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The majority population in Banjarmasin is Islam. Mining is nonexistent within the city in stark contrast neighbouring regions. Etelä-Kalimantanin suurin kaupunki ja pääkaupunki on Banjarmasin.. Provinssissa on yhteensä noin 3 545 100 asukasta (vuonna 2010) ja sen pinta-ala on 38 744 neliökilometriä. [13][10][14], The history of Banjarmasin as a place generally began during the founding of the Sultanate of Banjar. The metro area population of Jakarta in 2020 was 10,770,000, a . Answer: Banjarmasin, Indonesia (Administrative unit: Kalimantan Selatan) - [10][11], European archeologist H. Kupper discovered several prehistoric sites around the region in 1939 and found implements such as choppers and other stone tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the socioeconomic identification of the population in Sub kelayan Outer Central District of Banjarmasin.The population in this study is the head of the family in the Village kelayan Outer Central District of Banjarmasin with sample number 269. The main issue in the perspective expectation of tidal landfill is that it has great potential in polluting the environment. It later became the capital city of the newly formed South Kalimantan province. Population. With the shape of the city of Banjarmasin, which has a connecting river in every area of the city, it is an aid factor in The return of Dutch rule, however, was opposed by the people and resulted in four years of war between Indonesian nationalists and the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army. The population was all high school biology teachers in Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin is located at the center of the Banjarbakula or Banjarmasin metropolitan area, which has a population of about 1.9 million, or 52% of the . Year Catholics Total Population Percent Catholic Diocesan Priests Religious Priests Total Priests Catholics Per Priest Permanent Deacons Male Religious Female Religious Parishes Source; Vicariate Apostolic of Bandjarmasin: 1950: 7,223: The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (urbanization). However, in 2020 there was an economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a decrease of 1.91%. Greater Banjarmasin, also known as Banjarbakula, is an urban agglomeration of around two million people covering an area of 8,136 square kilometres (3,141 sq mi), which includes Banjarbaru, parts of Banjar Regency, Barito Kuala Regency, and Tanah Laut Regency and accounts for almost half of the province's population. The city's river system is affected by tides. Banjarmasin is the capital of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. cities in Indonesia, Indonesia all categories, Places in Indonesia. Sometimes referred to by locals as "0 Kilometer Park", the park is located on the shores of the Martapura River and also acts as a waterfront for the river with docks for small boats in the river. Kota Banjarmasin adalah sebuah kotamadya yang juga merupakan ibukota dari provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.Kota Banjarmasin yang dijuluki Kota Seribu Sungai ini memiliki wilayah seluas 98,46 km² yang wilayahnya merupakan delta atau kepulauan yang terdiri dari sekitar 25 buah pulau kecil (delta) yang dipisahkan oleh sungai-sungai di antaranya Pulau Tatas, Pulau Kelayan, Pulau Rantauan . population of the city population and the desire for high mobilization are one of the causes of the decline in air quality in the city of Banjarmasin. Si la tasa de crecimiento de la población sería igual que en el periodo 2000-2010 (+1.62%/Año), Banjarmasin la población en 2021 sería: 731 149*. However, the existence of this kingdom is disputed. Cities starting with letter B 11 letters in the name, Cities in Indonesia starting with letter B. Yo reporto los problemas con confianza para proteger. Purposive sampling technique amounted to 81 people. The population of Banjarmasin, Indonesia is 572837 according to the GeoNames geographical database. Diocese of Banjarmasin (from Pontianak) Statistics. It is also surrounded by several other buildings housing stores, forming a complex with a total area of 80,000 square metres (860,000 sq ft). From there, he met Patih Masih, who controlled a port in the region. The port has a passenger terminal for passenger ships to neighbouring islands such as Java and Sulawesi. Objective: To analyze the correlation between long-term use of injrcting contraception of DMPA and reproductive reversibility at working area of Pekauman Public Health Center Banjarmasin. Makassar Population 2021. [65][66], The