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President and CEO Tim Morrow said they heard requests for the drive-thru option from guests so they’re bringing it back Sundays through Wednesdays starting July 12. The San Antonio Zoo now has a drive-thru experience that allows guests to observe their favorite animals from the comfort of their own vehicle. Found inside – Page 33... planning to drive through to the Big Sur highway tomorrow, then on south. ... excellent chardonnay, estate bottled under the Mission San Antonio label. SAN ANTONIO (CBSDFW.COM) – Well, it was a success. From Interstate 15 (Escondido and Riverside), take State Route 163 south to the Park Blvd./. Expo Halls B & C - 3201 E Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78219 Sept. 24 - Oct. 3, 2021 Must Buy Online Tickets In Advance. The experience will last between 30 min to 1 hour. #1 Reservations are not required and tickets start at $14.95. "At a zoo, service animals can be restricted from areas where the animals on display are the natural prey or natural predators of dogs, where the presence of a dog would be disruptive, causing the displayed animals to behave aggressively or become agitated." Hundreds of cars a day have been snaking their way through the San Antonio Zoo since it began offering a drive-thru tour on May 1, but zoo officials hope to return to normal operations soon.. With the zoo closed to foot traffic since March 14, when the governor declared a state of disaster, a drive-thru experience has allowed families to see the animals while practicing social distancing. Stop by and get some refreshing snacks, icde cream and much more, for you and your whole team. Unlike most zoos in the country, San Antonio Zoo is 100% dependent on ticket sales, guest visitation, donations, and grants creating the need for the zoo to start an emergency fund donation campaign and unique opportunities like Drive Thru Zoo. Tickets are purchased when you arrive. The experience will include a guided educational audio tour and food and beverage curbside options featuring favorite zoo treats along the route. That's Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch — one of Texas's most recognized family entertainment attractions. Fossil Rim is just three miles southwest of Glen Rose off U.S. 67. San Antonio Zoo Annual Pass holders and Monthly Members can get discount admission for Drive Thru Zoo! online today. Franklin Drive Thru Safari, Franklin. Found inside – Page 30Then we'll take a drive through the 343 - acre show place - Brackenridge Park . ... ( Tuesday , October 13 ) One of San Antonio's treasures is its zoo . Found inside – Page 7... your tour with a drive to Brackenridge Park , home of the San Antonio Zoo . ... Next on the agenda , a drive through Fort Sam Houstonestablished in 1876 ... Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch is specialized in opportunities for up-close and personal Safari experiences to give you an unforgettable adventure in this African Safari, with a Texas Style. Ostrich feathers, Zebra ears, and Buffalo noses so close you could touch them! When you purchase “General Admission” tickets, you have the option of a Drive-Through or a Guided Tour!Reservations are not needed, so you can decide which experience you’d like upon arrival! My only beef is that it is a bit pricey, I think like $12-$15 per person, not as a carload. Guests can drive through the San Antonio Zoo from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on May 1-3 and get a chance to see the zoo from the comfort, safety and security of their own vehicle. The San Antonio Zoo and the Little Rock Zoo feature drive-thru events for safe and spooky family fun during the pandemic. The attraction will … San Antonio Zoo Annual Pass holders and Monthly Members can get discount admission for Drive Thru Zoo! There is something for everyone! Found inside – Page 75Safari World offers walk-through exhibits, giraffe feeding, and a petting zoo. Various animals can be seen roaming at the Hwange National Park. San Antonio ... Stretched along the San Antonio River is the famous River Walk, where residents and visitors alike can walk or bike from the San Antonio Zoo to the Witte Museum, the historic Majestic Theatre, the Shops at Rivercenter, the Missions of San Antonio and back again. Held daily from mid-September through October 31st, the San Antonio zoo is decorated to the nines with Halloween excitement, plus trick-or-treat stations, pumpkin painting, dance parties, and a hay maze. We went to the San Antonio drive thru zoo. Hey guys !!! It is important for guests to have doors closed at ALL times. How long does the Drive-Thru Zoo Take? The petting zoo is amazing with new animals consistently being adopted. There's a whole NEW lineup of themed Drive-Thru Zoo nights to experience! For the safari, you stay in your car, and basically it is a drive thru petting zoo, with zebras, camels, ostriches, and more. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. According to the website, visitors will be able to see lions, tigers, and bears all from the security of inside their vehicle as they listen to an audio-guided tour. A free bag of feed comes with each ticket purchase, and our animals will walk right up to the car to get a bite. The CEO notes that one of the key factors of the San Antonio Zoo’s survival was invention of the drive-thru experience. The San Antonio Zoo has launched a drive-thru experience throughout May so visitors can see the animals while socially distancing. With our new experience, you’ll see most of what the zoo has to offer while maintaining safe social distancing measures. Opening Day: Friday 11am-8pm Saturday 9am-9pm Sunday 9am-8pm. Before they reopen to foot traffic, the drive-thru is expected to last until May 28. Load up the family and get ready to experience the San Antonio Zoo from your car in their new drive-thru zoo tours! Meet animals from the comfort of your car at the San Antonio Zoo (VIDEO) Sure, rolling through the car wash is an exciting outing, but why do that when you could take a trip to the San Antonio Zoo instead? For just $60 per car, you can see big cats, bears, and other majestic animals all from the comfort of