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You'll explore the lush tropical beauty and constantly…, The Sunrise Tour offers guests an opportunity of a lifetime to view the sunrise from atop Haleakala. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the spectacular…, Experience the most amazing views in all of Hawai'i: the sunrise atop Haleakala! Haleakala National Park Hiking Tours + Summit Adventures. Drive to us or get picked up. Empty cart. Enjoy two separate two-mile hikes within Haleakala National Park. Select the tour date for ticket availability, and enter "1" for number of tickets. Haleakala Crater: Computer system to make reservations is corrupt - See 7,989 traveler reviews, 8,017 candid photos, and great deals for Haleakala National Park… All before breakfast, which is then served at a local restaurant afterwards. Haleakala EcoTours is a concessioner of the National Park Service and is authorized to provide guided road tours within Haleakala National Park. more. You can bike from the summit of 10223' to the sea. Today over one million people visit the park each year – and not just for sunrise. Check-in with your guide in Kahului at 7:45 and return around 3pm. Na Pali Coast State Park By Land, By Sea, or By Air The NaPali Coast is the gem of all gems on the island of Kauai. | If you want an overview of the natural beauty of Maui, I'm the guide for you! Haleakala is the world’s largest dormant volcano. Maui: Haleakala Guided Sunrise Bike Tour. Found inside – Page 52Naitonal Parks Conservation Association November 29 , 2005 , Craig D. Obey Page 10 Park . Together , these ten air tour operators over Haleakala claim to ... Guided bike ride down Haleakala with the comfort of having a cruise leader guiding you and your group and an escort van for your convenience. Haleakala Crater: Computer system to make reservations is corrupt - See 7,989 traveler reviews, 8,017 candid photos, and great deals for Haleakala National Park… Knowledgeable Guides. We explore a number of trails in the park throughout the day and at sunset. Connect with a local hand-picked professional photographer in Maui and capture…, Fly to Maui for the day from Oahu on the Road to Hana Adventure tour! Haleakala is home to some of the most beautiful and rare birds on the planet. • Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Topographic Map The map includes the entire national park area, including the summit area, the wilderness area, and the Kipahulu area. Found inside – Page 5( Annotated field notes of Forbes ' East Maui bog exploration are transcribed in Appendix I. ) By 1919 , the time of this Haleakalā trip , Forbes was very ... Sep 25, 2021 - Find & Book the top-rated and best-reviewed tours in Haleakala National Park for 2021. Haleakala, Iao Valley & Upcountry Maui Tour. Explore the epic volcanic landscapes of Haleakala with guided or self-guided bike tours. Haleakala National Park. Expert Guides. Haleakalā Sunrise Tours. Hello and welcome to the official fanpage of Haleakala National Park… Your Shopping Cart will be saved with Product pictures and information, and Cart Totals. In Hawaiian, Haleakala means house of the sun -- that’s why it’s one of the best places on the island to watch the sunrise. Combining the opportunity to witness one…, Choose your own adventure, and get the most out of your Maui experience, with our Reverse Hana Highway Adventure. Then send it to yourself, or a friend, with a link to retrieve it at any time. Found inside – Page 113At Haleakala National Park , Hawaii , commercial helicopter tour activities have increased dramatically in recent years , as have the number complaints from ... Begin your experience with our guided vehicle trek up to the 10,000ft. Pays tribute to the landscape, diversity of species, and spirit found in American national parks. The tour is an exciting…, Haleakala National Park Vacation Packages, All things to do in Haleakala National Park, Commonly Searched For in Haleakala National Park, Tours & Activities in Haleakala National Park, Popular Haleakala National Park Categories, Sightseeing Tours in Haleakala National Park, 4WD, ATV & Off-Road Tours in Haleakala National Park, Nature & Wildlife Tours in Haleakala National Park, Nature & Parks in Haleakala National Park, Outdoor Activities in Haleakala National Park, Geologic Formations in Haleakala National Park, Nature & Wildlife Areas in Haleakala National Park, Equestrian Trails in Haleakala National Park, Observatories & Planetariums in Haleakala National Park, Haleakala Observatories: Tickets & Tours, Things to do near Haleakala Observatories, Haleakala Maui Sunrise Tour with Breakfast, Maui Tour : Road to Hana Tour from Lahaina, Haleakala Sunrise Best Self-Guided Bike Tour with Bike Maui, Small Group Road to Hana Adventure Tour with Pickup, See more tours in Haleakala National Park on Tripadvisor. Your knowledgeable…, The Road to Hana is the ultimate Maui road trip and Shaka Guide's "Classic" Road to Hana Tour is the most popular way to…, Are you ready for an epic road trip? Small group Adventure with a max of 7 passengers. Majestic waterfalls, vast rainforests, and a culture and history unlike any other await. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. We specialize in all inclusive Hawaii vacation packages for bands, schools, and businesses. On the…, Soak in unbeatable views of Southern Maui on this thrilling 75-minute helicopter charter tour! The summit itself stands at 10,023 feet above sea level and is truly one of the best places in the world to watch a stunning sunrise or sunset. 'A Year in the National Parks, The Greatest American Road Trip' is a gorgeous visual journey through our cherished public lands, detailing a rich tapestry of what makes each park special, as seen along an epic journey to visit them all ... Haleakala National Park admission fees included. Found inside – Page 283Maui is home to two of Hawaii's most renowned attractions: Haleakala National Park, ... But you might want to hook up with a guided tour if your mobility is ... Our narrated tour includes descriptions and images for 15 points of interest. There is nothing like the Kipahulu section of Haleakala National Park. From any point on the island, any of the dozens of trailheads pinpointed in this book is at most a couple of hours' drive away, and often far closer than that. This amazing tour begins with a guided vehicle tour of the Upcountry area as well as Haleakala National Park. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Description. In the valley, down Sliding Sands Trail, you will feel like itʻs another planet. Operated by our sister company @Humble Tours. Enter the number of vehicles as "1" again. The tour begins with a hotel pick-up. Found inside – Page 23Visitors to Maui obtain transportation over roads through the services of a score of rental car agencies and a dozen tour companies . Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Tour and transportation up to the summit of Haleakala, watch sunrise at summit, and view the crater. Visit the Summit of Haleakala National Park 10,023ft. For those guests who prefer to start their day a little later, this is a great tour option! Experience perhaps the most beautiful sunrise on Earth with our professional, local guides on one of our Haleakalā Sunrise Tours. You’ll hike just over 2-miles (one way) up into Maui’s National Park, encountering dramatic waterfalls, an incredible bamboo forest, and wonderful … Haleakala EcoTours and Bike Maui are operated by Haleakala Bike Company, Inc., which operates tours outside the park. Then, you’ll bear …, The Road to Hana is the ultimate adventure in Maui and this "Reverse" Tour is the most adventurous option available! After sunrise, bike down from 6,500' to the. Island-Style Hot Breakfast * – Feast a hot all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast after sunrise. Select the tour date for ticket availability, and enter "1" for number of tickets. Our crater tour offers an adventure thru two very different environments high up on this dormant volcano. Itinerary. Haleakala’s summit stretches 10,023 feet (3,055 meters) above Maui’s world-renowned beaches. Lunch and Snacks included. You’ll see Maui’s rare and endemic silversword plants that poignantly bloom once, then perish. On both Van Tours, you’ll be taken to the 10,023 ft. summit of the Haleakala volcano to tour the summit and have a land tour of Haleakala National Park, which includes Haleakala Crater. Haleakala, renowned for its…, Live the real Maui experience on the Road to Hana with our expert guides! This sunset tour, with breathtaking and panoramic views of Mount Haleakala at twilight is the perfect place to be. Enter the number of vehicles as "1" again. These tours start with a visit to the summit of Haleakala and a tour of the national park before starting a bike ride that starts at 6500ʻ and ends near the ocean. 179,156 were here. (click here for our COVID-19 Policy), We are excited to announce that we have re-opened with safety measures in place to help protect your health while enjoying time on Maui. Haleakala National Park is one of the best national parks for bird watching . It's home to the native nene, which is a Hawaiian goose, and the 'ua'u, a Hawaiian petrel, but also a variety of colorful honeycreepers. While nene can be seen all over the summit area, it's Hosmer Grove that harbors the greatest variety of birds. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Highlights include Keanae Peninsula, Waianapanapa State Park, and Hana town. Breathtaking Tours of Haleakala, Haleakala National Park and Upcountry Maui. We will match the price of any identical tour or activity on any of the Hawaiian Islands. Haleakala National Park is home to Maui's highest peak. Otherwise, you can visit it on a first-come-first-serve basis. Found insideEndless stretches of golden sand, legendary surf, and epic outdoor adventures: Discover the true meaning of living Aloha with Moon Maui. Haleakala EcoTours and Bike Maui are operated by Haleakala Bike Company, Inc., which operates tours outside the park. You’ll trace Maui’s entire coastline in a …, RESERVATIONS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE SHAKA GUIDE TOURS The only endemic mammals found in Haleakala National Park are the Hawaiian Hoary Bat and Hawaiian Monk Seal. You have to make Haleakala Sunrise Tour Reservations from the National Park PRIOR to the day you plan on driving up the summit. Alternately, Bike Maui offers three tour options for guests seeking a self-guided, downhill biking experience on Haleakala: the Sunrise Special, Summit Deluxe or Haleakala Express.With an early morning check-in time of 3am in Haiku, the Sunrise Special Tour includes a vehicle tour of Haleakala National Park in time to witness sunrise at the … There are lots of advantages to taking a tour to Haleakalā National Park*, including having a stress-free experience with a comfortable guide. In the Hawaiian language, Haleakala means the "house of the sun," thanks to a local legend. We have a permit to enter Haleakala National Park, where I worked for 9 years, including 2 years as a National Park Service ranger. Distances, altitude, and the sun can have a more significant effect on hikers at this elevation, and being a part of a guided tour ensures safety and access to the most beautiful parts of the park. If you’re looking to not waste a minute of your vacation and craving a unique experience, the Maui Sunrise Volcano Bike tour is for you. Experience views in all directions from Haleakalā’s summit when Haleakalā National Park awakens with the rising sun. It was occupied by Big Island chiefs in the 1770s. This exhilarating tour begins with a guided vehicle tour of the Upcountry area as well as Haleakala National Park. You can also change some of your preferences. Visit 10,000ʻ summit then bike down hill from 6500ʻ. Sometime in the early 1780s Hana was besieged by King Kahekili in a surprise attack. Learn about the area’s cultural and historical background by seasoned tour guides. Tour of Haleakala National Park and GUIDED bike ride down Haleakala. However, due to Winter weather at the summit, our tickets were cancelled. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Guests will have the opportunity to learn about the unique Geology, Ecology, History, and Culture of Maui from our NAI Certified Interpretive Guides with a focus on Hawaiian values and preservation. Frequently Asked Questions about Haleakala National Park. Haleakala National Park travelers' reviews, business hours, introduction, open hours. 'Fountains of fire, explosions ...it's hell let loose. Provides activities to do at a national park in Makawao, Maui, Hawaii. Intended for ages 5-13. Children who complete a certain number of activities, depending on their ages, qualify to get a Junior Ranger Certificate. Take a Maui hiking tour with us inside Haleakala Crater and experience the beauty of Maui. 2. You’ll also witness the sunrise from the Visitor Center area. Maui: Sunrise & Breakfast Tour to Haleakala National Park Reviewed by Shahana, 8/21/2021. Lunch and Snacks included. If you’d like to see the sunrise you will need to make a reservation with the Park Service. Haleakalā Classic Sunrise Tour. View the native silversword that grows nowhere else on earth and watch the endangered Nene roam around. The Sunrise Tour offers guests an opportunity of a lifetime to view the sunrise from atop Haleakala at 10,000 ft. Found inside – Page 5Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on Energy ... Hawaii Volcanoes National Park , Haleakala National Park , and Kalaupapa ... Observe the most deep-sky objects through the largest portable telescope on Haleakala. Learn more about visiting Hawaii Fall 2021. Experience the very best place to view a sunset on Maui, atop the 10,023 ft. summit of Haleakala. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. “And that’s what we are advocating for,” he said. Go sightseeing for wildlife too! (808) 575-9575 (Local) You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. After sunrise, guests will begin their guided biking adventure at 6,500 ft. elevation just outside of the national park entrance all the way down the mountain to the seaside town of Paia. Visit Mauiʻs 2 volcanoes on one trip. Hike down into the crater of a dormant volcano in Haleakala National Park. Tour Highlights: Hotel pickup in specially outfitted Grech deluxe minibus with USB ports, video monitors, climate control, and the best windows for viewing the Haleakala landscape; Kula Lodge Marketplace with its unique crafts and gifts is visited just before entering Haleakala National Park. Book with confidence as we have great pricing for all our tours. Haleakala EcoTours is a concessioner of the National Park Service and is authorized to provide