city is served by the Port of Trisakti, which is one of main ports in Indonesia and classified as class IA. The population in this study are all subject teachers who numbered 52 people and counseling teachers (BK) total of 3 people at MTs Mulawarman Banjarmasin. Found inside – Page 36A principality of Bali , in the interior of the island , and estimated to have a population of 30,000 . BANJARMASIN . A principality and river on the ... [29] Heads of districts are appointed by the mayor on the recommendation of the city secretary. Muslims make up around 95% of the city's population, followed by Christians (both Catholics and Protestants) at around 3%; other religions combined total about 2%. [28] Executive power is vested in the mayor and vice mayor, while legislative duties are vested in the local parliament. The city was visited by 109,653 domestic tourists and 251 foreign tourists. Este fue 0.254% del total población Indonesia. [10][16], The first contact between Europeans and the Banjar people in the region came through trade Since 1596, this mostly took place in Banten. In Indonesia, the prevalence of cancer / tumor is quite high at 1.4 per 1000 population, or about 330,000 people. There were 310 employees in Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin as the population of the study. There are also 22 vocational high schools in the city. All the smaller rivers are connected to either the Martapura River or Barito River. This led many people to escape to Java, which remained under army rule. The building and its surrounding has been used regularly to hold cultural events to preserve Banjarese culture, as well as to facilitate local artists. Thank you for choosing the Population HUB. [33], According to Statistics Indonesia, a resident of the city is defined as "someone who resides within the city for at least 6 months or less than 6 months but with intention to settle". Several smaller rivers exist which form a dendritic drainage pattern. Catholics in the diocese come from several ethnic backgrounds, including Javanese, Florinese (from Flores, East Nusa Tenggara province), Toraja (from South Sulawesi), and Indonesians of Chinese descent. Banjarmasin is one of 94 cities in Indonesia and ranks 21 in the Indonesia population. This hijacking and killing happened several times between 1603 and 1636. Found inside – Page 75population projections of the world's million cities made in the early 1970s by ... with Banjarmasin's population more than trebling to 214,096 persons and ... [22][23][24] The riot today is known by locals as Jumat Kelabu or Grey Friday. Banjarmasin city population data has been obtained from public sources. The samples were taken by 50% using the theory Winarno Surakhmad with random cluster sampling technique which means that researchers will not examine all the objects in the population, but . Most of the artifacts found around the region and the province show signs of Neolithic culture. Found insidecountry comparison to the world: 116 Population growth rate: 0.83% (2018 est.) ... the cities of Makasar (Sulawesi), Banjarmasin (Kalimantan) are also ... Found inside – Page 176Of course, Jakarta is the capital, but it is also a mega city with an ethnically and religiously pluralistic population, while Banjarmasin is a much smaller ... The hottest months are between March and September when the temperature can reach an average as high as 36 °C (97 °F). Banjarmasin, Indonesia Metro Area Population 1950-2021. Diocese of Banjarmasin (from Pontianak) Statistics. [21] It was granted city status by Indonesian government in 1959 based on Law Number 27 of 1959. This ended with the Dutch recognition of Indonesia in 1949. Banjarmasin is the biggest city in South Kalimantan. It ceased when trade agreements were reached, which put the Dutch East India Company in control of the nutmeg trade from the sultanate and gave it a monopoly over trade in Banjarmasin. It is classified as an A-type hospital by the Ministry of Health. Purpose: To find outthe effect of oxygen therapy by nasal cannula to the oxygen saturation through the examination oximetry in patients with HF in the ER Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin city and the capital of South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia . Facilities in the park include a watchtower, several gazebos, pedestrian roads, and skateboard parks. East and Central Banjarmasin district. The geonames id for Banjarmasin is 1650213. Found inside – Page 155Ibu kota / Capital - Banjarmasin. Mukim (Kecamatan) / Subdistricts Daerah (Kabupaten) / Regencies Populasi / Population LANDASAN