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His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish. He invites us to "Trust in the Lord" with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5). Found insideJohn 5 verse 41Jesus said, I do not receive glory from men. He knew that men were there ... THIS MEANS MEN WILL TURN YOU DOWN IF YOU PUT YOUR TRUST IN THEM. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.". He invites us to "Trust in the Lord" with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5). Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. Psalm 9:10 "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." It is easy to look to others for strength and help. Verse Concepts. Found insideBecause God who made man knows that man can change with time. This is the main reason why the Bible warns all not to put their trust in man. Scripture reveals that the great business of life is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. In this paradigm-shattering work, John Piper reveals that the debate between duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delightisour duty. 11 In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. Here are 148 inspiring Bible verses on protection from the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible, King James Version, sorted by relevance. It was used of an umpire in an athletic game. English Standard Version Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Tell him all your problems. Selah People cannot really help. It only takes a minute. Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils;For why should he be esteemed? We seek people's advice, worse we seek their . << Psalm 55 | Psalm 56 | Psalm 57 >>. David did not desire his people to put their trust in him, nor in his nobles and courtiers; but in the Lord Christ, who, as he is the object of praise, is also the proper object of trust. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. It was used of an umpire in an athletic game. Psalms 33:4. Found inside – Page 1149... than any man , 59 ° Every word of God is a pure : ' he is a and have not the understanding of a man . shield unto them that put their trust in him . Thank you! Psalms Of Trust. Micah 7:5 - Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. 1. 20 million users around the world read Aleteia.org every month, Aleteia is published every day in seven languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and Slovenian, Each month, readers view more than 50 million pages, Nearly 4 million people follow Aleteia on social media, Each month, we publish 2,450 articles and around 40 videos, We have 60 full time staff and approximately 400 collaborators (writers, translators, photographers, etc. Prophet Ken Dewey. - King James Version (1611) - View 1611 Bible Scan It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man. Put Not Your Trust in Princes - Praise the LORD! When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Finding rest in a restless world Recently, while reading through the gospel, according to Matthew, I paused when I came to the well-known and popular scripture, Matthew 11:28-30. Who proceed down to EgyptWithout consulting Me,To take refuge in the safety of PharaohAnd to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt! Bible verses in Jeremiah 17:7 and Psalm 84:12 say about the blessedness of a man who put his trust in the Lord. Christ's peace or lack of peace should help us make decisions. Trust In God, Not Man. (Psalm 37:4-6) Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. Put not your trust in princes, nor in a son of man in whom there is no help. We seek people's advice, worse we seek their . Add Another Translation. At Furnel, Inc. we understand that your projects deserve significant time and dedication to meet our highest standard of quality and commitment. Philippians 4:6-7 . He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. 3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:6 . Happy is he that hath the God o Trust God; Nothing on Earth Can Compare. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips.". When we're trusting God, typically, we will have his peace and not anxiety. King James Bible Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever, Who executes . I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. This professionalism is the result of corporate leadership, teamwork, open communications, customer/supplier partnership, and state-of-the-art manufacturing. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals. American Standard Ver Bible in Basic English Darby's Translation King . Now the Egyptians are men and not God,And their horses are flesh and not spirit;So the Lord will stretch out His hand,And he who helps will stumbleAnd he who is helped will fall,And all of them will come to an end together. Read more:Trusting God when life is hard and we fall from grace. Psalm 56:11 New King James Version. Found inside – Page 303God gave us His words in the Bible to help us live the life which is for our ... the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. WBC authors are experts in their field and skillfully bring the text to meaning through careful exegesis and exposition. Verse Concepts. We have quoted some of the most famous Bible verses about trust in God. Put not your trust in princes, Nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. February 26, 2021. 10 Bible Verses About Trusting God. Found insideThe Bible's first verse to man of all eras is, “In the beginning God created the ... Put your trust in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and only Christ and ... Read Stop Worrying and Put Your Trust in God (1 John 4:18) - Your Daily Bible Verse - February 12 from today's daily devotional. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the Lord. Though they stumble, they will never fall, For the Lord holds them by the hand." (NLT) (Psalm 62:8, NIV) A refuge is a safe place to run to — a place of safety amid chaos. Found inside – Page 78Turn to that passage in your Bible , and you will find in the margin ... A man shall never fall if he puts his trust in the Lord Jehovah ; but if he puts ... And God is faithful. Begin reading God's Word ad-free with instant access to your new online study library. Proverbs 28:26 NIV. Don't think you will gain anything by stealing. In John 6:47, we read that the one who believes in Jesus has everlasting life . An authoritative Bible translation, rendered faithfully into today's English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars. Proverbs 3:6. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, In whom there is no help. Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever, Who executes . Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act. It is better to trust in the L ORD than to put confidence in princes." Jeremiah 17:5 puts it even more bluntly, "Thus says the L ORD: 'Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart . 9. Put your hope in God not wealth. Futility Self Righteousness, And The Gospel Forsaking God Trust, Lack Of Trust Prayerlessness. Luke who was a disciple, was a doctor as well. Search for and read the full story of Jamie Coots on CNN. Micah 7:5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. As David points out, the believer who understands that the Lord "will judge the world in righteousness" … because "those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you" ( Ps. Found insideJournal your month with the Bible Cindy Mezas ... In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me? Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." . September 12, 2016. by. Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no help. These Bible verses about trust, from the beautiful words of Psalm 28:7 to the promises made in Isaiah 26:3, remind us that to trust in God is a beautiful and worthwhile thing. This prayer to St. Anthony is said to have “never been known to f... © Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him. Bible Verses About Trust No Man. Bible verses about testing God Putting God to the test is a sin and should never be done. Snake handling is not biblical! Bible verses about trusting people Scripture is clear when it says trust God with all your heart. As you can imagine, these numbers represent a lot of work. "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design – SolidWorks and Mastercam. Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart.". -Proverbs 3:5-6. The hardest part of trusting someone is that you have to be vulnerable. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is . -Proverbs 3:5-6. Found inside – Page 13518 “While your wife is living, do not marry her sister and have sexual ... “Do not put your trust in idols or make metal images of gods for yourselves. Every day challenges can test our trust in God. "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. It is better to take refuge in the LordThan to trust in princes. 100 Bible Verses about Put Faith In God Not Man Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV / 47 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:25-26 says this of the person who hopes in God: "Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.". Behold, you rely on the staff of this crushed reed, even on Egypt, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it. Trust In God, Not Man. February 26, 2021. Trust God for Your Finances is a detailed, in-depth study of exactly what the Bible has to say about success and prosperity. The principles in this book are not theoretical. Several psalms remind us of the need to put our trust in God and His name. "The more you go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to God, and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find those fabulous things start to show up in your life.". Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. We need you. Even good friends can let […] Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. I find Isaiah 2:22 to be a wonderful reminder to me to always place my trust in the Lord rather than man. The future may seem uncertain right now, and worry keeps occupying too much room in your heart, in your mind, but remember this: God is already in all of our tomorrows. Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm . Saint of the Day: Bl. "For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. The Scriptures tell us we are to trust God will all our heart. The phrase "be in control" can also be translated "decide.". Psalm 146:3 English Standard Version. Found inside – Page 8Then in verse 10, it explains how God delivers us from the deceit of man. ... said to me many years ago: "You were wrong to put your trust me, I am not God. 4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. And if you become wealthy, don't put your trust in riches. Create or log in to your Bible Gateway account. It can be easy to forget who is in charge of this world when events turn our lives upside down. ***. Woman's Day Staff "We live by faith and not by sight." — 2 Corinthians 5:7 Psalm 146:3. When everything is in disarray, we can always trust in God and be at peace knowing he is the creator and sustainer of the world. The pit in your stomach, pounding of your heart, and rush of your thoughts as you go from just the possibility of a job loss to starving and being . Thus says the Lord, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind. 4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. We trust God for eternal life; why then don't we trust Him amid the adversities of daily life? Peggy Joyce Ruth has a unique way of showing that victorious living depends on our unwavering trust in God. Verse Concepts. Bible in Basic English Darby's Translation English Standard Version King James Version New American Standard . Daudi Okelo and Bl. 3 Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. Proverbs 3:5. Found insideTo cultivate a spiritually healthy church we need a shift in our metrics--a "grace-shift" that prioritizes the work of God in the lives of people over numbers and dollars. Are people growing in their esteem for Jesus? Update. Quotes about Trusting God. Found inside – Page 8Anno Davidis , of my righteousness : thou 4 " Stand in awe , and sin not ... ye sons of men , how long will ye turn my put your trust in the LORD . glory ... Tell him all your problems. in mortal men, who cannot save. Bible Verses on Trusting God. Bible verses in Jeremiah 17:7 and Psalm 84:12 say about the blessedness of a man who put his trust in the Lord. Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; And to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt! 27 Bible Verses About Trusting God Scripture To Inspire Trust Belief . The Gift of Fear You know that feeling. What The Bible Says About Trusting God - 30 Encouraging Bible Verses: Having Faith in God, God's Love, God's Authority, and God's Faithfulness. The Scriptures tell us we are to trust God will all our heart. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.". Found inside – Page 296The The LoRD looseth the prisoners: 2 Heb., grief oRD doth build up ... Man's Fickleness and (9) “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, ... His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish. Add Another Translation. Found inside – Page 244Psalm 118 is the central chapter and verse 8 is the very centre of the Bible. 'It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in people. Furnel, Inc. has been successfully implementing this policy through honesty, integrity, and continuous improvement. Prophet Ken Dewey. Losing Honour. I find Isaiah 2:22 to be a wonderful reminder to me to always place my trust in the Lord rather than man. Found inside – Page 202A Friendly Approach to Sharing the Truth About God and the Bible Ron Rhodes ... The New World Translation renders this passage, “Do not put your trust in ... Care Trusting Other People. 11. Fear and anxiety can rob us from faith. Compared to God, they are nothing— no more than a gentle puff of air! " Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.". Don't think you will gain anything by stealing. God is our place of safety. 1 Indeed, as . Compared to God, they are nothing— no more than a gentle puff of air! Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, And trust in chariots because they are many. Joyce Meyer has a knack for coining phrases-her fans call them Joyceisms-and one of her best loved is "Where the mind goes, the man follows. Enter your credit card information to ensure uninterrupted service following your free trial. Jeremiah 5,7: Thus says the LORD: " Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD. Jeremiah 5,7: Thus says the LORD: " Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm . Found inside – Page 526Quickly Find Verses about God's Constant Faithfulness Zondervan ... 3Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. He explains what it means to trust God, the things that might get in the way of your ability to trust Him, and how to walk in trusting God practically. The Bible tells us to “trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understand, in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight†(Proverbs 3:5-6). And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Proverbs 11:13 "A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.". Put not your trust in princes Not in foreign princes, in alliances and confederacies with them; nor in any at home. Recently pastor Jamie Coots died from a snake bite which he could have prevented if he followed God's Word. Here are the 51 most powerful Bible scriptures on trusting god. Jeremiah 39:18: For I will surely save you, and you shall not fall by . When you start trusting man that leads to danger, because man can't save you only Jesus can, neither can man take care of all your needs, GOD CAN ALONE. Found inside – Page 65Even when it does not make any sense, put your trust in Him. ... the fear of man take over your life. Because the Bible teaches the fear of man is a trap. 21 Engel Injection Molding Machines (28 to 300 Ton Capacity), 9 new Rotary Engel Presses (85 Ton Capacity), Rotary and Horizontal Molding, Precision Insert Molding, Full Part Automation, Electric Testing, Hipot Testing, Welding. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly devotionals. Here are a few Bible verses to reaffirm our trust in God, not letting the world take away our peace. September 12, 2016. by. 12. People, always put your trust in God! Human men will let you down because really we know MEN ARE NOT . Psalm 31:14 NIV "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. The Good News: As long as you place your trust in God, He will make your enemies your footstool. I really believe it's because God knows our tendency to rely on ourselves and drift. The Good News: As long as you place your trust in God, He will make your enemies your footstool. When Ephraim saw his sickness,And Judah his wound,Then Ephraim went to AssyriaAnd sent to King Jareb.But he is unable to heal you,Or to cure you of your wound. Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. May these Bible verses about trusting God inspire you to stay faithful and remember the divine graces of our Lord and Savior. Psalm 146:3 — GOD'S WORD Translation (GW) 3 Do not trust influential people, "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. I pray this is a blessing and an encouragement to you and yours. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Bible Verses about Trust - Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on… But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence… When I am afraid, I put my trust in you… Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans… When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and… Don't trust in your power to take things by force. Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.". Who has dealt wondrously with you; Then My people will never be put to shame. Found inside – Page 526Quickly Find Verses about God's Constant Faithfulness Various Authors, ... 3Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart.". Here are some verses to help when you're considering your plans this New Year. Yet, in the midst of the anxiety, sorrow and suffering, we need to remind ourselves that God is in control. People, always put your trust in God! Found inside – Page 681We must trust in God , PSALM CXLVI . and not in man . ... 3 a Put not your trust in princes , nor in 7 Which executeth judgment for the opthe son of man ... Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. Throughout the pages of history, God has always had a people. Micah 7:5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. Furnel, Inc. is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services in a timely manner at a competitive price. on that very day their plans come to nothing. When you start trusting man that leads to danger, because man can't save you only Jesus can, neither can man take care of all your needs, GOD CAN ALONE. Psalm 62:8,9. 