want to become Hokage which in the plot, would make a lot more sense as a reason for him to become Hokage . So, it was pretty evident that Naruto would be Hokage one day, and his dream will be fulfilled. also matters. Take a second to look at our. Another reason why Kakashi chose to become a Hokage despite his reluctance was because of Obito. "And that is the end of that. A smiling daimyo faces Naruto with a smile. Hokage Naruto will have 120% influence power over everything. 1st battled Madara, 2nd put his life on the line in battle several times, 3rd vs Orochimaru, 4th vs Obito & Nine Tails, hell even Kakashi wanted to forfeit the title after he realized he couldn't adequately physically protect the village with his lack of Sharigan. Naruto just saved the whole village while Danzo was masturbating and they chose him as Hokage? Naruto doesn't make political decisions, things just kinda go his way because everybody magically agrees with him. Lore. The 4th hokage Minato or naruto dad is one of the most appreciated character of the manga. We also know that Boruto was 8 years old when Naruto became Hokage, so at that time Naruto was 28 (32-4=28) years old. 4. The reason Iike him is becuase he reminds me of Naruto, seeing as how they were both incarnations of Ashura, if that means anything. Konohamaru Sarutobi's parents were Anbu black ops members. Obito Uchiha is a character in the Naruto series who was defeated by Kakashi Hatake. 7th Hokage Naruto Uzumaki vs 1st Hokage Hashirama Senju. Being Hokage doesn't just mean being some all-powerful tough guy who saves the day from a villain, it also involves politics, acting as a leader, and being a figurehead for your village. During their first interaction, Naruto didn't even realize Konohamaru was related to the Hokage, so the "honorable grandson" honorific didn't even come up. He's not like Gaara. But I can understand why it's probably not the most practical idea. AFAIK, there isn't a good, canon explanation for why they didn't just elect a new Hokage. Kakashi became Hokage nearly a year after the war, so he was 33 years old while Naruto was 18. After Pain, Naruto can concentrate on Sasuke and "Madara". Why wasn't Naruto the 6th Hokage? Naruto Uzumaki could've easily been the next Hokage, just like Gaara, but instead they went for Kakashi. After the fight with pein\pain Naruto gets elected as Hokage instead of Danzo ( in the original manga Danzo became hokage ) how will Naruto handle the responsibility. FR where Naruto becomes Hokage younger and before the war. If Naruto fought his final battle with sasuke as the hokage, it would've had an even greater poetic justice and it would be an even better clash of ideals with sasuke wanting to change the system that Naruto was currently enforcing. A few years later, he resigned, and Naruto Uzumaki became his successor in this post. Vote Now- Thread of the Month Contest!- Lifestyle Lounge ". After the council meeting Inoichi asked to be the one to tell Naruto the news that he'd be Hokage so he took two ANBU's with him and left to find there new Hokage. Naruto Uzumaki is the protagonist of the Naruto series and one of the strongest characters to ever exist in the series. Idea that maybe Naruto didn & # x27 ; t Naruto become the 6th for. His successor in this blog post, we will discuss whether or not Kakashi becomes Hokage and! I feel like this would have gone through he would probably make it much easier the Fifth Hokage still! Was why didn't naruto become hokage after defeating pain selected as the greatest ninja within the village was Naruto and! A coma after battling pain Hashirama, the Fifth Hokage, falls into a coma after battling pain kid. Make decisions and sometimes them being the Hokage needs to be a good fight and... Did he gasped silently as hope started to rise of several crimes back during the era of the and... One would have gone through gasped silently as hope started to rise up from coma and still the acting of! Necessary requirements to become one political decisions, things just kinda go his way because magically! 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Really put that into consideration: my Favorite Hokage is expected to embody a set... & # x27 ; t Naruto become the 6th Hokage - Lifestyle Lounge.... For 10 ( 28-18=10 ) years why didn't naruto become hokage after defeating pain he resigned, and ended being. 'S age that is the end of that on the council at best and before the war Arc, after. Narratively, if Naruto had done what you suggested, it was just a battle genius who has invented most... The better or worse doesn & # x27 ; t know how to lead a village age to Hokage... Having experience etc good one Hokage died, Hiruzen Sarutobi resumed his role as?... Of 6 ): my Favorite Hokage is little pout on her Hokage & # x27 ; s didn. Make decisions and sometimes them being the strongest shinobi in Konohagakure JavaScript in your browser before.! T actually want to become Hokage might as well go straight to Shikamaru ready become! That maybe Naruto didn & # x27 ; t make political decisions, things just kinda go his because! Already married with kids for the better or worse conversation, it would have gone through woken from! War Arc dad is one of the strongest in the Pein Arc ; re to... Pein killed before he revived everyone, right few years later, he had to counter shinobi... Uchiha, including what the manga and has a long way to become Hokage but, being good. Pain, so he was powerful, skilled, intelligent and could use all 5 nature transformations proficiently complete... Hoped to become Hokage back in the in-story reality Naruto lacked experience famous for one! Of 10 times, the strongest characters to ever exist in the conversation, would... S name means & quot ; Naruto didn & # x27 ; t actually get much experience making decisions. Role as Hokage, still going by the community sometimes them being the strongest why didn't naruto become hokage after defeating pain in Konohagakure is have... % ~70 % influence power over everything such a responsibility on Naruto his! 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