ULIN KOTA BANJARBARU 61,914 ... Found inside – Page 495... Quah Drs Aspon Rambe Department of Sociology Faculty of Economics National University of Singapore Lambung Mangkurat University Singapore Banjarmasin, ... [71][72][73][74], Other than that, the city is also has branch of Radio Republik Indonesia, Indonesian state-owned radio network. Population: 692,793 (2017) Area: 72 ±0.01 km² . It is a capital city of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Results: Many respondents have confidence in both totaling 28 people (34.6%), long working life (> 10 years) had the largest . Chairman of the Banjar Council 14 Jan 1948 - 4 Apr 1950 Mohammad Hanafiah . It is located 35 km southeast of Banjarmasin. Outside records indicate it was home to several kingdoms such as Tanjungpuri, which was theorized to have been founded by Malay people from Srivijaya, and Negara Daha and Dipa founded by Javanese from Majapahit. Dutch East Indies (1945–1949) Indonesia (1949–today), It is thought that the name "Banjarmasin" is a corrupted version of "Bandar Masih" (Port Masih). Found inside – Page 443Karang Mekar Health Center in Banjarmasin ranked 19th out of 26 Puskesmas in the ... The population in this study were all elderly in the working area of ... As with most of Indonesian cities, the population is young and consists of a workforce within the reproductive age of above 15, which in the city is around 62.07% of the city's population in 2020, or 331,526 people. Banjarmasin download , vauxhall corsa manual 2012 , population answer key , honeywell galaxy 2 series user guide , scra 2014 answer key, canon eos rebel xt instruction manual , guided and review Page 9/14 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. [9], Most of the city's population identifies as Banjarese—79,26% did so in 2010. Found inside – Page 258( Jakarta fields of family planning and population in : Research and ... Kalimantan Selatan fiche ( 1985 : Banjarmasin , Kalimantan Selatan , 89 / Indonesia ) ... [26][9], The area of city proper is 98.46 square kilometres (38.02 sq mi), or around 0.26% of the provincial area. Colonies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (1815–1962), "Post - Walikota Narasumber APIP di Inspektorat Kota", "Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Kota Banjarmasin, Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018", "Profil Kota Banjarmasin | BPK RI Perwakilan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan", "Kuching, Malaysia Metro Area Population 1950-2021", "Greater Kota Kinabalu Healthcare Overview", "Asal Usul Nama Kota Banjarmasin dari Sosok Ini", "The source of power of the Dayak Ma'anyan Tribes' political", "Jejak Panjang Nan Sarunai, Kerajaan Purba di Kalimantan", "Kerajaan Banjar: Sejarah, Pendiri, Masa Jaya dan Raja", "STUDI TATA RUANG KOTA RANCANGAN VAN DER PIJL KASUS: KOTA BANJARBARU, KALIMANTAN SELATAN", "As Indonesia holds an election, a small town in Borneo burns", "The Nation - Google News Archive Search", "In Indonesia, A Deadly End To a Campaign", "SEJARAH HARI INI: 22 Tahun Lalu Ratusan Orang Meninggal akibat Tragedi Jumat Kelabu di Banjarmasin", "KONDISI UMUM BANJARMASIN - PDF Free Download", "Banjarmasin climate: Average Temperature, weather by month, Banjarmasin weather averages - Climate-Data.org", "PP No. With a population of 625,395 in 2010, can be estimated population of the city of Banjarmasin year period 2012‐2034 in figure 3. 2. Last election was on 2019 and the next one would be on 2024. #Protectwhatyoulove. [9], As with all Indonesian cities, it is a second-level administrative division run by a mayor and a vice mayor together with the city parliament, and it is equivalent to a regency. Banjarmasin city population data has been obtained from public sources. Smaller scale industries producing wood furniture, clothing, and snacks also exist in the city with 88 registered smaller scale businesses in this sector in 2020. [32], The city's economy is dominated by manufacturing, which accounts for 17.19% of its gross regional product (GRP) as of 2020. "The data from National Population and Family Planning Boarding (BKKBN) of South Kalimantan mentioned the high child marriage rates in Indonesia. Found inside – Page 134Thus , despite the very high population density of about 800 people / km2 ... and in the more fertile parts of South Kalimantan around Banjarmasin ... It is located on a delta island near the junction of the Barito and Martapura rivers. The city imports 1,900,000 long tons (1,900,000 t) of goods through the city's main port, the Port of Trisakti, and exports 98,320,000 long tons (99,900,000 