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Found inside – Page 4643License fee for new breweries and distilleries . 84. Bottler's license fees . 85. Wholesale license fees . 85a . Wholesale liquor dealers may purchase ... The Honolulu Liquor Commission processes and issues all Liquor licenses and permits (manufacturing, dispensing, retailing, wholesaling, shipping, storing, etc.) Requirements for exporting including Certificate Program. Please see Application for COVID-19 Payment Exceptions. Holders of these privileges are commonly called . A broker's license is required for any person who solicits orders for, offers to sell or offers to supply alcoholic liquor to retailers in the State of Illinois, or who offers to retailers to ship or cause to be shipped or to make contact with distillers, rectifiers, brewers or manufacturers or any other party within or without the State of Illinois . The Vermont Department of Liquor Control (DLC) is tasked with the licensing of Manufacturers of malt and vinous beverages as well as Distillers of spirituous beverages and we license Wholesale Dealers. The Kentucky Office of Occupations and Professions offers . 0000002925 00000 n Found inside – Page 26Under color of the wholesale license , which costs but a small sum , grocers and merchants often establish retail - liquor - shops of the most dangerous ... The Liquor Wholesale Solicitor license allows licensees to selling of intoxicating liquor of all kinds to a person licensed to sell such intoxicating liquor at retail and the privilege of selling to licensed Wholesalers and soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor of all kinds, to, by, or through a licensed Wholesaler in Missouri. Any alcohol, spirits, beer, and wine and every liquid or solid, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer and capable of being consumed as a beverage by human beings, but does not include low point beer. California has four liquor license types that must be purchased on the open market from the existing pool of available licenses. When buying from a beverage distributor or wholesaler, bars typically pay 70% to 80% less than what they charge their customers. NOTE: A receipt from the purchase of your local license is not acceptable. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}', 'center:1;dialogHeight:500px;dialogWidth:500px;resizable:yes;status:no;location:no;menubar:no;help:no', function GotoPageAfterClose(pageid){if(pageid == 'hold') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ A class 1 brewer license, which may only be issued to a licensed brewer or licensed non-resident dealer, shall allow the manufacture of up to 930,000 gallons of beer per year provided that the class 1 brewer licensee does not manufacture more than a combined 930,000 gallons of beer per year and is not a member of or affiliated with, directly or indirectly, a manufacturer that produces more than 930,000 gallons of beer per year. For information on liquor permits and forms other than those listed above, please contact: Department of Consumer Protection Liquor Control Division 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901 Hartford, CT 06103-1840 Telephone: (860) 713-6210 LIVE CHAT with us during regular business hours Fax: (860) 706-1208 E-Mail: dcp.liquorcontrol@ct.gov A Liquor licence is required (unless exempted) if your company/business/society intends to supply 1 any liquor 2. 0000001219 00000 n It, however, may not be issued to a California Brandy Wholesaler. If a class 1 brewer manufactures spirits, it shall also obtain and shall only be eligible for, in addition to any current license, a class 1 craft distiller license, shall not manufacture more than 50,000 gallons of spirits per year, and shall not be a member of or affiliated with, directly or indirectly, a manufacturer that produces more than 50,000 gallons of spirits per year. Brewer $1,250 ; Small brewer $125 You may also have to submit to a Background Investigation, Tax Clearance, and Fingerprint Process. Alcohol Tax Report Forms and Instructions. If the holder of the permit is a class 1 brewer licensee, the brewer warehouse permit shall allow the holder to store or warehouse up to 930,000 gallons of tax-determined beer manufactured by the holder of the permit at the premises specified on the permit. along with applicable security deposit (Original Liquor Surety Bond or cash), a copy of the permit issued by the Federal Alcohol and . However, a class 1 craft distiller that holds more than one class 1 craft distiller license shall not manufacture, in the aggregate, more than 50,000 gallons of spirits by distillation per year and shall not sell, in the aggregate, more than 5,000 gallons of such spirits to non-licensees in accordance with an exemption approved by the State Commission pursuant to Section 6-4 of this Act. Found inside – Page 1371Wholesale license fees scription . 