15 Uplifting Bible Verses Uplifting Quotes From The Bible . - American Standard Version (1901) Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. Christ's peace or lack of peace should help us make decisions. Trust is a serious issue to the Lord. What can man do to me? In John 6:47, we read that the one who believes in Jesus has everlasting life . Psalm 37:23-24 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. Read Stop Worrying and Put Your Trust in God (1 John 4:18) - Your Daily Bible Verse - February 12 from today's daily devotional. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Philip Kosloski - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 03/10/20. Jeremiah 39:18: For I will surely save you, and you shall not fall by . Let's use this Prayer for Trusting God today: "Lord, I thank You that You are the God of the impossible. - New American Standard Version (1995) It is better to take refuge in Jehovah Than to put confidence in man. 3 Put not confidence in nobles, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. Found inside – Page 119highlight that verse in your Bible if you have not already done so. ... “It is better to trust in the Lord than put your confidence in man. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. And if you become wealthy, don't put your trust in riches. This was […] Woman's Day Staff "We live by faith and not by sight." — 2 Corinthians 5:7 You cannot depend on them. Found inside – Page 234In the verse preced- ject in haud , is as follows : So long as a man has reads thus : “ Put not your trust in princes , nor ing it , we read , “ For to ... It is better to trust in the Lord: then to put confidence in man. Psalm 56:11 New King James Version. << Psalm 145 | Psalm 146 | Psalm 147 >>. Psalms 118:8 - [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Praise the LORD, O my soul! Bible Verses about Trust - Scripture Quotes on Trusting God. Psalm 69:6. Commit your way to the LORD; 5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, 6 the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-- the LORD, who remains . The phrase "be in control" can also be translated "decide.". Psalm 118:8-9 reads, "It is better to trust in the L ORD than to put confidence in man. At Furnel, Inc. our goal is to find new ways to support our customers with innovative design concepts thus reducing costs and increasing product quality and reliability. No, doctors and the medicine they provide are to be seen as God's blessing. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Psalm 40:4. Why is the feast of the Holy Cross celebrated on September 14? Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. Isaiah 51:5. Psalm 146:3 The psalmist's advice in this verse is an oft-repeated notion throughout Scripture. Bible Verses About Trust No Man. Next. This new edition replaces both Trusting God (paperback ISBN 9781600063053) and the study guide (paperback ISBN 9781600063060) by combining both resources into one volume! Read more:5 Bible verses that give you hope for the future. Found inside – Page 44Jotham's fuble JUDGES . concluded . eth God and man , and go to trees , If in truth ye ... Isr , 14 Then said all the trees and put your trust in my 1. 10. - King James Version (1611) - View 1611 Bible Scan It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man. 11 In God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid; What can man do unto me? Found insideLet The Purpose Driven Life show you how. As one of the bestselling nonfiction books in history, with more than 35 million copies sold, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it's the road map for your spiritual journey. Trust in the LORD for ever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; In that very day his thoughts perish. Faith And Trust Trusting Others Faith, Nature Of. Friends, Trust God, Not Man! Trust in the LORD for ever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org. Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. Trust No Man Quotes Bible Relatable Quotes Motivational Funny Trust No Man Quotes Bible At Relatably Com . Berean Study Bible Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man, who cannot save. 20 Important Bible Verses about Trusting God. And their horses are flesh and not spirit; And all of them will come to an end together. 9:8, 10 ). Jildo Irwa, Pope considers what to do with pro-abortion Catholic politicians, How receiving Holy Communion can drive away demons, This couple has the longest marriage in France. Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. Trusting in a God who cares about the details of your life is the better strategy. Revised and redesigned to offer the ultimate in quality and usefulness making this is the ideal gift for presentations and special achievements. Found inside – Page 153Psalm 146 Praise God Always Praise the Lord all of your life. Praise God for as long as you live. Do not put your trust in men who cannot save you. It is better to trust in the Lord: then to put confidence in man. 8. And in horsemen because they are very strong, But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the. Woe to those who go down to Egypt for helpAnd rely on horses,And trust in chariots because they are manyAnd in horsemen because they are very strong,But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the Lord! God can use medicine to heal us. You can do anything. Trust is a serious issue to the Lord. Found insideIn this vision our heavenly Father reveals to His children Satan's secret celestial activities unknown to many Christians today. New American Standard Bible You cannot depend on them. Find below Bible Verses, Scriptures, Quotes & Passages about Trusting God instead of man. God is our place of safety. He delights in every detail of their lives. Bible Verses about Trust - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto… Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope… What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee… Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established… When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and… 11 In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:9-10 "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." Psalm 27:4 Authoritative Bible Translation, rendered faithfully into today 's English from the King James Bible put not your trust princes. Refuge in Jehovah than to put confidence in man why is the better.... Lives to serve David salvation ( help ) remind us of the famous! 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