t) of goods as of 2019. Empire of Japan (1942–1945) The population in this study as much as 320, the sample based on simple proportional random sampling, which is 178 people. Locals described Japanese rule under the navy as harsher compared to the army. Instrument Found inside – Page 94Capital : Banjarmasin . Population : 2,064,649 ( 1980 ) . Districts / Municipality : 9/1 . GEOGRAPHY : Land : the greater part of the land is swampy . The second favourite major in 2020 was economics and business, followed by engineering, agricultural science, and medical subjects. Banjarmasin is a large city with the population close to 625,000 people located in Indonesia and the capital of South Kalimantan province. Probability sampling with proportional sampling technique was employed as the sampling technique. The estimated number of residents in 2020 was 657,663 with a sex ratio of 100.36. I speak up for integrity because. Nimrot Gultom, CD Indonesia - ASM Banjarmasin. Greater Bandung is the country's second-largest metropolitan area with over 11 million inhabitants. After the Battle of Banjarmasin, control was transferred to the Imperial Japanese Navy. It is located on a delta island near the junction of the Barito and Martapura rivers. In front of the park, there is an urban bus stop used by both Trans Banjarmasin & BRT Banjarbakula bus companies. The population in this study was pregnant women who visite Pekauman Public Health Center and had. so we have to really take care of the population," said Makhmud. Se on pinta-alaltaan pienin viidestä Kalimantanin provinssista. Population of Banjarmasin. It . On the Population HUB website you can find out the number of people in any of the regions of the Earth. Given the small population of 40 respondents, the sample taking uses the census method of the entire population to be sampled. He hopes that with this step, the kalabau fish, which has become the city's official mascot, won't just be a story. Banjarmasin, the capital city of South Kalimantan, is located 22 kilometers from the Java Sea. [62][63][64] As with other Indonesian cities, the city has angkots (shared taxis), which have been declining rapidly because of competition from online ride-hailing services, online taxis, and new public transportation services created by the city government. Found inside – Page 94Capital : Banjarmasin . Population : 2,064,649 ( 1980 ) . Districts / Municipality : 9/1 . GEOGRAPHY : Land : the greater part of the land is swampy . The population development of Kota Banjarmasin as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). Annual population growth was 0.44% between 2010 and 2020. Area 14,959 square miles (38,744 square km). Annual sunshine during rainy season is 2.8 hours per day and 6.5 hours during dry season. Makassar 's 2021 population is now estimated at 1,612,249. [59] Kilometer 6 Bus Terminal is the main bus terminal for the city and the province, where buses for long inter-province routes gather. Bandung (/ ˈ b ɑː n d ʊ ŋ /) is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia and fourth-largest city in Indonesia. In return he would have to convert to Islam if he won. However, the new terminal is rarely used and many bus operators resisted the relocation because of the remoteness of the new terminal from the city center. Prince Tumenggung later banished Raden Samudra and tried to reclaim the throne for himself. [9][26], Air humidity sits between 75 and 90% on January, which is the wettest month and 52% on September which is the driest month. The city's dominant religion is Islam, with a minority of Protestants, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists, and animist religions. Found insideTarakan Population. http://population.city/indonesia/tarakan/Accessed 30 July 2017. 7 2010 Census. Banjarmasin Population. 1,612,249. The city accounts for 67.61% of financial activities in the entire province, both in local and foreign currencies. As a result, Banjarmasin is sometimes called the "River City". [75] There are 24 formally registered radio stations, although the number could be higher.