14056. ... Bond of wholesale liquor dealer . 13990. ... Additional fine for selling liquor without license ; pen14091. The following article will help you to find out whether it is hard to get a liquor license in NY, how many categories of licenses there are in NY, and how much they cost. And it's enjoyably readable....This is an excellent review for anyone in the alcoholism prevention business, and good background reading for the interested layperson. A class 2 brewer may hold up to three brew pub licenses, and annually transfer up to 3,720,000 gallons (120,000 barrels) of manufactured beer between commonly-owned class 2 brewer locations. A broker's license is required for any person who solicits orders for, offers to sell or offers to supply alcoholic liquor to retailers in the State of Illinois, or who offers to retailers to ship or cause to be shipped or to make contact with distillers, rectifiers, brewers or manufacturers or any other party within or without the State of Illinois . A beer showcase permit means a license for use by a class 3 brewer or distributor to allow for the transfer of beer only from an existing licensed premises of a class 3 brewer or distributor to a designated site for a specific event. Found inside – Page 566Every applicant for a liquor license shall deposit the amount Fee to be ... The fee for a wholesale license shall be two hundred and fifty dollars per annum ... A class 1 craft distiller license holder may store such spirits at a non-contiguous licensed location, but at no time shall a class 1 craft distiller license holder directly or indirectly produce in the aggregate more than 50,000 gallons of spirits per year. Wholesaler/Distributor (In-State) Wholesaler or Wholesale Dealer is any person who sells alcoholic beverages to other wholesale dealers, retail dealers, or to retail consumption dealers. 0000001710 00000 n How you know. We sell alcoholic beverages in large amounts to companies (not to consumers). We've divided these licenses into categories below. ABC grants a range of privileges, or "licenses," to businesses, groups and individuals enabling the manufacture, distribution, selling and serving of alcoholic beverages in the Commonwealth. Liquor licenses are valid for a two year term. In Pennsylvania , there is no fixed price for a liquor license as the only way to obtain one in many cases is to purchase an existing license from another business (due to a state law that limits the number of licenses issued). Pay $1,250 fee for the permanent license. 312.814.2206 F: All required documentation must be scanned and saved as individual PDF files. The cost of a Mississippi Liquor License is unique for the specific needs of each business. 11 - Brandy Importer. Stats.) This cost is not affected by the classification (QUOTA, HBX, SPXE, etc.) Found inside – Page 26Assembly 2381 , to double the fees for all alcoholic beverage licenses . ... for a person who does not hold a distilled spirits wholesale license— $ 250.00 ... Alcoholic Beverage License. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ REQUIRED: In addition to the above application and its supporting files, you must provide the ILCC with copies of your Federal Basic Permit (, A Manufacturer's license consists of the following license classes and fee amounts: Class 1: Distiller—$5,000.00; Class 2: Rectifier—$5,000.00; Class 3: Brewer—$1,500.00; Class 4: 1st Class Wine Manufacturer—$1500.00; Class 5: 2nd Class Wine Manufacturer—$1,750.00; Class 6: 1st Class Wine Maker—$1500.00; Class 7: 2nd Class Wine Maker—$1,750.00; Class 8: Limited Wine Manufacturer—$350.00; Class 9: Craft Distiller—$2,500.00. The Liquor Wholesale Solicitor license allows licensees to selling of intoxicating liquor of all kinds to a person licensed to sell such intoxicating liquor at retail and the privilege of selling to licensed Wholesalers and soliciting orders for the sale of intoxicating liquor of all kinds, to, by, or through a licensed Wholesaler in Missouri. Exporting Alcohol Beverages. However, the aggregate amount of spirits sold to non-licensees and sold or delivered to retail licensees may not exceed 5,000 gallons per year. (Section 23378.1) Brandy is included in the definition of distilled spirits (Section 23005). License fees generally fall into two categories, application fees and annual fees. %PDF-1.6 %���� + '?List={ListId}&ID={ItemId}'), Special Event Retailer Liquor License NFP. If you are looking to get an Alcohol License in New York, then you are in the right place. Additionally, these licenses are responsible for any solicitors who . Please be prepared to remit a $200.00 publication deposit on the day of your scheduled interview with the licensing . Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. Public Information . Found inside – Page 92TABLE A Annual Wholesale and Retail License Fees for Sale of Distilled Spirits ... State Wholesale License Foes Of - Sale On - Sale $ 500 ALABAMA Class 1 ... An official website of the State of Georgia. Occupational Permits/Licenses and Renewals. The cost of a Broker's License is $1,000.00. We've had a 100% success rate for our clients that's backed by our guarantee. A Specialty Retailer license includes the following license classes and fees: Brew Pub—$1,500.00; Caterer Retailer—$500.00; Wine Maker Retailer—$500.00; and Wine Maker Retailer (Second Location)—$1,000.00. Class "E" Liquor Control License (LE) - 12-Month Duration Only. After you submit your liquor license application, the Washington State . H�dUMo�0���19Dч�a�(�$n�ֱ��Y1�=6�k/ۀ��Q�d�r��{$ERrև/�����z��w���r��~�8���;�n�z�ro 8���÷l}���'�2�A��^3kd/D�F���-�z1��z����}n. License Fee Amount; Brewery: $1,000: Distillery: $1,000: Winery: $1,000: Farm Winery: $50: Wine Special Order Shipping: $50: Farm Winery/Wholesale: $50: Brewpub: $1,000: Adding Officers: $100: Hotel In-Room Service (Consumption on Premises ) Liquor + Beer= Liquor+Wine= Liquor+Beer+Wine= Totals $150 $150 $200 Liquor and Gaming. The total cost of this process will be in excess of R10 000. No 217.524.1911. ownership must be exactly the same for each of the licenses you are applying for. Licenses issued directly by the ABCC will require the application, amendment, and renewal to be submitted through the ePlace . If your business is a restaurant wishing to sell beer, wine, and liquor, or a package store also desiring to sell beer, wine, and liquor, you will find that the . All other permits are valid for one year. trailer c. 138, § 18, you will need electronic copies of the documents listed below.. Commercial permits cover the manufacture, importation, distribution, bottling or transportation of alcohol. Other Business License Forms. Found inside – Page 566Every applicant for a liquor license shall deposit the amount Fee to be ... The fee for a wholesale license shall be two hundred and fifty dollars per annum ... The application includes instructions and lists all supporting documents necessary to obtain the license. 0000001384 00000 n The manufacturing, distribution, and sale of alcoholic liquors are governed by the liquor manufacturers', wholesalers', and retail dealers' licenses and the liquor-by-the-drink licenses authorized under the ABC Act in Chapter 6 of Title 61. They said small bars tend to spend around $2,500 to $6,000 per month on alcohol, while . 0000003815 00000 n 0000007031 00000 n A Non-Beverage User's license consists of the following license classifications: Class 1—not to exceed 500 gallons; Class 2—not to exceed 1,000 gallons; Class 3—not to exceed 5,000 gallons; Class 4—not to exceed 10,000 gallons; and Class 5—not to exceed 50,000 gallons. Alcohol Licensed Companies List. 0000007592 00000 n Part of the process is demonstrating there's a public need for a new liquor license at the location you picked for your business. Class 2 Brewer's License: The cost of this license is $100.00. The alcoholic liquor can be used solely for the non-beverage purposes set forth in Section 8-1 of the Liquor Control Act. 0000006471 00000 n Found inside – Page 16That the licenses authorized and provided for by this section shall be of two classes , wholesale liquor licenses and barroom licenses . The fee for a ... We notify licensees before they expire as a courtesy. The cost of a liquor license depends on its class and kind (see table below). A liquor license is an endorsement on your Business License issued by the Washington State Department of Revenue (DOR) Business Licensing. Term of Licenses or Permits. When buying from a beverage distributor or wholesaler, bars typically pay 70% to 80% less than what they charge their customers. We reached out and asked an experienced beverage program manager how much bars can expect to spend acquiring alcohol from vendors. We recommend that you save the form prior to entering information and . Sales to non-licensees are prohibited at the premises specified in the brewer warehouse permit. License to distribute beer or wine to vendors and other distributors. What types of alcohol beverage licenses are there? See the License and Permit Fees Chart (PDF) Created with sketchtool. Found inside – Page 99( 5 ) Issuance of permit ; fee : For each permit issued , there shall be ... of fee : Upon approval of the request , a liquor wholesale or retail license ... Found inside – Page 261Every wholesaler must pay to the State an annual license fee in the sum of ... and liquor wholesale establishments in their capacity as private citizens . Is there a representative license? Summary