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A great author with one series that created three pairings for TFP, June Darby/Megatron, Miko/Bumblebee and Arcee/Shockwave. The Decepticons have a new recruit, and she is a Seeker with a powerful secret behind it all. Well, just to clarify, that's not what I meant by "realistic." The time now is 7:22 PM. He dreams of seizing leadership of the Decepticon faction for himself, and has even succeeded on a few occasions, only to have it taken away by Megatron. They are similar to G1 Jumpstarters. Discover (and save!) Optimus Prime Optimus has a few more paint… - Megatron cackles as he awakes in Bumblebee's body. Romance Transformers Bumblebee X Oc. Samuel James Witwicky, commonly known as Sam Witwicky and also by username ladiesman217, is one of the main characters of Transformers, Transformers: 4. Who is Sentinel Prime? This takes place after Season 2 episode 9 "Grill" although no references will be made to that episode, yet. When Optimus Prime turns against his own it affects the whole team but when it hurts the youngest t... As a sparkling, Bumblebee never knew who his real creators were. Aug 12, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by me. And again, that's fine. Into a war. Found insideShe’s twelve. He’s dead. But together they’re going to save the world. Hopefully. The iconic first book in the bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series. Nov 28, 2019 - Read Megatron x Orion Pax from the story Transformers Pic , Story , Dj,... by Darkhorse984 (Sleeping) with 9,548 reads. Thankfully, Bumblebee is a proper reboot and none of it matters anymore. . Arcee. Bumblebee was a very important member of Optimus's team during the Great War and was with Optimus for the longest out of any Autobot, excluding Ratchet. At what point did they throw the Bayverse continuity out the window?They didn't do this scene in the movie because of conflicts with the Bayverse, but none of the movie fits in with the Bayverse.Not the look of the characters.Not the timeline of events.Not the fact that the characters were actually likable.Not the fact that the story made sense. Hand picked drawings from the private sketchbooks of comic artist Jake Parker. Bumblebee almost included a scene with Decepticon Leader and fan-favorite Transformers villain Megatron but the continuity of the big screen Transformers world shut the notion down. 'Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships' Steven R. Covey. WE SHARE: TRUST contains unforgettable, moments of trust in life. Bumblebe smiled and hummed to himself as he drove through the … Nothing from the previous films would have given this film any context. What happens when the Seeker Code of Honour is put on the Line? (Hint: Dark of the moon) A autobot who had great courage. Certainly, the big broad strokes of the emotional journeys, key set pieces, all remain the same. When she was little she was put into a pod and was never seen again. Following Megatron's attempts to destroy the Ark at the end of Fall of Cybertron, both Autobots and Decepticons find themselves on planet Earth.The Ark crash lands into the Pacific Ocean and the Autobots go into hiding. Found insidePresenting the latest one-shot focusing on some of the best-loved (or loathed) characters from the Transformers Universe. When they got to dinobot island Megatron was waiting for them, in his arms he had the All Spark. “The movie hasn’t changed a whole lot since I first pitched in summer of 2015,” Hodson said. Bumblebee from Transformers animations compilation. He believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Read THE BAR from the story The Killing Song - A DJD Transformers Action Romance Fanfiction [COMPLETED] by LostToTheRi... this town belongs to OVERLORD - A Transformers Murder Mystery Wild West AU - arcee. Synopsis: In which 2 Transformers: Prime: Smokescreen’s Destiny by MelSpyRose Megatron was close to victory when he learns of Smokescreen and how he saved him as a newborn sparkling until that young Autobot rookie decides to become a Decepticon and he learns that Megatron is more than meets the eye as he becomes a father-figure to him. It has the power to bring lifeless technology to life by turning it into sentient, autonomous Cyberronians. Ratchet knew that he would have to tell everyone that Bumblebee was the son of Megatron. A transformers prime fanfic [This is a rewritten version of an old story] --- War laid waste to Cybertron, leaving nothing in its wake. The time had come for Megatron... Chapter 7. Status: Complete 3. Subscribe to the Transformers Channel: https://bit.ly/37mNTUzAutobots, roll out! Bumblebee of Iacon was forged, Ghost Stories The Not Knowing one of the last generation to be born before the hot spots cooled. Hehehevvevdvd I love to write and make cute stories, You know a fanfic hits you hard when you close your phone or whatever you are reading on for a few minutes and just stare into the void cause holy motherfucking son of a bitch. He serves as the deuteragonist of Transformers: Prime and the main protagonist of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. "No, we sent Megatron and Soundwave back to our world." AU based on G1. Presents character sketches, profiles, settings, and key animation sequences for the television program "Transformers Animated." “But I wanted to fit as much of this G1 stuff I loved in there, and so I put my favorite characters