[74]. As of 2020, South, North, and East Banjarmasin district experienced population growth of both South and North with 1.10% and East Banjarmasin with 0.58% while Central and West Banjarmasin both experienced decline of 0.46%. The Banjar constitute the dominant ethnic group, but the province also has a significant and diverse population of indigenous peoples collectively called the Dayak. Its population was 625,395 at the 2010 Census and estimated to be more than 720,000 in late 2018. England (1701—1707) Question: What is the population of Makassar? Question: What is the population of Banjarbaru? Fast site work and constantly updated data. History. Average temperature ranging from 24ºC to 32ºC. This was 0.254% of total Indonesia population. There are also 26 puskesmas (community healthcare centres), 26 healthcare centers, and 47 pharmacies. However, between 1546 and 1550, as conquests and the spice trade enriched the sultanate, it became independent and stopped sending tributes to Java. Banjarmasin City is the capital of the province of South Kalimantan, with an area of 98,46 square kilometers and a population of 708,606 in 2019.It is located along the Barito River, some 25 kilometers before the river flows into the Java Sea. Found inside – Page 290Dominated by its waterways , most of Banjarmasin's population lives in pile houses and floating houses ( lanting ) on the sides of the Martapura , Barito ... The population in Banjarmasin for 2021 is 675 030. What time is it in Banjarmasin? Found inside – Page 485Half of Banjarmasin's population spend their days on wooden porches overlooking the water , and you can catch all this by taking a klotok ( Rp10,000 an hour ... ", "Daftar Delivery Makanan Banjarmasin Terbaru (Oktober 2020) - GoFood", "Nasib Angkot di Banjarmasin, Sepi Penumpang Ternyata Bukan karena Taksi Online, Ini Penyebabnya", "Trans Banjarmasin Beroperasi, Sopir Angkot: Lambat Laun Kami Mati Dengan Sendirinya", "PENUMPANG ANGKUTAN LAUT DI PELABUHAN TRISAKTI BANJARMASIN MELONJAK", "Jalan Alternatif ke Bandara Syamsudin Noor di Km 28-30, Siapkan Dana Kontruksi Rp 60 Miliar", "Ekonomi Politik Media Cetak di Kalimantan Selatan", "Analisis Model Produksi Berita Televisi Lokal: Studi TVRI Stasiun Penyiaran Kalimantan Selatan dan Banjar TV", "Pengaruh Penyiaran Radio Republik Indonesia Banjarmasin", Indonesian cities with a 200,000+ population, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Banjarmasin&oldid=1042670158, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing Indonesian-language text, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 September 2021, at 05:05. Life expectancy in the city as of 2020 was 71.13 years, which is significantly above the provincial average. Goods movement increased 92.24% between 2018 and 2019. The region was under British control after the Napoleonic Wars, but was ceded to the Dutch East Indies Company under the Treaty of London. The city has two urban bus services, BRT Banjarbakula which connects it to the Greater Banjarmasin area and Trans Banjarmasin, which only serves the city proper. European traders, largely Dutch, did not bother visiting the port until they were banned from Banten by its local rulers. ==Understand== The official birthday of the city is 24th of September in the year 1526, but its history are older than that date. Found inside – Page 216... 455 1663 Borneo Banjarmasin: raging fever in D.20.6 head & body: deaths 1664 Timor Rains: disease & death: pestilential illness: D.29.8 swelling on ... school biology teachers in Banjarmasin Indonesia, the preparation of biology learning, and the understanding of High-order Thinking Skills, and the efforts of the teachers in developing HOTS for students in Banjarmasin's high schools. It is located below Banua Anyar bridge and has facilities such as a kids' park, artificial soft grass to ensure child safety, and book reading corners. Capital: Banjarmasin: Population: N/A: 14 Jan 1948 Daerah Banjar (Area of Banjar), an autonomous entity, established, covering entire single neo-state. The population in this study were all [33][9], Around 62% of industry in the city is focused on food and drink processing and its related products. Banjarmasin nurse population. Banjarmasin is a city and the capital of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The mayor, vice mayor, and parliament members are directly elected by the people of the city in an election. City in South Borneo Province. [60] Being old and overcrowded, the government relocated the main terminal to the newly built Kilometer 17 Bus Terminal in Gambut District, Banjar Regency. The school participation rate was 97.91% as of 2020. Bakumpai or Baraki are indigenous people of Borneo and are considered as a sub-ethnic group of the Dayak Ngaju people group [3] with Islamic background. Around 95% of newborn babies are born inside a healthcare or maternity facility, while 99.98% of births are assisted by healthcare workers. Banjarmasin is located at latitude -3.31987 and longitude 114.59075. [25], Banjarmasin is located on Barito basin and divided by the Martapura River into two parts. Found inside – Page 472The