your car. We are an easy drive one hour from Ft. Worth, one-and-a-half hours from Dallas and DFW Airport, and about three hours from Austin. Get email updates on the animals at the Rim! Found inside – Page 100zoos. Ow: Gladys Porter's pygmy hedgehog. Peanuts fare: San Antonio's elephant. Bass relief: Fort Worth's aquarium. I *' f Reg.: 11 mg "tar" 0.8 mg nicotine ... The San Antonio Zoo is offering a drive-thru experience to help guests maintain social distancing as Texas begins its plan to reopen amid coronavirus. Found inside – Page 108Take a worldwide safari through our world - class zoo . ... ( 409 ) 634-6313 Temessee Aquarium San Antonio Zoo & Aquarium Australian Walkabout featuring ... San Antonio Zoo adding more dates to buzzworthy 'drive-thru' experience after selling out Madalyn Mendoza , San Antonio Express-News April 30, 2020 Updated: April 30, 2020 12:20 p.m. Starting July 12, you can drive through the zoo on select dates. Found inside – Page 42San Antonio and Texas Hill Country Miles to San Antonio from: Dallas, TX, 276; ... Camera Safari, a drive-through ranch with more than 400 roaming animals. Smoking of any kind is not allowed on zoo grounds. San Antonio Zoo®, operated by San Antonio Zoological Society, is a non-profit organization committed to securing a future for wildlife. Found inside – Page 22It is near the headwaters of the San Antonio River and is operated by the San ... other animals from around the world, the zoo features approximately seven ... Viewing the San Antonio Zoo from My Car. But the event sold out … The San Antonio Zoo plans to launch a Drive-Thru program this weekend, where families are encouraged to enjoy a new creative experience from the safety of their vehicles. There's always something new to see at the zoo. Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch – between San Antonio and New Braunfels See over 500 animals as you drive through 400 acres of rolling hills, creek bed and live oak trees. The drive-thru is set to begin on Sunday, July 12 between 4 and 8 p.m. For full explanation from United States Department of Justice, visit www.ada.gov. This post may include affiliate links. Found inside – Page 159Wildlife Safari, PO. Box 1600, Winston, OR 97496 (Present address: 3797 Tyler Place, Corvallis, OR, 97330) James Oosterhuis. San Diego Wild Animal Park, ... Embrace San Antonio's Hispanic heritage with authentic music, drinks, and bites during Pachanga Night. Pass holders and Monthly Members alike will receive a special admission price of $32 per vehicle (regular price $65). Load up the car and head to the San Antonio Zoo this weekend for their drive thru zoo… Email: info@savisitoralliance.com. Book online and enjoy their company! San Antonio Zoo transforms into a drive thru zoo April 29, 2020 allofsa Gas up your ride and grab the family because the San Antonio Zoo has transformed their sidewalks into a path for vehicles. Posted: (2 days ago) Member Admission Tickets. General information, virtual tour with animal photos and descriptions, the "Adopt-an-Animal" program, and membership information. A zoo where the animals come to you, Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch in San Antonio is a drive-thru animal park … More Found inside... Austad drove me to one of his favorite spots, the San Antonio Zoo, ... “Even on safari, when we drive through a group of lions, I'll sit in the middle ... We do not offer any refunds but do suggest that you take your time and keep looking under the trees and into the exhibits as you drive. There have long been drive-thru theaters, fast food restaurants and even, in some places, pharmacies. SAN ANTONIO — The San Antonio Zoo is bringing back the drive thru on select dates. For guest safety, all tailgates, van/car doors, and hatchbacks must remain closed at all times. The zoo experience includes your vehicle (no bigger than the size of a Chevy Suburban), to view the animals and learn about the zoo’s history. We do accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) as well as mobile payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay. Buy Now. Kin Man Hui /Staff file photo Show More Show Less 7 of 8. Experience will now be offered daily through May 17. ... $15 Off Drive Thru Zoo. Admission will be charged per vehicle and is $32 for annual pass holders and $40 for non-pass holders, with all proceeds going to the zoo. Phone: 210-886-9991. San Antonio Zoo Hours & Ticket Prices. Load up the car with your small herd, throw on your best costume, and head out to the zoo for a one-of-a-kind Halloween experience where families can get the chance to see the zoo and trick or treat at the same time every Friday evening from 5-7 p.m. Plus, the experience will include a guided educational audio tour and food and beverage curbside options featuring some of your favorite zoo treats along the route. The zoo has a long road ahead to recovery and is asking that people donate to its emergency fund. No, pets are not permitted on the San Antonio Zoo premises. Tickets can be purchased at sazoo.org. The San Antonio Zoo will be bringing back the drive-thru zoo experience that they had in April and June. Added by Rhinestonechoker . San Antonio (/ ˌ s æ n æ n ˈ t oʊ n i oʊ /; Spanish for "Saint Anthony"), officially the City of San Antonio, is the seventh-most populous city in the United States, second largest city in the Southern United States, and the second-most populous city in Texas with 1,434,625 residents in 2020. Staff will monitor entry and exit to maintain social distancing. For your safety while on zoo grounds, doors MUST BE IN PLACE and closed at all times. Directions from the NORTH (southbound): From Interstate 5 (Los Angeles and Orange County), take the Pershing Drive exit and follow the signs. To help guests maintain social distancing while socially distancing and the Little Rock Zoo drive-thru... Tomorrow, then on south... your tour with a drive through the -. Place - Brackenridge Park, home of the San Antonio Zoo is back! 108Take a worldwide safari through our World - class Zoo Hispanic heritage with music! Hours are subject to change due to inclement weather one of Texas most... 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