of Liquor and Gaming License Types. Liquor License Application requires the review and approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Stats.) No. A Orange county liquor license is granted to the holder, who has the right to sell liquor. designated by Florida's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, or rather, the location/property-type in which alcohol is being . x�b```e``�"�2�1 3P������s����n%�bl``h ���� i1 � �h2�3,c``����v�SC � C �� �u��M�,\�;�%�5\hd�X���p*��F ���pz9�f NOTE - This form can be saved. These licenses include State Beverage Distributor's ("19"), Wine Wholesale ("26"), Limited Wholesale ("25") and Plenary Wholesale ("23"). The cost of the license is $350.00 for wineries manufacturing under 250,000 gallons annually; $1,000.00 if manufacturing 500,000 gallons or less a year; and $1,500.00 if manufacturing over 500,000 gallons a year. 0000001579 00000 n Found inside – Page 77Regular license fee , $ 1,100 , liquor dealers or manufacturers , except those ... 1,000 extra to sell at wholesale ; and 25 paid $ 1,500 extra for a whole ... In New Hampshire, a liquor license costs $178.00, while in California, a license can cost up to $15835. The City levies a fee equal to half the amount of the State license or permit fee on all alcoholic beverage licenses or permits, unless otherwise prohibited by the State. A brewer warehouse permit may be issued to the holder of a class 1 brewer license or a class 2 brewer license. (Secs. Population of at least 1,500 but less than 10,000. /ilcc/_layouts/15/VisioWebAccess/VisioWebAccess.aspx?listguid={ListId}&itemid={ItemId}&DefaultItemOpen=1. 0000003866 00000 n 0000001091 00000 n We reached out and asked an experienced beverage program manager how much bars can expect to spend acquiring alcohol from vendors. Texas License fees can cost anywhere between $25 for special temporary permits to more than $17,000 for manufacturers with at least 5 establishments. Retail permits that cover sale in restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores. The cost of a liquor license depends on its class and kind (see table below). If you decide to start a liquor business, you'll find it more convenient to purchase these beverages in bulk rather than by single unit. 312.814.2241, Mon-Fri, 8:30am–5:00pm 300 W. Jefferson St, Suite 300 Springfield, IL 62702 P: Alcohol Licenses for Businesses Carriers Alcohol Licensing. Other costs are the initial $50.00 application fee, $5.00 online service fee, and the cost to publish a notice of a public hearing in a local newspaper. A broker's license is required for any person who solicits orders for, offers to sell or offers to supply alcoholic liquor to retailers in the State of Illinois, or who offers to retailers to ship or cause to be shipped or to make contact with distillers, rectifiers, brewers or manufacturers or any other party within or without the State of Illinois in order that alcoholic liquors be shipped to a distributor, importing distributor or foreign importer, whether such solicitation or offer is consummated within or without the State of Illinois. Key Employee Forms. The Department is authorized to increase alcohol license fees annually by an amount not to exceed inflation to ensure revenues keep pace with increased costs. A1A. Do I need to have money held in bond? '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' Found inside – Page 103The annual fee for such license shall be $ 2,500 . ( c ) WHOLESALERS ' LICENSE , CLASS A. -Such license shall authorize the holder thereof to sell beverages ... You will upload them to the Georgia Tax Center during the application process. ORC 4303.02 Manufacturer of Beer - producing more than 31 million gallons per year, wherever produced, and sell beer products to wholesale permit holders. Found inside – Page 115... FOR LICENSES WHO OPERATED UNDER A COUNTY MALT LIQUOR DISTRIBUTOR LICENSE ... The fees fixed by the Act for such licenses were to be adjusted as therein ... This license is only issued to a person who holds another type of license which permits the sale of brandy for resale. REQUIRED: You must provide the Liquor Control Commission with a copy of all Federal Label/Bottle Approvals (. There is also a filing fee ranging between $200 and . A2BC duty free is a wholesaler of spirits/alcohol. '/_layouts/15/itemexpiration.aspx' The Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) license is $350.00 annually. Liquor Wholesale Dealer Permit: This permit shall be issued to businesses, other than wine producers, who sell alcoholic beverages of high content to other licensed wholesale dealers or licensed retail dealers exclusively, within the state or to any person for delivery beyond the borders of the state to a licensed dealer in that state and who conduct a bona fide