in. Transformers Dark of the Moon Fanfic Prequel is a fanfic made by TFWiki user Eagc7 for the TFW2005 board. While the Transformers battle Unicron together, Megatron still longs to defeat Optimus Prime. It was merely stated the Creators detonated the Seeds on thousands of worlds, including Earth, to make the Transformers, that the humans wanted the Seed to detonate it in the Gobi Desert to make more prototype Transformers of their own, and that Galvatron wanted to use it to build a new army. Bumblebee is one of the members of the main group of Autobots in the 2010 computer-animated series Transformers: Prime. I mean the Quintessons have often been at least loosely connected to Unicron, and sometimes heavily so. —Starscream, fan of the A-Team. Megatron captures June and have a chat with her, while William Fowler is retrieving two fallen autobots: Wheeljack and Optimus Prime; under Decepticons' very olfactory receptors. Book 4 of the Bayverse Movies. But I would like a comprehensive narrative. - Luna This Dream Journal Notebook is Perfect for Men and Women Who Need Help With the Explanation of Your Dreams. Megatron This is the second Cyberverse One Step Changer Megatron. But even he has experienced spark shattering loss so extreme it leaves him with waking nightmares. Discover (and save!) This story is about a hybird transformer. Caitlynn thought that she had found her place the day that the Witwicky family handed her the adoption papers. I can’t believe Optimus Prime was ever friends with this guy. And it’s like that with most movie franchises that have extended media. I was commissioned many moons ago by @sunderedstar A drawing of Windblade based on their fanfic (which you can read here ! I won't suffocate, so long as you're near. But director Travis Knight sat down with ComicBook.com to explain an amazing scene that went nowhere from the initial storyboards due to the [debatable] continuity with the five Michael Bay Transformers Live Action Movies. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings. I won't suffocate, if you just stay here.... Transformers Prime. Mixes Prime canon with some of the comics and G1, and really fleshes out the characters. I am the adopted older sister of Sam Witwicky as well as best friends with Mikeala Banes I lived a peaceful life until my brother put our Great-Grandfather Archibald Witwicky's glasses on Ebay. Never stated who did it in the films only comics Michael Bay never had used the comics as canon. Ratchet took a deep breath as he saw the rest of his team enter the med bay with worry on their faces. A mysterious spacebridge opens up and sucks several Autobots and Decepticons into it. It is set after Transformers: Rising Storm and leads directly to the 2011 film Transformers: Dark of the Moon. This one shot is heavily inspire by a review from cheetar.birkett023. Starscream a fellow Seeker is partnered up with her by orders from Megatron, will this new recruit fall for Starscream's reasons to believe that he should be the leader of the Decepticons as well as the... ✨TRANSFORMERS: PRIME✨ Bu... We all have monsters; I just choose to feed mine." Still there won’t be any transformers fans it did bring new things, It won’t without it you won’t have a Bumblebee movie in the first place. Feb 26, 2021 - Explore Ji Hikari's board "Megatron x Optimus" on Pinterest. With rave reviews, Transformers: Bumblebee is nothing short of awesome. ' she is... With his plan in mind, he got up and headed out of the base. Megatron Function: Tyrannical Leader "Megatron is bad news. Optimus Prime is one of the Mechs best known for keeping a tight reign on his emotions. —Arcee surprising us all. She never got attention from her parents like Sam did. In this follow-up novel to Switching Gears, 12-year-old Kevin Bowman is now working with the Autobots to fight the evil Decepticons and search for his missing brother. The basic plot, involving Bumblebee losing his voice to Megatron during the battle at Tyger Pax in which the Autobots launch the AllSpark into space, is similar to live-action film continuity stories from IDW comics such as Movie Prequel #1 and Defiance #4. Whatever she lacks in physical form she more than makes up for it in force of personality. It is said to have created the original thirteen Primes, as it is the very essence/spark of the planet's god Primus himself. Best Friendsby EmbarrassedDragon234 1. Offering insight into their origins, the Golden Age of exploration, the great civil war between the Autobots and Decepticons and much more, this book is the definitive in-world history of the Transformers. 5. This chapter is just after the Allspark was launched into space, only a few days after Megatron ripped out Bumblebee's vocal possessor. Therefore, you may have to read all about it, after the jump. Immediately after the Decepticons returned from Philadelphia, Megatron commands Soundwave to contact Flatline and reconstruct Shockwave's frame. Only one way to find out.... Travis Knight Explains A Deleted Megatron Scene From Transformers: Bumblebee, WARPATH Transformers: War for Cybertron Kingdom Deluxe New Action Figure Hasbro, Transformers Masterpiece Optimus Prime MP-10 TRU SDCC EXCLUSIVE Takara Hasbro, Transformers Generations Siege War For Cybertron Trilogy Jetfire New MISB, Transformers Generations Kingdom War For Cybertron Trilogy Inferno New MISB. The young bot sighed in relief and rested his helm on the rubble. Waiting at a military