guided road tours within Haleakala National Park. Biker (12 years or older), Ride … Check out updated best hotels & restaurants near Haleakala National Park. Self Guided Haleakala Downhill Bike Tour. We follow strict COVID-19 protocols that keep guests safe. Haleakala is located within the Haleakala National Park and is considered a protected sacred treasure in Maui. It is a dormant volcano with an elevation just above 10,000 feet over sea level making it the highest point in all of Maui. During WWII, Maui was home to two crucial training bases. The tour is an exciting and informative guided vehicle tour of Haleakala National Park and the Upcountry area. Horseback riders can experience the Hawaiian culture as they travel across a tropical, volcanic landscape that's surrounded by lush forests, waterfalls and streams that stretch out to the coast.haleakala national park, hawaii known as the house of sun, haleakala … Take a break from Lahaina with a short trip to Haleakala Crater in Haleakala National Park, about 1h 50 min away. Found insideThis travel guide includes: · Dozens of full-color maps · Hundreds of hotel and restaurant recommendations, with Fodor's Choice designating our top picks · Multiple itineraries to explore the top attractions and what’s off the beaten ... And there are lots of Haleakala tours to choose from! What a ride! They make the arduous journey up the switchback road rising from sea level to 10,000 ft in only 38 miles…one of the shortest ascending roads to this elevation in the world. The summit views at the Visitor Center are breathtaking at any time of day, weather permitting. This special place vibrates with stories of ancient and modern Hawaiian culture and protects the bond between the land and its people. Look down into a crater that is 2 miles wide…, The Haleakala Day Journey is one of the very popular Mountain Riders Maui bike tours featured. National Park News. Yes The guide was great! Maui’s Haleakala National Park is also still working on a plan. After sunrise, bike down from 6,500' to the. I learned to dr The dormant volcano's "crater" is actually a valley carved by erosion. We had originally purchased tickets for Sunrise at Haleakala National Park on the first full day of our trip. As the sun sets and temperatures cool, this tour offers a spectacular show of mesmerizing light and color. Highly recommended as watching the sunrise from a volcano top was definitely an unforgettable experience! See the massive volcano and take a stroll on a couple of trails in the summit area of the park. Enjoy the Haleakala bike tour without the biking by taking our Van Tour. These experiences are best for tours in Haleakala National Park: Filter to see tours in the language(s) you’re looking for. summit, then cruise down the mountain on our top-of-the-line Kona bikes. Inside The Crater. Itinerary. Enjoy the world famous Road to Hana, a journey that’s as magnificent as the destination. First up is Sliding Sands Trail. (888) 922-2453 (Toll Free) It is said that the demigod Maui lassoed the sun from the summit of Haleakala to slow down its descent. …, This is a full day experience which will take you full loop around the east side of Maui with tour covering 2/3 of the Island…, Enjoy Maui's Only Private Air Tour Plane Made of Metal & with Non-Tinted Panoramic View Windows for Crystal Clear Clarity…, Explore the vastness of one of Maui’s most iconic landmarks with a hike at Haleakala Crater. 8 passenger max. The best way to explore Haleakala National Park is with a guided tour, which includes hiking guides. Found inside – Page 8... Return to Haleakalā National Park BEFORE evaluating ATST Likely to Return ... Converts Likely to return to Haleakalā Likely to Tour the Observatory Not ... Yes Al, our tour guide, was very knowledgeable and a great energy to be around. Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity. Operated by our sister company @Humble Tours. They evolved in isolation for hundreds of thousands of years before the first Polynesians arrived around 1,000 years ago. Click on the different category headings to find out more. After going up to the summit district of the park, you will be taken to the 6500ʻ level, just outside the park to begin your downhill bike ride. Learn about the history, culture, geography, and uses of Haleakalā National Park. Combining the opportunity to witness…, Hike down into the crater of a dormant volcano in Haleakala National Park. Spend the 6th (Wed) exploring the striking scenery along Hana Highway - Road to Hana. Afterwards, go zip lining on a wonderful 5-line course. There is normally plenty of parking during the rest of the day although sunset is getting busier. There are many friendly consultants at AffordableTours.com that are ready to answer any of your questions or assist you with your reservation. Your bike journey proceeds through the Haleakala Ranch and continues through the upcountry community of Kula. Hike a couple different trails inside the park. Sunsets are also stunning to see from Haleakala and there is a reason for the large array of telescopes up here – the stars and moon are crystal clear at the summit! Then head over to ancient Iao Valley and head inside West Mauiʻs volcano. It's here! Now you can stamp your way through the entire National Park System with the newest addition to the Passport To Your National Parks line of products: the Collector's Edition Passport. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Passes are non-transferable and are valid for 3 days including the date of purchase. One of the very best places to view a sunset on Maui is atop the 10,023 ft. summit of Haleakala and our sensational Sunset Tour is the perfect way to enjoy the view! *Likely to sell out: Based on Viator’s booking data and information from the provider from the past 30 days, it seems likely this experience will sell out through Viator, a Tripadvisor company. Found inside – Page 292Because the first ten miles of the downhill bike rides are within Haleakala National Park, tour companies are required to take certain precautions. Make sure you plan your drive so you can get to the pools for ample swim time! Our Mercedes sprinter fleet and local guides serve you in style and comfort. Helpful? With over 640 curves and turns with 59 single…, Experience the most amazing views in all of Hawai'i: the views from atop Haleakala! Found inside – Page 61National Park Enlargement Act of 1975 . ... and demand special California , and Haleakala National Park tour operators who conduct sightseeing skills . This exciting and informative tour begins with a guided vehicle tour of the Upcountry area followed by an amazing tour of Haleakala National Park. It is only 9 miles, but a half an hour past Hana, requiring traveling the full extent of the road to Hana, and then 5 miles of 10mph, lane and half road, filled with blind curves! Our guests find it well worth the early morning venture to take in amazing Mt. The park also cares for endangered species, some of which exist nowhere else. Located just a few miles outside of Haleakalā National Park, Skyline Haleakalā was recognized by Fodor's Travel as one of the world's most amazing zipline courses! If you’d like to see the sunrise you will need to make a reservation with the Park Service. Witness the dawn of a new day on a Haleakala Sunrise Tour. BOOK NOW →. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Meet your guide in Kihei at 7:45 a.m. and return around 3:00 p.m. Enjoy a tour of Haleakala National Park and a trip up to the summit viewing area. View the Sunset From the Top of the World. Your journey begins with a panoramic sunrise view of Haleakala Crater, in the Haleakala National Park, a once in a lifetime experience. You'll feel like your on top of the world as you watch the sunrise…, Come for the sunset, stay for the stargazing. Rising 10,023 (3,005 m) feet above sea level, Haleakala means "house of the sun" and is where demigod Maui lassoed the sun, slowing its passage so people had more time to dry kapa (cloth) and grow food. Comfortable 38-mile drive to the summit area of “The House of the Sun”, Haleakala. Alternative Title: Haleakalā. Haleakala, Hawaiian Haleakalā (“House of the Sun”), shield volcano, south-central Maui island, Hawaii, U.S. It is a central feature of Haleakala National Park. 1:08. Check an unforgettable item off of your bucket list and view the sunrise on Haleakala from 10,000 ft. See multiple regions of Maui including Upcountry and Maui’s North Shore in this guided vehicle tour. There are several ways to experience Haleakala National Park. Haleakala Summit Day Bike Tour. Our full-time (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily - COVID-19 Hours) on-island concierge is ready to help by phone, text, chat, and email. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Flying over Southern Maui…, You'll enjoy all of the "must see" sights in Maui on spectacular Maui helicopter tours! Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. 1-866-477-4171 Maui: Sunrise & Breakfast Tour to Haleakala National Park Reviewed by Loren, 9/24/2021. The park contains many endangered species not found anywhere else on the planet. Found inside – Page 484At Grand Canyon, air-tour overflights have long been causing major noise ... At Hawaii Volcanoes and Haleakala national parks, there are approximately 60 ... Diversity of species, some of the few road to Hana tours that stop in Haleakala Park! Bike Maui are operated by Haleakala bike Company, Inc., which operates tours the. Reservation is not needed any other await just a few of the day although is., legendary surf, and Haleakala National Park and is considered the routes... Book is 506 pages the permit holder present a valid ID and reservation upon at. D like to see the massive volcano and take a stroll on a plan and. 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