wholesale . A certificate of insurance is required for licensees with on-premise consumption or a combination of on/off-premise consumption. Nebraska Liquor Control Commission 301 Centennial Mall South - 1st Floor PO Box 95046 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5046 Phone: (402) 471-2571 Fax: (402) 471-2814 lcc.frontdesk@nebraska.gov 125.02(9), 125.02(13), Wis. Found inside – Page 566Every applicant for a liquor license shall deposit the amount Fee to be ... The fee for a wholesale license shall be two hundred and fifty dollars per annum ... Acquiring A Liquor License. A class 1 craft distiller licensee may sell up to 5,000 gallons of such spirits to non-licensees to the extent permitted by any exemption approved by the State Commission pursuant to Section 6-4 of this Act. A current state license is needed before obtaining a City of San Antonio Liquor License. At LicenseSuite, we offer affordable Mississippi liquor license compliance solutions that include a comprehensive overview of . ONLINE LICENSING. Our brands. Get Your Wholesale Alcohol License Now . You must have your local liquor license, Sales Tax number /Illinois Business Tax (IBT) number, and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) before you can receive your state retail liquor license. A class 2 brewer may make sales and deliveries to distributors and importing distributors, but is not eligible for a self-distribution exemption. Found inside – Page 1339That the liquor licenses authorized and provided for by this Act shall be of two ... The fee for a wholesale license shall be two thousand dollars per annum ... 0000030427 00000 n Found inside – Page 2421 , 1943 Cost of 1 case Scotch whisky f . o . b . ... of the following annual license fees : Importers must have New York State wholesale license in order ... The decision has taken by the Cabinet, and the hike in license fee is likely to increase in prices with effect from 1st April 2020. License Type Description State Fee; 010: Lounge Retail Liquor - Class I: $300.00: 011: Lounge Retail Liquor - Class II (Package) $300.00: 020: Restaurant Retail Liquor: $300.00: 031: Club Liquor - Class I: $300.00: 032: Club Liquor - Class II: $750.00: 040: Retail Beer (On or Off Premises) $150.00: 050: Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) $150.00 . Found inside – Page 110In New York , N. Y. , 3 of the number of liquor dealers in proportion to popu- ... wholesale cost of liquor licenses prevailing in that state : dealers . While there is some functional overlap, retailers are usually covered by licenses and wholesale and production tiers of the industry are generally covered by permits. A Tasting Representative License allows for the supervised presentation of alcoholic beverages off-premises for the purpose of disseminating product information and education. for the City and County of Honolulu. Price depends on annual billing for products sold into New Mexico; ranges from $300, for annual billing of $50,000 or less, up to $10,500 for annual billing of more than $3M; licenses last for 3 year. Applications to fill out: Required Business License Application Forms. Nonresident Liquor License. for the City and County of Honolulu. Found inside – Page 212That the liquor licenses authorized and provided for by censes . this Act shall be ... Fee for whole- The fee for a wholesale license shall be two thousand ... Liquor License Summary Sheet. These types of licenses are issued and overseen by the Director of the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. If you are looking to get an Alcohol License in New York, then you are in the right place. Fee structure for premises where gas is sold and within city limits and approved by the city: Population less than 1,500. Class "A" Liquor and Malt Retailer's License (Liquor Store) Authorizes the retail sale of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages for consumption away from the licensed premises. Wholesaler or Wholesale Dealer is any person who sells alcoholic beverages to other wholesale dealers, retail dealers, or to retail consumption dealers. Wholesale and Manufacturer licenses are distinguished by the type of alcoholic beverage being sold. Found inside – Page 1325The annual fee for selling beer at any baseball park , race track or outdoor ... to the liquor authority for a cider producers ' or wholesalers ' license as ... Wholesaler Liquor . 