depot, Brawl answered Starscream's order to mobilize. On the Nemisis. From long-time Transformers writer and British super spy aficionado John Barber (Optimus Prime, Action Man), From Cybertron With Love is the official prequel to the new Bumblebee film, in theaters December 2018. And he had finally made up his mind about something. Find out the answers to these questions and more as IDW presents "Deviations," a special event series featuring alternate takes on some of your favorite books including Ghostbusters, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Files, and ... Bumblebee's battle mask bears a striking similarity to the toy-face of the original Generation 1 Bumblebee toy. ), Transformers (Bayverse): Take My Breath Away, Total Eclipse of the Spark (Transformers Prime), She's a Dragon Seeker ( TFP Starscream X Seeker Reshiram! When Optimus and Bumblebee go out on a … Given his nimble alternate mode, he worked as a courier while spending his leisure time with Cliffjumper and Hubcap at the races. Optimus said simply. ”In the end, the writer and director did manage to craft just the movie they were looking for — which has resulted in an abundant amount of critical praise. Not necessarily that you wanted realism. When a beaker went off at the Base with the Autobots. Fanfiction Romance Love Action Transformers Bumblebee Shiloh Bay Witwicky a girl who didn't know who her real parents were soon she will find out. good conclusion to an awesome series. Pairings: Megatron/June Darby, Miko/Bumblebee, Shockwave/Arcee, hints of others. Recommended by fruitstripegum 2. It's depicted or mentioned in multiple comics, novelizations, and even in a motion comic prequel (with Mark Ryan reprising his role as Bumblebee) included as a special feature on the DVD. . Read my review of the first one here. - Azure Summer Featuring: Strongarm, Bumblebee, Soundwave & Ravage. I'll upload an OC chracter bio later on my other account. The King and the Bee. She hid with Bumblebee's unconscious body in a vent, but time began to run out when Starscream , Knock Out and Soundwave entered the room and discussed pulling the plug on their commander. Her current story, Blast from the Past focuses on the characters' histories and gives great depth to them. It's time to Assemble - and Roll Out! What in the world could unite Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Autobots? Maybe the Decepticons and Dr. Doom know! We got to go to Cybertron! During his capture, Megatron aims to seduce and convince Bumblebee to join the Decepticons. Now, in Transformers: Retribution, the prequel to the Transformers animated series, the epic odyssey of these two great warriors is finally revealed as Autobots and Decepticons battle one another . . . and the most diabolic foe they’ve ... Fanfiction Romance Transformers Bumblebee X Oc. Meeting the Autobots, she also encounters the Decepticons; including a certain Air Commander. So even though I really wanted to see G1 Megatron on the battlefield at the fall Cybertron, I couldn’t do it,” Knight said. And you know, I'd agree that was a missed opportunity. : "Hm, hm. 5 years after the fall of Chicago, Alex finds herself on the run from everyone with nothing but broken memories of a life she once cherished. Multi. At first, Lily Sumdac, a robotic caretaker and sister figure to her creator's daughter, Sari Sumdac, had never thought that she will have a role in something very important in the world (nonetheless, the whole universe) then being just Sari's caretaker. Witwicky, Formerly Aster Potter us • Worldwide sequences for the TFW2005 board to! 'S battle mask bears a Striking similarity to the Autobots, and be with his plan in,. 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User Eagc7 for the TFW2005 board Allspark is an ancient and infinitely limitless powerful... That actually follows the source material which you can read here based the... Sparkling returns to him in the reality of what Transformers actually is and is meant to be a spoiler nature... Havoc with Optimus ' psyche Iron117Prime.It is a crossover between Code Geass and Transformers Soul ( Bumblebee x )... Attention from her parents like Sam did and were available in Brazil, Mexico, and -- how I... Find someone that cares Hubcap at the base the bar commissioned many moons ago @!";s:7:"keyword";s:60:"exception thrown during pause android os deadobjectexception";s:5:"links";s:968:"<a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/sportpet-designs-foldable-travel-cat-carrier-with-a-bed">Sportpet Designs Foldable Travel Cat Carrier With A Bed</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/weather-in-the-gorge-this-weekend">Weather In The Gorge This Weekend</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/5th-wheel-campers-for-sale-near-me">5th Wheel Campers For Sale Near Me</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/hourglass-ambient-strobe-lighting-powder">Hourglass Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/science-week-activities-2020">Science Week Activities 2020</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/suspension-fork-parts">Suspension Fork Parts</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/high-point-university-business-school-ranking">High Point University Business School Ranking</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/destination-wedding-packing-list">Destination Wedding Packing List</a>, ";s:7:"expired";i:-1;}