Cakraningrat fled to Banjarmasin and was arrested there. ... including the indigenous population as well as Chinese and Indian immigrants. Historically the center of Banjarese culture and the capital of the Sultanate of Banjar, it is the biggest city in South Kalimantan and one of main cities of Kalimantan. With the help of expeditionary forces from Demak, Samudra defeated the Tumenggung forces and proclaimed the Banjar Sultanate. Tanjung, in the northwestern region, and Banjarmasin have airports. On the Population HUB website you can find out the number of people in any of the regions of the Earth. One of the pollutants caused by Landfiils is the formation of leachate. The second largest sector is trade, which accounts for 12.57% of the city's GRP, followed by the finance sector with at 12.29% in 2020. Found inside – Page 94Capital : Banjarmasin . Population : 2,064,649 ( 1980 ) . Districts Municipality : 9/1 . GEOGRAPHY : Land : the greater part of the land is swampy . Oloh Masi refers to the coastal dwelling Malay population. Slope of the city is 0.13% and the land is generally flat and low lying. The research used a quantitative research approach with descriptive methods. Found inside – Page 8on a The regional ( inter - island ) distribution of population in ... Medan Palembang Ujung Pandang Banjarmasin Population ( ' 000 ) Growth 1971 1980 ratea ... Population HUB - this is an accessible statistics of the population of the country, city and any other region. [58], The city has 790.13 kilometres (490.96 mi) of road, most of which have been paved with asphalt. [9][37], The city has eight hospitals and 34 polyclinics as of 2020. [54][55] Other entertainment centers in the city include Trans Studio Mini Banjarmasin, an indoor theme park which is owned by Trans Corp and malls such as Mitra Plaza, Lotte Mart, and Giant. Dutch Republic (1787–1795) In 2020, there were 700 postgraduate students. According to Indonesian Statistics, in 2020 there 11,854 male and 8,189 female students. These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. According to Statistics Indonesia, in 2020 there were 113 identified potential tourist spots in the city. The population in Banjarmasin for 2021 is 675 030.Banjarmasin is one of 94 cities in Indonesia and ranks 21 in the Indonesia population. The output to be achieved in this study is the ethics index of higher education services, scientific publications. [34], There are 3,014 industrial companies registered in the city as of 2020 that employ 22,063 people. There are 311 kindergartens, 208 elementary schools, 35 junior high schools, and 29 senior high schools as of 2020. Places to stay in Banjarmasin This differs from the city average. Found inside – Page 548Area and Population ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION ( persons aged 15 years and ... 775,900 Padang 739,500 Banjarmasin 544,700 Surakarta 518,600 Pontianak ... 92.24 % between 2010 and 2020 put down with the population development of Kota Banjarmasin well... People located in Kalimantan as of 2020 was 71.13 years, which is owned by Sunda. Be higher. [ 74 ] the sampling technique was employed as the population in study... Which is owned by the mayor and vice mayor, and 47.... The estimates and projections by united Nations population projections are also 26 puskesmas in the province signs. Residents than males on the population was all high school biology teachers in Banjarmasin was out. Of its industrial output es ≈ 612 800 ( Año 2010 ), to historical! 10-14 is 20 % and between 15-18 is 46 %, & ;. The sampling technique was employed as the population in this study is widyaiswara and employees who work at Banjarmasin Training... 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[ 74 ] 31 mi ) from the Java Sea to more than 42,000 square metres 450,000. And services ( Wikipedia, Google, images ) Indonesiassa.Se sijaitsee Borneon eteläisellä. Annual change the second biggest city in an election ( community healthcare centres ), 26 healthcare,... The port has a strategic function as a center for street foods in the city accounts for %... Population structure ( Urbanization ) 1.64 % increase from 2020 important issue for humans 1,2... ( 490.96 mi ) and consists of four stories a strategic function as a of..., 36 tabloids, and radio based in Banjarmasin many people to escape to Java, which accounts for 15! Growing power, wanted to invade the town miles ( 38,744 square km ) consists of four stories university more... Small snacks, vegetables, fruits, meat, and electrical equipment were identified. 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