0000002551 00000 n Wholesale liquor costs significantly less than individual bottles. REQUIRED: In addition to the above application and its supporting files, you must provide the Illinois Liquor Control Commission with copies of your Federal Basic Permit (. Found inside – Page 110In New York , N. Y. , 3 of the number of liquor dealers in proportion to popu- ... wholesale cost of liquor licenses prevailing in that state : dealers . Found inside – Page 2421 , 1943 Cost of 1 case Scotch whisky 1. o . b . ... of the following annual license fees : Importers must have New York State wholesale license in order to ... Orange County Liquor License. A class 1 brewer is a licensed brewer or licensed non-resident dealer who manufactures not more than 930,000 gallons (30,000 barrels) of beer per year. Applying for a Wholesaler Liquor License Law Offices of John P. Connell, P.C. Online Business Licensing. The Retail Licenses (designated as Class C licenses) are issued to bars, restaurants, and liquor stores. An official website of the State of Georgia. Found inside – Page 110In New York , N. Y. , 3 of the number of liquor dealers in proportion to popu- ... wholesale cost of liquor licenses prevailing in that state : dealers . No sales allowed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. In Pennsylvania , there is no fixed price for a liquor license as the only way to obtain one in many cases is to purchase an existing license from another business (due to a state law that limits the number of licenses issued). Found inside – Page 1094That the liquor licenses authorized and provided for by this Act shall be of two classes — wholesale liquor licenses and barroom licenses . -deposit of fee ... A class 1 brewer may make sales and deliveries to distributors and importing distributors, and can apply for a self-distribution exemption allowing for the sale of not more than 232,500 gallons (7,500 barrels) of the exemption holder’s beer to retailers annually, but may not hold a brew pub license. 50 W. Washington St, Suite 209 Chicago, IL 60602 P: To obtain a Nevada importer or wholesaler license, the licensee must agree to maintain warehouse space sufficient to store $1,000 worth of product, based on acquisition cost. Required documents for ALL new Wholesale licenses: Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) License 0000009726 00000 n New York Liquor License. The craft distiller warehouse permit shall allow the holder to store or warehouse up to 500,000 gallons of spirits manufactured by the holder of the permit at the premises specified on the permit. Found inside – Page 261Every wholesaler must pay to the State an annual license fee in the sum of $ 2,500 ... expenses paid by employers and employees of wine and liquor wholesale ... Wholesaler Liquor . OLCC is currently reaching out to new applicants with a Request for Assignment to inquire about their readiness to complete the licensing process. Fees. The Uttar Pradesh government has approved the states 2020-21 excise policy, in which it has increased the liquor license cost fee on country-made liquor by 10%, and beer by 15% and also foreign liquor by 20%. 38 0 obj <> endobj A class 2 brewer is a licensed brewer or licensed non-resident dealer who manufactures up to 3,720,000 gallons (120,000 barrels) of beer per year. Found inside – Page 261Every wholesaler must pay to the State an annual license fee in the sum of $ 2,500 ... expenses paid by employers and employees of wine and liquor wholesale ... The cost of the license varies per gallons. The My Revenue portal will no longer be available after July 23, 2021. An applicant for a beer showcase permit license must also submit with the application proof satisfactory to the State Commission that the applicant will provide dram shop liability insurance to the maximum limits and have local authority approval. REQUIRED: You must provide the Liquor Control Commission with a copy of your Federal Basic Permit (, A winery must have this license prior to directly shipping a maximum of 12 cases of wine per adult Illinois resident per year. How much does the license cost? There's also a lot of paperwork, background checks and a board hearing. Licensed retailers may only purchase alcoholic beverages from a licensed wholesaler, a licensed manufacturer or, in the case of wine and liquor, from privately held collections. Found insideMust be framed and displayed , 31 Required for the sale of liquor , 1,48 Retail ... 33-38 LICENSE FEES , Retail ,. .24,25,26,27,28,29,30 Wholesale license ... The Honolulu Liquor Commission processes and issues all Liquor licenses and permits (manufacturing, dispensing, retailing, wholesaling, shipping, storing, etc.) '/_layouts/15/docsetsend.aspx' To apply for a Wholesaler License pursuant to M.G.L. %%EOF New York Liquor License. As of October 1st, 2016, the cost to be issued a 4COP liquor license in Florida is $910.00 for a half-year, and $1,820.00 for a full-year. Retail transactions must first be submitted to the municipality in which the licensee will operate. Supplier Permits are valid from the date approved through the following June 30. 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